[23F] During the massage, I experienced three orgasms.

Let me say that this is a big secret of mine before I go on. Additionally, I think all women should seize the chance to do so. Since when, really? This has a big impact on my life.

Back in 2018, I saw an article about a man in Manhattan who gives ladies sex massages. He possesses a rather unusual set of skills, so to speak. Everywhere on the internet, he is profiled.

I had a natural curiosity. Every time I would have a conventional massage, I would wish the masseuse’s hands would somehow make their way close to my hot and pulsing areas since I’ve always had a huge dream about massages that have a surprise ending. But that never happened.

I kept thinking about this weird man, especially because my long-term relationship was falling apart so quickly. My ex and I were not compatible in the bedroom. He had a fairly low sex drive compared to my high one. In addition, he only occasionally gave me an orgasm after the first three months of our relationship. In the end, I would have to beg him to try to touch me.

So how enticing is it to have a masseuse concentrate completely on me? There was a heatwave.

A few weeks after my ex and I broke up, I sent the guy an email with a picture and a short bio. I was 24 and pretty attractive at the time, but since I had never done anything like this before, I wasn’t sure if he would accept me as a client. There were prohibited feelings and exciting feelings.

However, he was open to meeting, so we scheduled a time for a weekday evening. Fortunately, I erred on the side of saying “hell yes” the entire day when I was torn between doing it and screaming, “Hell yes, you’ve had to do this!”

That evening after work, we met up at a coffee shop. I followed him up to his nearby apartment. I probably was speaking out loud to myself when I asked, “Am I really talking about the weather with a strange man as a prelude to going nude and having him touch my pussy?”

I was also a little more at ease because I trusted him right away. He had a New York accent, was a well-groomed middle-aged man, and a friendly demeanor. At his home, he set up all the procedures and rules for the massage. He was very explicit about consent as well. I knew I could get up and leave at any time. Even though the service is technically free, a tip is always welcome.

I needed to get dressed and get on the massage table.

I went into his bathroom wearing my work clothes because I was worried. I had read the testimonials of other women, but because I felt imperfect, I didn’t think it could apply to me. I used to have to put a lot of “work” into getting an orgasm. To stay focused, I would need to exert a great deal of effort and restrain my thoughts (women, you know what I’m talking about). There were other problems, though. It would take about 5 years and make me feel awful since frequently I wasn’t turned on by the time they started coming down on me or trying to get me off. As I like to joke, my ex-partners wouldn’t “preheat the oven.”

Well. It was a hit. The oven was heated up like a pro by this person. He began by lightly massaging my body, which was really calming. Then, his hands started rubbing the areas where I’d always wanted a masseur to work. While I was laying on my stomach, he started to go close to my pussy. His hands started by tickling the inside of my thighs. In order for his hands to understand what I was attempting to express, I had to move my body.

By the time he touched my pussy, I had already started to burn. It was a great buildup. During the buildup, the bulk of the work was completed. Actually, the desire was aching in my clit. He then began, boldly concentrating on where I was. The man is gifted. beyond competent He appeared to communicate using body language. His ability to read my body language allowed him to know what to carry on doing. Such a rear fingerfuck was something I had never had before. He moved it up and down at first with broad hand motions. Then, exactly as I like it, he moved his fingers so that my body was buckling on one hand and being stroked in circular motions with the other. The measurement was nearly clinical. Consider it “therapy” that is almost orgasmic.

I got here as though my body were a torrent. It was beautiful. It was clear that there was nothing wrong with me. The man might make me leave.

But, it wasn’t.

He turned me around while rubbing my tits. I felt like putty after that initial orgasm because I was so raw. However, I wanted more. I kept my eyes closed as I awaited the return of his fingers to my pussy. On the massage table, he motioned for me to cross my legs so they formed a butterfly shape. I had another orgasm while on my stomach, and it got stronger over time. It had the appearance of…simmering by a fire. And all of a sudden, you started to burn. I was on my back, so this one was considerably harsher. He fingered me so much that I was having a hard time escaping his hold.. The sensation of a man’s fingers inside of you and on your clitoral area is unmatched. You read my groan.

About fifteen minutes into the conversation, he inquired about my needs (another sexy sentence). I rolled onto my stomach and asked for another orgasm. I felt so vulnerable on my back that I craved another relaxed orgasm. I arrived on time.

Actually, if he had gone on, I could have come back. once again once again But regrettably, instead of returning many times, I changed into my clothes, thanked him, and got the train home (or dozing off on the table).

The entire time I was driving home, I smiled, amazed at my own silliness. Is it true that I just consented to being touched by a stranger in his apartment? I did, and I really loved it! I remember distinctly feeling incredibly badass when I spotted the other commuters.

Of course, you could not agree with the fact that I “paid” for an orgasm. However, it was evident, in my opinion, how uplifting and affirming this experience was.

The guys who read this will also hopefully have a greater grasp of the potential of a woman’s body as well as how to treat it so that it will melt in your hands. Given enough time, patience, and ATTENTION, we are malleable. A man who is attentive to both your body and your words is nothing short of captivating. This experience gave me the confidence to exclusively look for people that speak with me outside of the bedroom. So far, everything is good!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/z1g9o0/23f_during_the_massage_i_experienced_three_orgasms