The New Neighbour [F/M, 40s, sex, oral, voyeur, sport, public]

It was 9:00am on a cold autumn Saturday. I had just finished a nice long, hot shower after going for a mountain bike ride in the nearby park. I wiped down the shower and proceeded to dry my body off with a towel that was fresh from the dryer. I stood for a moment looking into the large mirror in the bathroom. The steam on the mirror was dissipating and I could begin to see myself clearly. I was somewhat surprised to see how muscular I had become. It was a good season of biking and I had spent many hours on some of the toughest trails in the area. I had lost about 25 lbs and could see that my legs had become very muscular. My chest had also gotten quite muscular and my biceps were bulging without having to flex them. As usual, whenever I looked at my cock in the mirror I had to play with it. I had just trimmed my brown pubic hair to a thin layer and shaved the sides a bit to create a neat patch. It made my cock look longer which I loved. I finished admiring myself and chuckled at my obvious vanity, and headed out of the bathroom into the much cooler bedroom air. I threw the towel onto the bed and strutted across the room to my walk-in closet. In doing so I passed by the large, open bedroom windows which ran from about a foot above the floor to the ceiling. Our master bedroom was situated at the back of the house. I often left them open since I figured that I could not be seen during the day. The light was quite bright outside and the sun was shining from the front of the house so anyone looking my way was facing the glare of the morning sun. It was nonetheless an exciting feeling to be completely naked, facing the back of my neighbours house and yard.

My neighbour had just moved in a month ago and we had only spoken briefly when I was out cutting the lawn. She happened to be out for a walk to get some fresh air and to get to know the neighbourhood better. “Hi! I’m Julie, your new neighbour!” She offered enthusiastically. Tall and slender, with lovely large breasts and tight round ass, clad in her black yoga pants and matching running jacket, she looked at me with her large deep-blue eyes. Her small nose and large full lips were framed by her long chestnut brown hair. Her clear skin was peppered with tiny freckles around her nose and cheeks. From the fit and style of her clothes and articulate way of speaking she seemed to be a very well put together woman, but also very warm and approachable. Needless to say I was instantly smitten. We chatted about the torture of moving house and getting set-up and finding your way in a new neighbourhood. I offered to help in any way I could around the house since I was quite good with house issues and maintenance and had a full garage full of tools. After about 15 minutes of convivial chat we parted ways and Julie mentioned that we should chat again soon. I agreed and wished her a good walk.

As I stood there in the bedroom, drying slowly and shivering slightly, I thought about my luck in having such a sexy new neighbour. After a few moments I sat on the bed and happened to see some movement in one of the upper windows of her house. The sun was shining directly on the back of her house and into the upper windows. It seemed that most of the room was lit up by natural light. The blinds had been drawn back on what I presumed was the master bedroom since, like my windows, they ran nearly from the floor right up to the ceiling. I could see most of the bed from this angle and the edge of a dressing table nearer to the window on the other side, and faintly in the background, the bedroom door. Suddenly, she came into view as she was walking around the bed. Julie was completely naked! She paused at the dressing table by the window for a moment, opening a drawer and looking for something. Her round, firm breasts were milky white and bearing the tanned outline of a bikini. As Julie bent over her breasts hung down only slightly as she rummaged through a lower drawer and pulled out a pair of black panties. She turned towards the window and held them up, looking at them for a moment. Her brown locks were soaking wet and hanging about her shoulders and a small patch of brown pubic hair, neatly trimmed and shaved thin above her pink labia was clearly visible. Her pinkish-brown nipples were large but not overly so. Her pubic hair stood out clearly against the porcelain white untanned skin, especially since her tan lines framed her vulva perfectly. I could not believe my luck. This gorgeous creature in full view and apparently unconcerned that I or even other neighbours might be able to see her splendid nude body. I was suddenly aware of the erectness of my penis, now standing there, as I watched her sit on the edge of the bed and slide the thong up her legs. She stood and spent what seemed like several minutes adjusting the portion covering her pussy, to ensure it was where she wanted it. I had begun to stroke my cock while I watched her. My heart was pounding and my breath had become short with excitement. She turned around and bent over to pick something up and I was treated to a full view of her beautiful wide hips and taut butt cheeks. I began to stroke faster and felt the pressure beginning to build quickly as it had been a few days since my last orgasm. She finished adjusting her panties and came back to the open drawer and now removed a black lace bra. Wrapping the bra around her back, she did up the clasp in the front and spun it around her torso, then put her arms through the straps and finally popped each pert breast into a cup. I was aware of how slick the tip of my cock had become as the pre-cum was now oozing steadily. At that moment, standing there as I was in front of the window, I wanted her to see me. I wanted her to see my cock, see me jerking it and my pained expression of pleasure with each delicious stroke. She continued to dress, putting on a black T-shirt and then pulled up a pair of grey yoga pants. She adjusted them to make sure the seam slid in between her buttocks and she pulled them up so they were firmly holding her luscious bottom. I felt the pressure double and the flow of hot cum begin to surge forward. I felt the loss of control at that moment and decided to let my cum go wherever. As the first creamy rope of cum squirted from the engorged tip of my penis, she came to the window to look out onto the back yard. It landed on the wall and carpet, but at that moment I was not concerned. With the next pulse of hot seed I hit the window, and then noticed she was staring exactly in my direction. I was frozen to the spot, spurting load after load, continuing to jerk and milk every last muscular contraction and drop of cum I could from my thick 7” cock. Julie didn’t look away, or around the yard, or anywhere else. Only at me. “Surely she couldn’t see me?” I thought to myself as I continued to stand there staring back. “Jesus, maybe she could see me? What else would she be looking at?” I slowly moved back to the edge of the bed and sat down on my towel and began to wipe my cum covered cock and hand. It suddenly dawned on me that my wife might come in and find I had shot cum all over the carpet, wall and window, and wonder what the hell was going on. I quickly threw on some boxer shorts and got to work furiously cleaning up the cum I had deposited everywhere. As I finished wiping the window I noticed that Julie was gone from her window and her bedroom door was now open when before it had been closed. It’s a strange habit for someone who lives alone, to close doors in the house, I thought. Old habits perhaps. Gods! Had she seen me though?

Sunday morning was bright and sunny and I had gotten up early before anyone else in the house had woken up. I put on my running tights and shorts, a shirt and my running jacket and tiptoed down the stairs. I slipped on my runners and headed out the door. I went down the sidewalk that ran adjacent to both our houses, towards her house and started to stretch my shoulders and neck as I started a warm up walk. As I got to the front of her house Julie was there, standing outside in her driveway. Dressed in running gear herself, she was stretching her quads, with one hand leaning on her black Mercedes coupe. She was wearing a baseball cap with her ponytail pulled through. As she turned her head and flipped her ponytail to the side Julie instantly spotted me. As she recognized who I was her eyes widened and a big smile came to her lips and she happily yelled, “Hey, good morning Xavier!” I smiled and walked over, somewhat relieved that she didn’t turn and walk inside in utter disgust at my performance the day before. “Hey, how are you? Looks like you are all dressed up for a run as well?” She asked excitedly. “Yeah, I like to go for a run in the park that’s close by. It’s much nicer than running on the sidewalks around here.” I said. While I spoke her blue eyes widened again and I almost lost my train of thought. “I’ve been looking for a good place to run around here. Would you mind if I tagged along?” She asked. I hesitated for a brief moment and she recognized that I wasn’t sure. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you in my dust!” Julie quipped. She beamed a big smile at me as I chuckled. “Of course, go easy on me though!” I retorted. We left her driveway together and headed down the main street. “How do you like the neighbourhood so far?” I inquired. “It’s nice. I like that it’s quiet. I’m also relieved that I have a good neighbour. It makes things so much better when you get along with your neighbours.” She remarked. I was convinced she hadn’t seen me at this point. The conversation was completely innocuous. “Are you warmed up?” I asked as I started to jog on the spot. “Sure, lead the way!” Julie squealed, as we headed down the main street in the subdivision and out to the forest pathway that led to the park. At the start of the run we didn’t say much as we got into a rhythm and our cardio settled down. As we came to the end of the forest trail and the park entrance, Julie exclaimed somewhat breathlessly, “This is so pretty here!” The trees were turning colour, the grass was covered in dew and the sun was still coming up. It was a beautiful morning. “You are also killing me here Xavier!” She blurted out as we headed onto the gravel trail that skirted the park forest. “Oh I thought you were going to leave me in your dust?” I chuckled as we slowed down a bit so Julie could catch her breath a bit. “I’m only new to running.” Julie admitted. “I have more confidence than ability I suppose!” She announced while letting out a chuckle. We turned to go into the forest trail and I mentioned that it was a bit more technical with roots and rocks, and the odd steep section. “No worries.” She stated. But Julie sounded unsure. “We can go another way, if you want?” I offered. “No, it’s ok.” She reassured. We carried on for another mile and came to a steeper section which was a little wet. Julie was feeling a bit confident and elbowed me aside while laughing, “Ha, I’ll beat you on the downhill!” But as she got to the first tree she tripped over a root and fell. She skidded a few feet on her bum and rolled over once and onto her back. “Holey shit Julie! Are you all right!?” I stammered. “Ohhh, ffuuuuccckkk!” She screamed. I kneeled down beside her and saw tears running down her face. “Are you hurt?” I asked. “I don’t know, my ankle hurts and my butt is stinging. It feels like I cut my bum when I slid over that goddamn root!” She growled. “I’m sorry Julie, I shouldn’t have brought you this way, especially on your first run in here.” I cowered a bit. “It’s not your fault, I got a bit competitive and tried to show of…owww, fucking hell!” She put her hand behind her searching for where she was hurt. “Oh shit, I’ve torn my tights! I’m bleeding!” Her tears began to flow again as I grabbed a cloth from my belt pack and wiped the blood off her hand. It wasn’t much blood at all really, but it’s always upsetting to see your own blood after a fall. “I hope it’s not too bad.” She paused in thought for a moment and then looked up at me with her wet eyes, “Would you take a look? I want to know how bad it is.” She asked. In that emotion filled moment I didn’t hesitate, she was hurt, bleeding and terribly upset and it was at least somewhat my fault. “Sure, Julie, of course. Um, can you turn over?” She rolled onto her side and pulled her left leg up. She had torn a large V-shaped hole in her running tight and I could see her skin. Julie wasn’t wearing any panties. I could see most of her left cheek and her butt crack. Without touching her I stated that I didn’t really see anything. “Take a closer look”. She demanded. She pulled her left leg up some more and groaned a bit. Her ass opened and I could see her pink anus and pussy. “Is there blood on my panties?” She asked. “Um, well, no.” I offered. “Actually, you don’t have o–”Oh right I didn’t put any on!” she interrupted. “Whoops, oh well. Probably for the best. Where am I bleeding from?” She asked impatiently. “I can’t see it myself, you’ll need to look properly.” She commanded. With that I put my hand on her left cheek and spread her ass open even more. Her pinky-brown anus puckered with the sensation of cold air and I could see her small vagina clench and release. There was a small glistening droplet at her vaginal opening. I could see a scratch that started on her thigh right next to her labia. “It looks like you’ve cut your inner thigh, Julie. But it goes around to the front.” Julie lifted her leg up and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs open. “Ugh, here.” She pulled both legs up and reached around the waist band and slid her tights off her bottom and down to her ankles and off over her shoes. She was lying on her back, groaning and proceeded to spread her legs, revealing her pussy. I was beginning to think she wasn’t that badly hurt really. “My back aches, I can’t sit up to look. Is it bad?” She whined weakly. I pressed on the soft flesh of her inner thigh near to her vulva and revealed a 2 inch cut, really no more than just a scrape, that had bled a bit but had already stopped and was starting to dry. I grabbed my belt pack and retrieved the mini first aid kit. “How does it look?” she asked. Her hurt voice seemed to be mostly gone and she had sounded positively sultry. “It was just a small cut, I’ll clean it for you. It must have hurt though in such a sensitive area.” I said. I pulled a disinfecting wipe from the package and once again pressed the soft flesh of her thigh. Julie opened her legs further to aid my care and caused her labia to part, revealing the moist, pink folds of her inner labia and her engorged clitoris. I began to wipe the dried blood from her leg, but I had a hard time concentrating, with her wet, spread open pussy so close to my fingers. “You have a gentle touch.” She cooed. “I think it has aloe in it.” I chuckled, realising that she was no longer in pain and by the visibly moist pussy, very much turned on. I grabbed a bandage from the pack and applied it to her thigh. As I pressed down the bandages edges she grabbed my hand and guided it to her open labia. “Here. Touch me here.” Julie placed my hand on her pussy and pushed down, holding me against the warmth and softness of her sex. Her sweet face had gone from frazzled incredulity at falling on her ass to one of naughty resolve. “You know Xavier, I saw you yesterday.” She looked at my coyly and a cheeky smile grew on her red lips. “You did? Oh my gosh. I was convinced for a while that you hadn’t. Especially when I bumped into you this morning.” I said. “That was no accident Xavier. You leave your blinds open and yes I can see in. I saw you putting on your running tights this morning and I quickly got dressed in mine. I leapt out my front door and started stretching like nothing unusual was going on. You nearly caught me as you came around the corner.” She admitted. “I also saw that brash display of masturbation yesterday, and that prodigious cum shot, while you watched me get dressed after my shower. I was impressed when you hit the window.” She clucked. I laughed out loud. “Oh my gosh, Julie, I kinda hoped you would see me, but I figured it was too bright with the sun in your windows.” I confessed. “My house is white, and reflects a lot of that light back into your windows.” She expressed. “I saw you drop your towel and figured I would do the same.” By this time several things were happening. My cock was straining furiously against my running tights and my thumb had slipped down to her clitoris and I was pressing and releasing it firmly but slowly. Julie would pause, or catch her breath every time I pressed down. “But this fall, getting hurt, surely that wasn’t planned.” I asked. “No, that wasn’t part of the plan, but it turned out to give me an excuse. I was really hurting at the start.” She pouted. “How do you feel now?” My leg feels better, my back is still achy but ok, my ankle is sore, oh and my pussy is fucking dripping!” And it was. I sucked the slick secretion from my thumb and tasted my neighbours vaginal juices. Slightly bitter and pungent, but also faintly sweet. “Do you like how I taste?” Julie asked. “Mmmm, may I go in for a better sample?” She smiled and nodded. I leaned over and breathed in the musky aroma of her hot pussy. I gently placed my tongue on her clitoris and flattened it, covering her pussy completely. I then pushed my tongue down to her vaginal opening and pushed it inside a little. Julie inhaled sharply and then exhaled slowly. “Ohhhh, fuck, I’ve never had anyone do that before.” I pushed my tongue in as deep as I could then pulled it back, then probed again. I did this several dozen times and then returned to her clit and began to swirl my tongue around it and around it and back and forth, pressing into her and constantly moving my tongue. “Oh my god that feels gooood!” I kept this up until Julie began to feel like if she didn’t stop me she would cum. “Here, it’s your turn for a bit.” Julie pushed me onto my back and began to tug at my tights. I helped by lifting my butt and pushing them down. As Julie pulled the waistband over my cock it sprang up suddenly, tapping her on the chin. “Oh hello there.” She chuckled. “Aren’t you a beauty,” she hissed as she addressed my penis directly. She grasped my circumcised cock with cold, dirty hands. I jumped a little and she realised right away. “Don’t worry, my hand will warm up.” She licked the underside of the tip of my cock and stared into my eyes. Her tongue was a tiny bit rough, which was a welcome sensation. She kissed and licked and flicked the tip with her tongue, teasing me and building up the tension. But her patience wore thin and she enveloped my hard glans completely in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip and bit down gently. I could feel her teeth subtly as she opened her mouth and slurped my cock. “This is really nice fuck stick!” She exclaimed. I smiled with closed eyes as she continued. Julie then began to jerk my cock and suck the tip very aggressively. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to make cum, but she was going to succeed if she kept this up. “Oh fucking hell Julie, that feels amazing!” I blurted out. She squeezed the shaft with her hand as hard as she dared causing the glans to bulge and engorge even more and she sucked it hard and raked her teeth over it gently. “Oh, fuck!” I gasped as I involuntarily sat up slightly. Julie looked at me hungrily and without asking she climbed on top of me, putting her weight on me, holding me down. I could feel the heat and moisture of her pussy against the tip of my cock. She looked me in the eyes for a moment and said nothing. With her hands on my shoulders she leaned in and kissed me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I could feel the sweat on her cheek drip onto mine. At first I thought it was a tear and I opened my eyes. Her gaze met mine and in that moment her expression had softened from lust to pure desire. She then placed her vagina on the tip of my cock and guided it with a subtle tilt of her hips until the tip started to enter her. She closed her eyes as she rocked her hips back and took me inside her body. I could feel the burning heat of her vagina envelope me right down to my balls. As she sat down fully she ‘grasped’ my cock with her vagina, squeezing it over and over. “Oh Julie, that feels so good.” Julie kept the whole of my cock inside her and squeezed it firmly over and over. “I’ve never had anyone do this!” I moaned. Julie began to pump a little. Clenching hard and pulling up and then down slowly, and just a bit, while still clenching her pussy. Eventually she stopped clenching and gasped. “That’s hard work!” She laughed. She started to rock her hips more and thrust longer thrusts on my cock. After a few moments she was fucking like a jackhammer. I could feel her cervix hit my cock and cause Julie to wince a little, but she never slowed down. I pushed back and up driving into her, causing her to moan and grunt with each thrust. Her wet pussy slapped down on my pubic bone and our pubic rubbed together briefly. I grabbed her jacket and pulled it down her arms and off and then immediately lifted her shirt. Julie grabbed it from me and took it off with one crossed-arm motion. I grasped at her sports bra but again, Julie deftly removed it, plopping both tits out suddenly causing them to jiggle. Her areolas were pink and round and about the size of a golf ball. Her nipples were a little bigger than a pencil erasers and nearly as hard. I pulled her over and sucked her left nipple into my mouth. My saliva quickly washed away the sweat and I sucked intently as if trying to drink her milk. My cock deep in her vagina, I could feel my balls getting wetter and wetter as her sexual secretions flowed down my shaft, over my balls and trickled across my anus. I switched to her right nipple and sucked just as hard, trying to further engorge it. After a few more moments Julie looked at me with half-closed eyes and simply commanded, “Fuck me.” I held her slender body close and rolled over, putting her under me against the cold ground. I thrust hard into her pussy and she looked up, grunting. “Unnnggghh, unnnggghhh, unnnggghhh…she vocalised uncontrollably with each deep thrust into her helpless pussy. She had given herself over to be fucked. I went faster, but maintained as much depth as possible. “I’m close!” she forced between grunts. As I kept going, I could feel the familiar pressure and tingle of a building orgasm. “Should I cum — ”Cum in me!” She cut me off. “Cum in my pussy! Put your cum in me!” She arched her back and I could feel her vagina grasping at my thrusting cock. “FFFFFFfnnnnnnnggggg….I’m cumming! Huhh huhh huhh huhhhh” She began to orgasm uncontrollably, causing her body to twitch and her vagina and anus to contract. My whole pelvic area was now soaked from her juices and after a few moments I felt the unstoppable surge. Mmmmm, yessss! Ooooohhh shit! I pumped and pumped, releasing pulse after pulse into her already fluid filled pussy. I slowed my pumping and laid down on top of her feeling the warmth of her breasts and her sweat. She wrapped her hand around my neck and whispered into my ear.” That was amazing. I came so hard and so much. I feel totally drained.” She whispered. Her breath was warm on my earlobe and I could feel her lips lightly brushing the edge of my ear. “That was incredible Julie. I’ve never felt such a complete physical connection. I raised myself up and looked down where I was still deep inside her vagina. I didn’t want to pull out. I wanted to stay connected to her in this way. The hair on my stomach was matted with cum and pussy juice and her cum. Her thighs were slick and glistening with cum. Her pubic area too was soaked. “Wow, we are a mess!” I laughed. I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her pussy and it immediately began to dribble a creamy clear fluid – a mixture of hers and my juices. She forced a contraction and a large spurt of our combined fluids blurted out and ran down her ass and onto the forest floor. “Oh my gosh yes!” Julie exclaimed when she felt it. She sat up and looked down at the pool forming between her legs. “No wonder I feel drained!” I looked at my watch and saw that I had been out for a run for almost two hours by this point. “We should get cleaned up, I think. Someone might come along and find us.“ Julie agreed and we got to our feet. “Ouch!” Julie growled. “My ankle. Ugh! I think I sprained it!” I helped Julie over to a tree and she leaned up against it, still completely naked. I paused for a second to admire her beauty. The sun broke through the trees and dappled over her pale skin and accentuated the curvature of her hips and breasts. She looked at me as I stood there staring at her. “If we don’t get cleaned up we will have to go for round two!” She remarked. “Don’t tempt me.” I said with a smile. “Oohh I’m dribbling”, she giggled, as more cum drooled out of her well fucked hole. “This is going to hurt later!” She exclaimed. “Your ankle is starting to swell.” I agreed. “No, my pussy. It’s going to hurt later after that pounding. I can already feel it in my stomach. It’s ok, I like that kind of hurt.” I smiled and patted myself on the back (in my mind). I got out some wipes and cleaned Julie’s pussy for her. She twitched a little every time I passed over her clit. “I can do it.” She indicated. “No, no.” I countered. “I made this mess and I will clean it up.” We pulled on her clothes and realised her ass was still going to be hanging out of her tights. I rummaged through my belt bag and found some tape in the first aid kit. I held her tights together with a few wraps of tape around her hips and we put on our shoes. “When did our shoes come off?” I wondered. Julie shrugged her shoulders and then turned and pointed at her pussy. “Jesus it’s still coming out!” There was a noticeable wet spot on her pussy. “No one will notice, it will be fine.” Julie shrugged her shoulders again and reached out so I could throw her arm over my shoulder. We limped out together and down to the end of the forest trail where there was a bench. “Rest here.” I said. “I’ll run back home. Give me 20 minutes. Then call my cell number. Tell me that you had gone for a run and fell down and need help. Say that you didn’t know who else to call. I’ll jump in the car and come get you and take you to the hospital.” Julie thought about it for a minute and finally said: “Ok, good plan.” and smiled softly. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead and then turned and jogged off. My wife had questioned why she needed me to take her and I said that “she asked me because she doesn’t know anyone else in the area, I don’t know why else. Should I leave her there?” I asked. “No, no, go get her. It’s all just very awkward.” She lamented. “Tell me about it.” I agreed superficially. I jumped in my Geo Metro turbo and sped off to the park entrance where I left Julie. I pulled up and she was there on the bench looking somewhat aghast. “This is your fucking car? You’re kidding right?” She said in disbelief. “It’s a loaner, my car is in the shop and this is all they had left.” I lied. Incredulous, she got in the passenger seat and we sped off, as one does driving a shitcan, to the local hospital. After a few hours waiting and seeing doctors and more waiting she was free to go with a new cast and a new pair of crutches. “Broken ankle, that was quite a tumble I guess.” I consoled. Julie was somewhat non-plussed and didn’t respond. “Well let’s get you home and in your house.” I concluded. We drove home and Julie let out a big sigh. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly. “Sorry for what?” I asked. “I don’t know. I just feel bad for all this hassle. For my bitchy mood.” She said somewhat deflatedly. “You have a broken ankle, which we thought was only a sprain. It’s kind of a bummer. It’s ok to be a bit down Julie.” I conceded. “At least you got seriously fucked in the forest. That was a bright spot in the day.” Julie smiled and started to laugh a bit through the pain. “That I did, and hopefully not for the last time.”



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