Adventures of an Earnest Succubus Chapter 1 [Fiction/Fantasy][F/F/M][Poly][Con]

“And stay out!” Throgg said as he slammed the heavy oak door behind him, rattling the cobblestone frame of the door.

“They aren’t staying out.” Elanil slumped down the wall and rested her eyes to the melodious patter of arrows hitting the door. “This is their dungeon, we’re just on the retreat.”

Throgg pretended to ponder the thought for moment, biting the inside of his cheek as he threw down the door’s drawbar. “Impossible. A warrior of the Boar Clans of the Shuuja Hills would never retreat. This area became mine the moment I stepped foot in it, as does any battlefield. Running is something that your kind does.”

“My kind?” Elanil put her daggers away. “You should be happy I was trained better than to stab a human just for their complete ignorance, but you’ve continued to test my limit since the day we met. It was your idea to come running in here. How would it be us who were running away? Malvira, tell this idiot how much of a rambling fool he’s being.”

Malvira, as she always did, said nothing. When Throgg gave the call for them to retreat, she was the first to run away.

She had told them not to come and try and stop the cultist’ summoning plan, that any other adventurer could take it. But the coin was just too good for Throgg and Elanil, so here they were, moments away from being overrun by a necromancer’s battalion of skeletons.

It was obvious that Throgg was acting brave for them, but she had a working pair of glasses and only so much naivete. The new chest scar across running across his dark brown skin wasn’t anything to scoff at, even for the raging barbarian, and it was growing worse every second.

She could heal him herself if it came down to it. She never had to before, and for her sake, hoped she never would need to.

They only had enough money after paying for lodging for three potions of minor healing. It was nearly impossible to find an inn that would give them a fair price, not unless Malvira used the powers she knew she had within her, but she just couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.

Instead, they just settled for always being one step away from destitution, taking the highest paying jobs with the highest risk and reaping whatever rewards they could get.

She had used one potion on Elanil already when she pushed her out of the way of a pressure plate trap and ended up taking the arrow herself. The other had been ripped off of her by a cultist who snuck upon them and smashed it over her head. Throgg and Elanil had pummeled the man out cold before she even got her bearings.

To make sure she didn’t have a reason to worry, she patted the belt that held her baggy sorcerer robe on her, and felt it just above her backside. The glass vial of red liquid was there, everything would be alright, and she had nothing to worry about. Her mind at ease, she let out a sigh of relief.

“See! Nothing to say.” Throgg’s grin was cracked with a wince as he rubbed his bushy black beard. “My point proven again. Elves and Tieflings? Cowardly. Throgg? Grea—HEY HEY HEY!”

The frightened warrior threw his battleaxe to the ground, then ripped off his verdant leather and wolf fur cloak and observed the damage. More gashes than there holes, but there was one large tear right in the middle of it. His eyes bulged at the mark, then shot up to his two partners.

“Spider!” Throgg shouted, “A spider snuck onto my back! Get it off!”

“Oh, is the greatest afraid of a little spider? One month into our motley gang and I’m still learning new things everyday,” Elanil said dryly. “I’m sorry, but I just think the two of us are far too cowardly to help with anything that terrifying.”

Malvira stood and dusted her robe off. “Throgg, you have to stand still if you want us to help you with the spider. Slowly turn around, okay?”

Throgg stood completely in the nude minus his loin cloth, and nodded his head with as brave a face that he could muster.

With her history, there were certain things that Malvira had taught herself to shut off. She could observe them, but she would never act on them, never try and treat it as anything other than an astute observation. It wasn’t her first time seeing her partner this devoid of clothing, it was a daily battle to get him to wear anything at all, but this was the first time she fully took him in.

Throgg was a large fellow, both in his own head and in stature. His shoulders were just as wide as the door frame and he stood a whole head above it. He didn’t have muscular physique, but he was heavy, and judging by the way he swung beasts around by their ankles and tossed tables like wads of paper, she felt safe to assume their was muscle hidden somewhere underneath his burly proportions.

Malvira could sense herself being watched, and slowly turned her attention to Elanil, who was staring at her with a bemused expression on her face.

Elanil’s bright green eyes shone like emeralds, and although her forehead was coated with sweat and her auburn hair was matted to her face, she still somehow managed to look like the classical elvish picture of beauty that bards would never cease musing about, even despite her abnormal fashion sense. Lithe, athletic, graceful, these were qualities that were evident event if she carried herself like a criminal of the night, dressed in all black of a blouse, trouser, and leather gloves. Her gaze had been used many times before cutting a coin purse free or finding an easy mark, but now they were peering at Malvira with an all too knowing shimmer in her eyes.

But she couldn’t guess what Elanil was staring at, she was just an ordinary Tiefling. A woman with skin just a bit too red for most of society’s liking, horns like a ram’s that angered locals, and with a thin horned tail that got her driven out of many an inn. She was perfectly plain looking with short black hair, kind brown eyes, and thick round glasses that had been repaired many times over, but when you had the blood of demons cursing through your veins, that was reason enough to be run out of town. She even wore dark blue robes that were two sizes too big to try and hide her features, but fabric could only do so much.

At least in a dungeon with the rest of her party, nobody quite cared what she looked like. She was their friend, she had a job, and she intended to do it.

She quickly pushed all of the distractions out of her mind, and blinked at Elanil. Elanil blinked back, and just like that, the shimmer was gone. They could talk about it later, but Malvira was already drafting plans in her mind for how to avoid the subject at all costs.

The wordless conversation that took less than a second now over, The pair both turned their attention back to Throgg.

“Bah,” Elanil said as Throgg slowly turned, one little shuffle at a time. “You coddle the fool, let’s just …”

Malvira and Elanil were silent as they watched the skeleton’s hand climb up the back of Throgg’s broad shoulders, treading slowly on his skin with its bony fingers.

“Is it big?” Throgg asked.

Malvira cautiously stepped towards him. “Don’t move.”


“Psarg Gnickohs,” Malvira whispered, and her hand crackled as arcs of electricity danced across her fingertips. She could feel her fangs grow, then shrink back just as quickly as it began. She didn’t need to draw on that woman’s power for this, but damned if her power didn’t try to claw its way in at any opportunity.

“Oh,” Throgg said at the sound, his back still turned to them. “Well make it quick.”

All she needed was one quick smack at it, and the electricity would do the rest. She moved as stealthily as when she was a girl tip toeing through the bakery to steal treats and ignored Elanil’s snicker at her efforts. When she was just within range, she took in a breath, then lunged at Throggs back with her hands outstretched.

The skeleton’s hand was an inch too fast and flicked its wrist, flew off of Throgg’s body, and grabbed onto Malvira’s face she smacked her partner on the back with a handful of electrical currents.

Throgg considered himself above yelling, and instead opted for a grunt of pain as the electricity briefly surged through him.

Malvira stumbled backwards and screamed as she tried to pry the skeleton hand off of herself, but panic and fear did not make for dexterous hands. Instead of grabbing the hand she ended up swatting at the bony fingers as they knocked her glasses off of her face.

The hand was tight on her face first, and then started to crawl down her neck. She shrieked as the hand scurried down her neck and onto her collar, heading straight for the inside of her robe.

Before the hand could go further, she felt herself get lifted off the ground as Throgg grabbed her with one hand by her horn, and used his other hand to teach inside of her robe and grab the stray hand roaming on her collarbone.

The skeleton’s hand was yanked off of her and crushed into dust with one casual squeeze.

“You okay?” Throgg asked.

Malvira took a shallow breath as Throgg held her firmly in his grasp. Her cheeks burning to an even darker shade of red as her thoughts of a certain pair of hands holding her swam in her melting mind.

Elanil ran to Throgg and slapped him upside the back of his head so fast that he dropped Malvira in shock. “For the love of the Seldarine! Have you never heard that you don’t touch a Tiefling by their horns? What, were you raised in a barn?”

Throgg rubbed the back of his head and quickly turned on Elanil, leaving Malvira to collect herself. “What have I told you before? I was raised in a bayou, not a barn. They are not even…” His speech slowed as he ran his hand over his wound, gravely looked at the crimson on his hand, and sat down. “Remotely similar.”

Malvira’s heart sank as she felt something wet soaking through her robe. She bolted to her feet and saw the broken vial of their last healing potion on the floor.

“Shit,” Elanil said.

After looking at the spot on the floor for a long moment, Throgg closed his eyes, then put his cape back on, grabbed his axe, and stood up. “Well, that was my fault. Sorry. Let’s get this over with.”

In all their time together, Malvira had never heard Throgg speak with such a somber tone. Battle was where she knew him to be at his most bashful.

“Are you out of your pig headed mind? You can’t go out like that, you’ll die before you even reach the necromancer,” Elanil said.

Throgg put his hand on the barricade. “I don’t need to reach the necromancer, you two do. I’ll draw in the blows, you just get to them.”

Malvira ran her thumbs up and down the inside of her hands as she saw Throgg tense himself and Elanil pull her daggers back out. They were serious, they actually were going to go through with a plan almost promised to end in their deaths.

Malvira ran to the door and put her hands on Throgg’s hairy chest, trying to push him away from certain doom as he stood firm to march into it. “W-wait, guys, our odds are bad! We’re pinned into a dead end, there’s a half a dozen enemies on the other side prepared to attack. What do you think is going to happen?”

She felt his large hand brush the hair on her head and he looked down on her with a grin. She was barely up to chest level with him, and when he touched her like this, she felt even smaller. “I think glory is going to happen.”

“There’s no use trying to stop him,” Elanil said, “It’s better we just make the first shot it before he gets himself killed. How many spell do you have left in you?”

Malvira found herself curling her fingers on Throgg at the question. It was actually coming down to this.

“I … I’ve already used all of my damaging spells for the day,” Malvira said, barely above a whisper.

Elanil raised an eyebrow. “What? But you’ve only used three spells since we got in here. Did that blow to the head that bastard gave you earlier make some of the spells harder to cast for you?”

Malvira had to smile at the genuine concern in her ’s voice. “No, I don’t think that’s possible … But I do have healing spells.”

Throgg grabbed her hands into his, and although he looked happy, there was a perplexed look behind his eyes. “And you waited this long to tell me? I did not take you as one for the dramatic, but so be it. What do you need for these heals to happen? I will promise you a whole five percent of my cut from this mission. We are getting one hundred gold from this mission, yes? Elanil you requested forty, Malvira you’re getting forty as well, that means I am giving you a spare forty gold from my cut. That sounds fair to me.”

Malvira looked to Elanil, but she was already looking away. She knew she should’ve been there when they went to talk to the man from the guild.

The guilt must’ve overridden her quickly though, as Elanil turned back just as quickly as she turned away, now wagging an accusatory finger. “Hold on, that’s not the information you gave to the guildmaster when you submitted your paperwork. I requested for the two of you to join me because of your skills and those alone. You’re a Wild Magic Sorcerer, Throgg is an Ancestral Path Barbarian, and I’m a Swashbuckling Rogue. I did a lot of research on our team composition to make sure it suited my long-term plans. If you had the nerve to lie on that paper then so help me.”

No matter how many times she explained it, the pressure she felt in her chest never got any better. She wasn’t sure if she’d be safe, if her teammates would want her dead on the spot, or if they’d just throw her over to the enemies, but they were all about to die if she didn’t try something, she had to. “I’m a Divine Soul Sorcerer, my powers come from an ancestor with divine powers, not the chaos of nature. They could be an angel, a god –”

Elanil put her hand on the hilt of her dagger. “Malvira, which god are you descended from? Do you have a direct connection to these cultists? Because I’m not about to surrender to you and hope they spare me from being put on an altar.”

“No, I’m one of Diabolust.” Malvira hung her head in shame, ready to accept whatever punishment that came.

Her friends looked at each other, then back to her.

“Huh?” Throgg said, “Am I suppose to know about these minor Tiefling gods?”

“I’ve never heard of them either,” Elaninl said.

Malvira didn’t lift her head as she spoke, instead she struggled through her explanation as she held her hands tight together. “She wasn’t a god of Tieflings’, she was a god of succubi, her powers were so great that she seduced enough mortals to ascend to the power of divinity. Her power flows through me and grant me strength, but … her abilities seep out when I use my healing spells. As soon as I use them, whoever I try to help can fall under my succubus influence and I just – I just.”

She didn’t expect herself to be choking up as she spoke, to find herself more afraid of admitting her truth than of the skeletons trying to attack them.

Throgg let out a hearty laugh. “You were afraid of healing us, because you thought that me, Throgg the Great, would fall for your wily and seductive ways?” He kept tousling her hair playfully, teasing her as he continued. “I don’t fall for spells, I fall for nothing. So how about you just heal me and get on with it?”

Malvira gently grabbed Throgg’s hand from between her horns and took it off of her head, holding his hand as she looked into his eyes. “Throgg, this is really important to me. If you feel yourself being overcome, you can’t kiss me on the lips, alright? That locks you in as being my thrall, and I haven’t met anyone yet who has broken out of it.”

“Exactly how many people have you done this on?” Elanil asked.

The pings of arrows and rusted swords hitting on the door stopped for a moment, only to be replaced by the thuds of a battering ram hitting the door. Dust knocked from the ceiling began to shower down on them as the cobblestone walls shook with each bang of the walls.

“Well that settles it then,” Throgg said as he put his fists on his hips, “more healing and less squealing.”

Malvira sighed and prayed to whatever gods that would listen. Just this once, she needed to control her magic, or it would all be over. “I’m going to cast Healing Words on you, Throgg. Elanil, cover your ears, I don’t want to risk you getting affected as well. Throgg, lean down.”

Elaninl nodded her head and cupped her hands over her ear, while Throgg rolled his eyes and knelt down on one knee in front of Malvira.

“Does this do?” Throgg asked.

She leaned in close enough that her lips brushed against his ear. As she covered his ear and whispered,“Sdrows Gnilaeh,” she felt the effects of her own magic begin to work through her as well.

She felt herself growing warmer with each moment and her entire body felt like a tightened bundle of nerves, ready to be unraveled at the slightest touch.

The moment the words came out of her mouth, Thorgg dropped down to both of his knees, his hands opening and closing at his sides as he hungrily looked her up and down. For all his bravado, even he was no match for the power of her succubus abilities.

Watching the brute quivering to restrain himself in front of her, brought an involuntary smirk to her face as she pushed her thumb onto her fang. His steadily growing erection pushing past his loin cloth, his wide shoulders heaving as he breathed her in deeply. The brute was trying to temper himself but only succeeded in bringing himself to her feet as he ran his hands underneath her robe and gently brushed up and down on her calves.

“Throgg,” Malvira said as her hand found itself wandering inside of her robe and rubbing her now soaked undergarments. “What was it you said you would never fall for?”

The proud warrior was silent as his caresses got more firm. He pulled the belt loose that held Malvira’s robe up, threw it aside, then ripped open her robe and took in all of her. Whatever he had thought of her before was clouded now as he took in all of her; her short and lovely legs with the sparse strands of coal black hairs on them, that adorable pudgy stomach that showed her time spent learning spells instead of training in the wild, and those playful eyes behind her glasses that showed his bookish friend’s true nature. He had to have her, he had to take in every single bit of her that he could.

He kissed up and down her calves as he hooked his hands under the hem of her undergarments, grabbing her cheeks as he slowly and firmly rubbed his thumbs on her hairy muff.

Malvira let out a moan and knew that the chances of her keeping herself in control were slim. The effects of her magic were surging through both of them now, and they wanted to experience all of it.

She grabbed onto his thick woolly hair and Throgg scooped one arm behind her knees and the other behind her back as he leaned forward into her, taking them both onto the ground.

The barbarian kissed over every bit of her stomach and Malvira stretched her hands out above her, her mouth slack in the ecstasy of how good his thick warm lips felt running over her body.

With each kiss and suck on her nipples she let out a guttural moan of ecstasy. Gods, she had been holding it off for so long, traveling around the country, avoiding getting too involved or attached to anyone. It had been over a year since anyone had touched her like this, and now she couldn’t imagine going another day without it.

Throgg pulled Malvira’s undergarments down and she frantically kicked herself out of them. She didn’t care what he did anymore, but she knew she needed it.

“Fuck me,” Malvira panted out as she pulled the hulking brute by his hair, “fuck me however you want to.”

As soon as she said it, a sudden reminder came back to her mind. She had to make sure she didn’t kiss him, that was something she knew in her heart to be true, but it was so hard to resist taking those big beautiful lips.

With only one hope left, she looked back to Elanil. It seemed she had not been spared either.

Their leader had thrown her shirt aside and was feeling her breasts with one gloved hand and her pussy with the other, rubbing both in a rhythmic motion as she watched the pair lose themselves.

It seemed that for all she thought that she knew, Malvira still had much to learn about how her powers worked. She tried to think through the haze of ecstasy about why the spell was affecting Elanil if she hadn’t heard it and wasn’t targeted, but found her thoughts melting away as Throgg tightened his arm around her back and inserted himself into her.

As the barbarian held her like his own personal fuck toy, pumping her back and forth on his cock as he hungrily kissed at her collar and neck like a man starved, Malvira wrapped her legs around his waist.

She couldn’t take it anymore, just the sensation of everything alone was overwhelming, but with each thorough ramming that Throgg gave her, Malvira felt her eyes rolling further and further into the back of her head. Her back arched as Throgg kissed the bottom of her chin, and she screamed out in passion that reverberated in the room of the dungeon as she came.

Before her screams of pleasure could stop, before Throgg could kiss her on her lips, Malvira found herself silenced by Elanil’s firm cheeks sitting on her face.

“Settle down,” Elanil said as she grabbed Throgg by his chin and rubbed her hand down Malvira’s chest, “about time we finished this up.”

With no capacity left to process what was going on, Malvira grabbed onto her leader’s hips and kissed away on her trousers. Lost in the bliss, she sought only to satisfy herself and whoever else she could.

Elanil cupped the stunned barbarian’s chin in her hands and guided him just an inch away from her lips. “Haven’t you had enough, wild man? Or do you need a little bit more?”

His wounds were entirely healed, in fact, they looked almost radiant. But as he continued thrusting into Malvira, causing her to squirm underneath the both of them, the hunger did not leave his eyes.

“Very well then,” Elanil said with a mischevious smirk as she locked lips with Throgg. The barbarian was a better kisser than she expected, but she quickly asserted dominance over him, sliding her tongue into his mouth as she forcefully grabbed him by the back of his head.

While being completely overtaken by Elanil, Throgg found Malvira’s hands and held onto them tight before completing one final thrust into her. He moaned deeply into Elanil as he came, and as lust filled frenzy left him, he found himself both confused and comforted by Elanil slowly breaking off their kiss and letting his shuddering body rest on her bosom.

“There there, oaf.” Elanil teased as she stroked his back. “You’re going to be alright.”

With one of her party members already taken care of, Elanil turned her attention to the Tiefling underneath her. “Now as for you,” she said as she stroked her horns, “Don’t tell me you’re already all worn out.”

Malvira nearly came again at the mere touch of her horns, and took one hand away from Throgg as she tried to wrestle Elanil’s trousers off of her, furiously fumbling with its stubborn buttons as she continued kissing and licking at her through the fabric.

Elanil let out a gentle moan at the sorcerer’s efforts and helped guide Malvira’s hand to undo her trouser’s buttons. “Well c’mon then, let’s see what you’ve go—”

The trios healing session was cut short as the door was blasted off its hinges by a battering ram held by six skeletons.

“Halt!” Said the young redheaded man at the base of the battering ram. “You’ve been cornered by the Cult of Hextor, surrender now and only one of you may be sacrificed on the altar of …”

He stepped past the skeletons and now took in the site before him. “What in the world are you three doing?!”

Quicker than he had ever moved before, more precise than he had ever felt before, Throgg grabbed his battle axe and hurled it at the necromancer handle side first like a javelin. It hit the necromancer in the stomach hard enough that his mouth didn’t let out a a groan or a grunt, only the sound of a balloon bursting.

Their foe slumped to the ground unconscious, and with their concentration over their magic broken, the skeletons all fell to a once again stationary collection of bones on the floor.

Obviously frazzled as evident by the scattered look in his eyes, Throgg got to his feet. “See? Easy, exactly as I said it would be.”

Elena tenderly removed Malvira’s hands from her waistband and stood up as she buttoned her pants.

“C’mon,” her leader said as she held a hand out to her, “we still have the rest of this dungeon to clear out.”

Malvira laid on her back stunned and trying to adjust back to the normal world. The high of her succubus powers always left her craving for more, always looking for the next mate, but she would reign herself back in, she had to.

Thanks to either luck or the universe’s sick sense of humor, it was always easier for her to regain control after an orgasm.

“Y-yes,” Malvira said sheepishly as she took Elanil’s hand and got pulled to her feet. She looked for a moment too long at Elanil’s bare chest, her small breasts beckoning her in, before she felt the moistness between her thighs and frantically searched for her undergarments on the floor.

“They’re over there,” Throgg said, pointing to another corner of the room with one hand while the other covered his eyes.

As Malvira ran over to the corner, happily finding her belt as well, Elena made a barely contained snicker.

“Oh what, is the big brave barbarian perhaps a little timid?” Elanil asked.

Throgg stepped over the unconscious necromancer, picked his battle axe up, and headed out of the room. “No wasting time! We must go before the cultists finish, we have already spent too much time here.”

Elanil shrugged and took off her ruined shirt. She put it into her dungeoneering pack, and looked for a replacement. She found a neatly folded black blouse identical to the one she was wearing before and swapped them out.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Elanil asked Malvira as she put the shirt on.

“Well … “ Malvira realized that standing in the corner watching her change probably wasn’t a normal thing for adventurers to do to one another, and turned her head away as she spoke. “How did you avoid my magic? You should have been going for me, not Throgg – I mean I’m glad you did, or else he’d be a goner, but …”

She kept her head turned away, trying to ignore the clack of Elanil’s boots on the stone floor as she got closer, right up until she was standing right next to her, and stroked her horn in one hand as she held her by the waist with the other. “You never had me under your spell to begin with. You did everything right, you turned away, and I didn’t hear you. Everything I did was my own decision.”

Malvira melted in her grasp and quickly put her hands on the corners of the walls to try and keep herself up.

“Polyamory is quite popular in Elvish Lands, I saw you two needed assistance, and I gave it. That healing of yours is quite useful.” Elanil slid her thigh between Malvira’s legs and began rubbing it gently back and forth, causing the tiefling to bite her lower lip. “It’s quite useful, I’ve never seen Throgg move that fast. And you’re quite the noble one, aren’t you? Waiting to use something that powerful until our backs are truly against the wall. So modest, the both of you. With him as the brawn, me as the brain, and you as the support, I think we can make quite an interesting team if we’re willing to explore a little more. Isn’t that right, you little fuck toy?”

She panted out the reply, “Y-yes m’am.”

Elanil’s lips curled into a delighted smile as she took her hand off of her horn, trailed down her cheek, and then grabbed her by the collar of her robe. “Good. Let’s go. Oh, and I think maybe you should tie that belt back around your robe, don’t you?”

Malvira let Elanil guide her out of the room, and walked without being led once they got back to Throgg. It was the first time she had shown her powers to this party, and it had gone better than it ever had before. She did not know if this was the time it would go right, if she could prove herself as an adventurer, but she knew she was more than excited to try.

[Note: Thanks for reading! Other stories in my sub r/masrimple]
