Model Employee (Female Supremacy)

Model Employee

As he went on and on, talking about how he was such a model employee, I just sat there at the other side of the conference table with my eyes focused on my laptop until he finally said my name. “You know, Claire, a good employee, a model employee, really needs to make sure she’s focused and plugged in at every meeting. You need to be present.”


When that word jumped into my head, it wasn’t a question, not really. Instead, I wondered if he truly had the gall to bring me into his little lecture.

That’s what made Derek such a pompous ass. On the one hand, he was cute with dark eyes and wavy black hair. He looked romantic. In another age, he could have been a pirate or something, maybe some kind of privateer. But right then and there, he was nothing but a jerk who thought he could impress the senior managers in the room by getting as many words out as possible.

That was the problem with employees like Derek. He mistook quantity for quality, so he went on and on, droning about this or that, without uttering anything useful.

He was one of the many reasons these meetings were always a waste of time. I could’ve been back in my office, accomplishing something useful.

“I’m looking up some figures,” I told him simply.

“Should you have had them ready before?”

“Considering this was for a question you just asked, it was impossible for me to be aware of what I might need to respond,” I told him. I kept my gaze on his face, even and level.

For the first time, some of the color started to dissipate from his cheeks as he realized he made a mistake.

“Yeah, right,” he said, stammering a little bit. “Sorry.”

If he had stopped right then and there, perhaps going quiet for the rest of the meeting, I probably would have forgiven him for his idiotic bluster. Like so many other young men, he wanted to be the center of attention. I could understand that, and I could forgive it, if only because that kind of masculine incompetence is so common in the corporate world. Only a few minutes later, he looked up at someone else, and started questioning whether or not she should be on her phone.

And just like that, I made my decision.

If Derek really wanted to be a model employee, I would teach him what that meant to me.

I left the meeting a few minutes early, closing my laptop, holding it under my arm, and disappearing from the conference room. Several people looked up at me, but it wasn’t with anger or disappointment at my decision. Nope. It was jealousy. They wanted to escape.

To be completely honest, I’ll never understand these kinds of meetings. On the one hand, pretty much everyone acknowledges that they’re worthless. On the other, managers continue to insist on them. And yes, I understand that emails present a danger because they may not get read. Considering the flurry of electronic data popping up in inboxes, a lot of stuff can get missed.

At the same time, employees don’t need to go to some windowless conference room to stare at one another under fluorescent lights as they pretend this is meaningful. If people can miss emails, they can definitely zone out during meetings, doodling, playing on their phones, or messing around on their laptops.

Face it. Meetings are dumb.

Those thoughts kept echoing inside of my head as I made my way down the corridor to one of the offices. I took out my key card and swiped it along the reader. The red light should have flashed again. The reader telling me that I didn’t have clearance to be in this particular room. But it didn’t. It turned green. Hmm. Ok.

I walked through the door and sat down at Derek’s desk. I turned on his computer, typing in my master password. The computer recognized my authority here, just as Derek would shortly. He didn’t understand what kind of mistake he had made, but I was about to teach him.

I looked around his small office and smirked.

He probably had some notion of what it meant to succeed in business. He probably figured that if he could kiss the right rings and asses, he would get whatever he wanted. Maybe he hoped to become a millionaire someday with a hot wife and a gorgeous condo downtown. Or maybe he imagined himself as the CEO.

I doubted it. He lacked the imagination necessary.

For example, he never made friends with the IT department, so he didn’t have master access to every room and computer in the entire company. Did I say I had friends? I meant very, very good friends.

Sometimes, cheating is the best way to go. As long as you don’t get caught, it can work, especially if you have the best interests of the company at heart.

Given time, I might become the CEO. More likely, I would do some good here, then jump to another company at a higher pay grade, where I would take those people and teams and turn them into something unstoppable.

I smirked for a second, wondering if maybe Derek would have enough time to reform by then. Perhaps he would follow me, like a corporate doggie eager to stay with his owner.

As I looked through Derek’s computer, I quickly found a variety of hidden files. On his desktop, he literally had one called “Boring Stuff”. Really? He didn’t think anyone might look in there?

When I found those images, I smiled to myself, wondering if maybe private offices really were a bad idea, especially to encourage a boy like Derek to have some fun on his lunch breaks.

The door opened, and Derek walked into the room.


Other young women would have been terrified. They would have jerked away from the computer, slamming their hands against the desk before pushing their chairs away as they tried to retreat.

Instead, I rose to my feet and looked at him. “Hello, Derek. Have a seat.” That smooth, easy confidence took hold of the room and his behavior. Before he even realized what he was doing, he sat down. In doing so, he implicitly acknowledged my authority as well as my right to order him around.

Smart boy.

Once he was seated, I rose from his chair, walked around the desk, and leaned against the edge. Above him now, I motioned toward his monitor. “I think you’re boring stuff,” I said casually. It took him a while to make the connections, the double entendre.

At first, he started wringing his hands, rubbing them on his pants nervously, which was delightful. Especially as I waited for that moment when his expression morphed from uncertainty to dread. He couldn’t look me in the eyes.

“It’s not what it looks like,” he said shakily.

“It’s okay, Derek. You have certain fantasies. You’re like any young man. You want to have sex. There’s nothing shameful or wrong in that. But then, our company does have a morals clause in all of our contracts, which means you pleasuring yourself at work is completely against company regulation. Maybe you should have been paying attention. Maybe you should have been more present.”

His face heated at that last comment.

“What do you want?” Derek asked.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“No, it’s not,” he growled back at me, sounding like some angry animal. “I wouldn’t have asked if it was obvious.”

“I don’t like your tone of voice. Apologize.”

His lips parted, and it looked like he might say something foolish, but then he stopped himself. His shoulders practically vibrated as the fight-or-flight response kicked in. I could imagine his entire body reverberating with those chemicals. Thousands of years ago, he would have grabbed his spear and gotten ready to fight any threat. But now, there was a young woman in front of him, one who knew an important secret, one capable of destroying everything he had built.

“I’m sorry,” he finally growled out.

“Good boy,” I said. “You see, it’s not that hard to acknowledge the authority of your superior.”

“You’re not my superior,” he said.

“I am now,” I replied.

Silence hung on the air for several more seconds as he processed those words. Derek probably didn’t want to believe it or acknowledge it, yet he was intelligent enough to recognize the truth of his situation. I had those pictures; I had somehow accessed his office. All of this proved that I was a dangerous opponent, one who could wreck his career with just an email.

What was he going to do? Complain about how I mysteriously or magically made my way into his office? I was just a young woman, after all, another employee.

“Derek, get down on your knees and tell me you will be an obedient slave.”

“What?” He gasped, blinking rapidly as he tried to process those words. “Slave? What are you talking about? Who even uses words like that anymore?”

“I do. And I’m using that word to describe you. Because that’s what you are now,” I said simply, making it all sound obvious.

“No way. I’m not some slave. I’m not going to let you just take control of my life.”

“Then you should go quit right now. Because if you don’t, I’ll make sure you are fired and blacklisted. You won’t be able to get another job, not like this one.”

His lips parted again; his jaw falling open as he tried to think through the possibilities, yet he quickly came to one conclusion. If something like that happened, and I could make it happen, then his future would be very bleak indeed.

“What do you want?”

“Boys really are dumb,” I said with a disdainful shake of my head. “Get on your knees and tell me you will be an obedient slave.” I smiled at him, my lips pulled tight and cruel, “I’m not going to tell you again.”

He hissed through his teeth as he slid off of the edge of his seat, fell to his knees, and looked up at me. His eyes moved along the smooth, dark and shiny curves of my high heels. Next, he examined my stockings and my legs. At a moment like this, he must’ve been so torn. On the one hand, he wanted to be angry with me. On the other, he couldn’t help but be attracted to the curves of my body even as I broke all of his fantasies.

“I’m sorry. I promise to be an obedient slave.”

“Massage my foot,” I said, pulling my heel out of my shoe and letting it dangle off of my toes.

“The door’s unlocked,” he said, stammering, perspiration appearing on his forehead. “Someone could walk in here.”

“I’m sure they will knock,” I said, my tone dripping with condescension. “But even if someone does walk in here, why would I care? I’m not doing anything undignified. You’re the one who’s going to be on his knees, giving his superior a massage.”

Derek dropped his voice, but he still couldn’t stop himself from saying, “You’re not my superior.”

“I am,” I told him. “Now say it.”

He bristled.

Derek mumbled, “You’re my superior.”


“I won’t. I can’t,” he answered, like that was supposed to be good enough.

“If I put my shoe back on, I’m going to walk out of this room and have you fired.” My voice stayed level and serious.

“No, wait!” His voice rang with desperation and worry, and a tinge of fear. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. But then, I was sick and tired of guys like him pretending that they were the masters of the universe. They were just arrogant. That was the only reason men had taken control of the world over the last couple of centuries. Arrogance. They pushed forward, insisting that they be in charge at every step. Well, I was sick of it. Men had messed up the world, and now they needed to be put in their place.

Talents and abilities aside, these guys needed to learn some restraint. If it took someone like me to teach them, I was more than willing and ready.

“You’re my superior,” he declared, his voice loud and clear.

“Good boy,” I said, dropping the shoe from my toes. I held my foot right up there in front of his face. My toes were only a couple of inches from his eyes.

He exhaled slowly, sighing through his aggravation before he raised his hands and started to massage my feet. He pressed down on my toes, the ball of my foot, and my arch.

I smirked, “You’re pretty good at this. You should be proud of yourself, Derek. Maybe this is what you should be doing. After all, your reports aren’t terribly insightful. You usually just state the obvious.”

His nostrils flared again, the curves of his nose twitching up as he tried to maintain some veneer of neutrality, like this didn’t really affect him. Silly boy. It was obvious that he was getting frustrated and upset.

“Keep massaging me,” I said. “That feels really good. You like this, don’t you?”

“What? No!”

“If I told you to pull off your pants right now, would you be hard?”


I giggled. “That’s what I thought. Tell me, did you try to talk down to me at the meeting today because you secretly have a crush on me?”

Silence again, as he blushed. He kept his eyes downcast even as he diligently continued to massage my foot. I kicked off my other high heel and wiggled my toes up in front of him. I pulled my other foot away.

“Massage me,” I ordered.

His hands instinctively went to my foot, and he started to work me. Leaning back against the flats of my palms, I closed my eyes, raised my chin, and enjoyed myself. “Oh, that feels good, Derek. I didn’t imagine you doing such a good job. That’s right. Show me how you are suited for slavery.”

“I’m not a slave,” he told me, sounding insistent, yet desperate.

“Yes, you are. And if you aren’t careful, I will make you wear a collar, just like a dog or any other pet.”

He looked up at me now, his eyes big and full of fear.

“You wouldn’t,” he said, although it sounded like he was working hard to convince himself.

“Oh yes I would. After this, you and I are going to my office, and we’re going to have a nice long conversation about your appropriate behavior. But for right now, tell me about how you are my inferior.”

He didn’t say anything for several more seconds. Just as he started pushing the bounds of my patience, Derek started talking again. “You’re my superior, which means I’m inferior to you.”

“I know that,” I replied, enjoying the smooth feel of his hands against the bottom of my foot. I had such sensitive feet. It felt so good to have him touching me just like this. Or maybe it was the power I could wield over him. Maybe the physical sensations were just incidental because I loved being able to open my eyes, looking down to see this young man on his knees, right where he belonged. “You’re going to have to be more specific, Derek.”

The dark-haired young man didn’t enjoy getting this kind of criticism. For so long, he had worked hard to impress the people around him, especially his teachers back in school and now his various bosses and managers at work. Having someone like me correct him this way must’ve been so infuriating.

Too bad for him.

“You’re my superior because you’re smarter than me?”

“Is that a question?” I tossed back at the subjugated boy.

After another hissed inhalation, he tried again, “You’re my superior because you’re smarter than me.”


“And you deserve to be in charge.”

“That’s right. It’s funny. For such a long time, men had this inflated sense of their own importance. But really, they have always been the weaker, inferior sex. Being loud and vehement doesn’t actually make you right, Derek. Being snide and condescending doesn’t make you right either. I mean, that’s why you’re on your knees, isn’t it? You were dumb enough to fool around at work, and now you are paying for it.”

“Yes,” he said, practically grunting his answer.

I couldn’t help myself. I burst into laughter.

“Claire, what are you going to do with me?”

“You’ll find out,” I said simply. “But if you’re wondering how long this is going to last, the answer is simple. A very long time.”

His eyebrows arched and his eyes opened wider. He wasn’t expecting that answer. I sensed some fear. Good.

I had him massage my feet for a little while. Then I slipped my toes back into my shoes, and I stood above him. That’s when I turned back to his computer, sat down, and started typing.

“What are you doing?” Derek asked after another minute. From the corner of my eye, I could see him try to stand up, only to stop himself. Smart for a boy, he realized standing or moving without permission might he a bad idea. He might provoke my wrath.

So instead, he stayed right there.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I used his email account to send himself a message.

“There you go. You have a nice little shopping list. I’m going to give you two hours. At the end of this time, you had better be in my office, presenting yourself with these items.”

His phone buzzed, and he pulled it from his pocket, quickly checking his email.

I turned back to him, grinning as the color drained away from his cheeks for the second time since my visit started.

“No,” he said automatically. “I can’t do it. I can’t go buy this stuff.”

“Yes, you can.”

“I don’t even know where to get the stuff from!” Derek protested.

“You’re smart for a boy. You can figure it out,” I told him.

As I grinned, I stood up again, strolled past him with my heels clicking on the floor. I patted him on the head and left him there to think about his new mission. Just before the door closed behind me, I called out, “Two hours.”

When I went back to my own office, I enjoyed the expansive size. Theoretically, my workspace wasn’t supposed to be this large, but I had made a couple of shrewd deals when I first arrived, so I enjoyed more space. There was enough room for bookshelves, a couch, plus my desk. Oh, and I also had that enormous window right behind me. Sometimes, I would look outside, studying the world and the cars as they scurried around on the streets like ants beneath me.

Since I couldn’t just stare out the window and daydream for those full two hours, I cleared off my desk. I was going to need room.

From there, I wandered the halls for a little bit, talking to people, reinforcing relationships, and making deals. By the time I finished, I had made quite a bit of progress with several different projects. But then, my latest project was about to present himself.

I went back to my office, sat down, and waited.

Derek wasn’t late. With about a minute left, he knocked on my door, and I called for him to enter.

The boy obeyed me.

He walked into the room, carrying a black bag in front of him. The plastic shivered along with the light, and I smiled at him.

“Kneel,” I ordered, my index finger pointing to the floor in front of me.

The door had already shut, so he didn’t need to worry about someone seeing this. Even so, he hesitated.

“You didn’t buy that paddle to decorate my office,” I told him.

Derek pressed his lips together as his worry mounted. He had probably needed to steel himself for this moment, crossing the threshold and walking into my office. But now, I slipped out from behind my desk and strode over to him just as he dropped to his knees.

I stroked his cheek to the underside of his chin, my long, pink nails grazing his skin. I wanted him to have some fear, as if I was a wild tigress waiting to pounce.

“Good boy,” I said, grabbing the bag.

Sure enough, he had purchased everything required: handcuffs, paddle, collar. It was an easy enough shopping list.

Starting with the leather collar, I opened it up, wrapped it around his neck, and pulled it tight. “And look at this. Even comes with a little lock,” I said, chuckling at the image of the heart-shaped padlock.

“Please, don’t lock it on—”


When he heard that sound, he stopped, freezing in place because he couldn’t continue. I could see his breathing pick up its pace.

“There we go,” I said, stroking his cheek again with my nails. “Just face it, Derek. You belong to me now. I have all of that blackmail material, so I can do whatever I want with you. As far as you’re concerned, you belong to me. Say it.”

“I belong to you,” he replied, his voice wavering, unsteady.

“And what does that make me?”

His lips pressed together into a hard line because he already knew the answer, only he didn’t want to say it out loud. Maybe he thought uttering the word would make it real. Unfortunately for him, this was happening, and remaining silent wouldn’t change that fact.

He swallowed and forced the words out, “My owner.”

“That’s right. You belong to me now, so I am your owner. And right now, I have you in a collar. You can’t even take it off. But if you want to try, I give you permission. In fact, if you can get it off right now, I will let you go altogether.”

His eyes widened, and that’s when his hands shot up to the band of leather around his neck. He pulled on it, tugging, maybe even trying to rip the solid material. But in one touch, I knew that he had done a good job of selecting a solid collar, the kind that couldn’t be ripped off by a person. Maybe if he had a knife, scissors, or a bolt cutter, he could have taken it off. Unfortunately for Derek, his hands were empty, so he tried as hard as he could, grunting and growling as he worked at the band.

Eventually, he failed. His hands fell to his sides as he gave up.

“Yes, I am your owner now,” I said. “But that’s a good thing. You shouldn’t look so upset. You’re a boy. You need an owner. You need someone to tell you what to do and how to think.”

“No, I don’t,” he said.

“Take off your shirt.”


“Take off your shirt,” I sternly repeated. “You said something dumb, so I need to discipline you. We are starting with your shirt. Take it off, Derek. Now.”

“Please,” he started to say.

“Now,” I said, only this time I reached into the bag and retrieved the paddle. Smooth, sleek, it fit right in my hand as I gripped the handle. I tapped it lightly against the palm of my other hand as I watched him, my gaze fixed on this young man.

He pulled off his shirt and jacket. I got to enjoy the sight of his chest. He looked good, like the kind of a professional who made sure he worked out.

“Not bad. Now remove your shoes and socks.”

“I’m not going to get naked,” he insisted. That’s when I walked up to him, grabbed Derek by his hair, and yanked his head back so that he had to look up at me. Usually, his eyes brimmed with confidence, but now I could see the fear radiate out.

“You’ll do whatever I want, slave. That’s what it means to be a slave. You belong to me. Now strip. I want you naked like the plaything you are.”

He tensed up, swallowed, and must’ve felt the collar around his neck once again.

But he obeyed me, stripping. He pulled off his shoes, socks, pants, and even his boxers. He blushed brightly at that last step, probably because of his erection. His shaft was hard as he stripped off those last garments.

Then I touched the paddle to the underside of his chin and forced him to his feet. I took his hands and crossed them behind the small of his back.

“Very nice,” I said as I started to circle him. I felt like a piranha, a shark, or a tigress. I had this delectable meal right in front of me. It was only a question of when I would decide to start nibbling.

And he knew it.

“Consider this your inspection,” I said as my eyes moved along his body. I reached down to stroke his thigh, and his hand slipped over to my wrists, like he thought he could push me away. That was a dumb mistake.

I grabbed his hands, yanking them to the small of his back again. Then I hissed into his ear, “If you try that again, I will destroy your career. How badly do you want to be an employee here or anywhere else for that matter?”

An audible gulp. He was swallowing back his dread, but he couldn’t hide just how afraid he was of me.

Silky smooth now, I brushed my fingers along his shoulder, down his back, all the way to his legs. As I did so, he closed his eyes. He didn’t dare repeat that move. He probably couldn’t admit how much he enjoyed serving me, yet his expressions betrayed him anyway.

“You’re a boy,” I said condescendingly. “You’re so easy to read. This is good for you, Derek. You need to be enslaved. So many boys need to be enslaved. They just don’t know it.”

He parted his lips, and he wanted to say something, to argue with me.

Because of that, I made my decision. I returned to the black bag, yanked out in the handcuffs, and opened them. Sure enough, he had purchased the correct model. Maybe he went to a sex shop, but that didn’t make these cuffs a toy. On the contrary, they were police quality, and once they locked around his wrists, he would not be able to get them off, without this one key.

I took the key and set it aside, outside of his line of vision. He would be able to find it, but not at a glance. Then I grabbed his wrists, encircled them with the metal, and connected the cuffs, locking his hands behind his back.

“What are you doing?”

“Whatever I want,” I said playfully.

He bristled, tensing up because Derek thought he was smarter than this; he was wrong.

“Now, you still need to be punished for your disobedience.”

“I haven’t been disobedient!”

“And I used to think you were smart for a boy,” I told him with a disappointed shake of my head. “Do you think a boy should contradict his owner?”

His lips parted again, it was obvious he wanted to say something, only he didn’t know which words would keep him from getting in trouble.

“That’s good. When you don’t know something, you should just be quiet. You’re so handsome when you’re quiet,” I said. I hadn’t realized it before, but I was getting aroused, and that last comment went right to my crotch. I was feeling the power of getting inside his head and I liked that a lot.

Derek’s eyes flickered wider, and he parted his lips again. Even so, he didn’t dare contradict me or argue with me.

I put my hand on his chest and felt his heart kicking wildly right there. “You know, it’s okay if you’re scared of me. You should be.” I grabbed the paddle again, put one hand on the back of his neck, and tugged on his collar even as I pushed down, bending him over my desk.

He wasn’t going to be able to cover his buttocks, not from this.

I touched his skin with the firm, sleek wood. I moved the paddle along his flesh, tracing little circles and squares. As I did so, I explained, “I’m a woman, and you’re a boy. It’s good for you to be collared and cuffed. This way, you know your place. These symbols help remind you of your status now. For so long, you have had the opportunity to pretend to be superior to me, to all women. But you aren’t the equal of any woman. I’m going to train you, Derek. I will make sure you learn your place.”

He didn’t say anything.

“Tell me I’m your owner.”

“You’re my owner.”

“Tell me you will be properly deferential to every woman you meet. It doesn’t matter if she’s a little girl, and in turn, your boss, or me. When you see a woman, you will recognize her as your superior.”

He didn’t say anything. His shoulders tensed for a moment like he wanted to get the words out, only something stopped him. He was entering a new world which he couldn’t comprehend, which he was fearful of. He felt he was losing his status.

Silly, masculine arrogance.

I cocked the paddle back, braced myself for a moment as I enjoyed the anticipation. Adrenaline flooded through my body as I got ready to punish this young man. Then I slapped the back of his leg hard. The paddle came down, clapping against his skin, and he nearly jumped. He tried to pull away, to spin around, only I didn’t allow him to. I still had my hand on the back of his neck, squeezing it, so keeping him pinned was easy enough.

In the next instant, I let him try to sit all the way up again. Derek wanted to stand, and I let him so he could straighten his back. before I knocked him right back down again. My hand never relinquished control of him. Bent over my desk, he was naked, collared and cuffed in the most demeaning position he could probably imagine.

“Let’s work on your obedience,” I said.

“No. Please, don’t, wait!”

Too late, I had already made my decision. He needed to learn that, as his owner, I could decide to discipline him whenever and wherever I liked. I paddled him three times in quick succession, letting that flat piece of wood crash against his naked skin.

“You belong to me, Derek. You’ll do whatever I say because I’m a woman and I’m better than you. I’m stronger and smarter than you. I understand my emotions, and I am more verbally adroit. I own you. You’re nothing but a slave, so you must always obey me.”

“Yes! I.. I.. I understand!” His voice was pulled tight by the pain now rippling through his body, his fear growing with each moment. He could feel the buzzing sensations along his skin, that jagged agony roaring from his tormented skin.

“Good. You see, that wasn’t so hard,” I told him. “Now, get on your knees and promise to obey me. Tell me that you won’t do something stupid like try to think for yourself.” Straightening my back, I crossed my arms over my chest and released him. I stood there, imperious as he turned around. Lowering himself to his knees was more difficult this time, especially since his hands remained imprisoned behind his back.

“I promise I will obey you,” he said, faster this time.

“Good. Stand and bend over again. Going to administer an additional paddling,” I said.

“Did I do something wrong?” Derek asked, sounding adorably timid.

“No,” I replied as I watched him obey. He rose to his feet and bent over again. I admired the firm curves of his buttocks.

“Sometimes, you need to be punished based on a whim. You didn’t do anything wrong, but you don’t have to do anything wrong,” I explained, making it all sound so simple. “Sometimes, I just want to discipline you. Think of it as a maintenance paddling.”

I waited for the inevitable protest, but he didn’t argue, not this time.

I swatted his ass with the paddle, bringing it down hard. He grunted, doing his best to stay quiet, yet he couldn’t deny the pain now exploding along his nerves.

“That’s right, Derek. You don’t have any choice, do you? No. You need to be punished. You need to be disciplined.”

“You said I didn’t do anything wrong!” He sounded so adorably pitiful.

“I also told you this can just be a whim,” I replied. “Or maybe you should be punished because you’re a boy. There’s so much sexism out in the world. Maybe this is just what you need. You can be the scapegoat for all of the other men out in the world who behave badly.”

“That’s not my fault,” he protested.

“It doesn’t have to be,” I said, striking seriously. I paddled him five, six, seven more times in quick succession. And when I finally stopped, I looked down at his backside. His rear end had turned a bright shade of red.

To be completely honest, seeing him like this, cuffed and collared, made me so excited. The pleasure and anticipation roared through my body. With a furious grin, I left him there, bent over my desk, while I raised my skirt and pulled down my stockings to my ankles. My panties followed a few seconds later.

“You’re going to lick me, Derek,” I told him.

For a moment, I thought he might protest or argue. But then he recognized the futility of attempting to defy me. That’s why he just watched as I pulled myself up onto the edge of the desk. I spread my legs to give him access to my pussy.

With his hands still cuffed, Derek didn’t know exactly what to do. Fortunately for me, he proved to be smart enough, at least for a boy. He got on his knees, slid his head between my legs, and I grabbed his hair. I enjoyed guiding his head forward, helping him. Along the way, I probably made him feel especially demeaned and humiliated.


“Show me that I’m better than you,” I said.

Derek obeyed. He followed my orders by opening his mouth and licking my pussy. He tasted my juices and experienced the heat between my legs. All the while, I laughed at him, enjoying his newly degraded state.

He brought me close to an orgasm. I pulled on his hair and yanked his face away from me, at least until I calmed down again. His face was shiny with my juices. I smiled at his degradation. Then I pulled him back in, and he kept licking, his tongue gliding up and down my crevice. I was loving the control I had over this boy.

His tongue moved energetically, almost as though he enjoyed this.

I grinned and decided to have some more fun with him.

Just after I climaxed for the first time with this slave, I pulled him back and looked down into his eyes. His face looked so precious. “It’s going to be tricky, but I want you up on my desk on your back.”

I had already cleared it off while he had been out shopping. It took some work, but Derek managed to pull himself up. That’s when I put my hand on his shoulder and shoved him down onto his back. Then I straddled him.

I was still fully clothed except for my stocking and panties, which I dropped on the floor. I had on my dress, which gave me the authority of feeling like a real person. Derek? Well, he probably felt more like a sex toy.

And that was exactly how I wanted him.

“Beg for the chance to get used,” I ordered.

As he pouted, he considered his options, came to be obvious conclusion, and said, “Please, please, take me!”

“You want to get fucked? Is that it, slave?”

“Yes,” he said in his timid little voice.

“Good,” I said. “Now louder.”

When he didn’t respond fast enough, I reached down and brushed my fingers along his shaft. I touched him and teased him, making him groan. After less than a minute of this tantalizing teasing, he said, “Yes! I want to be used! Please, please use me! I’m so grateful to be your slave!”

I grinned down at him before I put one hand on his chest, raised my skirt, and positioned myself over him, right where I belonged.

Then I lowered myself down and took his cock. I enveloped him, pressing the walls of my pussy down against his member. He shivered, shaking beneath me. He squirmed, trying to pull against his cuffs, but he wouldn’t be able to tear himself free. I had him, and I wasn’t about to release him.

“Oh, that feels good, Derek. You’re very good at this. I love having you beneath me,” I said as I started to ride him, moving my body up and down. I set a gentle rhythm at first. But as the friction turned me on more and more, I craved an orgasm. I pumped my body against his, enjoying the way my flesh felt against his. The heat and solidity of his body against mine made me grin ferociously. Oh yes! This was amazing. I had him, and I wasn’t going to let him go.

“You are mine,” I said. “You belong to me now. I’m taking you right now, and I’m going to keep you for myself. People here might think you work for this company, but that’s not true. You belong to me.”

“Yes,” he panted. “I belong to you.”

As I rode him, I braced my hands against his shoulder, making it impossible for him to even try to get up. He squirmed underneath me, struggling, but it was no use. He couldn’t get away, and he knew it.

So, I had my way with him, enjoying how he felt. I pumped him harder and faster. Throwing my head back, I felt my hair splash against my shoulders and down my back. Then I called out, “Now! Come for me right now!”

Derek surrendered, his shaft pulsating and throbbing as he lost control. Knowing that I controlled his cock, his body, and his mind excited me like nothing else, pushing me over the edge. Hot pleasure surged through my body. This orgasm was amazing, better than anything I had ever experienced. But it was only going to be the first of many.

When I finished with him, I pulled away and looked down at him. “Get dressed. You get to pretend to be an employee here for a little while. But what are you? What are you really?”

“I’m your slave,” he answered beautifully.

I giggled like a little girl eager to play with her toy again. It wouldn’t be long before I called him back to my office to serve me…every single day.

Derek may not have been the model employee, but he was an ideal slave.

The End

If you like my story, feel free to DM me or email me at


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