Caught on the beach [embarrassment] [public]

[Caught naked by a couple, and thereafter. 19f]

I was at a beach, north east English coast. It was summer and I found a very peaceful hidden cove, water spraying periodically on the rocks and the sea breeze being the only sounds.

It was perfect, as I didn’t really want to see others on the beach, I just wanted some nice time to myself. I settled down on the large rocks slabs and soaked in my surroundings. I was there for a little while when I started feeling like I wanted to be a little…brave. I mean there was no one around. Surely it didn’t matter if I took some clothes off? It was pretty warm as well! Good excuse.

I took off my t-shirt, then my shorts. I wore crop tops as a tomboy with a smaller chest, so it just looked like activewear. And nobody was there anyway. The waves looked enticing, although my purpose hadn’t been so much to swim today. I paddled a little instead.

A few minutes later I scanned the beach. Still no one. No dog walkers, couples. It wasn’t all too far from town but it was midday on a Tuesday, surely nobody would come?

I could feel heat rising in my cheeks a bit as entertained the idea of taking off my crop top. I grinned, this was fun. After doubting for a little while, I pulled it off. My heart was beating quite hard from excitement and concern, but also lower down from letting myself be exposed. I was happy, this felt like a safe way to do something a bit questionable, but nobody would find out.

I walked back to the rocks, where I layed my things (even braver as it disallowed immediate coverage) and went back towards the water. Happily, I paddled for a couple of minutes, taking the leap to swim and throw aside my underpants. I started to feel like that last step may have been too far- this wasn’t a nude beach, what was I doing? Suddenly my regrets were strengthened as I heard a bark. A little dog ran up to the beach, where my underpants were, and grabbed them.

Oh shit. Jack Russell terriers with pink collars don’t run on beaches alone.

I peered out and to my misfortune, emerging from behind the cove was a couple walking towards the sea front.

I suddenly felt so exposed and panicked. Wtf was I thinking? And to add to the panic my clothes were near the rocks, so I couldn’t run there quickly and hide or dress.

They’ll just…keep walking up the beach. They won’t notice me if I stay in the water. I thought frantically. Then I also remembered the darn dog who took my underwear.

My heart was racing but I swam around, acting as normal as possible. It was still warm and lovely out, the water felt safe, so I felt comforted. After a few minutes, the panic rose. I realised the couple had sat down, on the frickin rocks. The dog had also ran back, to the frickin rocks. Where my clothes were. And they hadn’t move d for a solid, 10 minutes.

It’s okay. You’re just on a long swim, people do that. They can’t see you well. It’s embarrassing that they can see your underwear but everyone has that, why are they even sitting there? I was beginning to get a bit more frustrated and anxious again.

20 minutes passed. The temperature dropped and I could see rainclouds approaching. Bigger, darker waves incoming. My fate was decided-, I would have to get out.

I kept my arm locked against my chest and spare hand against my privates. I tried to do a little loop as well. But the cove did not allow for much looping around. And the couple was sitting right in front of my stuff. Fuck

I stood off to the side of them, feeling hot despite the raindrops although they had not seen me yet. So I just stood, frozen looking at the sand, hoping they didn’t not think I was a pervert of some sort or, or…

The dog ran to me and barked its stupid head off. I felt sick. They would definitely see me now.

I glanced up nervously. A man and woman were smiling up at me. They looked so…sophisticated. the woman wore heeled leather boots and a light felt overcoat and brimmed hat. She was striking. The man looked, well, quite fatherly and mature or something like that. I didn’t come in contact with older adults much. I blushed and tried to avoid eye contact.
“Come here, its okay,” she lady in a sweet, deep tone. Their presence made me feel pretty stupid and low as I walked over, naked.

“S-sorry my clothes are here,” I tried to edge so that my backside wasn’t turned to them, but it was hard. Suddenly the wind decided to blow my clothes around. Retrieving them and keeping my modesty in tact in the now, semi-shower was impossible. I risked a desperate glance towards the couple, who were clearly watching me. The lady walked over to me, with and amused look. My embarrassment was infinite.

“Hey darling, let’s get you something warm, how about that. ” kindly she took off her jacket and wrapped it around me. “You’d better come with us to the car. You’re very wet, ” She smiled. I blushed.
I felt immensely grateful as I realised their kindness. The man was walking a little ahead, perhaps to be respectful. The rain was pouring now, so we began to hurry.

Their car was lovely. Well, I didn’t know the make, but it was spacious and the seats, soft. I still felt really embarrassed, but the vibe of the couple and their car relaxed me.

“What’s your name, love?” The woman turned to me and asked. She had such deep blue eyes, my breath was a little taken.

“Umm… Ella,”

“Lovely, Ella. We’re Harold and Judith… and Rocco. And what were you doing out in the sea, naked?” She smirked. I started to panic, reliving the trauma. “Ummmm I dont know. It was a stupid mistake,” I stammered. The lady just laughed. Harold was pretty quiet but he turned from the drivers seat and gave me a wink, which did something to my stomach.

Judith watched the rain sliding down the front window for a moment. “Well honey, we’d best head home and find something to do with this one,”

“Good plan,” he said.

“Thanks for helping me,” I squeaked awkwardly, hoping today wouldn’t be burned too badly on my subconscious forever.

“That’s alright, wouldn’t want you to be hurt,” said Harold smiling through rear view. Judith got up and opened the back door, sitting next to me. She had some towels in her hand.

“Let me dry you Ella,”

“Oh, what? Um. Thanks I can do it,” I said nervously. She sat a little closer to me, her perfume smelled, well, delicious?

“No arguing. You could get frostbite. I can do this properly.” She said, gentle but firm. “Take off the coat, it’s soaked”

I felt panicky. I thought my days of nakedness were past. It’s just another woman, stop thinking too hard.

I took off the coat and covered my breasts, looking down. Judith took my arms and maneuvered me to sit between her legs. Naked. Okay, next level embarrassing. I started breathing harder.

“Relax, let me look after you dear,” she said with a smirk in her voice. My face grew warm and I tried to ignored the situation. Judith took a towel and gently caressed my arms with it, drying the droplets. She pushed me a forward and dried my back.

I tried to breathe steadily and stay calm. This wasn’t weird. Not at all. Then she ran the towel along my chest. It felt nice. She did slow movement first but then started rubbing it faster over my nipples. They hardened and I felt a humiliating feeling down there. It felt great. I couldn’t help but breathe faster and arch my back.

“Is that good,” she whispered, making me gasp.
I forced my body to stop moving like that and took deep breaths. I could feel her laughing against me, her chest was much bigger than mine, I could feel it.

Next she moved my thighs apart, and somehow I let her. She stroked them with the tips of her fingers, then took the towel and placed it in between, rubbing even more gently. I started panicking as the rubbing began to feel really good, I felt like moaning. In these strangers’ car. (Headed to god knows where tbh)

Then she stopped and wrapped a blanket round me, and hugged me.

“Are you alright?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I replied in a shaky voice. I secretly wished she hadn’t stopped. She moved to the adjacent seat. I couldnt look at her.

I glanced into the rear view mirror and saw Harold staring at me with a piercing gaze. I felt like a piece of jelly. Did he see what happened? Did he mind… what just happened… I thought.



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