[Fictional][FM][FPOV][Chastity] – Becoming a Keyholder for a Friend

(This story is completely fictional. I wrote it just for fun so the events and characters in this story are not real.)

The occasion itself did not really matter nor did it really call for one, all that mattered was myself and a few of my friends had gathered on a Saturday night to enjoy each other’s company. A few drinks and games as well as some rowdy banter had imbued us into some joyful moods that led us down memory lane and poked fun at each other with some of those memories. We were all seated in the living space either on the floor or on the couches as Owen left the room to go to the bathroom. The rookie he was, had left his phone unlocked and was soon picked up by one of the other lads and doing the laddish thing, checked his phone and search history for porn. They quickly found his small trove of keyholding and chastity captions that he had both saved and looked at numerous times, which as you can imagine, led to some furious joking and questioning when he returned. Although I regret it now, I lightly joined in even though I didn’t really see the issue, everyone has kinks and they did invade his privacy.

Long story short, he got quite embarrassed and dismissed the questions throughout the night till they eventually feigned off and moved on to another topic.

The next day, I still felt bad for what he had gone through so I decided to shoot him a quick message apologising that I didn’t stand up for him or to tell the others to not go through his phone and that it had happened altogether. He replied it was fine and not to worry about it. I, then, dug a little deeper into my curiosity and asked him some more about the kink. It took a few messages to get him to talk about it, he was rightfully hesitant, maybe thinking this was a further ruse to get more jokes out of it, but I did my best to show my genuine interest in the topic. He eventually explained he enjoyed the denial and control aspects and told me that the woman holding the key was called a ‘keyholder.’ If I had a camera on me while I was messaging him, I am sure I was casually biting my lip as we texted throughout the day.

“Do you have a keyholder?” I asked.

“No, not yet, I looked around online for a while but it’s hard to trust a stranger haha.” He replied.

As my heart pumped crazily in my chest, I could only think of one thing to respond to him with.

“What about me?”

Again, he showed more hesitant signs towards my openness. He tried to explain he had never tried it and we were close friends, but we ended up at the same conclusion. I had not tried it either and the fact we were close friends meant he could trust me. It was a nerve wracking and sweat-inducing chat as we chatted over the next few days about this, wondering if it was actually a possibility for me to try this out with him. I understand the hesitation, we were close and we wouldn’t want this to be something that ruins a friendship and once you start doing something like this, it’s not something you can take back. One of the biggest hurdles was the reality that I would be seeing his penis. I was comfortable with this, though trust is a two way street and I fully understood and respected he needed to be comfortable with all of it before continuing.

We maintained chatting for most of the week. He told me more about the lifestyle and the kink, as well as my own research, and we eventually agreed that we would fully give it a shot. We shared the price of a chastity cage and ordered it to be picked up at our closest sex shop on the following Friday and set to meet that day to collect it together.

Meeting in public and in person after this sudden change in our friendship was… Different. The air between us had the clear awkwardness of uncertainty of what was to come and the person we had both known as a good friend and turned into something more serious. I tried to maintain a happy upbeat attitude, but his nervousness was clear and I simply did my best to ease him. Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous as well! It’s not everyday you agree to do something like this with a long term friend, however, I was excited for this as I am sure he was as well. Owen remained outside while I collected the order from the store, the order was in my name and he had the choice to stay outside if he wanted, it was only picking up the order so it wouldn’t take long. I soon left with a small bag with the locking device inside and I smiled towards him. “Got it.” I beamed as I returned to his side. I made the move of locking my arm into his as a sign of comfort and support as well as I just felt an extra closeness to him now this was becoming more of a reality.

“Are you still sure about this?” He asked as we walked.

“Of course, we said we’ll trial it and see how it goes.” I happily responded. “Are you still up for it?”

Just after I asked this, I felt a tight squeeze at my arm as his arm tightened around mine. A warming grasp. “Ohh yes! I just wanted to be sure you were as well.”

We idly chatted as we walked through the somewhat busy streets towards his home. The mood between us now was a lot more cheerful and full of jokes we would normally share. Now that we actually had the cage, it lifted some of the strain that was on both of us and I at least felt a little better now it was in our possession. We hadn’t planned a large day out together to celebrate this new introduction to our lives, the plan was to instead pick up the cage as we had and go back to his house (It was closer than mine) and to fit the cage. We arrived at his apartment not too long after a 15 minute walk. I had been here before, although fairly basic for a man living by himself, it was still a home and had everything one person would need to live and facilitate the odd guest every now and then. After the basic manners of offering my drink and making sure we both felt at home, I brought the box to the coffee table and sat down in order to get the chastity cage out of the box. There wasn’t much in the box, a one sided piece of paper detailing instructions, 2 keys and the cage itself. The cage was made of steel and coiled or looped around the shaft leaving exposed bits of skin, it wasn’t one of those that fully confines the shaft.

Owen’s eyes never left my hands and the box as he watched me empty out the contents and put them on the table. I felt his gaze as I did it and once I had finished getting it all out, I let out a small chuckle. “Well there we go. Are you ready?” I asked. Owen just nodded his head, his cheeks slightly pink but a wide smile on his face, the happiest I had seen him all day.

I went to hand him the cage. “You jerked off last night, right?” I had asked him to jerk off the night before because our plan was to keep him in chastity for 1 week as a trial. Friday to Friday and I thought it would be good if he was going into it with a fresh start.

“Yeah I did, I’m all ready.” He smiled more as he took the cage from me and stood up. I decided to turn around and go on my phone to give him a little privacy as he equipped the device onto himself. It took a little while, I wasn’t really counting minutes but I can imagine it was a little tough based on some of the grunts and whispered exclaims he let out. I started to worry it was too small for him, the cage didn’t mention any size and it could have been an oversight from us, but my worries were soon washed away as Owen confirmed he was just shaky from the nerves and was messing up. We shared a laugh or two and shared a chat as he continued before he confirmed he was done and it was time for me to inspect.

As I turned around to my close friend of many years, t-shirt still on with his trousers and underwear off with a sleek looking metal device wrapped around his flaccid penis. I couldn’t help but lightly blush with him as my eyesight flicked between him and his manhood. He had shaved, which for some reason I did not expect, and appreciated this small effort he had made. It was a few long moments of silence before he chuckled and led some gentle laughter between us. My nervousness was clearly showing.

The tension snapped a little with the laughter. “No, no no, it’s good. It’s fine.” I giggled. I shuffled closer on the couch and visually inspected it properly. I made the brash move of lightly touching the cage where it locked to ensure it was firmly fastened and it was. As I did this, I saw the slightest pulse from his penis and noticed the base was now pushing closer to the cage than it was before. A natural response I can imagine for a woman’s face to be so close to your penis and I smiled gently. “Okay, I’m happy. It looks great!” I meant it as well.

Owen, bright red, soon put his trousers and pants on and took a deep breath. “Thank you. You’ve been really cool about this.”

I glowed back at him. “So have you, this is fun.” I bit my lip. “Till next Friday.”

(Hope you enjoyed my story! I might write a part 2 so any feedback or criticism is welcome in the comments or in DMs!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ytht5x/fictionalfmfpovchastity_becoming_a_keyholder_for


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