Lessons By Family Part-2 [Incest] [Brother/Sister] [Bondage/Humiliation/Rough/Peeping]

Ava waited for him to get oriented to her sight, then to his position, and then she started raging. Her fists were balled and Sam didn’t know whether he had been afraid of any bully, teacher, or monster in his life as much as he was afraid of his sister at that time.

“You filthy pig, you awful fucking freak, you horny bastard. I am your sister.” She yelled, her face red. She was so angry.

“I am your sister, did you even think once before doing what you did?” She pointed towards his cock which was still clad in her thong and covered in his cum.

Sam’s heart almost dropped to his stomach, and he realized he was still wearing her panties on his head. He was so afraid that he couldn’t blurt out an apology.

Ava almost looked on the verge of tears.

“You are my little brother Sam, I trusted you, and you have been spying on me? Sexualizing me? How could you Sam? We all thought you were so innocent and shy?” She finally broke and started crying. She didn’t sob like girls usually did, but she still had tears in her eyes. Even in his fucked up state, Sam realized it was the first time he saw her cry since they grew up.

But Ava didn’t cry for long. She wiped her tears, looked daggers at him, and took out her phone.

And she started taking pictures.

Sam got scared, and he started begging. “Please Ava, I didn’t mean to go this far, I am sorry.” He said, again and again. But Ava wasn’t listening. She even copied the shower video.

“You just wait you filthy animal, I would show this to mom and then we will decide what to do with you,” Ava said, her voice as hard as steel. Her tone sent a shiver down his spine, and he started blurting apologies and stupid explanations.

“I am so sorry Ava, You are so beautiful and I am so lonely, I never saw anyone quite as beautiful, Ava, please don’t tell mom, it will break her heart, please…”

His spineless pestering and apologies threw Ava over the edge.

“You are my little brother Sam!!!” She yelled. “How could you even look at me like that? Is that why you don’t have a girlfriend? Because you found an easy target at home?”

Her voice was angry and loud and Sam cowered against her fury. He couldn’t even say sorry.

But Ava took his silence the wrong way.

“That’s it isn’t it? You think of me as an easy target, because I am within your reach.” She snarled, her voice getting dangerously low.

“I will show you what kind of an easy target I am?” And she walked out of the room.

Sam started sweating. This was bad. He never thought his little peeping would be discovered, and even in the wildest scenarios, he never imagined Ava’s bold reaction. He thought she would keep it quiet because she would be ashamed of the whole thing, but he guessed wrong.

Ava was a lioness, even with that little body of hers. And despite being as big as an elephant, Sam was a mouse. And the lioness had him trapped. For the first time, he properly saw how he was bound. Ava had bound his wrist with some kind of furry cuffs he had only seen in BDSM movies. His pervy side tried to wander off and think how his sister had got them but the more pressing need of getting out of this mess kept his mind on point.

Ava had tied his legs with a strong chain and had locked it to the side of the most with padlocks. She was always handy with tools, and this left Sam completely trapped.

Ava came back into the room with a cane in her hands and a black bag. Her face looked determined, which wasn’t a good sign for Sam. She stood near him, watching him with angry eyes.

“You are right, it would break mom’s heart, so it’s up to me to get this out of your system. We still have six hours till mom comes back, and till then, I will make your body understand how wrong what you did was.”

And with that, she struck his stomach with the cane.

“Ouch,” Sam said, crying out harder than he needed to. He was built solid like a rhino, and despite his slightly flabby body, he was quite strong. Ava on the other hand, no matter how strong her heart was, didn’t have the physical strength needed to properly hurt him, at least not unless she started bashing his head with the cane.

Ava probably realized it too because she dropped the cane and went to the bag, pulling out a small pipe. She turned, smiling dangerously, and then she struck the side of his thighs with the pipe.

It hurt and Sam actually yelped for real this time. Ava smiled, and struck him again, and again. She changed sides. Even with his pain, Sam realized what she was doing. She was hurting him in the places where, even if he got bruises, it wouldn’t show. So he started begging again.

“I am sorry Ava, I will never look at you like that again. I swear. Please leave me…ouch.” He yelled as she struck his knee.

“I trusted you, I protected you, and that’s how you repay my trust? By spying on me? Your own big sister…I don’t need you to swear you little weasel, I would hurt you so bad you won’t dare spy on me ever again.” She said, becoming more aggressive, and Sam quieted. He tried to leave his body at Ava’s mercy. But he still yelled. Hoping maybe his expression of pain might fulfill Ava’s revenge.

Each strike was harder than the one before. Between the pain and yelling, Sam looked at Ava, and her face had actually softened a bit, to his utter surprise, she liked hurting him.

It was a weird feeling, and for a moment, dulled the shame he was feeling.

But Ava felt that the outside of his thighs was punished enough. His legs were already stretched out, so she stood on the bed, between her legs, and struck his under thighs. This pain was on a completely different level. Sam actually started yelping with every single strike, and he didn’t have to fake raise his voice, Ava was actually hurting him now.

Sam closed his eyes, hoping if he can’t see it, he might not feel as much pain. After a while, the angle of strikes changed. He opened his eyes and to his great surprise, Ava was standing over him, with her legs parted over his torso and her little apple butt to his face. Even after all that happened, and how he was hurting, that beauty, especially in her little shorts she wore after the bath, was captivating enough to hold his gaze.

To escape the pain, he started fantasizing about that ass. Every time Ava struck him, he thought that’s how I will spank that small juicy butt with my big hands. This was working. Every pain Ava was inflicting upon him, her butt was providing relief.

And Ava noticed it too because apparently, he started getting hard.

She turned to face him, her eyes again burning with anger.

“You fucking freak, you worthless horny vermin, you are getting hard? Do you think I am fucking playing here? Is this amusing?” She was so angry that she spat on him.

It didn’t really improve the situation. Even though he couldn’t look into her eyes, he also couldn’t get rid of the boner, especially when she was so close. But Ava had apparently had enough. She stood between his legs, and she was about to kick his balls, hard, but she stopped. Her face contorted in a horrible smile.

“If that’s what you want little brother, I will give it to you, I will give it to you so hard that all your fantasies will come true in one night. And you will wish and pray that it goes away, but it won’t.” She placed her foot on his chest, putting on weight.

“Because no one is going to hear your prayers, and I won’t show you any mercy.”

And with those words, Ava walked out of the room again.

Sam was baffled, hurt, and humiliated, but to his surprise, he wasn’t ashamed or angry. He thought he wasn’t ashamed because he was getting appropriate punishment but he didn’t understand why he couldn’t be angry at Ava, even after she inflicted so much pain on her. But the next moment, everything went out of his head, and his boner became as hard as a rock.

Ava came into his room, in a perfect dominatrix costume. She wore high heels of flaming red color. She had black fishnet stockings that came up to the middle of her calf. A leather black skirt, which barely covered her ass and she wore a fishnet top with the tiny black bra, matching the thong Sam had come on.

Sam couldn’t believe his eyes. For one wild moment, he thought that all of his dreams and fantasies were about to come alive, but he was proven wrong the next moment. Ava stood between his legs again, and this time, she didn’t try to kick. Instead, she shoved her hard heels beneath his balls and started to lift up. It felt nice at first like she was caressing his balls with her feet, but then, it started to hurt. Her heel was digging into his balls, and he yelled.

Ava smiled, and then she sat and started tormenting his hard dick and his balls with the tip of her heels. She prodded his balls, and even tried to scratch his dick (where it was covered in her thong), it was painful and dangerous, and Sam was actually freaked out.

“Cut it out Ava…” he said. His voice was shaky. “You are going to make me a eunuch.”

He thought the light humor would bring Ava to her senses because she clearly seemed out of them at the moment, but he was wrong. The joke brought a smile to Ava’s lips.

“I am glad you understand now how easy it would be for me to castrate you, you filthy pervert. With a dick this size…” she actually swallowed at that “you could get any girl in our school. You could have fucked my hottest friends. But you had to perv on me.” Then she bent, came close, put a knee on his chest, and put her weight behind it. “But you chose wrong little bro. I am not any other girl you can just perv on and get away with it. I am what you should call a…” At this point, she held Sam’s nuts in her hands and squeezed, painfully hard. “ball-buster.”

“But since you are my brother, and despite what you did, I wanna see you happy with someone special, I wouldn’t cut off your dick. I will, however, teach you the lesson that I am not a delicate flower you get to lick and fuck. I am the crazy thorny bush where your dick gets hurt.”

And getting back, she actually slapped Sam’s dick, quite hard.

“Owwwwwww,” Sam yelled, and to his horror, Ava’s slap sent the thong flying, and some new precum was flicked on Ava’s open lips. For a moment, Sam thought she was going to kill him, but she smiled a dangerous smile.

“You still think that I am going to do something naughty to you?” She said, pushing away from him and started doing something that was both erotic and highly painful. She started giving him a foot job, but with her heels on.

She was so proficient at it that even when she rubbed his dick raw with her shoe’s strong material, she didn’t put a scratch on it. Sam was now moaning and yelling at the same time. He tried to soften his dick, but this was impossible when Ava was in a dress he never imagined he would see her, even in the wildest of fantasies.

He thought the only way he would get over this tormenting yet arousing exercise was by cumming, and as a result, making his dick softer. So he started concentrating on that.

Ava, as it turned out, was almost psychic when it came to sex. Just as he was about to blow his load all over her feet and her belly, she stopped and punched him in his lower, gut, just above the dick. It wasn’t a hard punch, but it somehow hurt a lot. And he didn’t cum.

To his horror, he realized what she was doing. She was turning him on and denying him an orgasm. This edging wasn’t like the fun thing he saw in porn and read about in stories, it was her way of punishing him.

She smiled at his expression and started doing something different. She grabbed his dick with one hand, pushed it so hard that it lay flat on his belly, and gave it one stroke, from tip to balls.

Every time she bent it, his dick hurt like hell, and every stroke seemed to come directly from heaven. This time, Sam concentrated on not cumming. But Ava sure knew her handjob game, in just five minutes, he was ready to blow his load. He didn’t even mind how disgusting it would be when he came all over his own chest and face, but he didn’t mind. At that point, he felt as if he didn’t cum right away, his balls would go blue and after a while, they would explode.

And at the very last moment, Ava tapped the top of his dick, hard with her palm, and before he could properly yell, she put on a dotted condom on his dick, inverted.

“You like it, little brother?” Ava said, smiling. She was enjoying his pain and at that moment, Sam said the worst thing he possibly could.

“You are a bitch Ava.” And to his surprise, Ava laughed.

“Yes… You are getting it now. I am not the girl you mess with Sam because I can make you pay, even if you are my brother.”

But at that very moment, Sam’s effort of trying to loosen his right leg paid off. But instead of kicking Ava away, he did something significantly more stupid. He wrapped his leg around her bum and pushed her on himself, his painfully hard dick pressed hard against her belly, and he started moving.

It only took Ava about 30 seconds to find the leverage and get away from him, but in those 30 seconds, he had rubbed on her belly enough to cum and it was now oozing out of his condom. Since he was edging for so long, there was a lot of cum, and it pooled underneath his balls.

Sam let out a relieved sigh. And then he dared look at Ava. She had just a little of his cum on her belly, a little that oozed out before she got away, but it was not that which caught Sam’s eyes, it was the disbelief and a gleam of determination in Ava’s eyes that got him.

To his surprise, Ava said nothing. She went to the bag, and from the side, she brought her sports bottle and pushed it into his mouth.

“Drink up, or you will hurt your kidneys.” She said, and he drank, still looking into her eyes. He was trying to gauge her next course of action, but he felt she had given up on reprimanding him.

The cold water sort of rejuvenated him and the post-nut clarity also made him ashamed anew.

“I am sorry Ava. I think I just can’t resist myself when it comes to you.” He said, sounding very sincere.

Ava said nothing for a while, then she turned and looked at him and said “I am sorry too little brother. You are just a masochistic pervert, of that, I am sure. But there is also a rapist somewhere inside you, and I gotta fix that as well. So I am sorry for what I am about to do to you.”

At her words, Sam’s heart started racing and he was pumping hard. He thought it was because of Ava’s words, but the cause was something different, something in the water, something that made him hard minutes after he came so hard.

He looked at his dick, then at Ava again. It was aching a bit, because he had already cum twice, and even though he was a little curious about what new punishment Ava was coming up with, he also didn’t want to cum again right away.

But that’s exactly what Ava wanted.

She started on him, but not the way he thought she would. She stood with one foot on his chest, her heel digging in. She removed the heel’s other foot and fed it to him. He eagerly started licking it. He didn’t even find it punishment at this point, this was his dream come true.

But the kick to his jaw that followed was not part of the dream.

“Oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.” He yelled, but before he could fully protest or curse at Ava, she was off him. She sat between his legs again, awfully close.

“You think I am beautiful Sam? What do you like about me? My small tits? I would give them to you.” And with that, she tore up her top, and literally fell on his dick with it between her small tits. Then she started moving forward and backward. If it was someone bustier, the dick would have been buried between their tits, but since Ava was almost flat, she was basically rubbing him with her chest bone.

It was heaven for Sam’s pervy dick anyway.

It got rock hard again and Ava got angry again, she kept moving and with every cycle, she slapped his face.

“You like it, you like this you little shit, you like it you fucking pervert.” She kept saying and rubbing his dick with her small tits and chest. Sam’s dick was hurting, but the feel of Ava’s bare skin worked his magic, and he came the third time. This time, his dick was pointed at her chin and the cum bounced off her tits.

Even though he enjoyed it, and he came, his dick was hurting. But it wasn’t going down. It was still hard as a rock.

She smiled at it, and actually teased him by collecting some of his cum on her finger, and actually licking it. Sam was shocked. And she smiled. “You want a taste?” She said, devilishly and bent down. Her knee was on his dick, almost threatening it.

“Open your mouth.” She commanded. Sam thought about disobeying, but she pressed the knee and he opened wide. She spat in his mouth. Sam was revolted at being fed his own cum but since it came with Ava’s spit, that dirty pervert didn’t mind.

“You are a true freak aren’t you little brother?” She said mock clapping.

“Let’s see how many rounds your crazy pet can take without dying.” She said. “I am actually surprised how big you are down there, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” She said and another round of his dream plus nightmare began.

She flattened his hard dick against his belly, and set on it, then started rubbing her ass crack on it. Her weight, combined with the fact that he had already come three times, and his dick was hurting, shouldn’t have made it a pleasurable exercise, but despite the fact that Ava was practically raping him, he was loving every minute of it. Though he had to keep his moans suppressed and he yelled in pain, hoping she wouldn’t stop. And she didn’t. She rode him, even though his fat prick didn’t actually get swallowed in her little butt. She still kept riding him, but in one stroke, she went a little farther away, and his dick stood up, and when she tried to sit on it, the dick actually went in her wet pussy.

She stopped still, and Sam begged in his heart, even though his dick was now hurting like hell but still hard under the influence of the Viagra she had mixed with the water, he prayed she would fuck the perv out of him. If this was how this mess was going to get cleaned up, he felt he would be the luckiest guy to be fucked by someone as hot as Ava.

His prayers were answered. After a few moment’s hesitations, Ava sat on his dick so hard in the reverse cowgirl position that they both yelled and moaned at the same time. Her pussy was gushing (so she was obviously enjoying the sexual nature of her “punishment”), but she was probably not accustomed to the size. Which answered one question in Sam’s mind, i.e., how big were the dicks that Ava had taken. Not bigger than his, it seemed.

Ava crouched and tried to take his dick in deep, but the angle wasn’t quite right. So she turned, and for once, her face was red. She placed her legs around his waist, and sat, gently guiding his fat dick in her tight wet pussy. Her face contorted when the dick was half in, but she bulled through. She started hopping up and down, moaning loudly, and with each stroke, the dick was going in a bit more.

At first, she just placed her hands on Sam’s chest and used them for support, but when she got into the rhythm, she kind of lost herself.

It became more about Sam’s pain and more about Ava’s pleasure.

Even though Sam was still hurting, he still couldn’t believe his luck. It was hotter and infinitely more pleasurable than he imagined in his wildest fantasies.

Ava was now running her fingers on his slightly hairy chest, and she was panting. But he kept riding him and riding him. She was so into it that after a while, she finally gave in to her impulses and bent down to kiss him. This was the last stroke for both of them. Sam started pushing his hips upward as much as he could and Ava started pumping him with newfound vigor. She was finally taking his massive dick balls deep.

Ava came. Hearing her moan in pleasure as she rode his dick was horny beyond his imagination. But Ava didn’t stop, after just a few moments, she started riding him again. And she came, again, and again.

Sam couldn’t cum. Even though his body felt like hell, they were both sweaty, and Ava had cum at least six times, Sam stayed hard. It was Sam would have passed out by now, if it wasn’t for Ava’s magical tongue keeping him tethered to mindfulness.

Finally, the moment of truth came. And despite the fact that his balls had been drained multiple times in the day, Sam exploded inside Ava’s tight cunt. She came at the same time, and she pulled her mouth away from his.

She was panting. “I hope….you’ve learned your… lesson little bro…don’t….” and she drifted to sleep on his chest, his dick still in her pussy.

Before Sam’s eyes began to close as well, he thought two things: what lesson did he learn because it only reaffirmed his pervy desires for his sister? And did he just come unprotected in her fertile sister and was he going to become a father and an uncle at the same time?

But even those questions couldn’t take the pleasure of Ava’s body on his, and he drifted to sleep with a smile.

***The End***

**Epilogue:** “Where the hell did this girl put my dinner?” Said Sam and Ava’s mom Sandra when she came home after a draining shift. She was starving. At first, she thought about calling a pizza because she didn’t want to disturb Ava if she was sleeping but her growling stomach told her she couldn’t wait 15 minutes.

So she climbed the stairs but was shocked when she didn’t find Ava in her room. Ava’s phone was on the bed so she had to be in the house. To ensure, she started towards Sam’s man cave, hoping both of her kids would be there.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zmfjw1/lessons_by_family_part2_incest_brothersister