[C] A Hotwife’s Hot Gangbang, Featuring DnD. [Gangbang] [Blowjob] [Anal] [Yuri]

[Features: Gangbang, hotwife, yuri, anal, double anal, facesitting, blowjob, dnd, spitroast]


With a great and mighty blast, the beast was struck. A scratch and barely that. It seemed to laugh at the party’s last weak attempt. The half-elf Sorcerer barely had time to react before he was flung to the side, hurling himself directly into the rest of his party members, where they lay unconscious. Alone stood a lone gnome, a cleric. The great demonic beast towered over her, but it was not without fault.

The battle had been brutal, Zect rushing in a brutal barbarian rage, only to be smited down by the furious hand of the Greater Demon. But he had risen back up, again and again, while Amalia had moved to entrap it with vines and call upon her great druidic powers to transform into a mighty bear. And although Ilanor was but a normal human fighter, he had well learned when to take advantage of an opportunity. While the Greater Demon had fought tooth and nail with a Druidic Bear and a mad Berserker, he had snuck around and begun laying into it’s side. Their damage was mighty, incredible even, but soon they’d fall. They would not outlast the demon.

This is where the last two party members came in.

While Alistair the Sorcerer was more use to attacking, he now was constantly doing his best just to slow the Demon down for more than a few seconds. Those seconds were all their gnome, their cleric, needed.

And now Aliya stood alone, with a Greater Demon that seemed to be on its last legs. Perhaps, just perhaps, a final attack from her could finish it off. Perhaps she could be the hero of this story. The gnome who delivered the final blow! She rallied, healing her own wounds slightly, ran at the demon and-!

“Nat 1.”

The table stared at the dice, Charles immediately crossing his arms and cursing a little. This was the big fight! And Alda, playing as Aliya the Gnome Cleric, had just rolled a one. Asylm, the DM, blinked in shock.

“Well….. You know the rules.”

“Come on Asylm! I didn’t become a werebear for nothing here! Roeth was totally going to make that next saving throw.”

Asylm just looked at her with a deadpan face.

“If weren’t playing with house rules, four out of five of you would be dead already.”

Amalia, who had been playing Roeth the druid, also crossed her arms.

Alan and Kevin, who had been playing the Barbarian and Fighter respectively, just looked depressed. Charles, playing sorcerer, had moved onto cursing a storm up under his breath and Alda? She looked heartbroken.

Asylm was a ‘hard’ DM. He set things up, set up a time frame, and if you died you died. He didn’t fudge rolls, he didn’t make miracles, didn’t stop you from going out and wandering the countryside for 10 years. But the big bad would always come knocking sooner or later. Sometimes that made the future fights trivially easy if they prepared. Sometimes it made them actually impossible. It was fun and frustrating. But this? This had been special. The boss had been hard, extremely hard, but possible. They hadn’t slacked off very much during the campaign, consistently getting stronger. All of that, all of that, and it was over just like that? Nearly a year long campaign, ruined, just because she rolled a bad number?

Even Asylm seemed to feel bad about that. He rubbed his chin, the entire party waiting like a guillotine was over their necks. Finally, finally he spoke up and his words shocked them all, especially her husband Charles.

“Hmm. Look, how about, I let you reroll. Give me the thong underwear we are all know you’re wearing and we’ll call it even.”

Now perhaps most people would be shocked or appalled at such a suggestion. Perhaps some would even expect Charles, her husband, would react with outrage.

But Alda had never lived that kind of life. No, her lifestyle was called ‘Hotwife’. It was simple as they come, it just meant she had sex with people besides her husband. Her friends were no strangers to their own kinky lives, more than a few of them probably willing to participate.

So the reaction was simple, excitement.

“YES!” Cried Alan.

Kevin was practically vibrating in his seat, Amalia was vibrating in her seat, hopping up and down, her beautiful green eyes practically glowing in joy. Her husband Charles was smiling wide but with a hint of exasperation on his face. Everyone always wanted a piece of his wife. Asylm was looking at her with a smile.

Alda also smiled. It was always nice for people to enjoy her body and for her to simply have to give up a piece of underwear in order to reroll that horrible one? It was a great deal.

But she wouldn’t make it that easy. She sat at the table, pushing herself in just a little, and began pulling down her pants. Everyone watched on, a bit of hunger entering their eyes, as she shimmied, pulling down her underwear as well. It took a while, and her husband sitting next to her was already growing his erection by the time she finally managed to get her underwear off and put her pants back on under the table.

She reached over, red thong in hand, and gave it to Aslym. He smiled and simply put it on the table for everyone to constantly look at. Alda blushed a little. Having everyone constantly being reminded she wasn’t wearing any underwear, and that what she had been wearing was a thong… it was just a little embarrassing. It wasn’t exactly a secret she loved wearing them but still, it was the principle of the matter.

She grabbed the dice, took a deep breath, and rerolled. Her breath caught, as she felt it nearly landed on a one again, before turning and landing on a 17. Various breaths of relief could be heard from everyone.

“Alright, so…”

The gnome cleric Aliya stumbled, her attack bouncing off the Greater Demon’s hide. All was lost, all was hopeless, hit great red fist bearing down on her, when a light began to pour through her skin. Suddenly, her god was with her, and she knew she had time. Time for one more attack. Time to change her fate. She was a cleric but she was never defenseless. With her holy mace, she swung, and the beast froze. It froze, for where it’s chest should be, where it’s heart use to be, was now a hole radiating holy energies. She had attacked, and it had been too slow. She stood, panting, waiting to see if that was it.

The beast closed its eyes dead. Her friends, her companions, alive but unconscious, began to stir themselves back to waking. They all looked upon what Aliya had done and cheers broke out. Soon, the Greater Demon’s body began to crumble away.

Began to crumble away, revealing a red portal left floating in the air.


Asylm smiled.

Roeth called out in shock upon seeing it. The threat to the kingdom was over, but there was still more to go. The Demon had not come from nowhere, nor even was it summoned as was traditional. The Infernal Realms were making a play and now their connection point had severed. The party had won the battle, but the war was still to be decided.

Asylm looked up at everyone and smirked.

“You can’t be serious Asylm? After all that, there’s even more?! Are you just making stuff up at this point?” Amalia seemed to be in shock.

Wordlessly, Asylm picked up his book behind his screen and flipped the page, detailing the portal he had had planned well in advance.

“If we go in there right now, we’re all going to die.” Charles spoke up.

“Well… maybe not. We can heal up at least now that we’re out of combat. But if that was only the mini-boss…” Kevin trailed off.

They had thought they had a chance, but it turned out that this might have been one of the impossible campaigns. None of them wanted that.

“Well, let’s just go ahead in and see. How bad could it be?” Alan spoke up.

It turned out to be hell. Their campaign night had been early and a few hours had passed by now. Their first few fights had been intense, but they’d managed. Then Alda rolled low again. It was as if fate hated her in particular. This time it wasn’t the party she was trying to save, but herself. The rest of the party was horrified as with a bad roll, an assassin would have gutted her. Asylm played hard, and while he let the party either wipe together or not at all, assassins were special. They were one of the few ways individual characters could die, and fast. He wouldn’t let you just reroll nearly the exact same character with a new name and that’s it, the character you were allowed to be was always significantly weaker.

None of that mattered in the here and now though, if their cleric died, they’d probably all die shortly after with the lack of healing. Alda had rolled a two. She was dead.

But they all looked at Asylm which had him looking surprised for half a second before he slightly sighed, slightly smirked. He had set up a precedence after all.

“Alright alright, fine. How about your shirt?”

The tone of the game changed, fast. Alda gulped just a bit. She had become the focus and could quickly see how things were going. But it wasn’t like she could really do anything. Say no and let her character die? Hell no.

By the time they reached the Demon King’s castle, she was only wearing a bra, her bare ass sitting in her chair. By the time they reached the demon king, she lost her bra to his four generals.

“You have to be fudging rolls Asylm. How is it always Alda?!”

“I’m really not. This is insane, but I’m not complaining.”

It seemed like fate really, really had it out for her tonight. Every time, it would either be her dead or the rest of the party nearly dead with her the last one left. And Every. Single. Time. She rolled poorly. When her shirt had come off, she had been thankful she’d been wearing a bra. When her pants had come off, she was happy there was a table. There was nothing to cover her as she undid her bra, and handed it to Asylm. At this point, everyone’s gazes were on her and they each looked hungry. Her husband next to her had begun stroking himself even, but stopped to not be rude to everyone. She was fairly sure she knew how tonight was going to end.

Surprisingly, she was only half right.

The battle with the demon king was intense. They pulled out all the stops, combining skills and spells they thought up on the spot, and once again, to everyone’s bafflement, she was the last one left. She swore Asylm must have been targeting her for exactly just this situation, except for the fact that he seemed the most surprised. Like someone having tripped and fallen into a million dollars.

“Ahem. Well, hope your bad luck breaks here.”

The Demon King stood strong, bloody saber in hand. His black eyes stared into Aliya’s soul and found her wanting. That was alright. Aliya looked into his eyes and found a creature that went against everything her god stood for. A stain on this world. She would remove that stain. She hefted her mace and ran with her short gait. The Demon King, in his infinite arrogance, let her approach. She swung and-!

“Fucking how?! HOW?!”

She wasn’t even sure who said it. It could have been her. She was far too busy staring at the second nat 1 of the night, in the exact same situation from earlier. Some shenanigans were going on, either fate had it out for her in particular tonight, or Asylm was the world’s greatest actor.

Alda was already naked, sitting there, having caused more than a few distractions to everyone present. She didn’t have any more clothes to give. They were screwed. Their goose was cooked, as she always said.

Aslym however, after the shock had word off, didn’t look put out. No, he looked like the cat who had caught the canary.

“Well, if things are going to go to this far, it’d only be fair to offer some way out. I could allow a reroll… for a blowjob.”

“God damn it Asylm.” Her husband said and then whipped out his cock, proprietary be damned, and started stroking a little.

Alda was shocked for about two seconds before lightly glaring at her husband. She knew him well enough that he had whipped out his cock because he was ready for the show. He already thought she was going to say yes. He just shrugged at her. She sighed lightly.

She didn’t exactly want to suck Asylm’s big black cock… especially in front of everyone like this…… but if it was for the finality of the game…..

“Alright.” She nodded and was only mildly surprised when Asylm simply stood up and pulled down his pants here and now. She blushed a little. This was going to be humiliating with everyone watching like this. She glanced at her friends and saw the gazes in their eyes.

Alan, he looked like he walked out of a fitness magazine. Tall, handsome, blond. If he took off his shirt, she was nearly positive she’d see a set of abs. He was looking at her with a look that bordered on the feral. That made sense, he was always a bit more, forward. He played a barbarian for good reason.

Charles, her husband, caught her eye next, merely because he had already started stroking himself. He looked at her with slight annoyance in his eyes, buried beneath lust. No doubt he wanted to be the one to fuck her, possibly right here and now, but this was the most he could do. He was Muscular. Brown eyes, brown hair, really tall, he was a man’s man. Small cock though. It was almost amusing seeing it in his big hands, the size difference.

Kevin looked on, having apparently decided that standing would be the better idea here. He had a bit of a belly, but with strong arms. He looked slightly similar to her husband, enough that she found herself comparing them sometimes. Judging by the tent he was pitching in his pants, he was not having any problems in the size area.

Her eyes finally landed on Amalia. She was beautiful, no two ways about it. Dark chocolate skin, emerald green eyes, and her breasts and ass were… well developed to say the least. Her eyes were the most fiery of anyone here. She had a feeling that she was practically restraining herself so she didn’t leap across the table at her.

And finally, she turned back to Asylm. Dark chocolate skin, dark brown eyes, he had telltale signs he had once been in shape but then let himself go a bit. And attached to that tall man, was a long, hard, black rod. His dick would probably be able to double as a bludgeoning weapon. And in front of everyone, he wanted her to suck him off.

She still wasn’t exactly feeling it, but the night had gone sideways and she felt it was only going to go more sideways from here.

She looked forward and got on her knees and looked up. And then she gulped. Asylm’s massive black cock had looked big from a few feet away. Not it towered over her. It was still embarrassing having all of her friends watching, especially while she was completely naked, but a deal was a deal. She lowered her mouth onto Asylm’s cock and started going up and down his obsidian shaft. Coating it with her saliva as she felt it penetrate her face, travel over her tongue, and go down her throat. She had never been more thankful that she didn’t have a strong gag reflex because she rarely took anything so big or long inside her like this.

As she sucked Aslym off, she could practically hear the others around her, their breaths getting hot and heavy, the ruffle of clothes, the sounds of flesh touching flesh. Then she vicariously felt that even more so when Asylm’s strong hands gripped the back of her head. Before she could even finish the thought of ‘wait, really?!’ he was already shoving her face down hard onto his cock. She spluttered for a moment, her eyes going wide, as she found his cock embedded down her throat, her lips touching the base of his body. But he wasn’t done, not by a long shot. The heat and tension in the air shot up by a whole magnitude as he gripped her head and pulled it back, sliding her off his dick, only to shove her down again. Rough but slowly. Up, and down, up, and down. She felt like a hammer being used on an anvil, as her face and throat were fucked.

She was positive she could hear her husband masturbating and complaining, but her focus was elsewhere.

“Yeah you dirty slut. You like sucking that black cock don’t you?”

She wanted to respond, maybe to tell him to slow down a little, or even to stop for a bit, but her mind was really elsewhere. She started without much enthusiasm but now? Now she feeling her face be slid down a quickly coating dick. A cock that was rapidly pumping into her, forced to feel strong hands use her head like, the heat from Asylm pouring out of him into her, onto her, all around her. All while the only thing she was a black man’s body. She didn’t feel like Alda, Asylm’s friend, while he was screwing her. She felt like a whore that had been told to take it, like she was being treated more like a sex toy or even just a regular object, made only to be fucked.

And that lit a match inside her.

Now she was really getting into it, using her tongue, sucking harder on his big black cock, turning the blowjob sloppier and sloppier until saliva was literally dripping off his shaft. Asylm sat back down, pulling her with. Before, she had been on her knees. Now, she was on her knees and hands, ruthlessly sucking cock, while Asylm groaned and moaned lightly.

“Holy Hell, what a fucking whore.”

She was so into it, so mesmerized and hypnotized by cock, that she nearly leaped up when she felt a heavy slap to her ass. She didn’t even know who had done it, someone had spanked her! She had no time to worry about that though, as Asylm’s hands hadn’t remained idle. Still, they gripped her head and slammed her down. Which meant she had her time full just handling what was in front of her, she didn’t have time to worry about her behind.

But she sure felt it.

That first spanking felt like a test now, as someone clearly really went to town. They were hitting hard and it sent electric tingles through her whole body. When she felt another slap start happening against a different cheek, falling into a rhythm one person alone couldn’t have pulled off, she knew who was spanking the hell out of her. Alan and Kevin.

Those two had always been a bit of a team and now she was really feeling it as they had somehow decided they were each going to absolutely destroy her asscheeks. The night was getting away from her, but any reluctance she was now gone. Blown to smithereens as the pure lust for cock overrode everything else.

It was all a mist of pleasure and lust as she was used and abused. The minutes ticked by, the sounds of masturbation reaching her. Charles and Amalia clearly getting off as well. She felt herself wet, probably more than enough for anyone looking at her to see. Through her haze, that thought made her blush a little, which only made her more wet.

And then everything suddenly stopped with a loud bang, as her ass was slapped one final time, before her head was shoved down and not shoved up for once. The reason why was clear, as she felt Asylm explode into her mouth, his cum exploding outwards, over her tongue, and down her throat. Her mind felt hazy as she continued to lick his cock, even while her head was pinned down. She gulped down his cum, revelling in the sensation, when her head was yanked back, off his cock. She took a breath of air through her mouth, the first one in quite a while, and noticed it wasn’t Aslym that had pulled her off. A different chocolate beauty was holding her head and she noticed quickly, that she had lost her pants somewhere along the way.

In front of her was the large, beautiful, bare black ass of Amalia. Surprisingly, the second thing she noticed was that she was on her back now. She had no idea when that had happened. Amalia was hovering over her.

Looking up into her eyes through her legs for a moment, the words from Amalia were short, sweet, and so chock full of lust that it felt like a physical weight.

“Your mouth. My ass. Now.”

As a great ass fell towards her, she idly noticed that Amalia was completely clean shaven. And then ass was her entire world. She felt her land against her, her weight pressing against her face, her cheeks on her cheeks, her ass right near her mouth.

By now, Alda the normal woman hoping to play some dnd with friends was gone. Now there was only Alda the hotwife, who got off to being degraded. And being almost literally thrown from being spanked and sucking cock, to being sat on and demanded to use her mouth on a woman’s ass? Well, her toes curled, her pussy was soaked, and her mouth got to work immediately.

Mostly. She didn’t actually want to stick her tongue inside even in a lustful state, but she certainly did everything but that. She began licking the outside, having her tongue roam over the whole, going in little circles, while Amalia grinded against her. She continued to lick, lick, and lick some more. Eventually, she felt a change. Someone else was on top of her. She didn’t know who. She couldn’t see them, but even in her fugue state, their positioning was odd. She thought someone might shove themselves inside her but… they were sitting on her boobs. Definitely a man though, with their balls rubbing against her.

Then she felt it happen and her mind nearly shut down.

They had scooted forward and pushed themselves inside Amalia. She wasn’t too surprised her friends were having sex, though she had no idea who it was. It could have even been her husband. No, it was that they were having sex on top of her. Nearly right on top of her face. She was being used as nothing more than a sex mat. She might have orgasmed right then and there, but she couldn’t be sure, as her mind nearly washed away with bliss and pleasure. Everything just became the motions, the shifting of bodies on top of her, the grinding of an ass against her, her tongue rolling around the outside of an asshole, before it finally came to an end.

To her surprise, the person fucking Amalia got off first. Soon after, Amalia came to stuttering halt, clearly orgasming on top of her, her grinding against gaining some more weight.

And then she was off and feeling shocked as she saw light and could breath air again. She felt like she had been flattened, which wasn’t really too far from the truth. She sat up and looked around. Amalia was sitting in a chair, with a happy expression on her face, the signs of afterglow already showing up as she looked lightly drugged.

Kevin and Alan both had all of their clothes off, with both of their dicks wet for some reason. She could’ve sworn only one person entered Amalia but she couldn’t tell which of them it would have been. She’d have to ask later.

Asylm was still sitting in the chair, cock thoroughly drained. He looked like he couldn’t wait to get it back up again though.

And Charles was looking nearly constipated. Smaller dick in hand, at least the smallest dick here for sure, he was still just furiously masturbating with his hand. He looked like he wanted to take her for a ride but Aslym just wagged a finger at him.

“If you join in, no reroll. Total party wipe.”

“God damn you Asylm.” He was muttering and cursing under his breath. Knowing Aslym, he wouldn’t let him join in, because it turned him on to see her husband not be able to do anything and just watch.

Honestly, it turned her on too. She really, really needed a few holes filled. And she had two waiting participants more than ready for her. Their cocks were even already wet, both of them, somehow. Suspicious.

None of that mattered at all, as soon as her eyes fell on Kevin and Alan, they seemed to take that as permission that it was their turn. She shivered in anticipation. They reached down and lifted her up…and up and up. Kevin was holding her ass, holding her above his dick, while Alan was behind her. She smiled. Were they going to eiffel tower her?

“We’re going to try something but don’t worry, we made sure to get lubed up for it first!” Alan said from behind her. Kevin nodded silently.

What? What were they going to-!

She felt it as Kevin brought her down on top of his dick. Aiming for her ass. That confused her for a moment, but not as much as when he stopped right before entering! She was fine with anal, more than fine with anal! Why was he stopping?

Then she felt Alan’s dick press up against her. Against her ass. Right next to Kevin’s own dick. His hands and arms wound around her body, gripping her tightly.

“Alright. On three.”

They, they were really going to try to put two dicks in her ass?!


It wouldn’t fit! It definitely wouldn’t fit at all! One dick barely fit!


She was flexible, but she wasn’t that flexible!

“Hey uh, wait a min-”


Her mouth opened wide in shock as she felt not one, but two dicks ram themselves inside her. Inside the same whole, none the less. On one hand, it hurt. Oh boy, it hurt. It hurt in the same way shoving any massive object into your ass that you aren’t prepared for hurt. A small tear fell from her eye as she let out a small quiet “ow.”

On the other hand, she loved anal. She loved it a lot. She had done it before, was doing it now, and would do it again. As the initial pain from the pure mass started to fade a little, a pleasure at an intensity she had never experienced before rushed up and through her. It felt like a single, massive dick had penetrated her. She could feel their heat, how they were stretching her out, how they were both pressed so tight against her.

And then she started moving. Four arms working together started to lift her, pulling her off the two dicks, eliciting gasps and moans from her.

And then she was slammed down.

If she hadn’t orgasmed before, she had fixed that problem right now. She wrapped her arms and legs tight around Kevin as she moaned deeply and loudly into his ear. She felt both of their dicks twitch inside her.

And then she was sliding up again and brought down again. Pistoned like that, being rammed on and off cocks. Her nails bit into Kevin’s back. It felt like a million lightning bolts had struck her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, while she saw her friends looking on. Not the ones currently laying her out with pleasure, but the ones who had already enjoyed her. Amalia watched on, looking like she was ready for a round two, while Aslym stared at her, clearly wishing men didn’t have a refractory time.

Her husband was busy cumming his brains out as he stared at her. He was already wishing he could do more than watch, judging from his heated gaze.

“We’re going too slow.” Alan said.


“Faster then.” Kevin responded.

Wait, what?!

That was the last thought Alda had for, well, quite a bit. Suddenly, she wasn’t just experiencing a mind breaking pleasure at high intensity, she was experiencing it at a high velocity too.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she felt like she blacked out, and moans that sounded like they could only come from the world’s dirtiest whore left her mouth at such a volume that Charles briefly worried the neighbors would hear. The neighbors down the street.

Alan and Kevin kept going though, pulling her down and up, treating her like their own personal onahole. Their own personal fleshlight. They were rough and dirty, purely focused on their own pleasure, fucking her ass as hard as they could. Her pleasure was more of a coincidence than any decision they had. And why wouldn’t it be? Alda was beautiful and knowing that your beautiful friend often has sex with people, well, everyone wanted a bit of her.

Kevin and Alan felt like they had become closer than brothers at the moment. They were in sync in a way that few people ever could be. They pulled together, fucked together, and soon, they would also cum together.

Alda became aware of the world around her again as her eyes bulged out. What had shocked her from her daze had been the feeling of a simply massive amount of cum pouring into her ass. She felt full in a way she had never felt before.

But they didn’t stop.

Kevin and Alan fought through their own orgasms, not stopping for anything. It wasn’t exactly a round two, but it certainly felt that way to Alda, her mind feeling it was going to break, as they continued to fuck her.

Eventually, they ran out of steam, each holding themselves up with the other, Alda in the middle feeling utterly humiliated at the sounds she had made, the sight she must have been.

Truthfully, she thought it was over. What more could be done to her now? Silly, silly Alda. She had forgotten where this had all started. Aslym approached her and picked her up. This was third person, the third man especially, to lift her into the air and she was starting to feel like she was going to just get continually passed around at this point.

“Such a dirty little whore. Enjoy your asshole getting destroyed and your face rode a few times?”

He angled his dick to penetrate her pussy, and then seemed to change his mind at the last minute, burying his dick into her ass. She moaned lightly at the sudden plunge.

“Might as well go into an entrance that’s already well used. You like that don’t you, you slut?”

Alda was busy. The pleasure from earlier had barely had a chance to leave her before her ass was once again filled with dick. Asylm’s dick alone nearly felt like it was as big as the two from before. She felt it as his big black dick railed her, as his grip on her strengthened.

“I’ve wanted to use you since the beginning you know? To feel you like this. And now I get to do so while your husband has to watch.”

In one smooth motion, Asylm twisted her around his dick, now holding her and fucking her as she looked directly at her husband. He seemed to guffaw at the audacity but he couldn’t help a strong look of desire and lust. He was getting off from the situation too, even if he’d have loved to swap places with Aslym.

Charles had cum only recently, but he was immediatly doing his best to get his dick back in action. The divide between the massive black dick in her ass, and her husband’s flaccid cock trying to get erect again, was not lost on her. As she felt another orgasm pull it’s way out of her, it was not lost on her at all.

The minutes ticked by, Asylm roughly using her ass, while Charles could only look on. At some point Amalia had even started cheering, talking about how she wanted to use her next. It was humiliating and hot. So hot. From man, to woman, to men, to man again. Sucking, facesitting, double anal, anal again, Alda had had dreams like this before. The fact that it was now her reality was literally causing her eyes to roll back into her head as she moaned like a bitch.

Her ass was being used and abused, but all good things have to have a finale. Finally, Asylm came inside, and she was absolutely spent.

Feeling absolutely ravaged, Asylm gently lowered her. He sat her back down in her chair. Now that all the great sex was over, Aslym had switched from incredible dirty talk and roughly fucking her, to being gentle and slow. Sadly, that meant she’d now have to try and get cum stains out of her chair later. He could have at least put a towel down!

She looked at all her friends. All of her friends and her husband looked at her, and then each other.

Everyone just took a breath, fluids flung everywhere, just breathing. She noticed Amalia had lost her clothes at some point and Aslym had just decided to forgo clothes entirely. After some deep breaths, it was Asylm who spoke up first.

“So. You get that reroll.”

She blinked. Right, the reroll, the dnd campaign. What they had been doing before they all developed into gloriously rough sex. She picked up the die and rolled it. Nat 20. It seemed fate had decided to turn the other way for her.

Asylm smirked.

Aliya’s party had been vanquished. The Demon King had won. As a last and final attack, she had swung with all her might, only to fail. It had barely hurt him at all, despite him seeming to be on his last legs. He sneered, ready to crush her to paste, when a glorious light descended from the sky. Her God, her patron, had seen her glorious faith, her passion, her desire for victory, and had descended in her time of need. Filled with a new devotion, she swung once again with her mace, and the Demon King was blasted apart.

So mighty was her hit, that a wave of godly energy surged with her as the focal point. Her party members were healed and half the castle was destroyed. Before her stood her Patron. Her God. The one who had saved her at every turn, that had helped her complete the most impossible of tasks. But not alone. His power was great but without a channel for it, he would not have been able to accomplish what he had.

With that said… he had offered quite a bit of help. And a price was to be paid.

“Kneel, my servant, my spreader of faith, and serve once more.”

Then, he whipped out his golden glowing cock, his Divine Dick, waiting for Aliya the gnome to suck it.

The party looked at the God and the group of friends looked at their Dungeon Master. Both in game and out of game, he smirked. Soon, the gnome Aliya found herself sucking on the divine, not even having to kneel given Gnome height.

Aslym detailed it all. All of the sexual acts they had done, he repeated in the game now.

Aliya, the cleric gnome, sucking off her divine god for help rendered, until he came through her. The party, seeing this, wanting to get a piece of the action. A euphoria from not only being alive, but from also defeating the final villain, filling them up to the brim.

Soon, Roeth the druid was squashing the gnome beneath her ass, as Zect the Barbarian came over and started pounding away, dripping their sexual fluids onto the gnome mat they were using underneath.

Only for her to then immediately be used like a toy by the combined might of the Zect and Ilanor, the fighter.

And then the Divine God again.

All the while, Alistair the Sorcer grumbled and was forced by the god to watch but not participate, a simple matter of petty fun from a small slight long ago. There were some otherworldly grumbling at that for some reason.

Finally, all was complete. Reality and irreality matched. And that’s when things changed. The divine god smiled and summoned a table. On that table, he gently layed his follower, Aliya. Naked and slightly exhausted, she seemed confused for a moment.

But only a moment before he began ramming into her, directing Ilanora the fighter to take the mouth. Soon, A gnome was being filled from both ends, from a simple fighter and a God. They released nearly simultaneously, soaking the lustful Gnome. As soon as they were done, The God directed the barbarian to take over, saying that they were free to choose either hole. He chose her ass this time, while he directed the druid to once more make free use of her mouth.

By the time they were done, The God and Fighter were ready to go again. And like this, for a day and a night, a Gnome paid the price of altering fate. A price she was more than happy to pay. And so ended their tale.

Asylm looked at Alda. No, everyone was looking at Alda. It had been about 30 minutes, long enough for everyone to be rearing to go again. She gulped, adrenaline rushing through her body. She looked over at her husband who just sighed, shook his head in exasperation, and said,

“I’ll go get some snacks and water for everybody.”

She opened her mouth in surprise, only to find her friends more than a little impatient. Soon, she found herself flat on her back, the table having been cleared.

She could have spoken up, said “ah, wait, haven’t we done enough?” or “Maybe another night guys?” or even “Didn’t I already pay by stripping?!” or many, many other things. But she kept her tongue quiet.

At the end of the day, Asylm, and the God in their session, had been right.

This was a price she was more than happy to pay.

Despite what Asylm had said, it didn’t go exactly as he had said in DnD. For starters, he needed a break. He couldn’t really go again that fast.

Secondly, Amalia was not waiting any longer. Where before she had grinded her asshole against her mouth, now Alda found her mouth full of chocolate skinned pussy, already wet. She also yelped a little into said pussy when she found out that one of the men, she couldn’t tell who, had decided that her ass had apparently not seen enough use today and should have yet another dick in it.

Was her ass that beloved?!

The time filed away, everyone taking their fair share of turns. They ate and took breaks and talked and for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out how her dnd session had become an orgy. An orgy that everyone, even her husband who was stuck not being allowed to do anything, for some reason, was more than happy to continue.

She spent most of that glorious, wonderful night on her back. Eventually it less came to an end, and more came to exhaustion. Eventually, she woke up and everyone but her husband was waving and saying goodbye.

She laid her head back down on the table. Her husband looked at her and smiled.

“So, ready for DnD next week?”

He chuckled as she lightly passed out from exhaustion with a smile on her face.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available!]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yrf3oe/c_a_hotwifes_hot_gangbang_featuring_dnd_gangbang

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