A loud beeping noise awakes me to another dreadful work morning. 9 am. I try to turn on my phone but it’s dead. No surprise I didn’t plug it in last night. I get dressed and drive to work. I make my way to the timeclock ignoring C angrily staring at me. “Where were you? Why haven’t you answered?” “Phone died” I say as I show him my black screen. Truthfully I just didn’t care to text him back. I don’t even care that he’s upset right now. “It’s not hard to let someone know you’re okay before-” he went on and on but I stopped listening. I turn a corner and bump into R. “Omg I’m so sorry” my face growing red as he assures me there’s nothing to worry about. “And the least you could have done was plug in your pho-” C yells as he turns the corner behind me. I yank my body around and yell “I need a break” before even realizing what I was saying. C doesn’t say anything and walls away with his head down. My mouth still wide open in astonishment at my words. “You might want to close that” I hear R muffle. I laugh it off and excuse myself. I head to the cooler, a normal stress relief spot quickly turned into a new crying foundation. It wasn’t a cry because of the situation, it was a bit of relief like maybe I can go back to breathing again. It’s probably for the best anyway. If he really loved me he would’ve said something instead of walking away. I felt bad because he was a nice guy. And he tries but he isn’t you. What the hell. I’m supposed to bed sad why am I thinking about R again. I hear a click and the door swing open. Fuck I don’t need some random coworker asking if I’m okay and all that bullshit they all do to get the most information out for show and tell to the whole store. I grab a water bottle and quickly make my way to the door. I run straight into R. “What are you doing here” “I came to check on you” his words leaving me breathless. I wanted to ask why but my throat became dry and my heart started to race. I kissed him instead of speaking, his big lips softer than his fingers. I pulled back, embarrassed I did that. He grab my face gently and pulled me back in. He kissed me, longer this time. He began to kiss my neck and a feeling I had forgotten existed arose. I wanted him badly.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zfu56u/i_bet_his_best_friend_tastes_better_than_him_part
Beautiful story. Is there a part 3 coming soon?