Being Neighborly [MF][Pool][Teasing][College]

Coming home from college to a big block party was not entirely unexpected. Our little cul de sac always found reasons to throw a party. Whether it be Christmas, New Year’e Eve, 4th of July, or you know Friday. Apparently, the couple next to us had retired and decided to move closer to their kids and new grandson, which was news to me. And now we had new neighbors, Jason and Emily Smith. Jason was a tall well built man and I could tell he was a very orderly sort of person. Slick hair, ironed shirt and pants and when we shook hands he gave me a brief smile that didn’t reach his eyes and kind of wandered about but never looking into mine. It looked to me like sort of a front, looking like he was enjoying himself but wanting to get out of there as soon as he could. Emily on the hand was a sight to behold. She was on the shorter side with medium length dark hair and a bright smile, though that was not the first feature of hers to catch my eye. She had on a dark blue dress with flower print with a low cut in the front that should good amount of cleavage but not so much to look too exposed. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and pulled me in for a quick hug and immediately the scent of lilac wafted into my nostrils giving me a sense of summer.

The whole night I couldn’t stop myself from taking quick peeks at Emily, who seemed to be enjoying herself unlike Jason, who had called it an early night. It seemed that I was not the only on to notice the new beauty to our cul de sac. My group of friends that I was talking to kept nudging me and pointing with their chins in her direction, telling me how lucky was to be able to live next to her. Nolan, my best friend, had a little too much to drink and gathered enough courage to try to talk to her but as soon as my mom saw him, slapped in the back of the head and told him to beat it. I don’t think I laughed so hard in awhile seeing that.

The next morning, I woke up late with a pounding headache. When I walked downstairs there was a big spread of waffles, bacon and eggs waiting on the dining table. I kicked Nolan awake from his slumber on the couch and told him breakfast was ready. When I got to the table there was a note from my parents telling they would be out most of the day and to make sure to put away the leftovers and clean up after ourselves. After we finished eating, I threw the dishes in the dishwasher and Nolan told he was going to leave.

Not five minutes after he left, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and asked, “What you forget this time?” But standing on the welcome mat wasn’t Nolan but Emily in a large white shirt with the collar draped across a bare shoulder.

“Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were my friend Nolan.” I said.

“Don’t worry about it, Thomas, right?” she said and I responded with a nod. “Anyways, I don’t know about you, but I have this pounding headache from last night and well swimming always seems to be the perfect remedy for it. And your parents did say I could come over if I ever wanted to use the pool.” She said with a shoulder shrug and a gorgeous smile.

My brain took a second or two to figure out what she was saying, but when I got it, I told her that the side gate was unlocked and that it would be better to go through there.

“Oh thanks. I didn’t know if your parents told you and didn’t want you to be surprised to find me in there.”

“Sure, no problem. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Well there is one thing you could help me with. I kind of need help rubbing sunscreen on my back.”

“Uh, I don’t know. I don’t want your husband to get the wrong picture or anything.”

She let out a loud laugh at that and said, “You’re an innocent one aren’t you? It’s just sunscreen on my back not lube between my thighs. Or is that what you were thinking about just now?”

“What, no, I, uh, no that’s, nope.” I felt my cheeks flush red hot and then I heard her laugh out loud again.

“Boy, Thomas you are too easy. Don’t worry about it. Jason isn’t here anyways. Flew out early this morning on a business trip. Come on.” She said then turned toward the side gate leading me back to the pool.

Once we got by the pool area Emily slung her bag onto one of the seats and crossed her arms down low reaching for the hem of her shirt. As she pulled it up, it felt like one of those movie moments where time slowed down. The sun had hit her at a perfect angle creating this bright aura around her. She had on a tiny black bikini that covered only a small portion of her full breasts. I guess I must have been staring because I didn’t even notice that she had moved closer to me to put a fingertip under my chin.

“You should close your mouth when you stare. It’s less obvious and makes you look rather stupid.” She said with a little giggle. “But I do appreciate the compliment. Makes a woman feel desirable.”

Then she turned and this time I felt my jaw slack open but I caught myself and shut it immediately. I don’t know how deep that bag went because she was there for what felt like forever. Or just a few seconds but trying not to stare at that cute little ass covered by only the tiniest of triangles was excruciatingly hard. Speaking of hard, I felt a sudden twang in my pants and took a seat before embarrassing myself even more. However, this was not entirely a smart move either as it put me at direct eye level with her round, smooth ass. i gripped the sides of the chair as hard as I could so the impulses of my body didn’t do something I would no doubt regret. I turned my head just enough to try and side-eye her while not look like I was staring.

“Ah, found it. What are you doing sitting? How are you going to reach my entire back like that?” She said.

I turned up my head slowly trying to make like I was just sitting there not staring at her bent over ass. I nonchalantly grabbed the sunscreen in her outstretched hand. I didn’t stand just yet and crossed my legs tighter hoping that she wouldn’t notice the raging erection that I now had. I twirled my finger trying to tell her to turn so I could apply the sunscreen to her back. Though what happened was not what I had in mind nor expected.

“Thomas! What kind of woman do you think I am? A married woman like me would never sit on another man’s lap!” She said holding her hand to her chest, her face held an expression that said, “I never.”

“What? No I didn’t…that’s not… I just meant…” I sputtered out waving my hands trying to express that that wasn’t my intention at all.

And before I could finish my sentence a huge grin spread across her face and she said, “My, my, my, you’re much too easy. Come on, hurry up and do my back so I can swim before the sun comes down.”

She turned her back on me and I could hear little giggles as she reached back to undo the bow of her bikini. Her arm slipped up to cross her breasts and the other pulled her hair to the front. I let out a little sigh of relief and stood up when I knew she wasn’t looking back at me. I flipped up the cap of the bottle and squirted a good amount of lotion in my hand. I liberally applied the lotion across her back. It was only after I started to rub it in that I realized that I had put way too much lotion into my hand. This was going to take a while or I thought maybe I all I need to do was spread it enough, so it was even on her whole back.

When I told I was done, she turned her head to look over her shoulder and saw some of the white still there and said, “That won’t do. You need to rub it in good so there’s no white.”

“Oh right. Yes ma’am.” I replied.

Obviously, that was the wrong thing to say or the right thing depending on your point of view on how things turned out. She turned on a heel right and started poking a firm finger in my chest.

“Ma’am! Ma’am! How old do you fucking think I am?”

She was half yelling and at first, I was a bit afraid of the look of fury on her face but the finger poking into my chest brought my attention down. Then there was something that had taken my mind off of everything that was going on. Emily had forgotten that her bikini was untied and her breasts were laid bare in front of me. With each poke of her finger into my chest, her chest bounced. It was such a wonderful sight, watching the fluidity of her breasts sway and bounce with each movement of her arm. I pointed down not trusting my mouth to say something stupid or to even work at this point.

She looked down and just looked right back up not bothering to cover up. Face still full of fury, she said, “Exactly. Look at them, do they look like they’re sagging like some old lady’s? Do these look like tits of an old hag?”

All I could do was shake my head in response. Then her expression softened a bit seeing the expression on my face, which must have been a weird mixture of fear and lust.

“I’m sorry, Thomas. I didn’t mean to bite your head off. It’s just being called that is sort of one of my pet peeves. I’m sure you were just being polite, but please call me that again.”

She stepped in closer to me and I had to stick my ass out hoping to avoid my erect cock from poking her. My head lowered as a result and she reached a hand to my cheek. She brushed her thumb along my cheek bone and her lower lip extended giving her a positively cute pouty face. It caused my cock to twitch, almost as if it were urging itself toward her.

“I really need to apologize again. Here you are helping me out and I go and chew you out over some little pet peeve of mine. There must be something I can do for you to make me forgive me.”

She pushed herself into me, reminding me of the hug from the previous night. I tried to step back but her hand had moved from my cheek to the back of my neck and had a hold of short hairs on the back of my head. I was all too aware of my throbbing cock at that moment and pushed my ass back, further lowering my head closer to hers.

“Oh. Will a kiss get you to forgive me?” She whispered in my ear. The warmth of her breath on my ear caused all the hairs on my neck and arm to stand on end.

“N-n-no. Th-that’s not necessary.” I said fighting conflicting urges of my body and brain. My lips were begging me to feel how soft her lips were. My hands were itching to pull the two tiny strings sitting on her hips. My heart was racing so fast I thought it would burst from my chest. And my cock was pulling itself forward, yearning to feel the warm embrace of her body. But my head was telling me she was my neighbor, my married neighbor and that if I made the wrong move things would be so awkward for the entire summer.

It turns out my brain had the stronger will. My hands gripped her shoulders, my arms extended, and I took a step back. I stood straight up holding her an arm’s length away. “Letting me finish on your back. I mean, finishing doing your back.”

It was at that moment I remembered why I was choosing not to say anything. I just stared at the ceiling and just shook my head muttering idiot to myself. But Emily did something quite unexpected, she turned from me, looked back and said, “Better get to it then.”

I figured she wasn’t talking about my Freudian slip, so I proceeded to rub the sunscreen in. Trying my best to finish as quickly as possible. When the task was done, I told her so and sat back down in the chair. She said thank you and reached back to tie her bikini back on.

As she walked toward the pool, I called out to tell her I would be in the house and that if she needed anything to just knock on the door.



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