[MMMMF][Oral] New girl at the Computer Club

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are above the age of 18.


I don’t think I was supposed to find out about the Knights of Toledo Computer and Gaming Club. Maybe it would have been better if I didn’t.

I was new in town. I moved from out of state and I found myself working another shitty job at a coffee shop with no friends and no prospects. I really started to think it would be a good to break into IT or programming because being broke all the time is lame and there was serious money to be made in those fields.

That’s how I ended up hanging around in Warlock Cards and Games. It was part of the same strip mall as the laundromat. I think at the time I just felt like if I just kinda hung around nerds I would slowly sort to become integrated into their nerd community. Which did happen, just not the way I expected.

My recollections of that day were that it was cold. I was doing laundry. I was waiting for the wash cycle to be done and so I walked into the store. The store was empty except for two people. I know their names now, Lance and Roger. At the time I didn’t though.

They were playing some kind of card game. Probably one of Lance’s board games. I asked how it worked and they gave some awkward conversation. I remember thinking that their embarrassment was cute. One of them mentioned a computing club and I remember aggressively asking for more details. I was so exciting. A programming club!

Looking back, I think mistook everyone’s nervousness with them being introverted. I know now that the meetups are pretty boisterous. They were holding the meet up on the second story of Lance’s parents business. His parents were too old to run the business and so Lance had the run of the place. I don’t think it was profitable, I never saw any customers when I went to the store during business hours.

When the store closed he used the upstairs for the club.

I don’t remember a lot from the first few meet ups. I remember everyone being quiet and I felt very much like an outsider. I tried to be a fly on the wall, absorbing information. I didn’t really understand what was going on and they seem to speak in their own coded language.

I was working as a barista and I kept odd hours but I would go back when I had the time. I don’t know why I felt compelled to ingratiate myself to these people. I guess I felt like if I gained their trust I would be on the inside of a secret club. They were so different from the groups I normally hung around with. I spend those first few months learning more about computer and card games than anything related to programming.

Eventually, I became more and more part of the in group. I started to learn more of their in jokes and references. I watched a few animes (which they helpfully explained how to pirate from the internet.)

As I started to become more ingratiated I started wondering about certain things. Sometimes they were challenge each in a game and a stake would be a “doubloon”. These could either be silver or gold. I asked what they meant by that and they gave me obviously fake answers. None of these nerds were good at lying. They said it just mean personal honor. But then why did they always say they’ll pay later? And why did the losers seem genuinely upset?

As time grew on they learned more about me as well. Why I had moved up here, my dating life, my home life, whether I had siblings, etc. One member of the group, Roger, had a knack for covering up his questions as jokes when he wanted to ask something particular invasive. I liked to parcel out intimate details slowly, being reticent most of the time but occasionally giving them a more salacious details.

I liked how it made them light up when they heard anything sexual. Eventually, that’s how I learn about Dubloons. I had been in a particularly disappointing Tinder date when I won’t recount here but involved me giving two blowjobs to someone who did reciprocate either during our sexual encounter or later when I tried messaging him again on the app before he blocked me.

I made some off the cuff remark about getting needing to get the taste out of my mouth from last night.

“What do you mean? What happend?” Lance asked

“Ugh, you ever had a date where…” I searched for the words

“No, he hasn’t had a date.” Roger interjected and everyone laughed including me.

“Well, Lance, if you go on date and a lady is nice enough give you a very intimate kiss maybe be nice enough to kiss them back OK?” I said

“I think she’s talking about mouth sex.” Said Roger

“Yes, thank you, I am talking about mouth sex. I met a guy and he came in my mouth but he didn’t return the favor and then he blocked me on the app.” I said and was a little upset with myself. I expected all of these nerds to want to white knight for me. I didn’t want to be put on a pedestal. I just wanted to be part of the guy.

“Well, well, sounds like you and Thomas could commiserate after this coming Saturday.” Mumbled Roger as he played his computer game

“Dude! Shut up!” Thomas said angrily, throwing off his headphones and staring at Roger.

“Sorry.” Said Roger meekly.

“What? What happened?” I asked

“Nothing.” Said Roger and Thomas nearly in unison

“Ugh, I hate when you guys fucking do this. I know you mentioned something about dubloons earlier and his birthday party. Would you just tell me?” I said

“Just fucking tell her, stop being bashful.” Said Lance

“Don’t…” Thomas started to say.

“I’m gonna tell her.” Said Roger

“Dude!” Said Thomas

“Dubloon refer to oral sex. If someone has to give you a dubloon, that means they have to give you oral sex. Silver means they pull out of your mouth before coming, gold means they swallow. Obviously, you’re not a naive virgin. None of us gay or whatever but seeing as we can’t get girls we started this system.” Lance explained.

“Oh,” I said but thinking about it it did make sense. I never really suspected any of them being gay because of how much they stared at my boobs. Maybe they were all secretly bi?

Thomas looked at the floor, ashamed.

“Anyways, Thomas borrowed some of Joel’s dungeons and dragon’s books on the condition that if he didn’t give them back in a specified time period he would have to give everyone in the group a golden dubloon.” Lance continued

“I think Joel meant it as a joke, he didn’t think he’d actually loose the books.” Said Roger

“I’m gonna get them back! I let my cousin look at them and then had to go back to Ohio unexpectedly and the books were in his car!” Thomas exclaimed

“Joel gave him a couple of extension but next Saturday is the one year anniversary of when he gave the books. We know because he gave the books on Thomas’s 19 birthday party. Next week he’s turning 20.” Lance said

“Happy birthday.” Said Lance

“And you guys just suck each other’s dicks, huh?” I asked, wide eyed

“I mean… it happens. Usually not for gold dubloons. Usually just look at porn while the person does it. Nothing gay.” Said lance

“Except for the person giving the blowjob. They’re gay.” Said Roger

“More like you’re gay for enjoying a man’s mouth on your penis.” Said Lance

“Do you want to one on one again for stakes and we can determine who’s gay? Maybe Kristin can watch this time?” Said Roger

“Fuck you.” Said Lance

“Heh. Could be worse, could be the Lissandra incident.” Said Roger

“Shut up!” Said Thomas

“Forget he said that.” Said Lance quickly. “Anyways, Joel has this Saturday off and it’s gonna be raining gold dubloons thanks to Thomas I guess.”

“I work this Saturday,” I said “You’ll have to tell me how it goes.”

Thomas looked like he was going to cry.

Later, Thomas made an excuse to leave early. I caught up with him as he was heading to his car.

“Hey! Wait!” I said to him across the parking lot as he was getting into this car. He slammed the door and started the engine. I ran up to his car.

It was rainy and the parking lot was filled with small puddles. I ran to his car and tapped on the window.

He rolled the down the window. It was old car and he had to manually crank it to open the window.

“What?” He said without looking.

“Is it really your birthday this Saturday?” I said


“I’m sorry.”


“Because of the agreement you had. Hey, look, I wanted to give you a birthday present…”

“Just save it, ok?”

“I’m willing to take your debt.”


“I feel bad. You guys clearly have a whole economy based on dubloons and I haven’t contributed at all and I probably have the most dick sucking experience out of all of you. I’m gonna tell the guys I’ll take over for you this Saturday. And, hey, of course the birthday boy gets a gold dubloon as well.”

Thomas just looked me with his mouth agape.

I giggled and blew him a kiss.


I talked to Thomas more over text message. We agreed we would make it a surpise. The guys weren’t expecting me to be there. He asked me several times to be his girlfriend, which I rejected. There were also several requests for me to send him naked photographs and I rejected those too. Nerds. Give him an inch and they take a mile. Although in thise case they’d each be giving me six inches. Yikes.

I didn’t feel nervous about it until I pulled into the parking lot. I traded for an earlier shift and I arrived at the book store around 7pm. I knocked on the door to the bookstore and Lance let me in. They kept the door locked and someone had to let people in and out.

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be coming?” Lance said

“Actually some things changed at work so I’m here.”

We walked to the back of the store to the small narrow staircase leading to the upper floor. The space upstairs was cramped and most of it was used for storage. There were the desks pushed into a square that they had computers loaded on top of. If someone needed to use the bathroom they had to run downstairs and use the store bathroom.

“We’re in the middle of a game but we can get you into the next one. Joel is here. Do you remember Joel?” He said

“I’ve met him a few times.” I said

Joel was a bit older than the other members of the group, in his late twenties or possibly early thirties. He had long hair, was a bit chubby and wore anime t-shirts. His work schedule made it so he wasn’t around the group but the others spoke highly of him.

The computers were turned off and they had a large card table set up with an eleborate board game set up. It was taking up the center of the room and there was barely enough room. I was glad I arrived late because I wasn’t in the mood to sit through the forty five minute rules explanation that these games require. I sat on a folding chair at the edge of the table after saying hello to everyone.

“If Thomas doesn’t show up tonight I’m gonna be mad.” Said Joel

“He hasn’t responded to my texts.” Lance said while pushing some figures around on the board.

“He’ll be here.” I said, interjecting myself into their conversation

“Did you talk to him?” Said Lance

“Yeah.” I said

“What’d he say? He’s been quiet all week.” Said Lance

I grinned. “I’ll let him tell you when he gets here.”

Thomas did show up shortly after I did and that’s when it got fun.

“I think Thomas might have announcement..” I said after he arrived and got settled

“I have an announcement first.” Said Roger. “First rule of gold dubloon club is you can’t make fun of the porn that people watch while they’re getting their gold dubloon. I have some quality dick girl porn on my phone and I don’t want to hear any snickers while Thomas helps me get out my nut.”

“Uh,” I said “Well, that’s the thing about that.”

“Sarah agreed to take my place! We’re all getting our dicks sucked by a girl tonight!” Thomas announced

I turned beet red.

“That’s, uh, true. I agreed to take over his debt. Assuming you guys are ok with that?”

The others just stared at me for a second and then murmured their agreement.

“Do you guys have a place you want to do it? Is there an office downstairs?” I said

“We always just kinda did it up here in front of everyone.” Lance said. He started to unzip his pants “I guess I’ll go first.”

This started an uproar as they all argued who should go first. They all had a claim to it but in the end agreed that because Thomas had secured the blowjobs and it was his birthday he should should go first.

As soon as he got the green light from his friends, Thomas was stripping naked. I felt a bit dejected that he didn’t even ask me what I wanted or consult me.

“Sarah, start stripping!” He commanded

“I’m gonna keep my clothes on.” I said

“Oh, come on. We want to see boobs!” Thomas said

“Boobs!” Yelled Roger

“Guys, the deal is for the dick sucking. I’d honestly rather suck 100 dicks and then strip naked for you guys. Plus it’s cold in here.” I said. And it was. I always wore a thick sweater or a hoodie. The guys didn’t even know what my figure looked liked.

Thomas said on a gaming chair. He had a good sized penis, I’ll give him that. I haven’t had a lot of penises inside me but it was bigger than any of the ones I’d had before. He was a such short scrawny guy, too.

I kneeled down before him and took him my mouth. There was a lot of cheering from the group and he came quickly. He clearly had a lot of cum but it was easy to swallow.

I grabbed a nearby can of Mountain Dew and drank from it.

“First load down. Who’s next?” I announced as Thomas moved from the chair.

Joel sat down on the chair, still fully dressed.

I unbuckled his fly, unzipped his pants and found his hard erection his boxers. I worked it out between the flap in his boxer shorts. I used my tongue to lightly flick the underside of his penis and I was rewarded with a moan of pleasure. I giggled. These nerds were too easy.

A short bit of suction later and he was cumming. He penis was slightly smaller than average and I had the whole thing in my mouth when he started cumming. I waited with my lips around the base. Then I slowly slid lips down the length of the penis, hoovering up all of the semen on his member.

“That’s two.” I announced and drank some more Mountain Dew.

Lance was next and he had his pants and underwear completely off but kept his T shirt on. I noticed Thomas was still naked and stroking his penis.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked him as I stroked Lance’s penis with one hand.

“No.” Thomas said, “Two more dicks and I get to go again.”

“What? I thought it was one gold dubloon each?” I said, surpised

“No,” Thomas said. “It was unlimited gold dubloons for everyone. I can show you the email with the original contract.”

I looked at the other members of the group.

“He’s correct.” Said Joel “Although I personally am spent for the night.”

“Ah, well, ok.” I said a bit surprised.

“Sarah… use your mouth please.” Lance asked politely.

“Sorry,” I said

I took my hand away and put his erect penis in my mouth. He required a little more work than the previous two dicks. However, after a few minutes of work I extracted his cum as well. He came unexpectedly while I was vigorously sucking his dick and I didn’t get all of it in my mouth. Some was on my lips and dribbling down my chair.

I looked for something to wipe it off and I heard a camera sound and saw Roger taking a picture.

“Hey! Asshole!” I said angrily

“You just looked really good with cum face.” He said. He was naked and getting into the gaming chair to accept his blowjob.

I grabbed the jeans he had taken off and wiped my face with them.

“Hey!” He said

“Fair’s fair. And delete that photo from your phone.” I said

I grabbed his cock and started to suck. This was the last of the first round of blowjobs and who knew how many after that?

“Sarah, I’m very sorry and if I knew it was you I wouldn’t have taken two weeks off from jerking off. I wanted to fill Thomas’ cheeks with my salty load but it’s you. Also, I’m pretty backed up so you’re probably gonna down there multiple times.” He said

I rolled my eyes while working my mouth up and down his shaft.

“Also, I was serious about my earlier comments about the porn. I’ve been saying this clips for today. You’re doing a very good job, by the way, I can tell you have experience.”

I could porn sounds come from his phone while I sucked his dick. Whether due to my skill or how hot the clip is he came pretty fast as well. I pulled off his and pressed my face against his dick as he came. When I pulled away I had cum on my cheek and some on my nose.

“Do you like this, Roger?”

“Uh, yes, actually. Quite a lot. Hold still while I get my camera up on my phone.” He said and started to press button.

I grabbed his underwear and rubbed the cum on to it and gave him the middle finger.

Joel had left by this point and the mood calmed down. We spent the remaining time talking and hanging out. Oh, I gave a bunch more blowjobs. I went down on Thomas probably another four times. Each time he came quickly. His penis really was quite large. Lance and Roger had one more session each.

“I think I’ve had as much cum tonight as the rest of my life.” I saw as we finally headed out into the night.

“Can you tell the difference between different guys?” Lance asked

“Not really.” I said “Maybe I’ll work on becoming a cum sommelier.”

After that night I felt like a full fledged member of the group. I watched other members give and receive dubloons (always silver). They had a system where they would tap the person’s head before cumming and the blowjob giver would pull off the dick to escape the cum. I thought it was cowardly to spend so much time working someone’s dick and avoid the resulting cum and I let them know.

I also gave a few blowjobs as the months rolled up. But they were sporadic and rare. A treat for someone dong something exceptional or winning a challenge or dare. Roger started with smacking my ass and when I didn’t react harshly all of the member of the group started to do it. So, I had to put up with that as well but I didn’t mind.

I received invitations to either go further with members of the group or enter into exclusive romantic relationships. I rejected all of them. I liked their system of blowjobs and I liked to be included in it. But I didn’t want to be in a relationship with any of them and I didn’t want them to fuck. My experiences using apps to date had been abysmal and I was happy living single and sucking a nerd dick maybe once a month.

But, of course, I’m not telling this story to tell you about the time I sucked off a bunch of nerds. Although if I ever write a biography that will be most of the content.

No, this was just beginning. Stay tuned for the next installment when things finally escalate.


Ok thanks for reading! Gonna try to get the next installment out when I have time to write more! I appreciate all of you! Comments and messages help me crank out content faster (but I really only have some much free time to write)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zm69bl/mmmmforal_new_girl_at_the_computer_club