Mom… (fiction)

Back when I was a high school sophomore, my girlfriend gave me a dick casting kit as a joke. We were never sexually active, but she’d seen it and thought it would be funny.

So one night I made a actual cast of my hard cock and when she came over I was messing with her about it. Telling her that I would use it on her.

She laughed as I chased her, but nothing ever really happened. I put it up and stashed it behind some clothes in my lowest drawer.

A couple of days later, I found the original package empty where I’d stashed it, so I just figured she took it with her after all. With Summer starting I didn’t have time to talk to her, but I thought I’d mess with her later.

I did find it exciting that she would want to take it on her summer trip.

Well, my parents separated, and my Mom and I wound up moving away at the end of summer. I started a new school, and with everything going on, I completely forgot about the whole thing.

And we pretty much never saw or spoke again.

At the end of my senior year, I was digging around my mom’s closet for a couple suitcases to start the long process of packing for college.

Imagine my surprise when I found the casting tucked away in one of the pockets. And it definitely showed signs of wear.

It had been in my drawer in the package that was clearly marked as a self casting kit. And only one person uses my mom’s closet…

My mom had been playing with a casting of my penis. For a couple of years.

My mind was reeling.

A replica of my rock hard cock had been inside my mother. And there’s no doubt she knew it was mine.

So there was an uncomfortable couple of weeks when I was avoiding her. Until one morning before school she cornered me in the kitchen and insisted I tell her what was wrong.

I stuttered about how I had gotten a suitcase from her closet and found something I had made of myself that was missing for a long time in that suitcase.

And now I knew she knew what it was and had been using it.

I was standing there uncomfortable because by now my dick was rock hard and throbbing and obviously visible through my pants.

It didn’t help matters that she always looks so sexy in her robe in the morning. Little flashes here and there and I’d known for some time she wore nothing underneath it.

I’d felt guilty for jacking off to these glimpses, but still did so regularly.

“Well, since you’re 18 now and found the replica… and of course, you’ve had a couple more years of growing I truly believe it’s time you replace it with the real thing. That old thing was wearing out anyway.”

As she undid my pants, she let her robe fall to the floor.

Shaved smooth, juices glistening and her nipples wrinkling to full erect.

My dick was so hard it throbbed as it literally jumped from my pants when they slid to the floor.

“Oh yes. Quite a lot of growing indeed. Goodness, you must be at least 7 inches.”

“Almost 8” I startled myself by proudly saying, then looked away in embarrassment.

“Oh? Well, let’s see what we can manage with that” as she gently stroked me. Occasionally pulling the skin over the tip.

She lay back on the table and lifted her legs as she spread them. Almost as if she were again on the birth table.

Never letting go she pulled me forward by my cock. And guided its tip between her labia. She said “back inside son. Back inside your Momma where you belong.” And with that her feet against my ass she pulled me in.

And my cock slipped deep inside Mom.

“Fuck. Mom. What are you doing?”

She slapped me hard across the face “is that anyway to talk to your mother? Now. Keep it steady and do not stop son” as she made me slide in and out of her.

I was fucking my Mom. Then she pressed my mouth to her breast, and I thought

What… the… fuck…
as milk spilled into my mouth.

“Oh yes, baby. I kept them producing. I used to dream of you having a nice big cock to provide for you mother as I was providing milk for you.”

“I knew you’d be big. Don’t stop” her breath caught and she threw her head back. A few moments of silence then screaming an orgasm I was sure the neighbor could hear.

My Mom’s pussy pulsed around me.

I guess my quick thrusts let her know I was close, because she screamed again and said “yes son. Don’t stop. Cum in me. That’s my good boy”.

And that was it. I was cumming inside of her. Almost no pulsing just a strong flow of cum. Every drop I ever thought of producing. All those times I’d jacked off at the thought of this, they were nothing compared to the reality of fucking my own Mom.

As I grew soft and slipped from inside of her she cupped her pussy with one hand and slid from the table to her knees.

The other hand gently squeezing my balls she sucked every drop from me, and I was terrified as I started to get hard again.

When I was full rock hard and ready she turned bent forward and told me “Start fucking me, now.”

And as I slid back inside of her she picked up her phone and made a call.

“Hello? Yes, this is Jonathan Smith’s Mother calling. He’s going to be very late for school this morning. I’m having him do some drilling for me.” She chuckles “oh hello. Yes Sarah, I’ll make sure he gets there and thank you”.

Sarah was my new girlfriend who worked in the office for 1st period. My Mom had just been talking to my girlfriend as my cock was slipping in and out of her cum filled pussy.

My cum. In my Mother’s pussy.

I was wondering if she could hear the slapping of my thrusts in the background…

Later that day Sarah whispered in my ear “So how was it? Being inside her? She didn’t hang up the phone.” and nibbled my ear.

She giggled and said normal “You’ll have to tell me all about it”.


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