Winning loto leads to wife and I using hall pass [m33/f33] [first threesome] Part 2.a

The next few weeks went by and we had sex several times. They were all great but none reached the level or intensity as the other night. I craved that high. I wanted her back in total slut mode begging for 2cocks again. I wanted to feel her body shake through her orgasm as both her holes were used.

I scrolled insta to keep my mind off of it. Then I got an ad for a convention in London that was going to have all the actors from the show. I clicked on the link and my mind started running a little. It was 200 euros to get in and it was 500 for a “private” meeting with the stars. I started to think if I took Sally and she met him in real life, she’d be rabid for sex by time we got back to the hotel. My mind started going down a rabbit hole and I felt my cock growing.

The lack of blood to my brain from rushing south had my phone in my hand and calling the number.

A lady answered the phone and I told her I wanted two tickets for the event and private meet and greet. She took my credit card info and was wrapping up the call and words poured out of my mouth before I knew it. “If I wanted an extended private meeting what would that cost?” I asked

“Sir that isn’t something that is offered” she said.

I wasn’t deterred, “look it’s my wife’s bday present and she really loves the show and Ian. Money isn’t an issue, I’d pay anything to get some real one on one time”

The lady said, “sorry I am not able to do anything more we don’t have a contract for that”

“Well who’s in charge of the contracts? How does that work?” I asked

She responded, “each actor has their agent and we work through them”

“Give me Ian’s agents number then?” I asked nicely

“I can’t do that sir.” She said firmly

“Look, I love me wife and I want to do this for her. Do you have cash app? I’ll send you 1000 dollars right now if you just get me that info” I pleaded

She said, “ you are crazy, I respect the dedication to your wife”

If only she knew it was because I was trying to get this guy to fuck her and dp her with me.

“What’s you ID for cash app?” I asked

There was a long pause and she gave me the info. I sent her the money instantly.

She gave me the number and we hung up.

My heart was racing. No turning back now. I picked up my phone and called the number and a guy answered.

I said, “hello my name is Steve and I’d like to book a private meeting with Ian for my wife’s bday”

“Ian doesn’t do private meetings, how did you get this number? He asked angrily

“He does for the type of money I am offering, I read he gets paid around 200k euros an episode, I’d pay that for a one hour one on one plus 10k to you for facilitating” I said with the most business voice I could put on

The phone was silent for a minute and he finally responded, “15k and I’ll do it”

“Deal, but I speak to Ian directly about the details and I will pay you on your word, you’ll have him call me.”

Another minute of silence but he said “ ok, I want it wired to me, once I have it, I’ll have him call you”

I got his info and wired the money. He said he’d call me once it posted. My heart raced and I assumed id have to explain to Sally how I lost 15k dollars.

The next day my phone rang and it was Ian’s agent. He said, “I have Ian on the other line and going to patch him to you”

A second later I was talking to a Hollywood star. Ian said, “I hear you want a one on one for your wife’s bday?”

I said , “yes, and I’m going to be direct and blunt here. I want you to fuck her, and I’m going to set it up as if it was totally random. She is hot as hell and going to be the easiest 200k you’ve ever earned”

He was dead silent for 3 straight minutes. I regretted my bluntness and wished I eased into it. He finally said, send “me a picture to this number”

This took me off guard but I quickly went to my hidden folder and sent a picture of her in matching black lace lingerie. He said, “fuck, she is hot, I am down”

We set up some quick details and he wanted to move the logistics back to his agent on where they would meet.

I hung up the phone and the room was spinning from how hard my blood was pumping.

I booked flights, found a small 8 room bNb near the convention and rented all the rooms for privacy.

I couldn’t wait for Sally to get home to tell her the part of the plan she was going to be privy too.

What felt like a life time went by before Sally got home. I met her at the door clearly excited and she looked concerned and said, “what’s into you?”

I played a little coy and said, “I did a thing”
She said, “what type of thing?”

“We’re going to London in 3 weeks for a convention and I bought us, well really for you, a private meet and greet with Ian” I said quicker and more excited than I wanted to.

She laughed and said, “you’re funny, what’s really going on?”

I just stared at her and she knew I was serious..

“Are you fucking serious?” She squealed

“Yep” I said simply

She came to me and kissed me and said, “you might regret this, you know he’s my hall pass and I can be very charming when I want to be. You put us in the same room, things might happened” she said teasingly over my lips as she continued to kiss me.

“I’ll take my chances, and I agree he’s your hall pass. No judgment if your “charm” effects him” I said laughing through my words already knowing she was going to be taking his cock in 3 weeks.

That night when we got into bed I was determined to get her to start thinking about it. By time the trip came I wanted her in full lust. I grabbed the remote and selected the episode we watched that made her so horny.

She look at me and said, “seriously? You just want to play with my ass don’t you?”
“Can you blame me?” I said as I pushed my hand between her legs and started rubbing her lips. By time the sex sceen started she was soaked and I had 3 fingers in her pussy.

“Get on top of me” I demanded
She got up and strattled me and I pulled her down to my chest and said, “face the tv, reverse cow girl, think of the 2 of us fucking you while you watch him”

She bit my lip and said, “who’s the naughty one now”

She did as she was told and leaned forward while she rode me, giving me a perfect few of my cock sliding in and out of her and her tight little ass.

I pushed my thumb against her ass and she moaned.
“Think of his dick about to enter you, think about how we’re going to fuck your holes until you cum over and over again”

She said, “take my ass”


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