Trans girl gets “initiated” into college cheerleaders. [Trans] [femdom]

Alice was exploring her college campus looking at all the signs for clubs, groups and opportunities on opening week. This was her first time being on campus after coming out as trans her sophomore year. She saw pamphlets for the college football cheerleaders and excitedly took one. She always dreamed of being one but had to wait until she came out. Later that day she went to a open field for tryouts, the group of cheerleaders whispered among themselves and said they had a special initiation for her because they’ve never had a trans tryout. She was told to meet at the locker room later that day in full uniform for initiation. She worried that they just didn’t want her to join so they were going to give an impossible task or it may be a prank because she’s trans.

She put the uniform on before she left and looked in the mirror. She had medium blonde hair with bangs that went well with the gold on the uniform. It was tight and flattened what little chest she had. She was worried it made it harder for her to pass but it was quickly overtaken by the joy of being in the uniform. She normally didn’t tuck but thought she may be in some unusual positions so she wanted to be extra sure.

She nervously walked around the building looking for the locker room. She was worried the prank was just to get her randomly walking around as a cheerleader but no one was around to laugh at her. eventually she saw another girl in uniform waiting outside what could only be the locker room. She was the same height as Alice with black wavy hair in a pony tail.

“Hi! I was worried I was in the wrong building. What all do i need to do-” Alice asked before she was cut off.

“I’m just glad you showed up no need to worry.” The cheerleader said quickly opening the door behind her

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name?” Alice asked.

“Oh right, I’m Jess. I know you’re Alice.” She said directing her through the door. She flipped on the lights behind her and gently guided her forward before Alice could make any comment.

“Go sit at that bench.” Jess commanded pointing at a bench across the room. Alice did as asked and as she sat she noticed Jess was out of sight.

“Jess? where’d you go?” she said with her eyes darting around the room. The fear of this all being a mean prank came back into her mind. she thought about just walking away but she thought there’s nothing really bad that could happen, right?

“Alright then, you really want to be a cheerleader?.” Jess said appearing from around the corner. Alice noticed a intense look on her face and as she got closer she noticed her skirt bouncing on a large bulge. Alice took a second good look as Jess was then only ten feet away. There was no mistaking. She pulled her skirt back to reveal a long smooth dildo strapped on to a harness. Alice immediately turned redder than a tomato. She crossed her legs to help keep herself tucked as she was getting hard.

“um, wait, um!” Alice was at a loss for words, looking around for help.

“Well we have just as embarrassing initiations everyone. But for you I volunteered to do something special.” She said with a smile on her face.

“uh, you all do stuff like this? fine I can try i guess.” Alice tried hiding how thrilled she was. she was overflowing with excitement.

“Well then bend over!” she yelled encouragingly. Alice got up, turned around and slid down her skirt. she was shaking. she slid down her panties and drops of precum fell onto the bench below. Jess giggled.

“Okay. you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We were going to let you in no matter what. I just had to see that cute face blush.” Jess explained.

“What? but… um I was actually kinda happy about this. Never mind. Unless you actually want to?” Alice embarrassingly responded turning around. Her penis was exposed, fully hard and slightly leaking.

“Oh great! I was hoping I didn’t lube this up for nothing. Well bend back over then you’re hardly containing yourself.” Jess elegantly commanded wiping the precum off Alice’s dick with the tip of her finger. Alice was audibly excited and followed orders. Jess grabbed Alice’s hips and gently rested her strap on top of her ass. Alice had to cover her mouth to hide her moaning. Jess slowly inserted the dildo with one hand and gently caressed her dick with the other. Alice let out a high pitch gasp. She gripped onto the bench below. Jess slowly went in and out. Every time it went a little further in causing a louder moan.

Now she was going all the way in each time and Alice could hardly keep herself upright. The sound of their bodies rhythmically hitting filled the room. Jess wrapped both arms around her waist kept going. Alice tried speaking but could barely get a word out. Jess experimented in the moment with some light spanking and neck kissing, every new thing just drove Alice further into her own world. Jess pulled out for a second to add more lube. She paced back to her locker to grab it and when she returned Alice had her back against the lockers with her dick pointed out and was slowly regaining her thoughts.

“You need a sec?” Jess asked. Alice could only nod in agreement. Jess finally took off her shirt but left her skirt on.

“Alright, more.” Alice said looking up and down at Jess overtaken by how stunning she looked. Before she could turn back around Jess lifted one of her legs up and put the dildo in between her legs.

“Can you lift me!?” Alice asked in shock.

“Well I’m a cheerleader!” Jess said picking up her other leg and pressing her against the lockers. she slid the dildo back in and started to thrust. only four or five thrusts in Alice couldn’t take any more.

“Ah! I.. ahh! I’m gonna…” Jess silenced Alice with a kiss. Alice came with a stream of her cum runing all over Jess’s chest and stomach. She kept Alice pressed against the wall kissing her neck.

“Practice is at three starting Tuesday.” Jess said looking at Alice’s melted expression. She let her down where she wobbled a bit before gathering herself. Jess grabbed a towel to clean herself.

“Oh, and take another uniform to keep keep clean in case we do this again .” Jess said adamantly.

Alice giggled and cleaned herself. They peeked out the door to make sure no one was looking and left.

“Three sharp!” Jess yelled as they went separate ways.



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