Respecting Rules Is Important

Anything that gets played on a high level, has rules. Any sport that you can think of has a set of rules. If you think about it, it’s the rules that allows intense sustainable experiences to take shape. With rules you determine a container, in which pressure can be built. Without rules the container has holes.

With this in mind, you decide to play an intense game within the boundary of the rules. You have made a high level of friendship alliances with another female and a male. You come up with a plan in which the female friend gives your partner/husband the idea that once in a year it is a balanced/healthy idea to be able to forego the established boundaries, and be intimate with another partner. This idea will be developed using all sorts of philosophies. In the ancient Greek they had one day in a year in which, they allowed Dionysus (the god of ecstasy) to rule them.

If the husband isn’t gradually made malleable by the lures of the prospect of being able to sleep with this woman, good for him. However, if he does bend, then the indirect implication would be that your male friend, gets to be intimate with you, perhaps one day a year.

The male friend was behind the whole idea. A new world order gets established.

Isn’t this how the few elite fuck us? With our own consent, resulting from our own greed? We probably even aren’t conscious of it; most of us.

I wrote this quickly, I’ll likely improve the idea when I have some leisure time.
