The Dutch Girl Returns [MF, cheating, public, age gap, romantic]

Part 1

The Little Dutch Girl In The City of Angels [MF, cheating, romantic, age gap] from Erotica

Part 2

The Little Dutch Girl In The City of Angels Part 2 from Erotica

She had watched the video of the stranger fucking her ass a hundred times in quiet, when her husband would not initiate, and touched her hungry clit. She had tried to get him to fuck her where the stranger did but he wouldn’t. A few months after her one night stand, she got an email.

“If you are ever back in Los Angeles…” It was him, as the picture he included confirmed. He must have memorized her email when he videoed their moment of lust. His blue eyes made her throb. So when a few years later, she had a work conference in LA, she sent him an email.

“I’m coming back to LA, if you are still interested.” She felt like a silly schoolgirl. It was not likely he would respond and he didn’t.

She hit LAX a bit disappointed that he had not emailed her. She put the thoughts out her mind and went to gather her luggage. As she bent over she felt hands on her ass. She turned around and slapped.

He caught her hand at the wrist. She remembered his hands immediately, strong, gripping her wrist. He had the same ocean blue eyes and cocksure smile.

“That’s my liefje…” he said. And he leaned in and kissed her, his strong arms enveloping her. She felt his cock warm and thick against her leg. Memories flooded her mind and panties.

“If we do this, you are mine to use as I want all weekend,” he said. She nodded.

He drove her to his house in Venice. It was small and clean. He had clothing laid out for her. It was not her usual style and it made her nervous. Would she look good in it? She as always a bit chubby. He watched her strip, his eyes roving, he noticed her new clit piercing and smiled.

She looked into the mirror in his bedroom. It was a black dress with deep cleavage. Her chest tattoo was visible. She could not wear a bra as the dress was backless. Fortunately although her chest was well endowed her breasts remained high and perky. The outline of her nipple piercings were obvious. The dress ended mid thigh. He twirled her around and surveyed.

“Lovely, but one thing is off,” he said as he reached under her dress and pulled her panties down. She stepped out of them and he held them to his nose. She knew they were soaked. He threw them aside.

She would never had dressed like this at home, in a small town. But in LA, where she was anonymous and he made her feel attractive… She felt like a goddess.

He took her out and they drank. His hands explored her bare legs until she worried she would leak through the dress. He kissed and caressed her.

They ended up late at night on the beach. It was a bit cold and they sat snuggled on a blanket, with another wrapped around their bodies. He lay her down and she stared up at the moon. Planes flew in to LAX. She felt his hands under her dress, fingers darting on her clit. She came in a spasm and flood of wetness. She felt exposed and vulnerable as couples walked the beach, giving them just enough space.

He rolled her on her side and she felt his thick cock enter her. She stared out at the Pacific, as the waves rolled in. He took the rhythm of the waves as his own, gently thrusting in and out of her. He planted kisses on her neck. His breath grew ragged and she felt his cock spasm inside her. He stayed inside her until he had softened.

“That was the romantic, now comes the dirty,” he whispered to her.
