The Stables: Hayden’s Introduction (Part 1)

*This is a work of fiction. All persons described in this are of age. Any likeness to the characters to real people is purely coincidental.*

Before he went off to college, Hayden had to confirm the rumors he heard about the fanciest building on the outskirts of town. Though it looked like a farm house, it looked better than any he’d ever seen driving through the surrounding farmland. His interest piqued – he had googled the address and learned it was licensed to a porn company. The more he read, the more he knew he had to visit this place.

After an hour of exploring all the free content, Hayden pulled out his new credit card and subscribed for a full year to the site. With access to the premium content, his excitement at possibly being at this place started to make his mind spin.

On his screen, his blue eyes got wider as he watched different guys playing with toys, or being put through various methods of training. He felt his defined cheek bones blush as he got aroused by everything he saw on the screen. He immediately printed out registration forms to sign and fill out before packing a small bag of luggage.

He trimmed his body hair before taking a shower that night to make sure that he was camera ready for his adventure to the farm house at the edge of town. Heading straight to bed, Hayden tried to keep all his energy saved for the next day.

In the morning, Hayden threw the blanket off his pale, lean frame showing off his naturally toned body. He searched for his tightest pair of boxer-briefs to put on. As he slid them over his thighs, he had to straighten up and relax for a moment before pulling the underwear over his decently sized package.

It was getting harder for him not to touch himself knowing everything that was in store for him.

As he put on a loose fitting tank that gave a great view of his body any chance it caught a breeze. His gym shorts would be fine, Hayden figured. He grabbed a black pair and slid them on before heading out his bedroom door with luggage in tow.

Hayden told his family he would be going on a camping trip with his friends for the next three weeks and might be out of cell phone service for most of it. His family wished him well. He was smiling from ear to ear as he bounded out of the house.

He checked his dirty blonde curls in the mirror of his sedan, making sure it looked perfect as he drove down the farm house’s driveway. He couldn’t stop smiling from how excited he was to be there.

It was still close to noon – and as the sunshine made him squint his blue eyes, he realized he hadn’t eaten anything in his excitement to get to the farmhouse. He pulled a granola bar from his glove box and scarfed it down as he drove on the long road out of town.

Parking his sedan at the end of the half full “Visitors” parking lot. Checking in the mirror one last time, Hayden made himself look his best before locking his car and bounding into the farmhouse.

He went into the entry way and gave his papers to the receptionist. As she took his ID, he jokingly asked, “are there any special treats for me being so early?”

The receptionist gave a smirk and locked eyes with him before saying, “you’ll get some fun before you are put in the stables for the night.”

As she finished copying his papers, she grabbed a red leather collar that said H-1. She motioned for him to follow her to the door, which he obeyed. She collared him and led him through a hallway. He shielded his eyes as they stepped outside into a bright and airy courtyard where he passed a few other guys being led on chains and collars similar to his – all with different tags.

Some watched him as he walked by. Others averted their gaze and tried to cover themselves up. There were a handful being led that wore various masks that covered their eyes – if not their whole face. None of them were clothed like Hayden was.

Hayden was led into a building set off a short distance away from the main complex. Past the entryway, he looked at the doors lining the long tiled corridor. They entered to one immediately to their right.

The room was an open square room with nothing in it aside from a tripod with a camera mounted on it, and a small square wicker basket. The receptionist passed Hayden off to one of the guards who waited right by the door.

The guard was wearing black shorts and a black polo that you could see his athletic build through. He turned his hazel eyes to give a once over to see the new arrival. He gave a short nod of acknowledgment at the Receptionist as she passed the chain to him.

“Welcome to the stables.” The receptionist said as she gave Hayden a wink and walked out the door.

Hayden watched as the guard put on two latex gloves then held out the basket.

“Strip.” The guard commanded.

Hayden threw off his tank top and quickly removed his shorts and underwear before placing them in the basket. Hayden could feel the himself getting aroused at being naked in front of this stranger.

“Kneel in front of the camera. Face it. Look into it.” The guard ordered. Hayden got even more excited as he followed what the guard said and took his place looking into the camera.

The guard put his foot against Hayden’s left knee and forced him to spread his legs wider. He then pulled two note cards out and pointed at them while looking at Hayden.

Hayden took a hard gulp as he sat up straight, relaxed, and got ready to do what had his heart beating in his throat most of the drive to the stables. He found his proper headspace as he looked straight into the camera and got ready for his first task.

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