She’s a good girl Pt 1

It starts as it usually does

When he arrived at the restaurant, Melissa was already seated. She was early, only by a few minutes, but it was a nice surprise.

As he was being walked to their table she looked up from her menu and beamed at him across the dining room. Dinner was always an occasion for both. They both dressed up, they always tried to pick somewhere they hadn’t been before and they always made an occasion of it. Tonight was no different. So when he saw Melissa smile across the room, the tone was set for the evening.

Tonight it was a Chinese restaurant they’d never been to before, but the talk was their dumplings were sensational! And so it turned out. They talked and ate. And flirted. The tension ratcheting up slowly with things left unsaid and other things a little more overt.

And when the moment felt right, which happened to be over green tea, he posed his first direct question of the night.

“Are you wearing the plug I left on the nightstand, slut?”

He hit the tone just right, and chose his moment precisely.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, “and I assumed that you left no panties out meant I was to not wear any,”

“Good girl. That was exactly my intention.”

They finished their green tea and while waiting for the cheque to come, he ordered an uber for their next stop of the night.

Leaving the restaurant to their waiting uber, he walked a pace or two behind so he could watch her long legs move and strain the fabric of her stunning green dress. He didn’t often help her choose her clothes, but he had a hand in this dress and he was ever so proud of his choice, and prouder still that he’d understood the assignment to the point that she had instantly bought it.

Helping her into the car, he rounded to the other side and climbed in beside her, resting his hand high on her thigh, his pinky just slightly under the fabric. With his free hand he sent a message.

“En route.”

He got a message back moments later.


The rest of the journey passed mostly uneventfully. His hand on her thigh. Her hand on his. They looked out the windows in mostly silent comfort. 12 minutes and $25 later they arrived at their destination.

The über pulled up outside an old redbrick house in one of the more affluent areas of the Bay. Outside it was quiet and they could easily have been going to a friends house, a wealthy friend, for dinner.

After helping Melissa from the car, the couple mounted the granite steps the wide front door, which opened just as the reached the threshold. Inside a man dressed in a dinner jacket stood expectantly and when he heard


He opened the door wider to let them enter. Once inside the couple were directed to the left hand side of the building where there were a number of other people sitting around tables or standing by the bar with cocktails in hand. The low babble of conversation was high in the air, propped up with music playing on low.

Heads turned, as they inevitably did, when Melissa entered the room. Her long legs stretching from under her stunning dress attracted several admiring second glances. They made their way to the bar where he ordered a gin and tonic for himself and sweet and fruity cocktail for Melissa.

They weren’t standing at the bar long when they were approached by a man both recognised as someone they’d met here before. He was tall and dark and amiable. Easy to talk to. And so the conversation starting up felt comfortable and natural.

After they had been talking for ten minutes or so, he leaned gently into Melissa’s ear.

“Remove your dress please, slut” he whispered.

She complied with the practiced elegance of someone who’d heard such instructions many times before. Slipping the straps slowing from her shoulders, she wiggled her bottom to allow the fabric to sashay over her ass, and the rest of the dress slid noiselessly to the ground. She bent down to pick it up and as she neatly folded it, a pretty woman in a white shirt and black pencil skirt arrived at her shoulder and took it from her.

Standing beside him, naked, in heels and plugged there was a lull in conversation around the room, but he and his companion continued their conversation and drank their drinks.

Another moment later he gently rested his hand on Melissa’s shoulder and applied some gentle downward pressure. Feeling the instruction, she sank gracefully to her knees, her hands by her sides and stared up at him.

He looked down at her and then led with his eyes to his companions crotch. She understood.

Reaching her graceful hands out, she unbuckled their companions belt, peeled back the opening and slipped his cock out from behind his shorts. Leaning in closely she took him in her mouth and instantly felt him harden on her tongue and lips.

Above her the men continued their conversation, like they were oblivious to her and as she worked her mouth on the cock she listened intently, hoping to hear them talk about her. But they just…didn’t. They were talking about the Super Bowl.

She redoubled her efforts, using all her tricks to get their attention. Bobbing her head deep down, touching her nose on his stomach, but still they talked about the game.

After some minutes he must have noticed a change in the companions face because she felt his hand weave into her hair and grip the back of her head and then she felt her control of this blowjob being eradicated as he took over. He was in control now. He was dictating the pace, the depth and at the same time her breathing.

He used his hand to force her deeper and deeper. Making her gag and choke. Fucking her face onto the cock. All the while ignoring her.

And then she felt it. The companions hips driving towards her and he thrust her head onto him. She felt his cum spill from his cock and into her mouth, and her head was kept there until there no more movement.

Using his grip on the back of her head, he forced her to stand up. Her cunt was dripping. A river of her own moisture on the inside of her thighs and a puddle on the floor under where she had been kneeling.

Releasing her hair he took a damp cloth from a woman who had taken the dress.

“Clean his cock and then clean up your mess, slut”

She complied easily, taking the companions flaccid cock and taking good care and attention to clean him off. Ensuring she got all her lipstick off. Once she was satisfied, she retucked him back into his pants and fastened him back up.

Next she bent to her puddle on the floor and used the same cloth to clean that too. With that taken care off she stood again, discarding the cloth into a sliver pail that sat by the bar.

The night had begun in earnest. Now she knew he would have his fun. Now she was his free use whore.

The party moves on

One of the server girls appeared at Melissa’s elbow with a thin, short silken robe and helped her into it. The girl also had a tray on which was Melissa’s favourite collar and leash that had been retrieved from their overnight bag for them.

He lifted the collar from the tray and instructed Melissa to lift her hair, before he placed the collar around her neck and secured it with a delicate touch. Once fastened he reached his hand around the front and attached the leash before his hand snaked down to the band cinched around her waist securing her robe.

“She won’t be needing this,” he said as he pulled the robe open.

The server slid it from her body. Then, without another word, he turned his back and started to walk to the double doors that had just opened at the other end of the room. Other couples were also walking to the door, but Melissa was so far the only naked body in the room.

She could feel the eyes roving over her body as she walked behind her Master. Her long legs were still damp from her cunt dripping down her thighs and she could still taste the other man’s cock in her mouth. And she knew the other men were imagining what it must be like to use her mouth. She felt her cunt drip even more.

Passing through the double doors the couple entered a room with a clear space surrounded by comfortable chairs. In the the space there was a vault horse with restraint points attached. On the horse lay a metal spreader bar, a Hitachi and various implements of joy and pleasure.

He led her to the middle of the room, and stood her by the vault. He removed the leash.

“Nadu” he whispered into her ear.

Once again Melissa sank to her knees, placing her hands, palm upwards, on to her spread legs and bowed her head.

“My friends. It seems like it’s my turn to share my toy with you all,” he said.

“We all know the rules of this house, and we have all agreed to abide by them. This is Melissa. Please enjoy her,” he continued. “And now gentlemen, you know the rules. Please present your toys for us all to admire!”

With that instruction, each of the men turned to their companions and instructed them to disrobe. There was a few minutes of rustling and hubbub, but shortly, all the ladies were as Melissa was. Naked and collared. Standing by their owner’s chairs.

He walked a few short paces to a chair that was on a slightly raised platform near the vault and sat into it, the soft leather enveloping his.

“Inspection!” He half shouted.

As if by design a man stood from his own chair and walked to the centre of the room where Melissa was now standing, her hands raised and clasped behind her head and her legs spread.

This new man walked around Melissa, his eyes surveying her minutely. He reached has hand out and cupped her breast, squeezing it and then taking her nipple and pinching it hard. Melissa’s mouth opened with a gasp.

He then applied the same tactic to her other breast, eliciting a second audible gasp.

“Are you dripping, cunt?” He asked as his hand snaked down between her legs. She felt his finger run along her folds and knew it would come away with her own mess on it. When he pulled it up in front of her eyes she could see the slickness on his fingers.

“How do you taste?” He said as he used his other hand to cup her chin and open her mouth before slipping his wet finger into her. She closed her mouth and licked her own wetness from him.

“Sweet, Sir!”

“Get on the vault Slut,” he commanded. Melissa gracefully turned and stepped to the end of the vault and bent over onto the cushioned top. She felt her hands being pulled straight ahead of her and the cool leather of wrist restraints being fastened.

A second man stood and took off his jacket and rolled his sleeves as he strode to the middle of the room. She couldn’t look over her shoulder but could feel a the second man behind her and then his hands between her thighs forcing them wider, exposing her fuckholes even more to the room.

The hands roamed over her rump, spreading her buttocks. She could feel the surge of wetness tumbling from her own cunt.

Turning to her owner, the second man said “How would you like us to begin?”

“Oh, she’s free use to you gentlemen. Please continue as you see fit!”

Free Use.

Melissa senses all seemed to heighten. She could hear the crackling of the dry wood in the fireplace as it burned. She could focus on people’s words from across the room, and everything became crystal clear in her eyes.

The first man was standing directly in front of her and after a moment spent perusing the array of fun toys in front of her nose, he selected a steel princess plug. Not too big, but definitely not small. He held it front of her face, tapping her nose with the point.

“Open wide, cunt,” he demanded.

Melissa opened her mouth wide as it would go and she felt the cold steel enter her mouth, barely clearing her teeth. Perhaps it was wider than she first anticipated. She closed her mouth around it as she knew she was expected to do and let her saliva coat it as she rolled her tongue around the solid mass.

Pt.2 to follow
