[Fictional][FM][FPOV][Chastity] – Becoming a Keyholder for a Friend Part 2

(This story is completely fictional. I wrote it just for fun so the events and characters in this story are not real.

It seemed people enjoyed the first part of this so I wrote up a follow up!)

**[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ytht5x/fictionalfmfpovchastity_becoming_a_keyholder_for/)**

Me and Owen had set a few rules for his first week in chastity. Nothing too crazy or major since this was a trial week for us both but it still required some criteria in order to facilitate the circumstance. The rules were as followed:

1. Chastity would last from the starting Friday to the next Friday evening.

2. At any point, either of us could end the keyholding if we grew uncomfortable or were not enjoying it, the keys would return to Owen.

3. We would talk every day.

4. Owen could still consume as much lewd and/or pornographic content as he wished throughout the week. Though, he couldn’t seek orgasm through any means.

We took consent and each other’s emotions very seriously during our time discussing it before we started as well as during the time of actual chastity. Since this was quite a large undertaking emotionally and sexually, we made sure to take it slowly, carefully and thoughtfully of one another. We were still good friends at heart and we didn’t want to change or break that. Personally, it was great to know Owen was genuinely enjoying himself during this time and wasn’t unsure about anything and I am sure he felt the same about me. I was always honest about my intentions and enjoyment.

The chastity cage had come with 2 keys, both with their own keychain. Although I was aware it was sometimes common to leave the spare key with the one in chastity or with a third party for safety, I had taken both sets of keys and intended to put them in 2 different places. The first I put in my own personal safe. The same place I put important documentation and other things I never wanted to lose so I knew exactly where it was and it wouldn’t move. I told Owen it was in there since there would be no risk he would sneak the key and for his own knowledge it was safe. The second key I will go into more detail later on with what I chose to do with it.

For the first few days after I had locked Owen in his cage we chatted a fair amount, it was the weekend so we both had a little more spare time than we would in the week and I was very curious how it was for him to wear a cage all the time. He said for the most part it was comfortable, though a new thing for him to get used to and each time he remembered or realised it and that I had the keys sent an exhilarating thrill through him. Reading that particular message sent an equally enjoyable thrill through myself. I did have a little background worry that after the first few days, the thrill would disappear since the fun part of locking was now behind us, however throughout the week, this never happened and it was fun to chat and look forward to the upcoming Friday.

So far, I have maybe focused more on Owen’s kinks rather than my own and it may be possible reading this you can see I am enjoying it so I must be more dominant leaning, right? Well, Owen is clearly more sub-leaning with a large interest in chastity and orgasm denial. For myself, I’ve always been a switch. A person who can both dominate and be submissive, depending on what my partner is and with Owen showing a lot of submissive tendencies, it definitely brought out my dominant side and my mind would race a lot on what I could do to tease and test waters within our agreement. I wanted to go easy on him during the first week, it was a trial after all and I didn’t want to waste my big ideas straight away.

Throughout the new week, I would send Owen 1-2 selfies a day, nothing crazy or too sexy. Just either my face or my outfit for the day. He always responded positively or with a small joke which was always fun. Near the end of the week, it was possible his days without release were maybe getting to him a little as he started to be more descriptive and cutesy with his replies. At first they were pretty simple responses, but they soon got a little longer and more complimentary. One of my favourites after a standard selfie was “I always thought you were super pretty.” Most likely the testosterone building up in him, but I’ll take the flattery. I also got a little jolly thinking he was straining against his cage just from normal pictures of myself. It was strange though, or at least I didn’t expect to feel so confident and open with Owen owning his keys. I felt I could tell him anything or send him anything. I can’t tell whether it was because we had grown closer in this short amount of time or if owning chastity cage keys made you feel in more power over someone, or if it was a mixture of both. Either way, our association with each other was significant.

Anyway, those were the highlights of the week leading up to Friday. Owen’s release day. We agreed we would meet after work near some shops and walk back to his place, much like when we got the cage the previous week. I finished a little earlier than he did on Friday so I had some time to freshen up and get changed before meeting him. My outfit was purposeful, a blue low cut t-shirt with a few buttons on the cut, a navy cardigan to cover my arms and a pair of dark skinny jeans. My make up was the usual: eyeliner, mascara and a little foundation. I wasn’t the biggest fan of lipstick so a little gloss and that was it. The final addition to this standard outfit was a necklace, a simple silver chain with a key attached to it. That’s right. Owen’s key.

I waited outside of various chain stores, others passing me talking about their plans for the night ahead or their weekends before Owen appeared not too long wearing his work suit. Don’t get me wrong, Owen is a good looking guy but a suit was like a cherry on top and my eyes lit up at seeing him. We greeted one another, hugged and began to walk and talk. It was generic small talk about our individual work and weeks as we stepped closer to his apartment. I wasn’t sure if he had noticed my necklace or not, he complimented my outfit when we met, but didn’t pay heed to the jewellery. It made sense, the key was sitting on my cleavage and to point it out would be to say you were staring directly at my chest. I wanted him to see it though so I gently pulled him to one side off of the pathway and held the key with my thumb and index finger, only pulling it slightly away from my chest.

“Look here!” I said. His eyes gazed down to what would normally be an inappropriate stare.

“Ohh it’s that key! I wasn’t too sure if it was the same one or not.” He responded, not averting his gaze.

“You better be looking at the key.” I smirked.

“Yes… The key….” He muttered before I playfully slapped his arm and turned heel to continue walking. Laughter from us both as he caught up.

He went on to say during our final stretch of the walk that as much as it was cruel, he liked the idea I had the key on my necklace. I was glad as I picked up on the idea online and thought it would be fun to use it as a way of teasing.

We soon arrived at his apartment, the inside barely changed from when I was last there the previous week, though this time I felt a lot more comfortable and at home as I quickly found my seat from before and relaxed into its comfort. We ordered pizza and put on various shows, half paying attention to their contents as we continued to socialise as friends would. Looking back, this was very key to the enjoyment and the well-being of our arrangement, even though I was there on the assumption of unlocking him we were still chatting like friends would and enjoying each other’s company without our deal ruining that. Most of the time, both of us even forgot about it.

But of course, time continued onwards and it soon came to where our meal had been consumed and our chatter had lessened so it relied on me, with the key on my chest, to finally give Owen what he had been so loyal with. I peaked my head up and towards him with a gentle smile and softly spoke these words into the room with only the sound from the TV filling it.

“You ready?”

Owen looked up and faced me, looking for a short moment of clarification before nodding himself. “Yeh.. Yeah if you think it’s time.”

I smiled a little brighter as I slowly removed the necklace and stood up. He stood with me and I took a few steps towards him and placed the necklace in his hand, though I did not let go immediately. “You have 15 minutes to finish, it will start when you leave this room. If you don’t finish in that time, you go back in your cage without release. You can look at whatever you like on your phone or whatever else you have.” My voice was stern and tough with consistent eye contact.

“Yes Mistress.” He replied with respect. We had agreed that I was to be called ‘Mistress’ or ‘Goddess’ during moments dealing with his cage and/or his release. Although, in other situations, when we weren’t focusing on the chastity, he could just call me by my name.

I nodded as he agreed and let go of the necklace leaving it in his palm. He gave me a final look of assurance before walking out of the room. I couldn’t help but break a small smile as he walked out of eyesight, he must have been so happy with those 15 minutes of genital freedom. He went into his room and while he did his business, I sat back down and went on my phone, making sure to start the timer. My heart raced and I could feel it’s pumping at the bottom of my neck, it was what we had been working towards all this week and knowing what he was doing in the other room had my heart rate through the roof. For him, the minutes probably flew by, for me they felt longer than they were as all I could do was wait.

Owen eventually emerged in the living room and I checked the timer upon seeing him so soon, he still had about 4 minutes left so it had only taken him 11 minutes to get the cage off, ejaculate, clean up and come back. He was still holding the cage and necklace. “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to put it back on or not.” He chuckled. I told him I’d allow him the extra 4 minutes of liberty and I couldn’t help but ask my next question.

“So how was it?”

“It was good, really good actually.” He laughed more comfortably. “I had to hold it in a bit at the beginning but it felt amazing when I did.” His eyes showed signs of already reminiscing on the past minutes. “Thank you Mistress.”

My telling sign of self pleasure of biting my lip showed itself once more as I chuckled with him. I was genuinely glad he had enjoyed himself and it felt like a shared satisfaction between us. His face was one of relief, while mine was thriving off of that relief.

*Bzzt Bzzt*

The timer went off comically cutting us off and we both looked at each other knowing the next step. I beckoned him over and much like the last time, he placed and locked the cage around his penis and I inspected it, making sure it was fastened to my liking. Although it didn’t pulse like it had the first time, I could tell it was still slightly swollen from the stroking and there was the smallest shine of what could have been pre cum or actual cum on the tip still. With a final little tug to ensure it was locked, I looked up and nodded.

“All set. We’ll do another week.” I affirmed to him with a final smile.

(Hope you enjoyed this follow up! I’m open to write more of this short stories with these characters if they keep getting love so let me know! Any feedback or criticism is welcome in the comments or in DMs!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yu3fiz/fictionalfmfpovchastity_becoming_a_keyholder_for