The Intern (Day 2 of My 7 Day Smut Writing Challenge)

“Should I go talk to her?” “No, I can’t. I love my girlfriend.” “But she’s so cute.” That was basically me the whole summer one year. Our firm always hires some college kids as interns for the summer. I always called it slave labor. They are 20 something students and they are paid next to nothing for basically maid duties. Yet all the positions were filled every year. Every single year. And every year, there are some sexy cute female students around. That year was no different, this gorgeous brunette was on coffee duty for my superiors so I, along with everyone working in my department saw her running around our floor every day. It was a joy to watch her jog from the “kitchen” to whoever needed to coffee and I’m certain that EVERY SINGLE male worker watched her intently EVERY SINGLE time. I mean she was exactly the type that turned everyone’s heads. Not because she was significantly gifted in any department. Her as was good but not exceptional, she wasn’t busty, but she was definitely not flat, and her face was cute, not the typical sexy that the media likes to push in our faces. But even with all that, she carried an aura around her which convinced everyone that they needed her.

Or at least everyone at the firm. Our group chats were filled with horny engineers lusting over her. Some even made a move on her, but she rejected everyone. Well, everyone but me. True I didn’t actually hit on her, I decided that my relationship with my girlfriend was too important to risk. So, everyone said I chickened out, saying she would have rejected me too anyway, so there wasn’t any risk. But. I still didn’t. When the summer was over and she went back to university, I was devastated and glad simultaneously. I knew I’d miss seeing her around. But at least the temptation disappeared for good. Or so I thought.

Summer interns never return for another year. Don’t exactly know why, probably has to do with the menial work barely in their field. So, I really thought that I’d be rid of the temptation of the young intern. So, imagine my surprise when, among the interns, I see her once more. I could see that my co-workers were over the moon and their blood definitely wasn’t in their brains anymore. Those horny idiots. I was, well, more neutral to her return for the same reasons why I was conflicted about her leaving a year ago. Day 1 was definitely the most awkward. She had to take on a more supervising role among the new interns as she was the only one with experience. She showed the others around, so she walked up and down the office all day. Not jogging like last year but it was enough for our group chat to explode for the first time in year. By the end of the day, I also found out 2 concerning pieces of information. 1) She wasn’t a temporary worker this time. 2) She will be assigned to me as an assistant for the whole summer while I work on my current project. “Dear God” I thought. My summer sure looked like a test of my willpower, loyalty, and horniness. And on some level, I was right.

I soon found out that not just her looks were phenomenal. She also had a vibrant personality that filled every room she was in with warmth and joy. We always had a lovely time and she actually helped me a ton. We were working quite well together as a team, my productivity skyrocketed, and I was considered the luckiest motherfucker in the office. Not only was I the only one to get an assistant, but I got her, the girl that every colleague of mine was lusting after. And so was I. The fact that Taylor (that’s her name) was also a lovely person while being the cutest sexy person ever made me even more attracted to her. But I was still in a relationship. Before Taylor showed up, I even considered proposing to her. But a while lusting over an inter daily, I didn’t think proposing would be the wisest idea. So, Taylor and I became friends. I suspect by some of my less successful subtle glances at her she knew I was attracted, but she either didn’t reciprocate or respected my relationship. All was fine between us, until I slipped up at an office party.

We were celebrating us, meaning that I finished my project thanks to Taylor. As you might imagine, even if it was an office party, there was plenty of alcohol present. And being the celebrated one, I had to drink a round with everyone. So, by the end of the night, I was quite drunk. Not blackout drunk or even throw up drunk, but definitely stupid decisions and lowered inhibitions drunk. Again, as the ones being celebrated, Taylor and I were expected to stay longer. There came a point where it was only her, me and a couple of passed out guys only. We were sitting on the copy room floor with beers in our hands just talking. It was then that I did something stupid.

– I really like your shoes by the way.

– What?

– I really like your shoes.

– This Converse?

– Yeah

– What about them?

– I just think you look great in them.

– So, do you think the shoes are pretty or I am?

– Well…

– … – she looked at me like she was mad and curious at the same time.

– I meant the shoes now.

– So, I’m not pretty?

– That’s not what I said…

– Don’t worry I’m just messing – she chuckled slightly

– You are gorgeous too

I could tell she was blushing and not because of the alcohol. She avoided eye contact completely and shuffled in her seating position.

– Thank you. I love these shoes too. I’ve been wearing them all summer as you might have noticed.

– I did.

– So, are you into feet or did I just wear them one too much?

– I’m not sure how to respond to that.

– You don’t have to. That was really inappropriate.

– …

– Plus, your silence… It says a lot.

– Don’t say that.

She just started laughing. It must have been how awkward I said it or just simply the booze, but it was almost hysterical the way she was laughing. When she returned to conscience, she started holding eye contact with me. I swear these were the textbook example of the “fuck me” eyes. I got flustered, I couldn’t hold it very long. Which only made her braver. Next thing I know she’s scooching closer and closer to me, until she was literally laying on my shoulders. My drunken self completely lacked any control over my body. My heart started racing and pumped blood right into my cock. I got harder and faster than ever before without even realizing. I was preoccupied with her on my shoulders. That was too much input for me already in my state. I only did realize when she pointed it out.

– Is there something in your pocket or are you just excited to touch me?

I quickly tried to cover up. Without much success. At that point it was futile. She already saw what there was to see. And figured out why it happened to. She didn’t have to be a genius to connect the dots.

– Since you love these sneakers so much…

Without waiting for a response or even asking the whole question. She unbuttons my jeans and starts pulling it down. I didn’t resist. I should have, but at that point, it just wasn’t in me. Taylor pulled my pants down, now only my thin underwear concealing my erection. When she reached up to take that off as well and she brushed my cock with her soft hands, I almost immediately came. It was electric that feeling. The guilt, lust and forbidden passion all contributed to the absolute extasy of that one light touch. When she pulled it off and my fully hard cock popped out Taylor didn’t say anything. She just gave me a little smirk. Laid back onto her elbows and raised her feet. And grabbed my cock with the soles of those lovely high-top clean white Converses. She put some pressure on it and slowly started stroking it. The slightly sharp edges of the shoes and the coldness of them put just enough “pain” onto me that it led to pleasure I didn’t think was possible. I was shaking as she kept stroking me, just the sight of her legs in her shoes would have been usually enough for me to bust, but now, that she was actually here, in front of me, I gathered all my willpower to prevent myself from cumming. And for a while I was successful. Then she tried to change that.

– I can’t feel you like this…

She drifted of while removing her feet from my cock and bringing her legs close to her body. She slowly loosened the lace of the shoes and slipped out of them elegantly. She took off her socks with the movement revealing her petite and perfectly smooth feet. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. I didn’t even try. But it would have been futile anyway. As she extended her legs again and reached for my dick with her feet, I felt as it time itself slowed down 100 fold. I could see every glare of the fluorescent light of the room as it shined on her smooth skin. I had time to take in every perfectly trimmed nail on her toes. I could glamour in the beauty and perfection of the soles of her feet as it went along its trajectory towards my ever so hard cock.

As I felt her soft touch on myself, pleasure overwhelmed all my senses and I almost passed out. Instead, I ended up cumming after one stroke with her bare feet. I shot ropes of cum onto her feet and calves. She was surprised at first with an expressionless face, that quickly changed to a sly smile though. She scooped up some of my cum with her fingers and before she swallowed it

– I’ll take this as a compliment.

She winked as she tasted it, then stood up and put her Converse back on. She bent over and kissed my forehead. Then left. I was still sitting on the floor trying to put together what just happened. When I recovered, I pulled my pants back up just as a colleague walked past the now open door. He saw me on the ground and thinking I was passed out drunk he came up to me, trying to help.

The summer ended. The regular interns went back to school. And since I had no major project Taylor was re-assigned to another engineer. We didn’t see each other nearly as much now. I heard her new partner made some inappropriate moves on her which she didn’t appreciate. Whenever we did meet though, I could tell her mood improved. She was always smiling when I was around. Which wouldn’t be much, but compared to the constant, almost depressed way she acted according to others, I took it to mean that she actually liked my company. At least somewhat. A month or two passed this way, only short conversations next to the coffee pot or just passing greetings while passing each other in the hallway. Then one day. My life changed.

Taylor and I went to the coffee pot at the same time. This gave us more time to talk than usual. After some small talk when I was ready to get back to my desk and then she said.

– Can I ask for your help with something?

– Sure. Just say the word.

– I bought a new sofa, and it arrived yesterday. Now the guys were kind enough to bring it up into my apartment, but I still don’t know how to assemble one. I would usually ask my brother for help, but he is on honeymoon for the next 2 weeks. Could you help me with it?

– Umm… Sure. But I have to stay in quite late tonight.

– That’s no problem. Here, this is my address. Give me a ring when you leave and come when you can.

– Sure sure. I’ll do that.

– Thank you so much. See you later then.

She handed me a piece of paper with her address written on it in small but aesthetically pleasing letters. The i-s even had small little hearts instead of the dots.

For the rest of the day, I couldn’t focus on my work. My mind was preoccupied with the meeting arranged with Taylor. Did she really just want my help assembling and rearranging furniture or did she have something else in mind too? My mind was racing all day. When I finally finished at around 10PM I give Taylor the call she asked for and I make my way to her apartment. She lived only like 15 minutes away by car, but I must have gotten there in 5. I couldn’t wait. I just had to know what was waiting for me there. I eagerly climbed the stairs leading to her flat. With each step another thought crossed my mind. “She will want to fuck me.” “She just wants your help you perv.” “You have a girlfriend you bastard!” “I hope she will give me a foot job again” “I bet she doesn’t even have a new sofa.” I arrived at her door with all these thoughts circling my head. Not being able to decide whether I should be horny or professional. I knocked on the door. Silence. I hear some shuffling around inside the apartment. The door unlocks. She opens it and greets me at the door.

I look up. I look down. Taking her in as she stands in the doorway completely and absolutely naked, like Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street. And then I notice. She isn’t fully nude after all. As I look down, I notice her feet covered by the very same high-top white Converse sneakers she had on last time too.

– Come inside!

I can’t help but stay silent in my amazement as I step inside, barely passing her. I turn around as she closes the door behind me and now, we are facing each other. Looking into each other’s eyes. Taking each other in. She takes a step forward, towards me.

– I like your shoes.

She laughs genuinely while taking another step forward.

– Thank you. I thought you might like them.

She takes another step, closing the distance between us completely, pressing her body up against mine. She gazed up into my eyes, filled with desire. No man could resist such temptation. Or at least I certainly can’t. I lower my head and place a soft kiss on her lips. She kisses back and runs her fingers up my arm. The gentle touch of her fingers sends shivers down my spine. I shudder in anticipation, which she takes advantage of and pulls my shirt over my head. I can feel the warmth of her body now and I want it. I need it. I quickly slip out of my shoes and with her help take off my pants too. We are now standing there. No clothes to cover us up but Taylor’s shoes. We just stand there for a second as the tension between us disappears completely. I lower my head once more, now kissing her neck gently. I go lower and kiss one of her nipples. I go lower placing a kiss on her bellybutton. I go even lower, now gently stroking her shapely legs and placing a kiss just above her perfectly shaved pussy. I stand back up, look into her eyes, and pick her up. I carry her over to her bed, which was not hard to find in her studio apartment. I gently place her on her back and take her legs into my hands. Taylor has the most attractive legs I’ve ever seen. And with her feet covered with shoes, THE shoes. I start kissing her leg from knee to ankle, right up to the pair of Converse. I look back at her face, she has a wide grin on her face, she looks proud. I push her legs onto her body and with one hand I guide my cock inside her. She was already soaking wet. I slipped inside her without resistance and yet she grabbed me. Grabbed me tight. It felt wonderful. Absolutely incredible.

– Oh fuck! You feel so good! Faster please!

I grab her legs now with 2 hands and start pounding her. A little faster with each stroke. Our bodies slammed into each other with every movement. And I couldn’t take my eyes off her shoes. She must have noticed it at some point. It would have been impossible not to. I was staring at them constantly. She didn’t say anything though. She must have embraced my love for them by now. After a few more strokes, she gently pushes me away by extending her legs. She first sits than stand up from the bed and now with a firmer shove she pushes me onto the bed.

She climbs on top of me. During this most people would likely focus on her breasts as they dangle over my body. Or on her pussy as she gently glides herself down onto it and starts riding. But not me. I focused simply on how the shoes brushed my body with every movement. As she was bouncing on me, she laid back, balancing herself on her hands and on her feet that were just next to my shoulders. So close. Maybe thanks to those shoes distracting from the immense pleasure I was feeling or maybe because of my sheer attraction to this woman, this absolutely adorable girl, this Taylor, but I lasted much, much longer than I usually do. At one point I felt the walls of her pussy tightening around my cock while she was still relentlessly riding and after a few more bounces she stops and flops on her back. Her moans even disappeared. Then her legs and whole body started quivering which, with my dick still wholly inside her almost made me cum. At this point she inhaled heavily and started screaming. Screaming in pleasure as she came. Making a woman cum isn’t something that just happens with me. With my girlfriend it usually requires immense concentration and a variety of positions/techniques. But with a girl like Taylor, it was somehow effortless. Granted I almost came myself in the process, but that doesn’t matter as much.

– Oh shit, that was amazing! – she said while completely out of breath and between light moans

– Let me just return the…

She drifted off and left me confused about her intentions. She laid down next to me in bed. Snuggled up to me and kissed me gently. Then with her shoes squeezed my dick and started stoking it. Possibly because now, I was paying 100% of my attention to it, it now felt much better than everything leading up to it. She squeezed it tight and stroked it faster and faster until I felt that I was nearing the edge.

– I’m gonna cum Taylor! I’m close…

As I looked at her after finishing the sentence, I noticed her smiling naughtily and she didn’t slow down. Not at all. She just kept stroking my cock until it exploded with cum, covering her white high-top Converse shoes almost completely. I let out a long breath after coming.

– Sorry for ruining your shoes.

– What are you talking about?

She took the shoes off and licked all the cum off of them.

– They are clean…

– What about in the fabric?

– Eh… It’s uniquely ours now.

She said ours. Did she mean that because we “made” it together or because she wants something more from me? Stupid stuff like this was running through my mind while snuggling with her in bed while I was recharging. I spent the whole night with Taylor. Fucking on and off all night until we had to go to work the next day. It’s been only a couple days since this happened. And while I still absolutely love my girlfriend. I am looking forward to spending the night with Taylor again much more than my girlfriend. Taylor changed the course of my life and thinking completely with just 2 nights. I don’t know what will happen next between Taylor and me. But I can’t wait to find out.
Thank you so much for reading. This was Day 2 of my 7 day smut writing challenge. I still have a few days open, so if you want your story told please DM me.
