My college dreamboy

I was sitting in class, taking notes on the latest assignment when I felt the familiar pang of jealousy hit me. It was the first day of my sophomore year, and already I was in love” with my professor. How pathetic is that? I mean, I loved him as a professor, but what he said and did in class was another matter. He was so handsome, too.

He had this way of looking at me when he talked that made me feel like I was the only person in the room. And he was so tall 6’4″, that I had to tilt my head ever so slightly to see him eye-to-eye. It was the kind of thing that made me want to squirm, but I didn’t.I didn’t want him to think I was a freak. I tried to focus on the lecture, but my mind kept wandering to the handsome stranger sitting next to me. Was his name Connor? That was the name on the napkins at the coffee shop, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t his real name. Why would a college student go by that name? It sounded made up.And he was so good-looking that I just had to assume that anyone with that name had to be good-looking, too.

So, my love-struck self decided that his name was Connor even though there was a perfectly good explanation for why he looked like he did. It was easier that way.I was sitting in class, taking notes on the latest assignment when I felt the familiar pang of jealousy hit me. It was the first day of my sophomore year, and already I was in love” with my professor. How pathetic is that? I mean, I loved him as a professor, but what he said and did in class was another matter.
