Bella’s Web: From Dame to Domme Part II [Series] [F22/M19] [Femdom] [Tease] [Breath play] [Footjob] [Ruined Orgasm]

***Apologies for the delay in publishing Part II of the series. Life in general prevented me from getting it done in a more timely manner. Anyone who missed it should check out*** [Part I]( ***posted on my reddit page.***

Ethan nervously knocked on the door. In a text that came in the early morning hours just after midnight, [Bella]( had explicitly told him to be there at 7 am with her vegan Frappuccino and burrito and it was almost a quarter after. An older woman passing by with a yappy dog looked Ethan up and down, shaking her head. “Well, look who finally decided to show,” a familiar voice said, startling Ethan and nearly causing him to drop the Frappuccino as he turned to face the voice’s source. Bella stood there, wearing blue yoga tights, and a white training bra. She had her arms crossed, complete with a look of disgust. Ethan’s mouth hung open in awe as this was the most revealing clothing he had ever seen her in. “Do you know this boy, Isabella? I’ve never seen him before and if he’s bothering you I could phone the Police straight away,” The older woman with a yappy dog asked from a few feet down the hall.

While Bella had no intention of dignifying her older neighbor’s paranoia. It wouldn’t stop her from smirking at Ethan and giving him just enough to time to question whether she was actually considering it or not. “Not to worry, Mrs. Miller. I was expecting him,” Bella said without breaking eye contact with Ethan before peeking out her door and looking at Mrs. Miller. “Do give my best to Mr. Miller,” Bella said in a tone far softer and sweeter than the one she had initially addressed Ethan with. Bella mouthed “Get the fuck in here,” while Mrs. Miller continued to eye Ethan with suspicion despite Bella vouching for him.

“Give me the frap, set the burrito on the kitchen counter, and sit it the fuck down,” Bella said sternly. Ethan quickly complied and sat on the sofa in the main living area. Bella sipped her Frappuccino while regarding Ethan’s appearance. The longer she remained silent, the more uncomfortable it made him. “Ok, first off, I don’t like being kept waiting. When I tell you to be somewhere at a certain time, I mean be there at that time. Not when you feel like it. Secondly, is that you breathing? Cuz I can’t hear myself think. If this is going to work, you’re gonna have to learn to breathe through your nose like a normal person. And seriously, did you sleep in those clothes? When was the last time you washed those jeans? Ugh, you know what? Never mind. Why do you think I had you come over here today, Ethan?” Bella said, rolling her eyes in contempt.

It occurred to Ethan that there would be no right answer to this question. No matter what he said, Bella was likely to filet him alive. Not that she would ever give him enough time to respond anyway. “It’s not a trick question.” she said as she made her way towards the counter and began unwrapping the burrito. “I brought you here to so I could establish some ground rules. Ethan remained silent, which amused and annoyed Bella at the same time.

Bella continued eating and only speaking when she had swallowed the previous mouthful of the burrito and washed it down with a sip from her Frappuccino. “Rule number one, when we’re alone, you will only ever address me as mistress, understood? Ethan remained silent but nodded. “I said, understood?” Bella said. “Yes.” Ethan responded timidly. “Yes what?” Bella said as she rapidly approached Ethan and began grinding her foot into his balls and causing him to wretch in pain. “Yes, Mistress! Yes, Mistress!” Ethan said desperately for relief. Bella reluctantly removed her foot, pleasantly surprised at the bulge she felt growing in the seat of his pants. “There’s a good boy. Did that turn you on, slave? Having your mistress grind her foot into your balls?” she said in a softer tone. “Yes, mistress.” Bella smirked in amusement. Already he was demonstrating a natural affinity for the submission she craved

“Right, rule number two shouldn’t be too hard for you to adhere to since you seem to be naturally mute. You only speak when spoken to. If you wish to address me, you will ask permission first. Is that understood?” Bella said as she took a long sip of her frap. “Yes, Mistress.” Ethan said with an uneasy tone, eager to avoid having his balls crushed again. “And if any of these rules are broken there will be consequences. You had your one freebee by being late. After that, there will be hell to pay. Is that understood, slave?” Bella’s eyes drifted South again to the seat of Ethan’s pants, and she bit her lower lip. “Stand up, and approach me, slave.” Ethan did as he was told, stood up, and cautiously approached Bella, halfway expecting her to rack him in the balls. “Right, let’s see it then,” Bella said matter-of-factly.

“Ummm…See what, Mistress? Ethan said with a confused look.

Bella walked up into his space, and Ethan braced himself. She smirked in amusement at watching him wince at her approach. She stood up on her tippy toes to bring her mouth next to his ear while she rubbed the bulge in his pants. “Pull your cock out, I wanna see it,” she said before sucking on his earlobe causing him to groan. She stepped back, admiring the physiological affect she was having on Ethan with his heightened breathing and the newly formed tent in the front of his pants. “What did I tell you about mouth breathing, slave!” Bella said in annoyance. Ethan quickly closed his mouth. “I’m sorry, mistress.”

“You’re damn right you’re sorry.”

Bella stared daggers into his eyes making it hard for him to keep eye contact. “I thought I made it clear to you, slave. I don’t like to be kept waiting. When I ask you to do something, I’m not actually asking. So you be a good little bitch, and pull your cock out now, or there will be consequences.” Bella said with a stern tone. “Permission to speak, mistress.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “What is it, slave?”

“I’m…I’m…” Ethan started to say timidly. But Bella was out of patience for his tentative way of speaking. “Ugh…spit it the fuck out already. I don’t have all morning, slave.”

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this,” Ethan said, amazed that she even allowed him to finish his sentence.

”Awww. I’m sorry, you’re not sure you’re comfortable. Well, would you be more comfortable being passed around the prison yard like a blunt at a Bob Marley concert? Because that’s exactly what awaits you if you don’t pull your cock out right this second,” Bella said in a bratty and mocking tone. Ethan felt his anger rise. “Or maybe I’ll just tell my uncle about the lewd behavior of you and Tracy in the front of the store.” he said with as much confidence as he could muster, and surprising even himself.

Bella regarded him a second before busting out in laughter, which threw Ethan off. He figured if anything, she would be infuriated. But her reaction had him reeling internally. “Lewd behavior? That’s just so cute,” Bella said lightly pinching his cheek. “And who do you think dear Uncle Sully will believe? Innocent wittle Bella, who’s almost solely responsible for the palpable increase in sales in recent months. Or awkward wittle Ethan who has the guts of a guppy, and all the social skills of a hermit crab?” Bella said with pouting lips and a innocent tone.

That was it. She might be a manipulative and calculating bitch, but she did a great job of masking that part of herself to the rest of the world. Bella had a knack for making people like her, and Ethan knew that there was way he could ever hope to compete with that. Bella began running her hands gently up his arms, giving him goosebumps. She got on her tiptoes and reached her lips up to his ear again. “So now that that this final pissing contest is behind us, undo your trousers and pull your dick out now. This is my cock now, and I wanna see him,” she said as she rubbed his bulge, and kissed and sucked down his neck. “Set him free. He wants out of the confines of your pants so bad.” She whispered seductively. “Just as insolence will be punished, obedience will be rewarded.”

Ethan reluctantly started undoing his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. If his cock had been anymore erect, it would be tearing a hole through his briefs. He started to take down his briefs but was stopped by Bella. “Allow me,” she said with a mischievous grin. She slowly got down in a squatting position and ran her fingers underneath the elastic bands of his briefs. On one hand, Ethan was aroused to an extent he had never known. But on the other, he was terrified. Bella would be the first female to ever see his dick, and he worried about how he would compare with others she had seen. Bella stared into Ethan’s eyes as she slowly pulled down his briefs, taking her time for added effect before his dick flung out, and nearly hit her in the face, making her giggle. And there it was. It wasn’t the biggest she had ever seen, but it wasn’t the smallest either. It was a decent 6 inches long with good veiny girth that slanted upward dwelling in a jet-black forest of pubes.

The precum oozing out of his swollen head was making Bella lick her lips as she took it in for the first time. This was the longest she had ever had her face this close to an erect cock without enveloping it in her mouth, and she was surprising even herself with her restraint. “Well look at that. That wasn’t so hard now, was it,” Bella said staring up at Ethan before looking back at his dick again. “Come to think of it, it is pretty hard now,” she said with humor that even made Ethan chuckle. Her mouth was close enough of to the head of his dick that he could feel her breath on the tip.

“I’m pleasantly surprised, slave. You have a decent looking cock here,” Bella said as began gently caressing his balls, and running the index finger of her other hand up the bottom side length of his shaft tracing up the protruding veins and causing his cock to twitch. She also made sure the heavier breath of her arousal didn’t go to waste as every word she said was directed onto the head of Ethan’s dick as though it were a microphone. The tease was near torturous so far as Ethan was concerned. The head of his cock was turning a darker shade of purple with her every word. Bella knew what she was doing to him, and she was reveling in every second of it. “So tell me, slave. Are you a virgin?”

“Yes,” Ethan said almost breathlessly, no longer burdened with the insecurity his answer would likely have elicited under normal circumstances.

“Entirely?” Bella asked as she continued caressing his shaft with one hand, and his balls with the other.

“What do you mean, Mistress?” Ethan asked, almost begging her with his eyes to give him relief.

Bella threw a devilish smile his way. “I mean… have you ever had a girl’s mouth…wrapped around your cock…bobbing up and down…and sucking you …until you shot every last drop of your thick creamy cum down her throat?”

Ethan was shocked he hadn’t busted all over her face, not only from the words she was using, but the way she was using them. “No,” Ethan said breathlessly, still begging her to finish what she had started with his eyes.

“Ah well…maybe once we get this cock of yours and every other part of you…properly groomed…that will change…” Bella said as she slowly stroked his shaft watching precum continue to ooze out the tip. ”…But until then…” Bella said as she ran the tip of her index finger around his sensitive tip, scooping up Ethan’s precum and sucking it off her finger. She was pleasantly surprised at the taste, but not giving away her opinion with her facial expression. ”…Down, boy.” With that, Bella gently kissed the head of Ethan’s painfully erect member and rose from her knees to a standing position.

So this is what blue balls feels like, Ethan thought to himself. He had only ever heard of it and needed immediate relief. “Permission to speak, Mistress.”

“Go on then, what is it, slave?” Bella said as though she were expecting it.

“May I use the restroom, mistress.” Ethan said as he struggled to put his dick back into his pants.

“Sure, slave. It’s the third door on the left just there,” Bella said, pointing the way.

Ethan started to make his way out of the room and towards the restroom. “Oh, and slave,” Bella’s voice stopped Ethan in his tracks. “Rule number three…that’s my cock in your pants. And my cock only cums when I want it to. This rule applies whether you are in my presence or not. Violation of this rule will make you subject to severe punishment. Even If you relieve yourself, and shower after, believe me I’ll know… go on and have your tinkle then,” Bella said in her best girly girl voice.

Fucking bitch! She’s evil! Pure evil! Ethan thought to himself. His internal dialogue must have been evident by the look on his face because it made Bella smirk at him in amusement. He was screaming internally but resigned to his fate.

“Oh so, you don’t need the restroom then?” Bella said patronizingly rubbing salt into the wound. She sat back onto the sofa as Ethan made his way back into the room. “What’s your diet like, slave?” Bella asked. Ethan had never put much thought into what he ate and wasn’t sure how to answer. “And therein lies the problem, slave. You have no idea. That shit changes after today. You will have a strict diet, and a workout regimen that I expect you to adhere to.”

“But…” Ethan started to speak until Bella cut him off again. ”…Also, your precum was a bit overly salty for my taste, so it’s clear to me that you aren’t drinking enough water. So from now on, I will expect you to be fully hydrated. What does that mean you ask yourself? It means your urine better be as crystal clear as the water you will be downing by the gallon daily at all times, and yes, I will be checking. The days of sitting on your ass while you imbibe on a steady diet of Monsters and hot pockets, and binging on video games all night are over. Am I understood, slave?”

So blueballs wasn’t bad enough? Now this bitch is dictating what I’m allowed to eat and drink?

“I only need to hear two words from you right now, slave. Any guesses on what those two words are?” Bella said impatiently.

Ethan had so many things he wanted to say to tell her off, but it was useless. Her every word wrapped him further within a silky cocoon on borrowed time until she was ready to consume him. “Yes, Mistress,” Ethan said with a hint of resentment in his voice.

“There’s a good boy. Now kneel before me, slave.” She said, taking a swig of her Frappuccino. “Remove my tennis shoes and rub my feet.” Ethan complied. He didn’t have a foot fetish but still couldn’t help but admire how well she kept her feet. They were clean, smooth, with perfectly trimmed pedicured nails. “Permission to speak, Mistress

“Denied. start rubbing, slave.” Ethan again acquiesced to her wishes and began rubbing her feet. Bella leaned back with her head against the pillow of the couch, pleasantly surprised at the job Ethan was doing. But she still had to stay on point. He had to be torn down to be built back up again, so any compliment or validation would need to be few and far between. “How honored are you to be worshipping my feet? Is there any place you would rather be than right here, right now, slave?” Bella asked while basking with her eyes closed.

“No Mistress.” Ethan said reflexively as he continued you to knead and rub the underside of her feet.

Bella opened her eyes and looked at him. “Really? Because I didn’t hear any conviction in your voice when you said that, so I’ll repeat the question. How. Honored. Are. You. to be worshipping my feet?”

“So honored, Mistress.”

“And is there any place else you would rather be than right here, right now?”

“No Mistress,” Ethan said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Bella said nothing in response as he continued for another minute. He took as a sign that he was finally doing something right in her eyes.

But it soon became clear that he had gotten ahead of himself. “Are you trying to give me an Indian burn, slave? Lick my feet.” Bella said with an aire of impatience. Ethan stopped rubbing and just leered at Bella who still had her eyes closed, but quickly opened them, and lifted her head of the pillow to stare daggers at him. “Did I studder? You were doing a halfway decent job before. Don’t fuck it up now by making me repeat myself.”

Ethan reluctantly began licking Bella’s feet. Bella again closed her eyes and drifted backward against the comfort of the pillow. “Suck on my toes.” Bella cooed, clearly enjoying what he was doing with his tongue. Ethan did as he would told, painstakingly sucking and rolling his tongue around each toe. Bella moaned in bliss. “Good boy. I want you to alternate between licking, sucking and rubbing. Do a decent job, and there might be a reward in it for you.”

Ethan did as he was asked, licking long strokes of the underside of Bella’s foot with his tongue, wrapping his lips around each toe at the top, and sucking a swirling them with his tongue. He then did the same thing with other foot before rubbing each one and using his saliva as a lubricant.

A few minutes went by, and he began to wonder whether Bella was still conscious. That is until she finally spoke. “Stand up, slave,” Bella said with an authoritive tone that gave Ethan the impression he had done something wrong. He quickly stopped what he was doing and stood up. Bella stared at him with a different look in her eyes. He followed her eyes down to the seat of his pants, and she bit her lower lip. She extended her foot and began working circles with her foot on his crotch. Ethan could feel his heart rate elevating, and his dick began to form a tent in his pants.

“You’re not worthy of my my mouth today, slave. But I won’t deny that you did a decent job worshipping my feet. And since I’m feeling especially generous… I’ll allow you to pull my cock out so I can service it with my feet.

Ethan hardly needed to be told twice, as he raced to pull his dick out, making Bella giggle. His girthy 6 inch member was soon liberated from his pants, and fully erect in all it’s glory and oozing precum.

Bella wrapped her feet around each side of Ethan’s dick and began slowly stroking it. Ethan was in utter bliss, with his only real concern being that he wouldn’t be able to last.

“On second thought, I’ll make you this deal, slave. If you can last another 30 seconds between my feet starting now…” Bella said as she gradually picked up the pace. ”…I’ll finish you with my mouth and suck out every last drop…” Bella stopped briefly and leaned up to spit on his dick before moving back to her original position to continue stroking him with her feet. ”…of your thick creamy cum…” Bella increased her pace, leaving Ethan barely able to focus on anything she was saying. ”…But if you cum before that…” Bella said while she smiled mischievously and increased to an even faster pace. ”…I’ll make you clean it up. Deal?”

She says ‘Deal’ as though I have a choice? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! there’s no fucking way I’ll last 30 seconds. The way she’s using her feet, I would be lucky to last another 10 seconds,” Ethan thought to himself. But that was the point, wasn’t it? Bella knew full well she could make him cum anytime she wanted. As usual she was toying with him. Think of something! Anything! Think of the time you had to help grandma out of the bathtub when she was still recovering from her stroke.

But the Bella’s feet may as well have been another pair of hands with the way she was stroking him. Ethan’s plan to stave off release by drumming up every repulsive thought he could muster was beginning to fall apart as he felt his orgasm coming closer. He had no idea how much time he had left, but that didn’t matter. Bella would certainly know, and while she might build up the suspense to tease him with the impression that he ever had a snowball’s chance in hell, she would never allow him to win.

Seconds later, this reality came to fruition as Ethan was on the verge of the most potent orgasm of his life. It was if the energy from every point in furthest reaches of his body had all converged in his groin at once when he finally exploded. “Oh fuck,” he said loudly and moaned in euphoria as Bella stroked the first rope of thick white lust from his throbbing dick. The first rope hit Bella almost between the eyes, but landed lower in the middle of her nose, prompting her to reflexively close her eyes and giggle. Then suddenly and inexplicably, she brought her feet down. Ethan instinctively tried to grab his cock to finish stroking himself out, but to his shock and dismay, Bella kicked his hand away. “Did I say that you could touch my cock, slave? ” Bella said with proud contempt before busting out in laughter. “I told you there would be consequences for any broken rules or insolence.”

Up until earlier, Ethan could think of nothing worse than Bella teasing him to the point of blue balls with her breath play. But she had topped it now. He was in the midst of the greatest orgasm of his life, and Bella was denying him the ability to maximize it. His cock continued to throb as cum shot out with neither the benefit of her feet or his hand. “Mmmm, pretty impressive PSI you got there, slave” Bella said as the rest of his cum shot out with some of it getting as far as her knees before the rest oozed out onto to her feet.

“Mmmm, not bad, slave.” Bella cooed as the cum that had hit her face slowly slid down towards her mouth. Breathing heavily, Ethan watched intently as Bella scooped the cum from her face into her mouth and swirled it around as though she were sampling a malt whiskey before finally swallowing it. When was the last time you came, slave?” Bella asked as she assessed the mess he had made over her lower legs, and feet.

“3 days ago, Mistress.” Ethan said, desperately trying to mask the rage he was feeling towards her now.

3 days?!? Bella thought to herself with surprise.

“Well, if you ever wanna be worthy of my mouth and pussy, you’ll need to do better than 45 seconds. Get to cleaning then,” Bella said casually. Ethan started to walk away. “Excuse me, but where do you think you’re going?” Bella said.

“To get paper towels, Mistress.”

Bella broke out in laughter. “Oh, dear Ethan. With inflation the way it is now, paper towels are expensive. And you certainly won’t be using any of my linen towels.”

Ethan felt the blood flush away from his face, making Bella laugh. “Well, I’m glad you were finally able to take a hint. You’re learning, slave. And before you try to argue your way out of your duty, just ask yourself this. Would you rather lick up your own cum, or the cum of every inmate in prison on a daily basis,” Bella said, beaming from ear to ear.

Any further argument would be useless. Ethan began by slowly licking the cum off of Bella’s tights on the knees and working his way down while gagging in the process. “If you throw up on me, slave, I’ll make you clean the toilet seat in the guest bathroom with your tongue. And my roomie’s boyfriend never bothers to lift the lid. He pisses on it all the time.” Ethan continued cleaning making sure to leave nothing left for scrutiny, all the while wondering whether the greatest orgasm of his life thus far was worth the cost. While he worked Bella reiterated the rules and expectations, and made it clear that new ones could, and would be established at her discretion. For better or for worst, this was his life now.
