An extract from my first MTF BBW transformation story I’m working on

My eyelids began to open as I slowly regained consciousness. I was lying on my back on the floor with a pillow under my head and a blanket over me covering my body. I was dazed and confused. What the hell am I doing lying on the floor in Steve’s basement? I thought to myself. I felt a sudden stab of dread in my gut as I remembered what had happened before I passed out. Did that really happen? Could it have somehow all been a bad dream? Surely it must have been, there’s no way that actually happened. I quickly looked over to the other side of the basement and couldn’t see the DNrAy gun there or Steve. I breathed a sigh of relief, it must have been a bad dream.

Then why was I lying on the floor in Steve’s basement? Maybe I’d gotten drunk as I did feel pretty rough. Hungover perhaps? I’d better find Steve and get to the bottom of this I thought. I slowly got up and clutched my head as I felt dizzy for a few seconds. I felt really weird, not like myself at all. Strangely my body felt a lot heavier than it normally did. I brushed a few strands of hair away from my eyes then a wave of fear spread through me as I realised I still had long hair. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a full length mirror so instinctively looked over to see my reflection and my blood ran cold at what I saw.

Looking back at me was a chubby woman with big tits, a big belly and thick thighs. She had a shocked expression on her face and her mouth was agape. I realised that my mouth was hanging wide open too and I closed it. Her mouth closed at the same time and it made me jump back in fright, as did she. An intense wave of fear washed over me as I realised that it was definitely MY reflection. I looked down at the tits protruding from my chest and curiously caressed them to make sure they were actually real. They felt spongy yet firm and slightly sensitive. Holy shit they were real.

I looked down at my midsection and ran my hands over the big smooth doughy belly I now had which hung down over my waist slightly. Then I moved my hands across the contours of my voluptuous hips and ass. This was really disorientating as my body was now at least three times bigger than it used to be. I turned around and looked over my shoulder to get a better look at my rear. Fucking hell my ass was so huge and round now like a giant ripe peach. If it wasn’t my own ass I’d be pretty turned on. A horrifying thought came to me, what about my dick? I quickly turned around to face the mirror again and as I feared, could no longer see my dick. I reached down between my new plump thighs where my dick used to be and could feel my fingers touch moist pussy lips… MY pussy lips… I pulled my hand away quickly. I felt like I was about to pass out again. The reality of the situation had begun to sink in. I’d been turned into a chick against my will by my own best friend.

The entire world around me seemed completely insignificant. The basement seemed out of focus and miles away, it was like I slipped out of space and time completely for a few moments. The weight of the situation had come crashing down on me and I was struggling to process what was going on. How? How could this happen to me? I heard the door to the basement swing open and it snapped me out of my stupor. Following the noise of the door I heard Steve’s footsteps slowly coming down the stairs.


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