The Novice – Lesbian Nuns in a Convent – [FF] [MF] Sacrilegious

“Do you know why you’re here today?”
The man was not a priest. He was dressed in a dark suit and wore glasses. There was nothing friendly in his demeanour.
“Do you know who I am?”
He gestured to a stool in front of his desk. It was hard. It was not meant to be inviting or comfortable. She took a seat, obeying his wordless instruction.
“I am here for two reasons. First, I have been called upon by the convent to investigate claims over your purity and merit to take your final vows and become a formal member of the convent.” He paused to look up and assess her reaction. “I see in your files you are training to become a nun. You have risen past the rank of postulant, and as a novice you have almost finished your candidacy. However there have been troubling allegations filed against you. These are of great concern to the convent, as are the photographs…”
“Yes, unsavory photographs.” Barely acknowledging her interruption, he continued. “Secondly, I am here to test your chastity and commitment to denying secular pleasure. Given your reputation and past, the convent is concerned about investing further time and resources in you as a nun. They worry you will fall into temptation or tempt other nuns and novices into sin.” He reached for a manilla envelope on the desk and pulled out the contents.
From her angle she saw a folder emerge from the envelope with what she imagined was her trainee file. He then pulled out a much smaller white envelope, which surely contained the aforementioned photographs. His eyes met hers as he tucked that small envelope into her file folder without looking.
“I am going to read the charges against you out loud. Do you understand?”
She silently nodded.
“Do you want to save me time going through these accusations? Do you have anything to confess?”
She remained silent and lowered her head, but her eyes remained on his as she slowly shook her head.
He cleared his throat and began. “Here are the accusations laid against you. At 3:15pm on April 7th, two abbesses claim to have heard unusual sounds and possibly gasping from the prayer chapel on the south vestibule of the convent. According to the Postulant Labour Charts, you and Novice Alison, had been assigned to distribute special readings and psalm booklets into the pew pockets in anticipation of evening mass. The abbesses approached the chapel to investigate these concerning sounds and they claim to have seen Novice Alison in a state of ecstasy with the front of her robe open exposing her breasts to the statue of St. Theresa. The view of the lower portion of her person was obscured by the chapel pews, but given how her robes were pushed open exposing her torso, it was evident that her lower half was exposed in a similar fashion.
“Although the abbesses can only be entirely certain that Novice Alison was in the chapel making those ungodly sounds, the abbesses saw calves and feet coming out from the pew, where Alison”s lower half was. It was evident that whoever those feet belonged to was doing something to bring the Novice Alison to climax. Given that you were assigned to share the task of distributing psalm booklets with Novice Alison, the abbesses believe that you were on your knees obscured by the pew. Are the abbesses correct? Was that you, Novice?”
She shook her head without a word.
He continued. “The Abbesses saw that there was a tattoo on the right ankle of the hidden individual. Do you have a tattoo on your right ankle?”
She silently shook her head.
“No, you don”t?”
“Hm.” The inspector picks up his pen and takes notes. “Are you ready for the second allegation?”
She nodded.
“On May 13th, one of the other postulants reported that she saw you in a prayer booth on the mezzanine of the main cathedral. She claims that you were not alone, that Sister Kathleen was in the booth with you. This caught the witness”s attention as prayer booths are typically only occupied by one person at a time. Apparently the two of you were standing unusually close together, holding hands and praying to the saints in the stained glass. The witness stopped to watch, as she thought this was a kind and tender moment. She says she did not realize she was about to watch sin and temptation unfold. The witness claims that as you prayed in unison into the same rosary, your bodies grew even closer and your hands began to move over other each-other’s bodies. The report states that it was then that you started to kiss. Is this true, Novice?”
She shakes head. “No, inspector.”
“Well, the claim doesn’t end there. Sister Kathleen reportedly reached into your robes and began touching your breasts as you leaned against the wall of the prayer booth. She pulled your robes open, exposing you, and began to vigorously grab and kiss your breasts and midriff. The report says you pulled the rest of your robes down to the floor leaving only your habit for modesty. You spread your legs so Sister Kathleen could manually penetrate you. It was then that you allowed Sister Kathleen to begin licking and kissing your clitoris and inner labia. The report claims you were clutching at the walls of the booth and at your own breasts while arching your back and pelvis into the oral embrace. The witness said that she saw Sister Kathleen slowly drag the beads of her Rosary over your clitoris as she stimulated you orally. The account says that you moaned with pleasure as if the soul of Christ was between your legs. The witness watched this continue until your body spasmed and you took the lord’s name in vain as you cried out.”
He paused and turned the page. He stared at the novice through his glasses and turned the page without breaking the arresting glare.
“I asked the witness to be as detailed as she could, but it was a taxing ordeal for her to recount what she saw. When sharing this account with me, the witness specifically requested me to make note in this file that you both must have been possessed by the devil because children of god couldn’t possibly be so ravenous and desperate for each other’s bodies.”
In the office, the Novice’s mouth hung agape as if searching for the words to defend her name. The investigator continued.
“The witness account continued and she claims to have seen you sink to your own knees after climaxing. She saw you pull up the robes of Sister Kathleen with one hand, while licking the fingers on your other hand. You reached between her legs to touch her. The witness watched as you pushed your fingers inside of Sister Kathleen and pumped your fingers up to your palm, in and out of her. The report then claims that you pushed Sister Kathleen”s thighs apart and began to stimulate with your mouth. Sister Kathleen was seen gasping and clutching at the back of your head. All while she still held the rosary beads that she had just been using to sin unto you. The witness could watch no longer, for she was afraid of being pulled into temptation. She mentioned that as she left she heard Sister Kathleen call out your name as she climaxed.”
The inspector placed the pages back into the manilla envelope, careful not to fold or bend any of the pages or the envelope.
“How do you respond to this allegation, Novice?”
“There’s been a mistake. It wasn’t me, Inspector.”
“Well, the witness claims to have seen a few unexpected physical attributes on your body. One was a tattoo on your right ankle. The description of which matches the tattoo from the first allegation. She also claims to have seen a tattoo on the inner thigh, and one below the breast. That adds up to three tattoos. We asked the Novice who shared this account to try to draw these tattoos for our files. Here is what she rendered.”
He slid a sheet out of the folder and placed it on the desk. Three small illustrations labeled ankle, breast, thigh.
Without asking for a response, the Inspector continued. “She also claims that you didn’t have any body hair. Smooth legs. No underarm hair. Nothing between your legs. A similar absence was noted on Sister Kathleen. For women who have sworn a life of celibacy, modesty, and chastity, it would be an unusual practice to depilate one”s entire body. I’ll also note that many of your other peers at the convent have noticed that you clip your fingernails down to the quick on both your index and middle fingers when it is customary for Nuns to wear their nails long and filed. Does that not strike you as odd? An unusual thing to do?”
The inspector stared at the accused Novice. She silently stared back for what felt like a long time.
“That wasn’t a rhetorical question. Novice, I was looking for a direct answer.”
“I wouldn’t have thought that grooming preferences would attract such attention. But I suppose, if that is not how you groom yourself, it may be considered out of place. It seems like a personal choice, and I do not judge…”
“Yes, only God can judge. But when you”re a ward of the convent, here living on their hospitality and being given spiritual training each day, you forfeit such personal allowances. Your body belongs to Christ and therefore what you do to it and with it is now the convent’s business and responsibility.”
He turned yet another page in the report and took a sip of water.
“Now for the business of these photographs. Are you aware of any photographs that the convent may have found?”
The inspector pulled the white envelope from the file. “Sit in the chair on the other side of my desk.”
As she stood to sit in the leather chair opposite him at the desk, he ripped open the envelope seal and took out a series of glossy photographs. “I must warn you. They are incredibly explicit. We have blurred all of the faces that are not pertinent to this investigation.”
He began to place the photographs on the desk one at a time. Each was pornographic in nature and focused on a woman in a series of positions and situations both alone and with others. Although her face was mostly obscured in the angles of the photographs, it was clear that she had three tattoos—one on her ankle, on her inner thigh, and one under her breast.
The Inspector stood up abruptly and walked around the desk. In his hand, he had the hand drawn illustrations. Standing beside the accused nun on her stool, he placed the drawings down beside two photographs. He pointed to the tattoos and traced his finger across to the corresponding illustrations.
“Would you agree that this illustration matches perfectly with the tattoos in these photographs?”
“The likeness is uncanny.”
He scoffed. “Yes. Uncanny. I believe they are identical. I believe that these tattoos belong to you. If this is the case, I believe that these accounts are true. You were the other person in the prayer chapel with Novice Alison, and you were in fact in the private prayer booth with Sister Kathleen. The question was whether you had been pulled into temptation and then developed a reputation as a morally malleable woman that others could coax into sin, or if you yourself were the temptress. After seeing these photographs which were clearly taken before your time at the convent, I am led to believe that you were lustful and infected others with your desire and devious abilities. How do you respond?”
“I maintain my innocence. There has been a mistake.”
“I see. Then it is time for me to conduct a body search. There is no arguing these tattoos. The rest can be argued or denied, but not the tattoos. Please see this form where I have been granted full permission from the regional archduke to conduct this interview as I see fit until I arrive at the truth of the matter. Do you see his signature?”
“Then you have two options, first is to show me your body where these tattoos should be. If they are there, you will be charged as guilty. If not, then you would be innocent and you would have our apologies and appreciation for your patience.”
“What is the other option?”
“Leave the convent now.”
“But I was about to graduate. I have completed my training and—”
“Yes, you have shown excellent promise as a Novice. This is why the convent commissioned me to investigate with the hope there had been a mistake. They didn’t want to believe that you would do such things. They wanted you to be one of them, to belong with them.”
“What happens if I consent to show you my body, and I am found guilty?”
“I will document what I find, and turn the report in to the archduke. He will make a final decision. These would be egregious sins if proven true, but nobody was physically harmed and the convent has not been publicly shamed. It is possible that you may not be expelled from the convent, but rather committed to a reform program on account that your performance in the trainee program was so excellent.”
“A reform program?”
“Yes, if you were to show contrition and demonstrate that you could resist temptation of the flesh, you could be forgiven and all of this could be erased from your file and your past.”
She took a second to think about what she had just been told. “I consent to the inspection.”
“Good.” He picked up a clipboard and pen and stood over her.
She slid off her right shoe and pulled up her skirts, the white stockings underneath rising to her mid-thigh. He noted that her fingernails were indeed unusually clipped. Short index and middle finger nails drew his attention as she worked to unclip the stockings. As she fiddled with the clip, he reached on to his desk and grabbed a pair of scissors. He reached out and took her stockinged knee and snipped the strap. Her face betrayed her shock. He looked into her eyes, enjoying her surprise as he slowly pulled white stocking down and off of her leg. Her skin was exposed and smooth, and there on her ankle was the first tattoo. He broke the gaze first and they both stared at the tattoo.
“Please hold still.” He grabbed a small camera from the desk and clicked a photograph of the ankle tattoo with a ruler beside it. With the flash of the camera, a damning image began to develop.
“Please sign the back of this photograph acknowledging that this is your ankle.” She did.
He placed the photograph into the manilla folder and then mechanically reached back to her body. He pulled her hips to the edge of the chair abruptly and she grasped for the arms of the chair in surprise. His suit crinkled as he leaned over her, pulling apart her robes to fully reveal her lower half. He saw one bare leg, one leg in a white stocking, and tidy white underwear. Her legs were tightly pressed together. He slid his hands between her knees, revealing her inner thighs.
“Lean back, please,” he commanded. She adjusted her body backwards and watched him peel her legs even further apart, revealing a tattoo between her remaining stocking and her underwear.
He repeated the documentation process, then returned his attention to her torso. He had one hand firmly gripping her thigh, as if she might attempt to flee. She tried not to let her choppy breathing betray her composure.
“In the photographs, the last tattoo is under your breast. Show me the clasp to undo your robe.” Their eyes locked while she wordlessly traced her hands up the black fabric and began to undo the clasps on her robe. Before she finished, he pulled them open all the way.
The open robes revealed she was not nude underneath, as described in the accusations. She wore a corset above the white panties. With the black robe pushed open, only the trim of her white habit and modesty scarf covered the top of her breasts bulging out of her corset. The nipples poked out from under the trim of the head piece, the lower curve of her breast exposed to the air. He reached out and pulled up her habit and clutched her right breast to show the flesh underneath, a tattoo peeking out from the corset. They looked at each other. With a glance, he told her to show him. She did as she was told and fiddled with the clasps of the corset and peeled the fabric down. Sure enough, there was the last tattoo.
“You have the three tattoos. Do you confess that it was you in the chapel?”
She breathed heavily, staring at him with a feral gaze. “Yes. It was me.”
“Do you confess that it was you in the prayer booth with Sister Kathleen?”
“Yes. It was me.”
“Do you admit that you are the woman in these photographs?”
“Yes. It is me in these photographs.” He nodded. His face hovered inches in front of hers, she could see her exposed body in the reflection of his glasses. He moved her body smoothly and quickly into a position which allowed him to take the final incriminating photograph.
With her back arched and one hand holding up her breast, the camera flashed. She rubbed her eyes.
“Why did you lie?”
“First, I didn’t believe you would check my body for the tattoos. Second, the stories don”t capture the full picture. There is much about the altercation in the chapel and prayer booth to which the witnesses weren’t privy.”
“I don’t see how any new information could exonerate you, but what was excluded from the accounts?”
“No, what I have to share would not make me innocent, but rather provide a new context.”
“Please continue.” His hand was still holding her ruler against the soft flesh of her lower breast. Hers no longer pulling her corset down, but clutching the arms of the leather chair upon which she was seated.
“Are you familiar with the Ecstasy of St. Theresa?”
“The Bernini Sculpture? The account from Therese of Avila?”
“Yes, I am referring to the account, but there have been several sculptures and paintings depicting this story. And are you also familiar with the images painted of St. Paul in ecstasy?”
“Yes, a similar story for both St. Therese and St. Paul. Both saints claim to have seen the golden hand of God and to have been set afire and penetrated deeply with pain and pleasure. They claimed that God came to touch, caress, and penetrate their body physically with what they knew to be pain, pleasure and God himself.”
“Yes, exactly. In both accounts the Saints claim to have cried out in pleasure, moaned and surrendered to a higher sensation. The account states that each time the golden hand withdrew themselves and paused the penetration, the saints begged for the experience to continue. That they needed, craved and fielded for the fulfillment of god in their bodies. You have read these accounts?”
“Yes, they are widely known.”
“I believe that the Novice Alison and Sister Kathleen and I were all reaching a higher state of prayer. We, through physical touch and prayer, were elevating ourselves and trying to become one with God.”
“But you know that fruits of the flesh are not to be tasted as a nun.”
“Yes, but St. Therese was a nun, and she achieved sainthood. What if I were able to bring that pleasure to other devout followers of christ? Imagine a pleasure so intense, so evangelical that it made them one with God. What if I were that mercenary? What if I could help God’s creations reach fulfillment or heal themselves through ecstasy?”
He let go of her and she pulled her robes closed.
“It is an interesting proposition. I”ll admit this was not what I expected. That being said, this concludes the investigation. You have admitted your guilt, and it will be up to the commission to determine your fate here at the convent.”
She nodded.
“I will be making a personal recommendation that they make an allowance for you. I am not sure about your idea that you’re a mercenary or Angel, but I can see your earnest desire to be closer to God.” He sealed the manilla envelope and placed it in a drawer.
“This brings us to the second part of this meeting. Your purity test. This will likely be unorthodox given the conversation we just had… and there may be questions we both already know the answer to, but I still need to ask. Do you consent to be tested and have your responses recorded?”
“Please sign these forms indicating your consent, discretion, and release of the convent.”
She stood, readjusted her robes, and signed the papers. As she did, the inspector removed the leather chair and placed the original stool behind her. She sat back on the stool.
The inspector clicked a button on a recording device and it began to flash a small red light.
“I am going to be asking you questions and conducting a physical stress test. You can ask me to stop at any time. The objective of this test is to see if you’re able to demonstrate your will and ability to resist temptation. I will be taking note on how your body responds to the tests. Sometimes the most truthful answer comes from how your body answers, not your words. This test is mandatory and frankly imperative for you to have any hope to stay at the convent after the allegations to which you have just confessed. Are you ready to begin?”
“Yes.” He stood looming over her with the clipboard and pen.
“Are you a virgin?”
“In the traditional sense of the word.” She had to arch her head back to look at him.
“I have never had a man penetrate me with his penis.”
“But from the photographs we have seen other items penetrating you.”
“Yes, but I have never had a real man inside of me. I may even still have my hymen intact. So in that sense, I am still a virgin.” He made notes on the clipboard.
“Given these photographs, you led a morally questionable life before coming to the convent. Why do you want to be a nun when is it so clear that you take such pleasure in participating in sexual intercourse?”
“I had a higher calling. I believe I experienced what St. Therese and St. Paul described. One evening I was home alone, and then I wasn”t alone. I could feel a presence. This being consumed my body like I was a doll. I was tossed, and bent over, thrown and filled and penetrated by what I know was the holy spirit in a transfigurative happening. Like the account of St. Therese, I begged for the happening to never end. I believe the Lord took physical form and fucked me so that I would come to the convent and do unto others as he did to me. When it was over, I knew exactly what I needed to do and came to the convent.”
“You believe that the Lord penetrated you?”
“St. Therese claimed that he penetrated her soul. That it was a combination of pain and pleasure so intense she wished others would feel it. Did this penetration affect your soul?”
“I am sure it did. The Lord pumped himself into me, between my legs and held me by the hips and throat so I could do nothing but moan and cry out.”
“In pain and pleasure?”
“Only pleasure.”
“How long did this last?”
“I can’t say. But I couldn’t walk afterwards. There were physical marks all over my body.”
“So you came straight to the convent?”
“No. It took me a bit to process what had happened. As time passed, I felt as if I was going through some sort of intense withdrawal. I needed the Lord. I needed him inside of me. I started praying that he would return. I invited people over to try to replicate the experience, but it wasn’t the same. This is probably when some of those photographs were taken. I hadn”t been very religious before the happening. But after, I would do anything he wanted. It was after some time that I came to the convent. I was very motivated.”
“Your motivation was evident from your test scores and Novice performance evaluation.”
“I am sure you can imagine why now.”
“This experience, has it placed you in a state of needing sex from those around you in general or only with the hope of replicating what you had in that transfigurative moment?”
“The experience has made me far weaker to the temptations of those around me. Men, and women of course, are made in the image of Him. When I can feel somebody is filled with desire, or we share a similar lust, it is incredibly challenging to resist giving them what they need and allowing them to give me what I need. I can”t even feel guilt about it as in my heart I believe that I am bringing us both closer to God.”
“So if I were to be inside of you, and we were to engage in intercourse, you believe it would bring me closer to God.”
“Yes. I do believe that. You would be the only man I had been with, other than the Lord himself. I believe that if you were to come inside of me, your life would never be the same.”
He made notes on his clipboard, trying to maintain an element of composure.
“Did you seduce the Novice Alison?”
“Yes, but I could feel that she needed me.”
“Did you seduce Sister Kathleen?”
“That just started happening naturally. She asked me to come pray with her and I could feel her need.”
“Were they the only wards of the convent that you have been intimate with?”
If you had not been called to this investigation would you have continued to seduce, or be intimate with your peers?
“For the purpose of not being expelled from the convent, no. Absolutely not.”
He reached for the recording device and clicked the stop recording button. “And the truth?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
He clicked the recording button back on as they stared at each other.
“The physical component of this test will now begin. This component will inform the convent whether you will be able to leave your lustful ways behind you, or if you would be likely to fall back into temptation again if they were to keep you.”
She nodded as he approached her. His hand took hold of her robe and pulled it down over her shoulders. It was still undone from the tattoo search earlier. The black fabric slid away and revealed her breasts which were almost covered by her habit.
With one hand, he held her jaw. “Now be truthful. Will you be truthful?”
“Yes.” He took his other hand and began caressing her breasts. Her lips parted and she inhaled shallowly.
“Is this something you could resist if you were allowed to stay in the convent?” He continued to caress and touch her breasts, pinching gently at her nipple. Her legs parted just a bit, something that he did not miss. “Your knees are parting. Are you wanting me to do more to you?”
“I can resist. I can resist.” She said, the second time sounded as if it were mean to convince herself. He began to loosen the fabric of her habit, revealing her neck and her hair. “Sir! You can”t take off a Nun”s habit!”
“You aren’t a nun. Not yet. And this is mandatory for the examination. Do you want me to stop the test?”
“Alright then.” He leaned in and pulled her head back with a handful of hair. Her legs parted all the way. He pressed himself between her legs and began to kiss her neck. His free hand at the low of her back, pulling hips her into him. Her robes spilled away to reveal the corset and her breasts, but her lower half remained concealed. The stool raised her body so that the inspector would have been able to enter her if there wasn”t cloth in the way.
He stopped and whispered into her ear as he slowly began to press himself and gyrate between her legs, “do you want me to stop the test?” Between breaths, she replied, “No. I could resist this. You should continue.”
He grabbed at the black cloth of her robes which was caught on the clasps of the corset. Untangling the fabric with a few tugs, he let it fall to the ground. “Bring your hips forward. To the edge of the stool.” She did. One leg still stockinged, the other bare.
He moved behind her, running his fingertips over her body. Inadvertently she began leaning into and anticipating his touch. From behind, he pressed himself against her. His own lips grazed her ear and neck while the other hand reached down between her thighs. Gently touching the thin white cotton of her underwear. Her legs parted further.
With one hand, he held her by the throat. She could feel her breath on her neck, and it ran shivers down her body to her nipples. He pulled her torso back more causing her back to arch in a way that placed all of her weight and balance entirely on him. He kept her steady with his grip around her neck and her back against his chest.
His other hand remained active between her legs. His fingers rubbed lower until they were focused over the soft mound where it was most sensitive. As his fingers circled and rubbed up and down over the fabric, the hand around her throat loosened and made its way to her exposed breasts. He began squeezing the flesh and pinching her nipples as he could feel her become increasingly wetter though her underwear. In a quiet voice, he asked, “could you resist this temptation if allowed to stay in the convent?”
Her arched back and chest heaved as she breathed while he gently rubbed, her head hung over his shoulder. “Yes. I could resist.”
His fingers found the edge of her underwear and began slipping underneath. “Should I stop the test?” His fingers hooked under the white cotton and began to pull it down. She arched more, lifting her pelvis off the stool so he could slide the underwear down more as she looked up at him. “No, don”t stop the test.”
He scooped her up and placed her on the desk. Underwear still above her knees and he stood in front of her and removed his blazer and tie. He rolled up his sleeves.
With his sleeves rolled up, he pushed her torso back onto his desk so she could lean back and rested on her elbows. He lifted her legs and pulled the underwear completely off. He ran his hands up and down her bare leg from ankle to thigh. He pushed her calves together so her legs went up and out straight. With one hand he held her ankles together and the other he began to touch her exposed labia. She let out a moan as he began to rub the folds of the sensitive skin and worked his way closer to where he could enter her. He released her ankles and without prompt she spread her legs wide. Her labia spread open too, almost an invitation.
He took two fingers and put them in her mouth. Without hesitation she sucked. After a few seconds, he withdrew his fingers and pushed them deep inside of her. She gripped the desk and moaned as his other hand pulled at her hips so she was fucking his fingers deeper and progressively harder. Her breasts bounced gently and her head fell back with her neck bare and exposed. Only the half done up corset and solitary stocking was left to cover her body. “Could you resist temptation” His fingers deep inside of her rubbing pulsing in and out. “Do you want me to stop the test?”
She was breathless. “I need you to respond so the recording can hear you.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. I could resist.” It was unclear if she was crying out in pleasure as her hips were pushing into his fingers. He withdrew his hand and looked down at her. Catching her breath, she then stated, “No I don’t need you to stop.” He slid his fingers back inside of her and then slid them out and into her labia, pulling the folds apart. His fingers were wet and she slid open revealing an engorged clitoris. “Are you sure you could resist this temptation?” His breath hot on his lip grazed her clit. “Yes, I could resist.”
“Do you want..”
“No, I don’t want you to stop.” And he began to run his lips over her clit and trace her lips with his tongue. Her elbows gave way as he ate her out. Her hands clutched at her own breasts and the back of his head.
“What?” She gasped.
“Pray out loud.” She could hear him undoing his belt and undoing his zipper as he continued to consume her.
“Hail Mary full of grace, the lord is with thee..” She gasped as he sucked on her and began licking with more intensity. “Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” She could hear the inspector touching himself as he licked her. She panted and could barely make it through the last line as pleasure mounted in her from his mouth and the thrill that he was touching himself. She could see the image of their bodies with her legs spread and his head between her thighs with his hands working on himself in a reflection of a cabinet to her left. “Holy Mary, Mother of God… oh my god I”m so close” She was gasping and clutching and she between cries “Holy Mary, Mother of god pray for us, oh my god I”m coming,” and she managed to moan the words, “sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” And she was overcome by the orgasm. As she finished coming he stood up, pulled off his shirt and pulled his pants down the rest of the way. Her body was still spasming as he continued to rub her clit with his fingers to prolong the orgasm.
“You didn’t finish the prayer.” She looked at him. “You must finish it.” She gaped up at him standing between her legs fully erect holding his penis with one hand and the other making her come.
In a breathy voice she moaned the final word, “Amen,” and then he plunged his cock into her. The walls of her vagina were still shaking from the orgasm as he pumped in and out. She was shockingly wet and tight. Suddenly it was him who seemed breathless as he seemed to lose himself while inside of her. She watched and pushed him out of her and then pushed him onto the desk where he had just brought her to climax. She engulfed him with her mouth and her head bobbed up and down with her hands wrapped around his shaft. He gathered her hair back and held it out of her way. She then climbed up onto the desk and mounted him. He was throbbing and needed to be inside of her. She hovered with her pussy just pressed on to the tip of his penis, her hips moving up and down so he barely entered her. She said, “Are you sure you want the test to continue?” Her breasts full and bouncing lightly over the corset, her labia barely wrapped around his penis. He could barely say it, “yes, I need this test to continue,” and she forcefully slid down and engulfed him. She began to ride him. Her hips grinding slowly onto him and her breasts bounced in his face. She moved faster, his hands guiding her hips up and down. He was completely out of control, he was going to come. She could feel it starting and she smiled to herself. She tightened and pulsed her vagina around his cock, willing him to come.
Before he lost it, he pushed her up and off him. He stood to try to gain composure and she practically leapt onto him, grasping and pushing her hips onto him until he was inside of her again. She wrapped herself around him like a creature, like a succubus, ramming her hips up and down.
He lifted her off of him and pushed her down onto the desk face first, making sure not to hurt her. She desperately reached behind and guided him into her pussy. He gripped the corset like a harness and pulled at the strings as he pumped into her. He watched as she reached a hand down between her legs and began feverishly rubbing her clit as he fucked harder. With his hands he gripped her bottom and pulled her apart. He could tell she was getting close to a second climax as her pussy began to tighten and she began to make guttural noises. As she came intensely, she pulled him deem inside of her and clenched around his cock. The walls of her vagina began spasming and vibrating in a way that sucked him into her and he lost control and came animalistically. She panted onto the desk with her hand still between her legs. He held himself up as he continued to have light after-spasms of pleasure inside of her. He then pulled out of her and fell back into the leather chair panting.
One month later she received the verdict from the convent superiors. She was guilty of the charges and she did not meet their expectations during the purity test. She had one week to collect her things and make arrangements.
The next day she received a letter in the post. It was an offer of employment from the Archduke. She had been offered a role as a purity investigator for the church. She already had an assignment waiting for her if she accepted.


1 comment

  1. Hi readers, I hope you like my story. If you have any questions, or thoughts, I’d love to hear them :) I have more stories following these characters, let me know if you’d want me to post them also.

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