Sam’s nightmare

It is raining heavily outside and inside house number 7 in a quiet neighbourhood, there is Sam having a sleep over with his friends Jason and Todd. Sam, Jason and Todd have been friends since middle school and they’re all in the same college in town now. The boys spent the night playing the new God of War Ragnarok and decided to call it a night when Sam lost his 5th run in with a Valkyrie. The boys chatted for a bit and eventually fell asleep.


Sam is woken up by a loud thump. He searches around the room and notices nothing amiss. Perhaps it was the sound of the thunder he wondered. In darkness with the sound of heavy rain outside, from his bed, he looked over to his friends sleeping on the floor. It looks like they’re all curled up in their blankets.

Sam gets up and walks towards the door. Without turning the lights on, he navigates through the room hoping to not wake his friends up. He slowly opens the door and walks out. As he was about to close the door, he noticed he doesn’t have his glasses with him. Thinking he wouldn’t need it, he makes his way to the bathroom. He fast paced his steps while holding his bladder that felt like it was going to burst. While he passed by his parent’s bedroom, he noticed the door isn’t fully closed and it had the tiniest gap with a faint light coming through. Without minding it to much, he walked right past when another loud thump stopped him in his path.

In the seconds he had to decide to investigate, he just couldn’t hold his bladder longer. He made his way into the bathroom, closing the door as slowly he could hoping to not wake his parents up. While peeing and feeling relieved, he realized that perhaps the sound came from his parents room. “But they should be sleeping by now.” he thought to himself as his parents are early sleepers. “But what was that light? Are they still up? This late?” All questions came to his mind as he finished up his business. But he wasn’t bothered. He opened the bathroom door and closed it behind him and walked his way back to his room. As he was about to open his room door, there was another thump. This time he was for sure it came from his parents room.

Sam makes his way to his parents room and with the door slightly open with just enough space. The closer he got to the door, he could hear a weird sound coming out of it. When he finally reached the door, the sound was clear. It was the same thumps that occured before but this time it was not loud.


He crouched by the door, peeked through and with the slight light coming in from the window and his blurry vision, he saw a figure sitting on the bed. He couldn’t be sure who it was as he doesn’t have his glasses on him. While he was trying hard to see who it was, that’s when he heard “Yes baby…you fuck me so good.” It was his mom’s voice. His mom let out moans “I am daddy’s girl. Fuck me daddy”. He panicked and it dawned on him that his parents were having sex. He thought he wouldn’t hear or worse see his parents do it in his life.

He quickly backed away from the door and crawled back to his room. His heart was beating so fast and all he could think was if his parents heard him. He opened his room door, walked past the beds on the floor and lied down covering himself with his blanket. He calmed himself down and told himself “It’s okay, they didn’t hear me. Just go to sleep, Sam”. Sam closes his eyes trying to forget what he heard and saw. As he was just about to fall asleep,

“But isn’t dad out of town for work?” he freaked with his eyes wide open.


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