Getting mommy high [OC] – Feel free to continue….

“I don’t think we’re going to be able to drive home tonight,” my mother slurred. She was quite drunk, having helped herself to several gins and tonic over the last couple hours. She had come to my office to help me with trial preparation on a Friday night. She had been a top-notch lawyer until she retired a couple of years ago. I had taken over her practice, and while I didn’t really need her help, she enjoyed it so I asked her to come in from time to time. This time, however, I had an ulterior motive, and I was about to see if it would work out or not.
“We don’t need to, mom. Oh, you haven’t seen your old office since the firm gave me a furniture budget. Follow me.”
I took my mother’s hand. She stumbled a bit standing up so I put my arm around her waist and led her down the hall to my office. I had purchased a fold-out couch for when I had to work late, but what I really wanted mom to see was on my round glass table: a big pile of quality cocaine, with a number of good-sized lines already cut up.
“This couch is super comfy, but it also folds out into a bed.” But mom wasn’t looking at the couch. Her eyes were already fixated on the table.
“Is that what I think it is, Timothy?” She asked with just a touch of playfulness in her voice.
“Oh shit, yeah, sorry mom. I had that ready because I didn’t know you were coming to help out, it helps me get through long preparation sessions.”
“You can work when you’re on it?”
“Absolutely, it gives you tons of energy and just makes you feel amazing in general. You’ve never tried it?”
“Of course not, Timothy. I didn’t even like marijuana when I tried that.”
“I know, mom. But this is nothing like marijuana. And if you don’t like it, it only lasts for about 20 minutes. You’re welcome to give it a shot. You’re in your seventies and retired; shouldn’t you be trying new things?
Mom thought for a moment, looked at the pile of powder, then looked at me and smiled. “Fine, just once. But you’ll have to show me how it’s done.”
“Really? I would love to. See, this big pile is the pile. Don’t snort that! These smaller lines are what you want. There’s two for each of us, one for each nostril. All you have to do is cover one nostril, put this straw a little bit up the other nostril, and slide it over the line while you inhale. Watch me.”
I slowly took both of my lines, threw my head back and moaned lightly. “Mmmm…that’s how you do it.” I handed my mother the straw and watched her closely as she leaned over and snorted her first line like a champ. “Wow…that was easy” she said. Without being asked, she switched nostrils and snorted up the second line.
“Did I do it right? When will I feel it?
“That was perfect, and you should feel it pretty quickly. Trust me, you’ll know.”
I went over to my computer to put on the music I had pre-selected: D’Angelo’s “Untitled” (How Does It Feel). I was playing the video, which was pure sex — the camera spends the whole song sliding over and lingering on D’Angelo’s ripped black physique.
“Oh wow,” I heard my mom say. Her eyes, which had been droopy and drunken minutes ago, were now wide open and she was starting to grind her teeth slightly. She stood with her arms placed on the back of one of my chairs. She was slightly bent over at the waist and I could see her ass start to swivel back and forth slowly.
I had dreamed of this for years. My mother had always been an absolutely knockout, and even now in her seventies she was incredibly sexy. She was about 5’4. She wore her hair long, down past her shoulders, and had kept it dyed the same beautiful shade of auburn for at least 20 years. Even though she was over 70, she could have passed for 50. Her arms were never toned, and did bear some stretch marks, but she never carried any fat in her arms, which is probably why she still enjoyed wearing tank tops like the one she wore now. As she slowly started swaying to the music of D’Angelo, my eyes were drawn down to the most perfect breasts I had ever seen. I had walked in on my mother naked once, and the image will be forever burned into my mind. I always knew she had enormous breasts, and wore a 34DD bra, but I will never forget her huge, dark brown areoles that covered most of her massive tits. I would also never forget her big, thick, erect nipples. They were always erect, even when she was clothed and wearing a bra. They were certainly erect now, and I wanted them in my mouth.
“Are you feeling it?” I asked.
“Oh my God, sweetie, yes I am. You were right, it’s incredible. I feel like I could do anything.”
“I”m glad you like it, mommy. I’m gonna chop up some more lines. It’s up to you how much you want to take, but I’m a little bigger than you and need a little more.”
“I could try a little more…” she said. Before I knew it, we had each hoovered up two more enormous lines. I was starting to sweat. My mom was looking a little moist herself. I grabbed two bottles of water out of my mini fridge and handed one to her.
“Thanks, baby, it is a little hot now…”. But she didn’t drink the water. Instead she pulled off her tank top and tossed it aside, then poured the water down her chest. She moaned loudly “mmmm….that’s what mommy needed.” She opened her eyes and stared directly at me. She slowly licked her lips as she ran her eyes up and down my body.
“Mommy,” I moaned, “I would give anything to play with your beautiful tits. Will you feed them to me?”
Mommy’s eyes were still wide as they turned to me and narrowed. “You dirty motherfucker,” she purred, “did you get mommy high so you could do naughty things to mommy?” She grabbed me by my belt and pulled me towards her. As she slid her hand up and down along the bulge in my pants she nibbled on my ear and whispered “do you think you can make mommy feel good with this big, fat, cock, Timothy?”
“Yes, mommy,” I replied. “I’ll do anything to make you feel good…”


1 comment

  1. Remove the indent formatting. Reddit formats that as a codeblock and doesn’t word wrap the lines

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