EST: The Case of the Moana Lisa Chapter: 7 part 2 of 2 (FF, MF, Anal, Rough/Forceful)

“Now who would name a place with only one letter” I asked Moana resting my arm between her legs and down on the stone table. “I mean cum on now a Y” the color in my cheeks return triple fast as I blushed. “I get it, the Y” making that same crazy sign with my hands as I rose to my feet. Licking my lips and still tasting Moana’s juices all over me. “I think first, we shall lick myself clean” taking the same little vixen in my arms as our mouths both closed together. Till we could both taste ourselves on each other’s lips. The best part about being Bff’s is we share everything. And by everything I just had to ask. “What is the deal with David? Are you guys serious or…” leaving the end trailing off.

“Why? You got the hot’s for him?” Butt the slight blush coloring Mila’s cheeks answered my question before she could. “Oh, you do!” Showing mock surprise on my face, there was just something about that man that turns me on.

“I can see that I am not the only one to” moving fast because if there is one thing I know it is how fast Moana can change the subject. The echo of skin hitting skin. Wet skin, as in Moana’s wet pussy with my hand. “Oh my” feign on my own blush. “I can see” looking down at my hand. “That I am not the only one who is just a little turned on by David von Horn” pulling Moana in for a hot lesbian kiss. Licking her jowls with my tongue before, before…

Hugging, kissing, petting is doing its job. Getting me super turned on for this hottie who has taken me in her arms. Using my hand, my upper hand to run my fingers through Mila’s hair as my lower hand drifted down from the small of her back too that wanton butt of hers!

I hate this feeling. You know the part where you, meaning me, lose control. Panting over the way Moana used her ways with my tongue. The way she buried her own into my mouth pressing my head to hers. The way her hand seized my ass! Not even bothering with my butt cheeks butt going directly for teasing my asshole!
Shaking my head “yes” over the feel of that finger that continued to massage, to placate my butthole with such precision! That I… “Mmm Mmmm” in Moana’s mouth. Now my cheeks definitely were red. Not only embarrassed by the way my clit felt about this detective butt the way I wanted Moana Lisa to fuck me so hard that all I had to do is just think about her to get my juices flowing again.

I know how badly Mila wanted me to press my finger into her soul. To feel her orgasm as my husband tongue would rule over her body. Yes, I knew and yes, I came so close to granting that request butt. The grumble of my stomach and hers. As they communicated with each other. I had to finally back down. “The “Y” it is.” Breaking apart our lovers embrace.

“Wait?” Stumbled out of my mouth. “No arguments, no, no.. no nothing about where to go from you?” Usually we go wherever she wants because she usually pays. This is definitely not the Moana Lisa I knew.

Getting a seat at the “Y”. Yes, exactly how it is spelled with the quotes and everything. Did not take that long and from the way I saw the patrons leaving. Especially the women, all wet and practically dragging their boy toys from the checkout line I knew that this place was definitely on the know.
Following the lady from the front. Bending and turning as we made our way through the maze of booths. Almost running right into her while Moana was whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Shooting back a glance as I spun around and took a seat. “You, Miss Trouble, are going to be the death of me yet” I said sitting across the table from her. By the time our waitress had arrived or the waitress that Moana Lisa shanghaied into a private conversation it did not take long before our meal appeared. Looking down at my plate. Seeing a large sausage and two larger cabbage wrapped meatballs positioned just right with mash potatoes and gravy spurting from the head of the sausage with bean sprouts that fleeced the meatballs made me think of Chris and his enormous manhood. Looking at Moana for a second. “See now everything is perfectly fine except for the fact that Chris is hairless down there” as I bit down on the bean sprouts. After a good laugh we both dug in. Cleaning our plates in record time.

Talking business was the next thing on our list. Cause as sure as Mila might be she is also a fence, the one person who has been with me ever since that dreadful boarding school and has made connections into shall we say the not legal kind. “You will find this funny Mila. I have heard that the location of The Orgasm is in W’s possession. So I want to know is, what would that art piece bring, say to a collector?” Are you getting confused yet? With all these initials “Y”, W and who knows what is NeX (a drug that is still sweeping the streets. Taking the place of ecstasy and even cocaine for its sexual high).

“Well on the market this would go for a cool million possible one point five if the buyer wants it bad enough.” Guess you know my other job now and the reason why I always have the most impeccable clothing. Yes, this brought me more up to speed than a detective snooping around the museum did. “So who is this W that you speak of” peeking my curiosity?

“Ah, the desert approaches” winking at Mila as I snatched our waitress. The feel of the uniform did not bother me, not one bit. Butt the way I held her, the way she squirmed. The steamy way I nuzzled her neck. The way I held onto her perfect oranges, squeezing just right that a scream was caught in her throat. The way my tongue roamed over her ear. Starting with the outside edge. Slowly, allowing the heat from my breath to entice her to relax.
“Hello Gina” purring into her ear. “Did I” reaching down, hooking onto her apron. Slowly retracting my hand. Raising her apron at the same speed. “We need” biting her upper ear, “dessert…” Letting the sound wash over her ear like a gentle wave.
By the time my hand had reached the crotch of her pants. By the time my hand reached her crotch. “Mmm, you sure are wet” squeezing her orange sized tit a second time. Feeling the liquid spill out of her cunt like a fresh squeezed orange. “How about you being our dessert” this time I let my passion take me to the next level.
Feeling Gina nod her head in acceptance. As her leg muscles loosened, my finger slid along her wet folds taking her to another place. This was just the beginning, the beginning of a passionate spread of her pussy lips.
“Good girl” came trickling from my lips as Mila’s mouth went down on that wet cunt. Gina’s muscles tightened up as her breathing became ragged. The quick switch from her ear to Gina’s mouth. When I squeezed her breast for the third time!

All of this attention and my only response was a moan. A deep guttural moan. One that vibrated my chest. One that got my nipples so fucking hard especially the one in between Moana Lisa’s hand! Right in the middle, I mean right when my chest was tightened. When I could not retract my lungs any more Moana Lisa pinched my nipple!

The shutter of Gina’s body . The way she was propped up with her upper half leaning against Moana Lisa and her lower half on the table top with me in between her legs, in between those juice lips of hers. Those swollen, plump pussy lips that showcased her crown jewel. The same crown jewel that my tongue was wrapped around! Jerking her off, getting my just dessert and feeling her feet on my shoulders! “Squeal for me” vibrated from Gina’s crotch. Pushing her legs up, bending them at the knees and exposing her kitty to more of my lapping! Holding my tongue in that tight little cunt just would not do any more. My hot breath washing over her wet crack. Teasing her womanhood to the point of… Wrapping my tongue around Gina’s clit. Taking her from the twitching cunt to the full on orgasm with just one lick!

“You are such a good girl” giving Gina the praise that she deserved while my other hand snaked around her body. “And now, I think, you should cum for me. Yes, so fucking hard that you…” Seeing those deep brown eyes close. Watching her body tremble as every second that Mila is licking her thick lips. Watching as Gina seized up as both my hands claimed around her tits! Accepting her kiss as she mauled my lips like a whore in heat. Her tongue flailing in and out of my mouth with a passion that I could not let go! The pinch to both of Gina’s nipples, the way I raised my fingers, stretching her tits. As the tremors turned into full a blown orgasm complete with squirting. My tongue plunged into her mouth. With the swirl of our tongues, the way she submitted to mine as an even stronger spasm wracked her body.

“Holy crap! These girls know how to play me right down to” ran through my mind. With my body still trembling this last O had me breathless butt at the same time I had to show my thanks to Mila. For not only getting me off , for eat me out at just the right moment. Also for drinking my cum that I am ashamed to say jetted out of my body, no doubt with Moana Lisa’s help.
Moana Lisa, that name stuck in my head. “Do I really want to? I mean right now Mila has paid for both of their meals, drinks and whatever they want.” As I noticed my position. On my knees on the table with my head giving my weak smile to this pussy muncher. “Do I… Yesss!” The feel of Moana Lisa pull me back into my own world! With cum puddles and orgasms abound and it all started with a… “Oh my fuck! Ooo Ooooh” before the next heartbeat could pass my lips where intertwined with Mila’s! With all my prayers, the way Moana Lisa was splitting me in half! My tongue subjugated to Mila’s! My body fucking shook as Mila’s whole hearted attempt to whoo my lips was in not compared to the way Moana Lisa had consumed me! Pressing harder on Mila’s lips, wanting her tongue to reach deeper into my mouth, to make me gag on it so I could not…
Breaking the kiss! Doing it in a rush as my next O was so rapidly approaching! “Moana, Moana Lisa why Oh Ooh fuckkk Mmm! I’m OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo!” This unbridled orgasm had cum on so fast that my entire world collapsed within seconds. The feeling of someone running her tongue on the outside of my asshole. Licking away all my desires while my deepest, darkest urge to ram Moana Lisa face right into my crack had dominated my mind.
Slowly opening my eyes to see the blonde locks of Mila the feel of that elegant curve that begins her neck. The sight of a hickey that I have marked one of the patrons with. As my cheeks reddened I just could not resist! “Yes! Tongue fuck my ass. Make me your dirty little whore! Oh Ooooh fuck yesssssssss” still with my head buried in Mila’s locks, my blushing, my shame of offering my booty to Moana Lisa and no one else was being colored by my next O! My next fucking anal orgasm! And Mila’s ear was right…
Moaning in a soft whining way while I sucked on Mila’s ear. Or rather her earlobe. My teeth clench around it with everything else happening with my body. With each plunge that Moana Lisa took the more I wanted to be on Moana Lisa. I wanted to drag my pussy from one lip to the other and never quit! Butt my butt had a few other ideas. The kind that if it asked me then the whole thing about sudden O’s would be a thing of the past. And damn, did Moana Lisa ever give good orgasms. The kind that start off as the raging full blown O’s. The kind that never ever quit, Ooh! My body moaned. The feeling of me cuming happened so quickly after I was already cuming so fucking hard!
“Ooo OooOoooOoooo Ooo” I moaned with my lips around… Oh my goodness, with my lips around Mila’s neck!

“Wow, Gina tagged you good” I said to Mila as we went back to my place. “In two places even” I sure hope my wicked grin is placed with the right partner in this case. “Oh do not worry babe just tell Chris that you spent the day with me” swatting Mila’s butt, “and we made out all day. Thinking of his big hard cock that I teased with my booty till he just had to have me.” Grinning even further as we entered the opium den.

“You do know that maybe you should bring David along to lunch or something so he can figure out how close to the city proper you actually are” I said to Moana at the feel of my ass in her hand.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will one of these days. Perhaps once I am through with y..” as I attacked the other side of her neck. The same zone that rested on the graceful curve that announced her temporarily marked neck.

Watching my bestie leave had me so horny. Yes, we fucked around. Butt never fully made out not like we did before lunch. “Bye Mila” I sighed with my hand inching closer to my own happy place.
Hearing the door close left me alone in this candle light opium den. “Me alone” as my nails marred my thigh. “What is everybody thin.. thinking” shuttering as my hand threatened to smack my pussy as a whole. “No one can leave” my shutter that had started made me jerk up as my hand connected with my folds.
Shaking my head yes. Swallowing my orgasm as my mind started to remember what the class mother had taught me so long ago. “Never ever” feeling two fingers as they plunged in!
With my mind reeling the first words out of my mouth were a moan. “Ooh yesss Ooooh” quickly, I wanted more. I needed more! More of that tingling feeling that I always got. Then as my body warmed up to that my limbs started to shake! “Ooo Oh Ooooh” squeaked from my vocal cords for the next thing I felt had me taken back. Back to all the trouble my young teen body caused!

“Yes, yes mother” even as her mouth rimmed my asshole. Fitting four fingers in my tight little hole. Driving one orgasm out of me then bringing me right to the edge! My mouth hung open. I wanted to moan in protest butt, butt.. butt! “Oh please, can I? Can I cum…” butt her fingers, her tongue would not answer me.
Instead I felt the drip of her spit as it dropped down. Along with every lick of spit that had flooded my young bald pussy. “Pleas…” was quickly replaced by one huge O! As my hips pounded the wooden desk. As madem Madeline tongue penetrated my asshole. I, I fucked the wooden desk like it was my lover.
You see there was no questions of why. Ever since I had allowed my mind to wonder. It had found something to lock onto, Madem Madeline’s thoughts. Now call me navie butt at this young age I thought that everybody could delve into everybody else’s mind. So when she called me out of the dorm. When I had to walk the long hallway that my class called the walk of shame. Entering, not the dean’s office butt her private bed chamber. As I stepped forward into the center of the room with my straw blonde mop sitting on top of my slender frame. My chest heaved in and out with my double D fun bags. I waited for her next command.
Taking me by surprise. Her gentle lips caressed the side of my neck causing my chest to expand! Tugging at my buttons as her hand cupped my breasts. Looking down at the class mother for this dorm. An older lady, maybe in her early thirds did more than touch my breast. She was turning me on. And there was no way to tell her without getting into trouble.
My lip trembled with envy and wonder. The feel of air rushed over my body as the soft sound of my skirt hit the floor. Something brought my attention back to her mouth, my neck! I could feel the soft way her tongue licked my neck. The soft yet playful way that it rose from the natural curve of my neck to further up! My pussy throbbed…
The breeze, that simple way a blouse button cums undone and the fabric sends out that slight air current. My heart stopped. It was either cream in my panties or run back to my bed and rip them off as my hand would want to get me humping the air.

“You are so” I stopped choosing my next words carefully. “Moana, Moana Lisa” I started again. “You are so beautiful” planting one kiss just below that perfect ear. “That I could not help myself with your eyes watching me. Stripping me down to nothing…”

See, just like I said everybody has this power to read other people’s minds. Because she had me pinned perfectly with…

After my fingers unclasp the next button Moana’s chest spilled out. “And now you can see my body without the dress code of this school” just before I stepped around this teenager her bra fell to the floor. As I stood there, the only thing on me was a dark garter belt that stretched down into black stockings. My well trimmed narrow bush bristled from my bold move.

“Was this exquisite creature our class mother?” I asked myself. Fain as I fell back. Looking at this stunning beauty that stood in front of me without her head to toe dress that the school demanded for all the class mothers. That delicate body that sported a miss shapen pair of tits, for the left one just a sight bigger than the right. “I..” the look of “take me” was in my eyes. Butt my panties were already soaked and my hand… Where was it going?
As I gasped, reaching forward to grab something that I had always wanted ever since I laid eyes upon it. The subtle rotation of my fingers. The way my eyes rolled in the back of my head as my hand grasped Madame Madeline’s tit. My finger sped up as my cunt leaked on my white cum soaked panties. My mouth opened and… I sucked on Madame Madeline’s left tit… This was not planned, nor rehearsed butt as my lips enveloped her soft flesh. As my tongue lashed out to tag her hardening nipple. I could feel an orgasm cum over her like I have never imagined.
I sucked harder! My tongue winding itself around Madeline’s nipple! I pulled it back and she moaned. Not one of these subtle little I will moan because you did good moans, no! Butt a full taking my head in her arms and pressing my mouth even harder against her left tit combined with…

“Yes, Moana… Yesss, suck Mmm titty Moana.. Moana Lisa! Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Pressing this young ladies mouth over my nipple. Pulling her in and begging for her to suck it deeper, harder because I am about to…
Pushing her back till her body and my wooden desk met. Spinning her around and slamming the teens pretty little face on its wooden surface. “My first rule is” as my leather switch clapped her bottom. “What have you done” I growled ripping down her soaked panties. Exposing her finger on her clit! “Count or else you will have a hard time sitting down tomorrow in class” as my leather switch drew back.

“One, may I please have another” the shock of the pleasure I felt. Washed through me like an orgasm that I have been denying. “Two, may, may I have another” knowing that with each spank my tail was getting redder and redder and… “Thre.. may I, Mmm I please cum?” There it was me begging to cum, me! Feeling the switch lift one more time. My legs stiffened, my stomach tightened and when the switch fell so did my ambitions!
Unable to keep it in. My cunt leaked down my legs as my fingers spread my little hole wide. Barely able to breath butt the next strike that landed on my genitals had me reeling. The softness of her lips, the tender way her mouth covered my fucking hole! Not even a pitter patter of my heart echoed in my chest when Madeline’s sharp tongue lashed deep inside my pussy walls! “May I” there was no room for the rest! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm!” My own breasts, my double D’s raked against the rough wooden top of her desk!
What felt like forever. The space between my rapid heartbeat stretched on and on as I could feel each and every drop of cum draining down both of my legs. Butt this was not her target. “Oh Ohh” I whimpered as her tongue drug itself along the backside of my cunt. If this had been done right at the beginning then I would not be squirming butt due to the fact that Madeline had me right in the middle of an orgasm! My hips ground down on her desk. Trying to catch my breath I managed to get out, “Where are you going” just not all at once.

The taste of young sweet pussy had brought back the days of my own schooling. To the days of lusting for a classmate of mine and spending more time in the bathroom then in bed right beside her. The feel of my own pussy as my trailing fingers wrapped against my A-hole. Moana’s own delicate butthole was just a little bit… By the time I wondered how it would taste my tongue was already lapping it up. Rimming just the outer edge of that forbidden hole! As my A-hole gapped just from the thought of my tongue drilling into Moana’s butthole one orgasm slipped past my distracted body. Now when I say that one orgasm snuck past I mean me putting my tongue straight into this young ladies asshole and vibrating more than my own private vibrator. Burying my fingers into her pussy. Starting out with two of them butt as my orgasm climbed its way up my throat two became four! My mouth was clearly eating her tasty pucker while my own body was making a giant disaster.

“What in the hell is going on?!”

A dude stammered watching the both of us drilling each other like a couple of lesbians. I could not move without making my movements turn into more orgasms then I knew what to do with. My eyes went wide and I turned back to Madame Madeline for help. The stunned look on her face almost took the cake butt let us not forget that this gentleman was not some professor or the dean butt Madeline’s own fiancée and now he caught her with her face in my ass! Licking and torturing me as one orgasm took over the next. As my cunt leaked all the way down to the floor while she munched on my butt!

“You stay” I said to Moana Lisa. “You” directing her next set of statements to the man at the door. “See what you are missing? My tight fucking pussy that would have had you cuming in seconds” moving my hand from my cunt, my cunt that my fingers split. “But no you had to go everywhere butt” the slap on my ass gave a resounding clap. “Butt you had to go back to your office and let me guess your little secretary. Bye Colton, maybe you should marry that secretary of yours, cause from the shade of lipstick I find on your cock she takes excellent dicktation!” Slamming the door in his face brought back the freedom that I had been missing for all these years. Spinning on my heels. Eyeing that sweet, sweet woman I had on my desk. “And now you” my whispers held more than just my word they held a passion. A passion for getting my cunt licked from one Moana Lisa. Jerking back that perfect face from my desk. Holding her by her hair as I stared at those double D’s cuming off of the wooden surface. My hand spanked hard catching the nearest tit. The look of pleasure not only on Moana’s face butt in my pussy pushed me even further! The hot passion of a same sex kiss. As our tongue entangled, my eyes closed and I let this hottie take me to ecstasy. Breathing hard as my cum spider webbed from my hand. Just the thought of where Mila and I became the besties that we were. As that first encounter with another woman had done more to me than get me to stick my nose in the air when my eyes cross another woman. The way I need to cum. The way I need to… “Ahhh! Damn, I need to get licked and possibly pounded at the same time” drawing my hand near my mouth. Closing my fingers and watching my cum gel together once again. Observing myself from the floor to ceiling mirror that I had installed. Noticing that my hair was as black as midnight on a new moon. My facial features changed to that of a common street walker. I sucked in my cum from my fingers. My tongue drifting over and over the rises and valleys of my closed hand. Licking down every drop of my cum that had me so horny. “Tonight is the night” I sighed painting my face with mascara and eyeliner, adding blush and lipstick. The more I painted on my new face the more my hair changed from black to brunette to a rainbow of colors that slopped down the right side of my face and the left side was as smooth as my cunt was bald. Donning a leather biker’s jacket and a barely there mini miniskirt I headed for the door.

Chapter: 7 Dinner and Memories
