Got You On Speed Dial, Babe (F/F, phone sex, dirty talk)

Being away from home isn’t great, Dayna decides. Being away from her dog, her bed, her girlfriend, plus being stuck in a plain, blue and beige-coloured hotel room, it’s all rather blah.

Atticus probably misses her, and she knows Michelle is missing her. She knows this because Michelle texted her all through her set up this afternoon and then through the excruciating business dinner with her boss and her boss’s boss.

`Michelle @ 9:21PM: Babe, you need to come home. Now.`

`You @ 9:22PM: Michy, you know I can’t. Two more days of tradeshow and tear down. Then I’m home.`

`Michelle @ 9:29PM: I did something bad. You’re going to be disappointed.`

`You @ 9:30PM: Are you okay? Is Atti okay?`

`Michelle @ 9:30PM: Yeeees everything’s fine. But I watched some porn and now I’m horny. And alone. So lonely… You see how this is a problem.`

`You @ 9:31PM: You scared the shit out of me.`

`Michelle @ 9:32PM: Sorry love. But seriously, I’m having a horny crisis.`

`You @ 9:32PM: I’m going to throw you in the garbage.`

`Michelle @ 9:32PM: Noooooooo! :(`

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