Being Neighborly Part 2[MF][Voyeur][Self-Satisfaction]

All characters in the story are aged 18+.

“Thomas, before you go there is something that I need from you. Well now that you’ve seen me topless, I need to see you topless. Now change in to your board shorts and come join me in this pool.” Emily said.

I wasn’t sure what I should do, but when I looked back at her she was making a shooing gesture with her hand. I walked in and took my time looking for my board shorts trying to get my mind off of Emily hoping beyond hope that my cock would lose its rigidity, however the more I tried the more my thoughts wandered to her in front of me topless, the feel of her soft hand on my cheek and the warmth of her breath on my ear. All of this only made things tougher, especially putting on my shorts and trying to position my cock in a way that it wouldn’t be so obvious. Then I thought maybe if I was fast enough I could dive into the pool without her noticing.

So when I got the back door, I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before sliding the glass door open. I took to a quick jog to the pool and immediately dove in. Once I had resurfaced, I flung my hair back and brushed my face of excess water.

“What took you so long? Hope you were playing with that hard on I saw you with earlier.”

I’m must have been an idiot to think she hadn’t seen it. I just looked back at her with coy look and lips between my teeth. But she just smiled back.

“It’s quite ok, really. Actually, if you didn’t have one, I’d be extremely distraught. Especially, after I gave you a free show of my tits. I’m glad someone enjoys the sight of them. Unlike that asshole Jason.” Emily muttered that last part but I could hear quite clearly and just pretended not to.

The time in the pool was much tamer than I had expected, particularly after what had transpired just moment before. We swam a bit and when she was done she sat on the stairs in the shallow end. She beckoned me over to join her and we talked for a good long while about what my summer plans were, what I was studying, what our hobbies were. Come to find out she was a stay-at-home wife but only because she had sold her software company for a pretty hefty sum that let her retire. Jason didn’t really need to work either, but he wasn’t one to sit still and really loved his job in finance or something like that.

After a good amount of time she raised her hand and took close inspection of her fingertips. She wriggled them in my face to show how wrinkled they were and told me she should take off. While we were drying off by the chairs she told me to come over for dinner and to tell my parents too. Apparently, it was hard to make a home-made meal for just one person and she always ended up with too much leftover, especially since Jason had so many business trips. I told her I would tell my parents and that she could count on me coming over even if they didn’t want to.

When Emily left I ran upstairs to take a long shower and as I walked into my room I noticed my curtains were a bit open. I went to close them up so I could put on some fresh clothes, but as I approached I looked out. Now I don’t know why I never noticed this before but my room was directly across the way of Emily’s and Jason’s main bedroom. Though it could be that the Harrisons, previous neighbors, had always had the curtains closed so I haven’t ever seen the room beyond that. However now the curtains were drawn all the way back and left me an unobstructed view into the room. And with this view I could see the entire room, not that I paid much attention to how it was furnished because right there in the middle of it was Emily, completely bare, except for a towel wrapped on the top of her bed.

I hastily closed the curtains except for a small sliver for me to look through. Now I know what you’re thinking, what a damn perv, but come on, I was eighteen and Emily had a gorgeous body. Her skin was absolutely glowing, pale but with hint of pink, from the day’s sun and a hot shower. A slender but well-muscled leg was upraised and bent as though she must have been resting her foot on a stool or bench at the base of the bed. Her breasts, full and perfectly shaped hung above her thigh like some juicy fruit ready to be picked and savored, as she rubbed what I could only imagine was lotion onto her calf and shin. Up and down her hands went against her calf and so too did her breasts, pressing against her thigh then releasing, showing me their suppleness. I felt my tongue brushing against my upper lip and my hand reaching for my already hard cock as an automatic reaction to the sight I was seeing.

Then she turned away from me and bent over, keeping her leg in the same position, which afforded me the same view of her ass that I had had just that morning, except this time there was not pesky black bikini impeding this time. I only got a quick glance of, what I thought were pussy lips pressed tightly together before she was upright again, applying a thick white cream to her thigh. It was getting difficult to concentrate on just one part of her body as my eyes flitted back and forth between her hands massaging lotion onto her creamy pale thigh and her bouncing breasts.

I want everyone to know that I was not proud of what I was doing, though pride was the furthest thing I was feeling at that moment. No, my choice of sin was lust and it had me walking over to my night stand and pulling out my stash of lotion from one its drawers. I scampered to and back as quickly and as quietly as I could. I pulled the curtain back open a sliver and began pumping out lotion in one hand. When I looked back, Emily was in the same position, but she was working her inner thigh now. Her hand was working tiny circles starting from just above her knee moving its way closer to her body. Her hand kept moving even as she reached the top of her inner thigh and took and startling turn.

Her hand dove straight down and a sudden motion took my eye away from her hand to see that her head had flung back, throwing the towel off her head, letting wet strands of glistening hair flow. Her mouth opened, and I widened my view of focus so that I could see her whole body. Her chest rose as if taking in a deep breath as her arm slowly pulled up and back down again. There was slow and steady rhythm to her body now, her breath matching each motion of her arm. Arm up and inhale, arm down and exhale. My own arm was instinctively following her body’s motion. Emily’s arm up and my arm pulled in, her arm down and my arm pushed forward.

Progressively her motions quickened and so did mine. Soon we were both working at a furious pace. I felt the first build of my explosion, but I puckered ass and cock tight holding back the tide wanting to finish when she did. I noticed my held breath and told myself to steady my breath. Then her head flung down and her back hunched. There was a curtain of wet dark hair blocking my view of her face but I could make out her mouth and I imagined it letting out heavy loud moans. Suddenly her body began to tremble, and my body started to give out on me as well. Then as if she were there in the room with me, knowing exactly how bad I wanted to explode, I heard a muffled scream. I lost it then, my whole body convulsed, and I exploded. All over my curtains but at that point I didn’t care. My breath was ragged, my legs shook and quaked as if I had just ran a marathon and fell to my knees.

I took a few moments to gather myself on the floor of my room before straightened my back, still on my knees and took a glance to see if Emily was still there. Yes, she was still there though this time turned around and sitting whatever she had her leg propped on and leaning back against her bed. Her hand was combing through her hair as she too was working on gathering her breath. Her breasts jiggled a bit as her chest took in gulps of air and her nipples stood on end, making me wish I had my lips around them.

I watched for a few minutes more as she got up and rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a little pink fabric. She was now facing my window and I dared not move knowing any motion would draw attention to myself. Luckily, she didn’t notice and bent down maneuvering one leg a time into a lacy pink thong. The front looked as though the lace was sewn into a butterfly. When I looked back up I saw that eyes were pointed right at the spot I was hiding. She stood there for what felt like an eternity but then all she did was smile and turn away walking to another drawer. It was then that I decided not to chance any more looks and slowly moved away from the window.

Once I thought I was a good distance away from the window, I turned toward my bed and fell face first into it. Which was a terrible idea because it made me realize that I hadn’t cleaned up myself and now there was going to be a mixture of cum and lotion on the top of my duvet. It also reminded me I needed to clean up that mess on the curtain. But all of that could wait. I turned over onto my bed and closed my eyes replaying the vision of Emily in her room.



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