{PART ONE} The Camping Trip With My Boss… [F22/M28] [BOSS] [RISQUE]

✾ Hello all! This is my first post here haha, so please leave an upvote or a follow! This is the first part of a three-part series (I believe), so make sure to follow if you want updates. I will also link my Patreon at the end if you wish to see more content. Otherwise, enjoy!

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Work trips… I hate them.

And long drives? I hate them even more.

I sigh as I look at the endless road ahead, encroached by the lanky branches of the surrounding forest. I’ve left civilisation long ago, and ever since I’ve only had the never-ending forest for company. I cast a sideways glance towards the backpack in my passenger seat, again wondering why I was hauling ass into woodland on a random Tuesday afternoon. Right. Work trip. Team building exercises. Bullshit.

Usually, work trips involve going to fancy hotels and eating expensive dinners with your colleagues. This isn’t the case here. Everyone in my sector would be hauling ass to the middle of nowhere for a little three-day camping trip. Why? God knows. I can only assume it’s for some corporate bullocks.

I keep driving until a distant sign comes into view. “Tardoonga Camping Grounds,” read the faded letters. The directions take me down a gravelly dirt road, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I spy the metallic sheen of other cars. I can see my colleagues standing around in small groups, all talking at varying levels of excitement. Nothing seems quite remarkable until a certain somebody catches my eye.

I suck in a sharp breath. What is he doing here? By the confused and intrigued glances of the other women, I can only assume they are thinking the same thing. Afterall, it’s not every day you see your smoking-hot boss in the middle of a forest, standing in a white polo shirt with several buttons undone–Mind out the gutter, Sadie! I chide myself. I focus on finding a park and killing the engine when I do. It powers down with a whir. I suck in a steadying breath and step out of my car. The dappled sunlight reaches through the leaves and touches my skin, calming my hot-wire nerves, though I’m not really sure why I’m nervous. I get my answer when I spin around to find my boss’ eyes on me, their turquoise-blue pinning me to the spot.

I am stunned. We stare at each other for a few moments. My palms begin to sweat. My throat tightens. Why is he looking at me like that?

Then, he looks away, and I am brought back to the present. I am concerned by my racing heart when finally, a man steps out from the crowd. He wears a blue polo with a strange logo on it, but I immediately recognise him as the instructor. In that moment I can’t help but compare this entire situation to those school camping trips in middle school everyone would go on. I smirk.

“Afternoon, everyone,” the man says, his voice awfully bubbly. “I hope you are as keen for this wilderness trip as much as I am. We’ll be walking along the trail towards the campgrounds, but first, we will be doing some team-building exercises before we arrive at the grounds itself. In the meantime…”

I am no longer concentrating on the instructor’s words, for I can feel a pair of eyes on me again. I turn to see my boss staring at me, a hungry glint in his eyes. As I stare back, I feel a strange hunger brewing in my own chest, one that demands I get nearer to him. Because I can’t, I instead unabashedly run my eyes up and down his form. I can see the corded muscles under his shirt, and his tanned skin basically glows in the sunlight. It takes me a few moments to realise I am checking him out… my own boss… but I see he’s ahead of me on that one when a small smile tugs at his lips. I promptly look away, cheeks burning. Damnit!

Eventually, the instructor stops talking and beckons us to follow, which I do without hesitation. I wait for my colleagues to pass me before I follow them, hoping it puts enough distance between me and my boss. I have always found him attractive, but it’s definitely one of those ‘you can look but you can’t touch’ scenarios. Sure, he’s single, and super hot, but he’s my boss. That makes him off-limits.And yet… yet when he looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, I can’t help but want something more.

We walk for what feels like hours, and sweat is pouring down my back by the time we reach our first activity. I look up and see what seems to be a web of ropes and platforms, and my stomach sinks a little. I’ve never been good with heights.

Our instructor explains that today’s activity will be to complete the jungle gym course. Apparently, it’s a two-person activity that requires cooperation in order to successfully complete. Cool, I can do that. Oh, and groups are randomly assigned, he adds with a smile.

As he rattles off the groups, I tune out and look at the scenery, avoiding the eyes of my boss at all costs. Fortunately, he isn’t looking at me, so I put down our earlier interaction as some weird coincidence. However, all my calming thoughts diminish when the instructor gets around to me;”Sadie Smith and Michael Barnes, you will make group seven.”

My heart drops, and my head involuntarily whips towards my boss. He’s staring right at me, too, and I’m not sure if it’s my imagination, but I swear his lips quirk up into the briefest of smiles before returning to that bored look again.

Swallowing, I walk towards him, my heart rate ticking up the nearer I get. Once beside him, he starts up a conversation. “How are you finding the trip so far, Sadie?”

I don’t look at him. If I do, I’m afraid he will see something in my eyes I don’t want him to see. “Good, thank you, Mr. Barnes,” I say, swallowing. Then, I push out a long breath of air. If I’m to survive this teambuilding activity, then I need to dissipate this strange tension between us. I turn to him, putting on a teasing smile. “I never pinned you for the wilderness type. I’m surprised you came along with us.”He shrugs, the movement both smooth and powerful. I can see the corded muscles moving under the fabric of his shirt. “I guess I’m a man of mystery, Sades.”

Sades? I am perplexed by the sudden nickname when the instructor calls everyone to attention and demonstrates how to put on a harness. I grab one from the pile and pull it on, tightening the buckles to the point where they hurt. I thought I did a pretty good job of it until Michael leans over to me. My entire body tenses as he reaches for my left shoulder and tightens the buckle there, the one I missed. His hands graze the bare skin (I am only wearing a tank top and shorts), and yet it feels like he set me on fire.”You missed a spot.”

“Uhm-hmm,” is all I can reply as my skin burns, even after he takes his hand away. When he turns away and concentrates on his own harness, I chide myself. He’s just being friendly, nothing more. Head out the damn gutter, Sadie.

One by one, each group climbs the ropes and buckles their carabiner around a steel wire, holding them in place. When it is me and Michael’s turn, I am keenly aware him behind me as I clip myself in place, and he does the same. My thighs ache at his closeness, and I swear he’s so near I can feel him just barely against my ass.

The instructor signals for us to begin, and I waste no time. The goal is the reach the end of the obstacle course, marked by the white flag tied to the wooden pole. I take a step to the side when I suddenly lose my balance and lurch forward. My entire body goes stiff and two large, calloused hands wrap around my waist, and heat coils in my stomach again.

“You alright?” Michael asks, his hot breath hitting my ear. I shudder.

“Fine,” I reply, righting myself and continuing on as normally as I could when, in fact, I am trembling all over. His hands are still on my waist. Slowly, steadily, they slide towards my hips, and my body clenches again.

“Don’t be scared. I’m here if you lose balance,” he says, and it takes me a moment to register he’s referring to my trembling. A moment, because all I can think about are his hands resting on my hips — almost gripping me — and millions of other situations we could possibly be in right now.I swallow. Hard. “Noted.”

He drops his hands, and we continue along the ropes course. I lose my balance every now and again, but Michael is quick to catch me — always grabbing my waist before resting them on my hips. I sometimes find myself losing balance on purpose if only to feel his touch.

It’s only the fifth time that Michael finally speaks again, his voice alight with laughter. “Gosh, you’re a clutz.”

I chuckle despite his flaming touch on my waist. “I am–” my voice stops dead as I feel something hard press into my ass. It remains there for a few moments, then disappears, and the spot between my thighs burns like a forest fire.

“Sorry,” he mutters, obviously ashamed. He mustn’t have meant for me to feel that, but now that I had, my mind couldn’t stop whirring with thoughts. It felt big. Really big. But before my mind could wander with the fairies, I wanted to dissipate the awkward tension that had again developed between us. I gave him a sidelong glance.

I give him a risqué smile. “It’s okay. I like that.”

We don’t say anything for the rest of the activity, but our tense silence says more than we ever could. Once we finally reach the end and unbuckle ourselves, I feel like I can breathe again. I turn around to say something to Michael, but he’s gone. Actually, no, he’s talking to another woman, one who is looking at him with fuck-me eyes and batting her lashes so much she looks like an idiot. Even so, something strange twinges in my gut, something I can quite describe. I don’t like it, though.

But before I can stew on it, the instructor gathers our attention. “Alright everyone, well done with your first activity. We’ll be heading off to the campgrounds now. You’ll each get your own tent, but it’s up to you to set it up.”

Everyone sighs in relief. No more exercises — we finally get to relax. As we walk, I steal one last glance back at Michael.

And he stares right back at me.

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I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to follow me to be notified when new parts come out. Also, be sure to check out my Patreon. It’s very new as of now, but I’ll make sure to start posting soon!

Patreon: [patreon.com/slinkysadie](https://patreon.com/slinkysadie) (or find it on my profile)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yxfje7/part_one_the_camping_trip_with_my_boss_f22m28