Hey beautiful people! My partner & I are erotic art performers. During our most recent filming I, Yoni (the female performer) got triggered. We uploaded the full, un-cut video to PornHub to show the real side of sex. On Reddit to explain a bit more about that video and our unique content!


“Why upload something like this?”

Tell me, when was the last time you saw a porn video where they showed something truly emotionally vulnerable and impactful? Something more vulnerable than nudity and sex on its own? It’s rarely seen, if ever.
My partner and I noticed this severe lack of true, raw intimacy being shown on porn sites. We realized so many people watch porn and have no idea what real sex even looks like anymore. Sure you can look up “romantic” and “passionate” tags, but even those videos tend to be heavily filtered & edited, multiple jump cuts, etc. Even amateur videos don’t usually convey much beyond just the carnal, visual aspect of sex. With sexuality there are so many aspects that deserve to be honoured and educated upon. (Enthusiastic consent, birth control, safe words, tantric sex, the sacredness behind kinks & fetishes, setting up a scene for BDSM, aftercare, talking about insecurities, meditating with your partner to connect beforehand, triggers, healing past traumas through sex, communication with your partner, boundaries, etc.) So many people aren’t even aware of the spiritual, healing nature behind sexuality and sensuality, and just assume it’s only about “getting off”. Which, no shame if you want to watch porn for the sole sake of getting off. But there’s a certain je ne sais quoi about showing sex in its entirety with all of it’s facets and aspects, and it can shake up your entire perception of what sexuality means to you.
That’s why we decided to start making erotic art content; to inspire, educate, and shake up our viewers’ inner world. Our content will be completely unfiltered, taking you all along our 2 incredible journeys: the one we are taking in our camper van across Turtle Island (so-called North America), and the soul journey we are taking within together.

“What happened in the video?”

A bit of background before I explain; I was a victim of continuous CSA and one SA when I was 18. I have been steadily working for the past 4 years on healing from my trauma through many different methods. I have done EMDR, trauma-informed talk therapy, psychedelic therapies, and my own shadow integration work. I’m still in the process of healing, and was making leaps and bounds this past summer. Unfortunately, at a music festival I got groped while I was on a high dose of psychedelics, and it integrated pretty badly into my conscious and subconscious mind. Lingam and I have been working hard together to reintegrate the trauma and help me feel safe and connected to my sexuality again. Making erotic art was a huge step in comfort zone for us both, myself especially, but it’s also giving us immense growth and healing. I still get triggered from time to time, and we work through it together. Lingam has endless patience & respect for me, completely understands why I get triggered and how to help me come down from it.
We were filming myself giving oral to Lingam (my partner, the male performer) and I started to experience a sudden trigger that came seemingly out of nowhere. Triggers are often subconscious, and it can come from a range of different things such as certain songs, smells, touch, textures, etc can bring back memories. I felt myself starting to get overwhelmed from a rush of panic and repulsion, felt myself disconnecting from reality and fading into a flashback. I immediately realized I was getting triggered, and took a minute to breathe with Lingam, then tried to start again. I immediately began to get overwhelmed with another trigger, and I had to stop and let Lingam know I was overwhelmed & needed to take a break for a couple hours to fully come back to myself. Then I cut the camera.
It’s not easy being a survivor. So why do we feel so shameful about triggers and trying to avoid them entirely? Why not embrace that we are healing, it’s not a linear journey, and to celebrate authenticity and forgiveness with yourself? Fellow survivors, you are allowed to have triggers. You are allowed to say “this is too much, I have to stop now.” You are allowed to have autonomy over yourselves, your body, your pleasure, and your voice. You deserve to be heard, to be seen, to have space held for you with love. We are a safe space for you and your healing journey, for you to find someone to relate to, to find more hope.

Welcome to the “GETTING REAL AS FUCK” series.
Yoni 💜


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ynyteq/hey_beautiful_people_my_partner_i_are_erotic_art


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your vulnerability and an insight into how you deal with your triggers. Loved the video.

  2. Very special for you to share. Has to feel good knowing you’re impacting others’ lives as well.

  3. Excellent raw feelings brilliantly captured! As a fellow CSA (8yo) it’s extremely rare anything trips me M55, but you can guarantee it will be something off the wall, or so subtle or insignificant that impacts me to my core.

    I’m considered a man’s man. Athletic, competitive, pure alpha. Auto mechanic, biker, Martial artist. I don’t think my persona is overcompensating for my trauma. I truly enjoy everything about me!

  4. Thank you for sharing this. It is a very interested to read more and watch the video later with hubby.

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