[MFFF] my wife and our wedding. (Mother and daughter. Mother-in-law. Wife)(part 3)

I start to dust off her shoulders and arms. I move around to her back i start at the shoulders and carefully wipe down the back. I kneel and I skip her butt and move to her legs. I start to stand and her hand reach to her butt and she says “my butt is still Sandy, I won’t be able to sit down.” I take a slow breath. I feel anxious but also turned on. I slowly dust her butt off. As soon as my hand touches her butt though, she gives me a subtle, almost inaudible over the ocean waves, moan. I take that as a positive. I don’t want to over step. But we’ve been flirting the whole night and the last few days. I just. She’s. You know. My Mother-in-law. I slow my hands and slowly dust the rest of her but. Taking my time and moving carefully and slowly. More caressing than wiping. She moans again. after the third moan, I slowly grab a full handful of her and lean in and rub my face against her ass. She leans into it and moans louder with a little bit of a painful “ugh” at the end as I grip her ass tight. My dick is rock hard. I can’t believe we are even going this far. I stand up behind her. As I do she pushes her ass into me not allowing me to escape before her ass cheeks almost hug my rigid cock. I notice some more sand on her shoulders and I go to dust it off as I do she leans her head back to me and I get a clear shot down her shirt. Her cleavage is deep and there is sand everywhere. I move my hands from her shoulder dusting the sand off as I move lower down her chest. I can feel her smile and giggle and her breathing begins to change. It’s get deeper. More rugged. I slowly wipe sand off the top of he round tits. Both hands now reaching around her as I work every little grain I can see away from her. Her ass is now slowly humping my dick. It’s hard to keep my balance with her damn near grinding on me. Her head on my shoulder my mouth is right next to her ear and I can feel and see her chest rising and dropping with each ragged breath. I lower my hand deep into her cleavage and slowly clear all the sand out while making sure to feel every inch of her flesh I can pushing unseeing her shirt and bra. I dust off her shirt over her nipples and I can feel them poking out just slightly as I do her breath catches and then she moans deep and low. I slowly adjust to cup each tit from underneath and i slowly massage her boobs. As I find and pinch each nipple I feel her ass cheeks tighten around my cock and I whisper in her ear “you’re all cleaned up, want to go inside with me?” She moans out a murmuring “yes.”

I let her nipples free and move my hand to her hips and slowly push her off of me and towards the unlocked door. She walks forward and opens the door. Stepping into the main room I linger for just a second to adjust my dick in my jeans. I see her walk in through the he wall of windows on the front of the house that look out on the hot tub, beach, and ocean. She almost immediately falls comfortably into the large sectional couch. I take in the scene and breathe deeply as I enter and close the door behind me.

I look over at her and her hand is gently rubbing her pussy over her leggings. I pause and watch. She and I make eye contact. I feel her drawing me in. I want to immediately rip her clothes off and make her cum in 16 different ways. But I instead notice her scrapped up thigh just above her knee. I tell her I’m going to find a first aid kit. She moans a sad moan. But she doesn’t stop touch herself. I walk behind the couch toward the kitchen and bathroom. I dig and dig. But I can’t find anything over than bandaids. So I make up a warm wash cloth with soap. And I bring it to her and tell her we should clean the wound before bandaging. Motioning with bandaids and washcloth. She nods. Though she is too dedicated to pleasuring herself to say or do much.

I start by wiping what I can off the pants and get what I can off the wound. When I realize the only way to get to it is to pull her pants off. I look up at her. One hand rubbing her pussy and the other grabbing her tit. I watch for long enough for her to give me a hopeful look. I tell her we need to clean the wound. But with her pants on it’s impossible to get to. She simply says. “Then take them off.” And she moves her hand from her pussy and slips it under her leggings and continues to rub. Little whimper moans are spilling out of her uncontrollably.

I start by sliding her boots off. She moans softly as each foot is release. I pull off each sock and place everything neatly to the side. I then turn to her. Take a deep breath and lean in, guiding my hands up her legs and hips. I’m now kneel in-between her legs as I pull her leggings down to her knees, twist and hook my thumbs and slide them down and off from a round her feet. She trembled and whimpers as the slide off of her. I’m not staring at her dark olive green pantie. They look perfect against her pale skin and match her green eyes as-well as her bra. It’s painfully clear that there is a wet spot on her panties. And it’s appears to be growing as she continues to rub herself. I look up at her eyes and they are fixed on me. I smile at her and she bites her lower lip and start to rub her pussy harder. I look at her leg and remember what I’m doing and I wipe her wound off as I do I explain that I couldn’t find a proper kit and I’m just rinsing it out. She says nothing. I clean her up and I go to bandage it and she pulls away. I give her a questioning look as I say “we got to get you bandages up so we can get you home.” She says you got me naked. We might as well take a dip in the hot tub to wrap up the night.

I begin to resist as I feel her other leg move around me and pull me towards her. It happened quickly enough to throw me off balance and I fall toward her and catch myself with my arms on the couch in either side of her. My face now inches from her wet pussy and her hand rubbing it. I look up at her and she take her hand for her panties covered in her scent and puts in on my face. I pause and breathe her in deeply. She smells so much like her daughter. My soon-to-be wife. I can’t help but wonder if she tastes the same. With her hand on my face she begs, “please! I was gonna hot tub at my house but I don’t think it’ll be safe all alone since I can’t even walk.” As she gestures at her leg.

…look for part 4

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zl6uyy/mfff_my_wife_and_our_wedding_mother_and_daughter