Skye the Bimbo Boss and the new company policy

I have been working at this job for 6 years. In those years I’ve seen some tough times, but nothing as tough as right now. The company has grown to fast and now it needs to make a tough decision. There have been whispers around the office about people being laid off. I don’t want to join in on the rumours but I have just received an email from the boss asking if I would come to her office.

Right now my heart is racing, I don’t want to loose this job! I shouldn’t overreact, I have been here so long and I’ve worked so hard, they are not going to fire me. But some other long term colleagues have already spoken with the boss and they went straight home without talking with anyone. I was super nervous when I went to the elevator. When I got in I pressed the top button. I notice my hand trembling, almost pressing the wrong button. After a nerve racking elevator ride I reached her office.

“Yes, Steven. Come in. Please sit down”

I walked towards her shaking and sit in the chair in front of her desk, it was much lower than her chair so she was looking down at me.

“You wanted to see me Miss Skye?”

I always had a huge crush on my boss, everyone did! She was a total bimbo! Nice big tits with an amazing ass and she always wore tight short skirts and shirts with lots of cleavage. A pleasure for the eye. She took over as my new boss after just a few months with the company, which at first I resented her for. I wanted that job! I deserved it! But I can’t stay mad at her.

“Yes Steven. As you know the company is having some difficulties and unfortunately… I’ll cut to the chase… We need to make some cuts”

My heart almost stopped. Is this really it?!

“No Miss Skye! I’ve been at this company so long! I gave so much!”

She lifted up a finger as if to silence me. For some reason it worked and I stopped talking.

“Is that so? Because I have been reviewing your achievements and they seem to be… below average”

I was dumbfounded. This can’t be true!

“I’m sure there has been a mistake Miss Skye! I belong here, there is so much more I can offer”

I felt confident in my response. Strong, confident, straightforward, she must respect that and give me another chance right?

“Relax, you’re not fired yet… But you should understand that I’m going to need proof of your commitment.”

She slid over a piece of paper

“You pick any of these 3 options and you keep your job. If you don’t want to choose any of them? You will be fire right now. It’s that simple.”

I were confused but intrigued. That really did seem simple, all I had to do was pick one of the 3 options? I calmed down a bit, there had to be at least one that would be no problem right?

“So I pick one and I get to keep my job?”

“You pick one of these and I will not fire you for as long as you correctly perform the option you have chosen. I wrote these options myself, they are my tried and true methods. This way we see that you have the commitment we are looking for in this company.”

I look down on the piece of paper and start reading.

**Option 1:** You will always work from the office, never from home and from now on your work hours are from 8 in the morning until 8 at night, or if the boss is still in at that time you will stay until she leaves.

Damn, that sounds really tough. I am not a morning person and it has been a long time since I even stood up before 8, let alone be at the office. Also I had shit to do! By which I meant video games, but still. Better keep reading and hope it gets better.

**Option 2:** You will donate half of your salary to the company. We will monitor your output, which should stay the same. If your output goes down it will count as a failure.

Damn, I can’t pick this one! I can barely afford rent right now! I would need to move and really ration my money. Oh man, I hope the third option is good.

**Option 3:** You will get on your knees in front of your boss right now. You will apologize for your terrible achievements and under performance. Once a week you will go to the office for a compliance test, if you pass this test you will remain at your current function. If you fail you will be terminated.

Compliance test: Your boss will apply compliance tests to ensure your commitment stays at the correct level, this test is randomized but can include one ore more of the following:

* getting her drinks
* making her lunch
* doing her chores
* worship her all week
* getting slapped
* getting spanked
* stripping naked
* wearing clothes provided by her

What the fuck, this list is long! Also it is getting kinda fucked up. Strip naked for her? Getting slapped? Maybe it gets better if I keep reading.

* wear a butt plug at least 5 hours every day
* wear the company chastity cage the whole week
* Suck the boss’s strapon
* get fucked by the boss’s strapon
* get fucked by the boss’s Bull

Fuck, that list did not get better at all! What did I just read?! I look at my boss who is sitting back in her chair smirking at me. I quickly read all 3 options again, was that really what it said?!

“Ehhmm, so… so I pick one of these and I will keep my job?”

She leans forward staring deep into my eyes. I can’t look away, it is very intimidating but also very intoxicating.

“You pick one of these 3 options and you can keep your job. It is that simple. What is it going to be? One of these 3 options or are you going to be a little bitch and quit right here.”

She has never struck such a fierce tone with me. But these are desperate times of course so it makes sense. I quickly read all 3 options over again, I can’t pick any of these right?

She stood up. Again she wore a short black skirt, she had to push it down a little when she got up and I got a quick glimpse of her panties. I slowly look up and see her white blouse, the bottom 4 buttons are closed but after that they are all unbuttoned. I could see her bra, which pushed her big tits tight together creating one of the best cleavages I had ever seen.

“So which is it going to be?!”

In fear I quickly looked at her face and made eye contact. Looking at her thick red lips and intense eyes covered in eye liner. Staring at her made it difficult to think clearly. I didn’t want to work extra hard and I didn’t want to get paid less, so I guess that leaves option 3? Just a compliance test once a week? That’s ok right? There was a long list of things but right now I’m thinking most of them weren’t as bad right?

“WELL!? If you don’t pick right now you can just leave!”

I panicked a bit, my heart is racing. I can’t loose my job, I have to pick something”Option… option… 3! 3! I pick 3!”

She smiles and then she starts laughing.

“Hahahaha very good! My favourite. Well… I’m waiting”

At first I am a confused, still in disbelief that I picked option 3. What was it again? I read the first part, get on my knees? Ok! I fall on my knees in front of her.

“I am sorry Miss Skye, I am sorry for my achievements or lack thereof and I am sorry for my under performance. The company needs better!”

I tried to give my best performance, in that moment I felt like I really meant it. I look up at Miss Skye and she seems to enjoy me groveling on my knees in front of her.

“Hahaha very good. The company indeed needs better. You picked the right option for that.”

She slowly walks back to her desk. My heart is still racing, what have I done! What was option 3 again? I read the paper again, going over all the things it includes. What?! Some of these I can’t do?! I have to know if I want to keep my job.

“Let’s start with the compliance test for this week shall we?”

I start to think about what she will possible pick, I am getting nervous. At that point she slams the desk.

“When I ask you a question you answer it, am I clear?”


I quickly answer from shock, but she slams her desk again

“Yes WHAT?!”

“Yes, Miss Skye”

I get a bit teary, I don’t want to disappoint her. I need to keep my job!

“Very good. Now that you have chosen option 3 I will need to see proper compliance. In fact let’s do the compliance check for this week.”

She opens her desk and starts to look around, sometimes she giggles a bit while going through a bunch of items I can’t see.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go soft on you this week. First get naked and then put this on”

She throws me a small piece of fabric. I look at it, they are… booty shorts? They have the company colour scheme, black and orange, and the company logo printed on the ass part. They also seemed a bit to small for me.

“Do you have a larger one maybe?”

That seemed to make her mad, she looked at me with anger

“Compliance means no talking back you understand?! If I hear one more peep out of you I’ll make you fail! Now put it on! Dammit, now I’ll go a little less soft on you.”

I stand up and start to strip naked, I have to do what she says. Just wearing some silly clothes is not that bad. I put them on and they feel kinda nice wrapped tight around my ass. I try to look at myself, my ass looks kinda good in this!

“There you go Miss Skye, all compliant for you!”

I look over and see that she grabbed a strapon from her desk and she had just put it on.

“Very good, you sexy booty bitch hihihi”

She walks towards me and stares deep into my eyes. It’s hard to not look down into her cleavage or further down at her big strapon. It again has the company colours, all black with orange base, and the logo printed on the tip. She starts stroking it while she keep staring at me. Her strapon almost pushes against my cock which has gotten rock hard in the tight booty shorts.

“Bend over for me”

I quickly follow orders and bend over, my mind is racing with all the things she can do with that strapon. I get a bit more nervous, I should have never talked back in the first place! She suddenly slaps hard on my booty shorts. It caught me of guard, I couldn’t help but let out a little shriek of pain.

“Hihi You looked so cute in those booty shorts I thought that you could deserve some slaps”

As she slaps me again I no longer shriek of pain, but more of a slight moan of pleasure. I try my best to stay compliant and not fuck it up.

“Yes, Miss Skye! Oh!”

“For this week I’ll just make you do one… more… thing… Get on your knees!”

I quickly got on my knees, my butt cheeks feel red and warm from her spanking just now. I look up at her for approval that I have been compliant so far. She smiles back at me while stroking her strapon in front of me, she seems happy!

“Now I need my company bitches to know how to suck cock, so you’re going to show me that you can suck cock! Open your mouth!”

She grabs my hair as I open my mouth for her, I want to say “Yes, Miss Skye” but because my mouth is already wide open it just sounds like garbled mess. She slowly pushes my face towards her strapon. I get nervous. I have never done this before! I can’t take that whole thing! She pushes the tip of her strapon in my mouth and stops. I close my lips around it and start licking. I feel her tip in my mouth as I look up at her, she seems pleased!

“Very good! This week I’ll go slow for you”

She takes out the tip of the strapon and slaps it against my face, I feel my own spit gliding down my cheeks.

“Thank you Miss Skye, I can take it”

She let out a cute giggle, hearing that gave me a nice tingle. I wanted to make my boss proud! So I won’t get fired, but also because I liked it.

“Very good. That’s what we need at this company, let’s see how good you can take it.”

She again grabs my head and pushes it deeper over her strapon. I am now fully committed to passing this test. I push my face harder against her strapon to get it in deeper, it seemed to make her proud again! I grab her thighs to give myself something to hang on to. As soon as I touch her she slaps my hands away.

“No touching! Ever! Understand?”

I am in shock, did I fuck it up?!

“Yes Miss Skye, sorry Miss Skye”

“Come here!”

This time she wasn’t so careful. She grabbed my hair with both her hands and started pounding my face with her thick strapon. With each trust I could feel it go deeper and deeper. I got tears in my eyes and I started to moan with each trust, but the kind of muffled moan that you get when you have a mouth full. I look up, trying to stay strong as I feel her cock fill up my whole mouth until she finally takes it out again.

“Hahaha very goood! Compliance test for this week is… sufficient.”

I gasp for air, saliva is dripping from my lips down to my chin. I look up at my boss and see her strapon is also covered in my spit. I take one more deep breath. I made it!

“Thank you Miss Skye”

She takes off her strapon and looks at me.

“You can keep the booty shorts. Good luck with your work this week and I’ll see you next week.”

“See you next week Miss Skye.”

I quickly put on all my clothes again and go downstairs, I’ll just quickly go home right now I can’t look anyone in the eye. As I arrive home I process what just happened, I feel the booty shorts still on me and I feel relief. I did it! I kept my job! I would need to do another compliance check next week, but right now I know that I can do it!
