Winner Gets Whootie [sex game, sex competition, guy gets pussy for the first time]

The low-budget porn producer, specializing in homemade sex challenges, had come to the small town in search of three guys and a girl.

Bradley, Charles, and Tad had always been unpopular in high school.

Though Tad had played football, he had always been something of an outcast, coming from a poor, rough family on the wrong side of town, and none of the girls had ever paid him any positive attention. Tad was nothing but a no-good troublemaker, his family line littered with alcoholic misfits.

Charles had been a nerd, having chosen the gaming club in high school over athletics (there had only been three or four members), but the girls actually had paid attention to him, for all the wrong reasons. Word had spread throughout the school, via the locker room showers, that Charles was uncircumcised—everyone, especially all the hot girls, had called him Kenny (which was apparently a slang term for foreskin, though none of the teachers knew or understood why everyone called him Kenny).

Bradley had been on the yearbook staff, and had always been a camera enthusiast—He had always seen things through the lens of his camera that others had missed completely: A cheerleader doing a kick and flashing a bit of pink labia out the side of her bloomer; two girls making out at After Prom; Jenna Langston’s ass crack as she bent over in the hallway to pick up a pencil—There were many more, and Bradley had always kept these photos for himself. And the girls had actually noticed him, too. He was a little flabby (Big Boned, his mom always said), but the girls had found a cute quality in him. (They also loved posing for his camera.)

These guys had been selected for this particular sex challenge because of their outcast status back in high school, and also because they all still had a raging crush on the same girl.

Once the producer had found the guys, finding the girl had been easy. The guys had all given him the same name.

Her name was Alexis Miller.

Bradley, Charles, and Tad were all virgins, and obviously (you could tell just by talking to them) needed a piece of ass in the worst way.

Bradley was still overweight with some acne, and he worked as an IT Support Technician at the high school.

Charles was still a skinny gamer kid, but was now home for summer vacation from a college not too far down the road.

Tad worked at the local tire shop, and probably would until he either died or went to jail.

Alexis Miller had been the football homecoming queen the year they had all been seniors in high school, but was admittedly inexperienced when it came to sex.

“All the boys tried to get me to have sex with them in high school,” she said in her interview with the producer’s man. “I just wasn’t into them.” She’d had plans to go off to college and pursue a career in business, but when her dad had gotten sick, she had stayed home to help the family and just hadn’t gotten around to chasing her own dreams yet.

The exact nature of the challenge was not explained to her (or to the guys), but they all knew that sex would be involved (with cameras).

Alexis had only accepted her role in the challenge because the cash would allow her to finally escape the town and go to college.

Bradley, Charles, and Tad had all accepted for obvious (other) reasons.

A week later, the three guys showed up to the town’s nicest hotel. (It was a Holiday Inn on the outskirts of town near the interstate.)

They were all shocked to see each other in the lobby (they hadn’t been given much information), but before they had a chance to discuss anything, one of the producer’s men had arrived to escort them up to the top floor and to a room down at the far end of the hall.

There, at the end of the carpeted hallway, he briefed them quietly:

“I need you all to sign next to your name,” he said, first handing the clipboard and pen to Bradley, who stood beside him. “This is a sex challenge, and by signing, you’re giving your consent to be filmed on video in the nude.”

Bradley looked awkwardly at the others, while Charles stared at the floor and lightly kicked at the carpet with the toe of his well-worn black Converse—Tad looked away, back down the hall in the direction of the elevators from which they’d come.

“If this is going to be a problem, there are others we can call,” the producer’s man said.

“What is the challenge, exactly?” Bradley asked.

“You all know Alexis Miller,” said the producer’s man. It wasn’t a question but a statement.

Bradley blushed, Charles choked, and Tad burned. They all shifted uneasily while waiting on pins and needles for details.

“What about her?” Tad asked hotly.

“Well,” said the producer’s man. “You’re all going to compete in what will most likely be a very short challenge, and let’s just say, it’s winner-take-all.”

“What does that mean?” Tad exploded.

“Where does Alexis come into this?” Charles asked, his face now a shade redder than the others.

“She’s the prize,” the producer’s man said.

“Wait a minute,” Bradley choked, the pen now shaking in his hand. He hadn’t signed anything yet. “You mean one of us is going to…” His teeth began to chatter.

“The winner will get to fuck Alexis,” the producer’s man said.

Now they all writhed, sniffed, cleared their throats, and avoided making eye contact with each other. “Fuck!” Tad yelled.

“I take it you’ve all seen each other naked,” said the producer’s man. “Surely you all had gym class together at one time or another?”

They all looked at the producer’s man while Bradley clung shakily to the clipboard and pen.

“Who’s got the biggest pecker?” The producer’s man asked.

“Not Canadian Bacon,” Tad said, nudging Charles meanly.

“Is it you?” The producer’s man asked Tad.

“Fuck yeah, it’s me,” Tad said, obviously worked into a stupor.

“Well,” the producer’s man said, shifting his gaze back and forth between Bradley and Charles. “If you’d rather it be your pecker in this Alexis girl than this guy’s, you’d better goddam hurry up and sign the form.”

Bradley scribbled his name, barely legible, with a shaking hand, and handed the clipboard back to the producer’s man.

They all signed on the dotted line, still unaware of the exact nature of the challenge they would be competing in, and were then immediately ushered into the room.

The door closed behind them.

The room smelled clean. The beds were neatly made, the air-conditioner hummed and kept the room at a perfect temperature, and the little bar of soap on the bathroom counter lay wrapped in plastic.

None of them noticed any of this.

Alexis lay on her back on the king-size bed farthest to the wall, her nimble fingers interlaced comfortably behind her head, reclining like Cleopatra waiting on her hung man servants. She watched them enter, still dressed in their unstylish, poorly-fitting clothes, and smiled to herself. None of them were able to meet her gaze.

“They do not deserve her!” The producer berated the three guys. “They’re perfect!”

Bradley finally looked up and noticed that Alexis was grinning at him. It was a sideways grin, and it caught him off guard.

She lay there on the downy white comforter, resting back against the ten soft, white pillows, her perfect tits with perfect, erect and pink nipples pointing upward.

“Boys, come on,” the producer clapped his hands. “Undress!”

The guys looked around nervously at each other.

“You signed the forms,” the producer said. “You are legally bound!”

They each, more than likely, thought of all the times they had jerked off to a thought or a picture of this girl, but things were different now that they were all in the same room for this purpose. They wanted to have sex with her, of course, but maybe not quite as bad as they wanted to avoid watching one of the others have sex with her in front of them.

The situation was highly-pressurized, to say the least.

The producer must have noticed this (or something like it), because he said, “I do realize that this might fuck two of you up for a very long time. My best advice would be,” he paused. “Should you lose this challenge, go out and find yourself some pussy—any pussy—and fuck it.”

It wasn’t that simple, and the producer knew it. They all knew it.

They all looked at Alexis, who eyed them with curiosity. “Let me see those wieners,” she said, somehow making it sound innocent.

Their faces became hot, and they slowly began to undress.

When they were all awkwardly naked, standing shoulder to shoulder with soft peckers (most likely only because of the pressure they were under), the producer again clapped his hands, softly applauding them.

“Gentlemen,” he said. “Today you have a fantastic opportunity!” With a wave of his hand, he beckoned Alexis down from the bed to stand beside him.

The guys’ eyes went from her face, ashamedly down to her titties, and then down to her shaved and soft pink little snatch. They each, in turn, looked away awkwardly in all different directions.

“Gentlemen,” the producer snapped. “Isn’t this here a lovely woman?”

They all looked at him.

“It’s just like they said,” Alexis interjected, obviously staring at Charles’ uncircumcised penis.

Charles put a hand over his penis in shame.

“It’s lovely,” Alexis said. “They say uncircumcised men have better sex…That they feel better inside a woman.”

“Alexis, turn around, my darling,” the producer said.

Alexis turned so that her ass now faced them. She stood five feet six inches tall and looked to weigh roughly 160 pounds. Most of her weight, the guys had decided years ago, she carried in her voluptuous ass.

Her hips were wide—wider now even than in high school—and her ass had the definite, round ripe quality of a peach at the peak of summer. Her waist was thin, and her figure was decidedly hourglass.

“She really puts the ass in hourglass, does she not?” The producer looked at the guys, excitedly.

Alexis stood, still turned away from them, on muscular legs, with thick but chiseled calf muscles, the slight curve of her spine, from her back dimples all the way up to her toned and tanned shoulders, leading their eyes upward to her blonde ponytail which was just as they’d remembered it.

“Alexis, darling,” the producer said, tossing a pen onto the carpet in front of her. “I’ve dropped my pen. Would you mind bending over to pick it up for me?”

Alexis bent over and picked up the pen, the guys now free to inspect her womanly crack without fear of her judgment or reproach. Just like her front, her rear was also skin-soft, and her taught pink balloon knot looked just the way each had always imagined it, only better.

As she again stood erect, the guys remembered to breathe (seemingly all at once), and their chests heaved, and they cleared their throats, wondering just what in hell they had gotten themselves into—Too late to go back.

One way or another, life would never be the same.

“Perfect,” the producer said. “None of you have the balls to get an erection.”

Charles went to touch his cock, and the producer’s man smacked it away.

The producer again confirmed what they had all already known. They didn’t deserve this woman; they didn’t deserve to be here.

“For this reason, you were chosen!” the producer said.

The guys just looked at him.

“If one of you were hard right now, there would be no challenge!” He said. “Let the games begin!”

The producer tapped Alexis on the shoulder as one would tap an old friend in reassurance, and she assumed a doggy-style posture, her hands and knees both on the carpet, with her back arched slightly so that her ass rose higher in the air than the rest of her. Her head stood erect and straight forward, her blonde ponytail falling gently onto her tan skin between her shoulder blades.

Her pink butthole, now that she was flaunting it, was just as tight-looking as it had seemed previously, but a new detail was now revealed: Its areola, the thick ring around it, was larger than it had appeared before, also pink, but a slightly darker shade of pink, nicely wrinkled and forming a nice big bullseye for the three unleashed imaginations.

Alexis’ pussy was somewhere between an innie and an outie—It had smallish lips, but those lips peeled apart naturally, revealing a wet slit of pink that secretly ached to be penetrated.

“You are first,” the producer’s gaze met Bradley’s.

Bradley frowned, confused by what he was to do.

“Forward,” the producer said.

When Bradley moved forward toward Alexis, the producer pressed him downward by his shoulders, forcing him to kneel behind the woman with the surprisingly fat ass.

Her ass was much wider bending over than when she had been standing, Bradley realized, still trying desperately to catch his breath.

“Sniff her,” the producer said.

Bradley shot him a glance.

“Smell it. Do not be afraid, you will not get hard—I trust you.”

Bradley shook his head once, unable to believe the position he was now in, something of a confused frown furrowing his brow.

He leaned in and touched his nose to Alexis’ anus. She instinctively threw back her hips, not expecting the contact, and the tip of Bradley’s nose penetrated her there, ever so slightly. She let out a soft yelp, and as Bradley jerked back, he felt her butthole grip the tip of his nose a little as it let him go, leaving behind its stink. He got to his feet and hurried back to join the others, out of breath and red in the face.

After Charles and Tad had both taken their turns at the altar, they all stood shoulder to shoulder again, still naked but not as uncomfortable as before. Their mission was at the forefront of their minds now, and each man thought of nothing else: Return to the Ass.

“The pressure is too great,” the producer said. “A great man would now have an erection which throbs. This is why you were chosen! This will be a great competition! Bravo!”

“What are we supposed to do?” Tad asked.

“It’s simple,” the producer said. “When I say so, you will each attempt to achieve the erection. Whoever gets there first gets this nice young whootie.” His hand fell to Alexis, still in doggy on the floor, and slapped her ass cheek. With this, she rested a (face) cheek down on the floor, hiking her booty even higher in the air than before, wagging it around.

“Begin!” The producer said.

Each man grabbed his cock and did all he knew how to do in order to get it hard, but the producer was right—There was a lot of pressure, and it made it very difficult indeed to become aroused, even with this beautiful prize on her hands and knees in front of them, her fat bottom daring them to come and pound out their wildest dreams and ejaculate them inside her.

Tad stroked his flaccid wiener with wild abandon.

Charles beat his meat and prayed for a miracle.

Bradley dropped his hands to his sides and let every part of his body relax.

He breathed deeply.

Slowly, his cock began to take shape. It began to look less like a scrunched-down straw wrapper and more like a limp garden hose.

He continued to breathe.

He closed his eyes while the others stared wide-eyed, shifting their glances rapidly from her ass to his cock, which was growing more shapely by the moment.

Bradley sniffed deeply, over and over, the stink of Alexis’ bottom still on the tip of his nose, penetrating his nostrils and going straight to his brain (both brains, in fact!). He began to say the word butthole over and over in his mind while staring at Alexis’ butthole, and before he knew it, he was being urged forward by a hand on his naked back, pushing him toward the waiting woman whose big bottom continued to wag seductively.

Bradley’s heard thudded in his chest, and he breathed hard to keep it from exploding—His vision blurred, and he thought for a moment that he might pass out in ecstasy.

Just then, Alexis went off-script, turning her head to look back over her shoulder at him. She gave him that sexy cheerleader smile from high school, but now he noticed that her cheeks were flushed, and she was also panting.

She shoved her arms straight out in front of her in submission, and stuck her ass back at Bradley, wagging it even more intensely now. “Put it in me!” She purred. “I want you to nut in my cunt!”

“Congratulations!” Shouted the producer through the clamor inside Bradley’s mind.

“You other two,” he said, glancing at Charles and Tad, “Are obligated to masturbate to this experience,” he said.

They were barely an afterthought.

Charles and Tad stood dumbfounded, hands at their sides now, cocks still flaccid, but becoming more shapely now, as they watched Bradley fall to the floor behind Alexis and sniff her womanly crack again.

Without warning, they watched as he buried his wiener deep in her wet pussy. They heard the sound of fapping as the whole of Bradley’s cock was snatched again and again by Alexis, while he humped wildly at her pussy, like life itself depended on it.

Alexis bucked back against him—He grabbed onto her hips, humping her with everything in his nature attempting to impregnate her. He had expected that, were he ever to latch onto a fat bottom like this—hers specifically—that there would be more skin to grip onto. Alexis’ booty, however, though it was large, was far too tight—There was no skin to grab onto—and Bradley realized he wouldn’t last very long in its grip.

He gripped her hips with open palms and rode her off into the sunset, the promise of everything he ever wanted right there before him. Then he noticed it.

The blonde ponytail bounced on Alexis’ tanned back—That same ponytail that had bobbed and jerked in front of him in so many desks, in so many high school classrooms, just a few years earlier.

Bradley took Alexis’ ponytail in his right hand, and placed the thumb of his left hand gently in her pink crack, directly on the soft spot his nose had earlier penetrated. Alexis backed into it, forcing the tip of his thumb inside, and he removed it quickly, only to swipe it beneath his nose again and lick it, and then penetrated her soft spot again down to his first knuckle, gripping her now like a bowling ball.

Alexis yelped with pleasure. She reached back between her knees and grabbed Bradley’s nuts.

Charles and Tad had rock-hard erections now that the pressure was off, and they had edged up closer to the action, each jerking wildly, their faces hot with jealousy and lust and anticipation.

Bradley let go of Alexis’ ponytail and slapped her ass hard, the sharp slap ringing in the air.

Bradley removed his thumb from Alexis’ bottom and again took her hips in both hands and tried to think of anything besides her ass to keep from nutting too soon.

He thought of table legs and lamp shades, but all of these objects somehow reminded him, once again, of something female and needy and wanting.

Maybe he was the only one needy and wanting, but the way Alexis’ body was reacting to his humping thrusts told him otherwise.

His cock was so wet now, slipping in and out of her slit, that her grip on him wasn’t quite as tight as it had been.

He had an idea; it was devilish, but it was also divine.

What was the worst that could happen? He could always pull out right now (if he was forced) and explode all over her ass.

He pulled his raging cock out of her and it, upon release, flung upward into a vertical position, flinging his and her precum onto his face. He had never known his cock to be this hard.

He placed the bulbous head of his throbbing boner against her Barbie-pink balloon knot, and she pressed back against him. His cock was so wet that before long he had penetrated her little soft spot, and it gripped onto him and sucked him in. He waited for a moment, feeling her anus twitch on his mushroom head, trying to relax.

He sank, little by little, deeper into her.

She again yelped with excitement and screamed, “Just shove it in!”

“Sodomy!” Shouted the producer, but nobody came to stop Bradley, least of all Alexis.

Charles ejaculated in needy spurts that ran down his leg more than they shot, but he moaned with pleasure and frustration as his end was satisfied.

Tad continued to jerk his cock with vigor. “Get it,” he said through clenched teeth, tempted to knock Bradley aside and get just a little taste for himself.

Alexis reached up behind Bradley and began to lightly massage his anus—he felt the warm, intense tingles that have always come just before he’s exploded into his hand, or into a Kleenex, or into a toilet somewhere.

With both hands gripping her big butt, Bradley, his entire body erect now (chest out, proudly), fucked Alexis Miller in the ass, and made her cum on his cock before he came, himself.

She squealed in delight—Her butt clenched him inside her in close contractions that milked his cock as one might milk a cow. “Plow my whootie,” she pleaded, and it was the word that sent Bradley to heaven in a handbasket.

When he heard Alexis say “whootie”, he simply sprayed nut (every last spurt of frustration and need) deep inside the chute that was much tighter, warmer, and far more encouraging than the palm of his hand.

He had nutted inside the whootie of Alexis Miller, and he knew nobody else could say the same.

Tad, sweating profusely, sprayed a huge load onto the ceiling, but nobody noticed.

Bradley, his cock still stiff in Alexis’ bottom, lay forward, resting his stomach onto her back, completely spent, both of them—hot skin against hot skin—heaving deeply in unison.

“You are now a man,” the producer said, and Bradley’s cock suddenly twitched, sending Alexis’ bottom bounding back into him again.

She reached back and tickled the soft spot of skin between his nuts and his anus as they both tried to relax. With one nimble finger, she traced the trail back and forth slowly, every now and then pressing her finger gently against his anus and massaging it a bit before returning to the trail, his taint, his pleasure bridge.

It seemed to Bradley that they remained there for a long time, the pleasure of Alexis’ tickling touch almost as good as the orgasm itself.

Suddenly, with a few light curls of her finger against his taint, she gave him the “come here” signal, right on that soft spot, and he began to fuck her ass again, lovingly this time, his own ejaculate now providing an excess of lubricant as she continued to tickle him.

“I’m going to nut again,” Alexis moaned, and then her ass almost instantly gripped onto Bradley’s cock, convulsing and milking at him for the second time that day.

They fucked for ten more minutes.

Finally, Bradley felt the climax rising within him again (the rapidly beating heart, the warm tingling throughout his entire body), and Alexis placed one nimble finger on his anus and the other on his taint. “I want to feel your spurts,” she moaned.

He buried his cock balls-deep inside her bottom right at the moment of orgasm, and his cum exploded inside her again.

Alexis prided herself in each convulsion, in each spurt, which she felt in his twitching anus and taint. (She counted fifteen spurts in all.)

When Bradley pulled out of her, he was deeply, spiritually relieved. Not only was he sexually satisfied, but he knew this woman would no longer haunt his dreams, and his thoughts would no longer taunt his manhood.

He was a man, and now he knew it.

He and Alexis hugged for some time before Bradley left the hotel room alone.
