Thai Massage #17 [F58]

We’d all just finished our working lunch & piled into the rental car. The VIce President of Activities suggested we all go for a massage & the President of The Company said it was a great idea. I was still a bit jet lagged having only arrived to Thailand two days earlier. Still i thought it was odd for us to all go for massages after lunch.

Being the youngest of the group (32 at the time) and the only female. I didn’t want to cause an issue, so said nothing. In the 90’s I was still finding my way…

The five (5) of us walked into a simple gray modern building and were greeted by a hostess. Once they confirmed we were there for a massage we were escorted behind a wall. I had expected us to be divided by gender, but instead we were led into a room with comfortable chairs & brought refreshing tropical beverages🍹

The chairs faced a large glass wall covered by curtains. A well dressed gentleman came out & explained that the “ladies” would be brought in & we should identify our choice by writing their number/s on the paper provided.

As the curtains opened I was shocked to see the women dressed in lingerie as they filed into the bleachers behind the glass. They were each wearing large white buttons with numbers to identify them.

There were at least 30 women total. They were of all heights, shapes, sizes, body types & skin tones. The first two were chosen quickly and my colleagues left the room. After some embarrassment & averted eyes the 3rd contestant was chosen. Leaving only myself & a lone colleague. I knew I’d have to chose & could see the visible discomfort of the last male in the room – so decided to get it over with & selected the homeliest women in a lime green babydoll nightie with long black shag cut hair, brown eyes & a button nose. #17

My logic was she must be doing this for the money & probably didn’t get selected often. 🤦‍♀️

I walked out the side door & met her in the hallway. She smiled, greeted me and escorted me to the room. In the room was a bathroom with shower, hot tub, Thai Mat & bed. She invited me to undress & enjoy a hot shower. She scrubbed my back & cleaned every inch of me then led me to the hot tub. As I was soaking I tried to engage her in conversation, as I was wondering what had brought her to this. She had two children who lived in the country with her parents. English wasn’t her first language & I don’t speak Thai, but still she politely avoided my questions regarding her happiness.

After she’d rubbed my shoulders & feet in the tub she dried me off and had me lay on the mat. She began working every joint & muscle in my body both back & front. I was in heaven & allowed myself to completely relax. She seemed to know what she was doing & appeared comfortable. I decided to just go with the experience. I didn’t think anything of her rubbing my hips, sacrum
Or buttocks. Her adept technique on my breasts felt more needed & nurturing than sexual & so I surrendered.

As I lay there limp & languid – she asked me if I’d like “a happy ending” and it took me a minute to grasp what she meant. I thought about it… I really pondered what she wanted? What served her best? What if I said “no”? Worse – what if I said “yes”?

Finally, I asked her what it meant if I said “yes” and she motioned for me to move to the bed. Using her fingers she demonstrated a come hither motion midair… dirty air quotes.

I thought – what the hell – I’m here. 🤷‍♀️
and said okay.

#17 had me lay back & propped my knees up with pillows. She sat between my knees & began massaging my thighs. She gripped my hips with her hands & applied the pressure of her thumbs into my groin. Slowly she began applying pressure to my outer labia in a downward motion. Still I was struggling to relax based on the circumstances. I couldn’t tell how she felt & I was distracted by my concerns for her.

After a few more strokes she told me to close my eyes & relax. I guess she could tell I was uncomfortable. As soon as I followed directions she slipped a finger than two inside me & began expertly dragging her fingers against my g spot while circling my clitoris with her other hand.

I came in moments. She graciously pulled the sheet up to let me rest & washed her hands. As she thanked me I caught her eye for just a moment.

I was the first one waiting in the lobby area, as each member of our party returned. Slightly disheveled & rosier than before. No one mentioned a massage at all, as we quietly drove back to the office pretending we didn’t all just get a hand job.



  1. Very beautifully written. Love context and buildup. Would love to hear more stories of your experiences

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