The Witch Hunter – Chapter 8 [noncon] [bdsm]

*Note: The full version of this story, nicely formatted and all in one piece, is pinned on my profile.*

Chapter 8 – The Covenstead

So apparently dragons were real. Similarly to witches, they had been hunted to near extinction by humans thousands of years ago, forcing the survivors to go deep into hiding. What’s more, they were always at odds with witchkind, since they were hoarders of magical items that witches both possessed and created. And, as it was in this case, sometimes being hoarders of magic items meant that the ultimate prize to them was a witch herself. England was one of the few ancestral homes of the dragons, and in the magical underworld (something Weiss had only just learned existed), they were still quite powerful. Therica, pooling her own knowledge with what she could ascertain from Milana’s grimoire, explained that they had lost contact with their sister in the Andromeda coven, Josephine, a few years ago. At their last coven meeting Josephine explained that she had crossed paths with a dragon, and that there could be trouble in the near future. Their coven mother, Amelia, resolved to keep in contact with her, but eventually she stopped hearing back and they had to assume the worst. Amelia alerted all the other witches in the coven to what had happened, such contact being a rare occurrence, and that they would discuss a plan of action at the next meeting. Most likely they would approach the dragon as a group and offer something in exchange for Josephine’s return, with a strong bargaining position given that an entire coven would easily outmatch a single dragon. Still, with the understanding that open conflict would only cause problems for both parties, and the dragon could have potential allies, that would only be a last resort. All of this was explained to Weiss as he and Therica packed everything up in preparation to leave Russia. Having captured Milana, there was no reason to stay there any longer and every extra day only ran the risk of attracting unwanted attention. Therica was attempting to argue him away from going after Josephine, but Weiss couldn’t help see it as an opportunity rather than a problem. After all the difficulty and near disaster of the last few months, the prospect of a witch who had already been subdued for him was sounding good.

“So if this dragon would be open to a trade, why don’t I just trade him something? Like one of the grimoires.” Weiss wondered out loud as he bounced a tightly bound Milana up and down on his cock. The poor woman bucked and struggled but Therica had tied her up so well there was nothing she could do. A simple levitation spell meant that he could sit down and with one hand grind her against his lap, using her like a sex toy. Her thighs were tied up against her torso with her legs sticking out to the sides, her arms tied behind her neck in an almost elegant harness with her breasts.

“You’d have to trade him something truly worth as much as a live witch, a grimoire isn’t going to cut it.” Therica called out from the next room over, as she continued to make preparations for their departure.

“Well… What if we went and found something worth that much. You once told me your spell books are kept in Europe, could we go and get them? You said dragons hoard magical items, surely it would be a tempting offer.”

“Nuuuuuh!” Milana groaned, disgusted by even the idea of trading their spell books away to an enemy. Spell books were more sacred even than grimoires, they were passed down through millennia, some of them as old as the coven itself. She was ungagged for the first time since her capture, but was now wearing Therica’s heavy pendant on her tongue, impeding her speech and preventing her from casting spells. Weiss quickly smacked his hand down against her clit as if to punish her for speaking out, making her howl with pain.

“Well yes, there are all kinds of magical artefacts hidden in our ancestral grounds in France, including our spellbooks. But most of them are far too valuable to trade away.” Therica called out.

“Not to me, I don’t care if we give him a good deal, I just want Josephine.” Came Weiss’ reply.

“Dooo-nnn oot!” Milana wailed. She knew her objection to the plan meant nothing, but she couldn’t allow herself to stay silent.

“Shut up whore.” Weiss snarled, grabbing her hair and pulling it down hard, bending her neck back while he skewered her on his cock, reaching one hand forward to grab her left breast, digging his fingers into the skin. This of course only made her wail more, but Weiss didn’t care. At that moment, Therica stepped into the room, her recently debuted outfit still in immaculate condition, even though Weiss had already roughly fucked her twice in it.

“There are other problems with taking artefacts from France, master.” She said demurely, obediently using the new title he had requested.

“Why don’t you come and finish me off while you tell me about them?” Weiss answered, grabbing Milana by the ropes binding her arms and throwing her off himself, sending her spinning across the room with her legs spread. She let out an agonising cry at the sheer humiliation of it, while Therica simply nodded and ran over to him, climbing onto his lap and straddling his cock, easily taking it inside her as she sat facing him. One of his favourite things about the new outfit was that she didn’t even have to take it off if he didn’t want her to, his cock passed right through it like… Well, like magic. As she started to grind her hips against him, she leaned in until their faces were almost touching, her round breasts pressed lightly against his bare chest. The veil of her dress seemed to engulf them as it floated through the air.

“If we take artefacts from France, there is always the risk that Amelia notices. And if she notices it will only be a matter of time before she tracks us down. I would love to tell you that wouldn’t be a problem, but I’m no match for our coven mother.” She spoke softly, half moaning through every other word. It took Weiss a few moments to respond, given how good she felt.

“How risky is it really? Will she detect us the moment we step foot in France or is it just that she’ll notice eventually that something… Uhnn, is missing?” He asked, interrupting himself with a moan as Therica shifted herself and took his cock deeper inside her.

“I don’t know how exactly she operates but I think we’d be safe at least until we entered the covenstead itself. My biggest concern would be running into her there.” She went on. She certainly didn’t seem to like this plan, and Weiss was starting to wonder if a deep desire not to let him desecrate their ancient home was seeping through the charm, but on the other hand he did tell her to treat him as an ally and help him, which would include disagreeing with him if she really thought it was a bad idea.

“Well then you come with me, check for any traps or alarms, and we’ll take something insignificant enough that its absence won’t be a cause for concern.” Therica looked contemplative for a moment, but she still wasn’t satisfied.

“I don’t like that plan, master. One of us returning to the covenstead before the next meeting is enough in itself to raise concern, we wouldn’t do that without a good reason.” She explained, taking on more of an imploring tone. Weiss suddenly reached up and grabbed her throat, squeezing as he grabbed her and turned her around, slamming her into the armchair. She yelped in pain as he started fucking her harder, but as obediently as ever she sat her feet on his shoulders, wincing slightly as he grabbed the veil between her breasts and tore it open, exposing them to the air.

“Then think of a good reason. You’re a witch aren’t you? You don’t have any spells that might help make this easier? We’re taking something from the covenstead and we’re getting Josephine, you figure out the rest, understand?” He growled, one hand now degradingly squeezing her cheeks together, the other back around her neck.

“Yes… Master…” She choked out, her mouth moving against his hands. In a few more pumps he was close to finishing, and when he requested Milana’s mouth Therica was more than happy to oblige, pulling her over to them with a flick of her wrist and muttering a quick spell to keep her mouth open wide. Milana screamed incoherently with her mouth wide open as Weiss jammed his member inside, just in time to explode down her throat, thrusting into her throat like it was a toy while Therica held her still, sitting down next to her and looking up at him with pouting eyes, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Milana was well past the point of trying to bear the indignities with quiet protest, by now every unthinkable scene like this one made her scream in protest until Weiss had to shut her up, which he did now eagerly by shoving a ball gag between her lips and buckling it tight.

“The only question now is how we get to France. It’ll take us a while by train.” He thought out loud, as he had become accustomed to doing by now.

“Well, we could fly.” Therica said quietly, standing up.

“What? You think you could summon us a hot air balloon?” He laughed, but looking at Therica he suddenly realised he had forgotten the first thing everyone knew about witches, and something that turned out to be very true.

The cities of Russia looked beautiful at night, or at least they did from so far up. Weiss could see every light twinkling on every street, every building arranged into little blocks and precincts, and even against the cloudless sky there was no chance anyone could see them. He and Therica were sitting on a single broomstick, a large one they had found in Milana’s house with a thick wad of bristles at one end just behind him. Therica sat in front, ‘steering’ the thing with one hand, her witch’s hat matching their ride as her nearly bare legs clung to the wood. She had magically protected them both from the cold of the night air, but Milana was given no such protection on her own broomstick. She flew beside them, or more accurately her broomstick flew and carried her along with it. She was completely naked save for the corset Weiss had dressed her in earlier, and tied to the stick both by her bound ankles and by a tight chest harness that wrapped around the front of it, restraining her arms as well. With the ball gag still lodged in her mouth she didn’t make much noise, only widening her eyes in horror with every twist and turn as she was delivered with them like a package. Also hanging from Milana’s broomstick was a tether attached to their suitcases, which flew through the air as well, all lifted with ease by the enchantment Therica had cast on the otherwise ordinary household tools.

“Is this normally how you get around?” Weiss called out to Therica over the sound of the wind as he held onto her waist.

“Yes Master, it’s much faster than any human mode of travel, and near undetectable. We’ll make a stop in a few hours to rest, but we should be at the covenstead before sunrise.” She called back. Time went by fast as they soared through the air, and Weiss couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of the Earth laid out before him, miles upon miles of forests, fields, towns and cities. He couldn’t help but think of all the witches that had been flying right over their heads undetected for centuries, not to mention all the other beings of the magical underworld that were hiding in plain sight. He supposed he should probably start thinking of himself as part of that underworld now, he realised he was probably one of the most powerful humans in the world as he continued to cross from one side of Europe to the other in the span of one night, with a witch at his command and another in his possession.

As planned, they landed around half way through their trip, somewhere in Czechoslovakia, so that Weiss could catch his breath. Making Therica pin her down against a tree stump, he quickly fucked Milana, pounding her so hard that the tiny ice crystals forming on her skin were mostly dislodged. He gave her face a coating of cum before they took off again, and it wasn’t much longer before Therica pointed down to a city far to their north.

“There’s Lyon, not much further now.” She called out to Weiss, starting to slow them down and make their second descent. There was more cloud cover now, and Weiss could see stretches of fog over the forests below like giant blankets. The whole trip had only taken them a few hours, checking his pocket watch quickly he found that it was still 3am, they would have plenty more time before the sun rose. The two touched down in a small clearing in the thick wooded area, having left Milana and their belongings up in the air where they wouldn’t be seen.

“Normally I would fly in closer but if Amelia is here it’s better we walk from this point.” Therica explained, adjusting her formal black dress, having left the sultry witch costume up with the bags. Weiss couldn’t help feeling unnerved as they trudged through the mist, snaking their way between the trees in the near pitch black night.

“How do you know where we’re going?” He asked in a whisper, pulling his jet black cloak tighter around him.

“I was raised in this forest, and I can feel the magic of the covenstead here.” She whispered back. Another ten minutes or so took them to another clearing, this one larger and far more imposing. It was at least the size of a sports field, illuminated only by the moon, which shone down through a gap in the clouds. The edges were shrouded with mist, but it seemed somehow unwilling to spread into the clearing itself. There was some kind of low hill in the centre, and scattered throughout the dark grass were small stone structures that looked more like tombs than buildings, overgrown and barely standing. Weiss could feel how ancient the place was, and it immediately made him feel uneasy.

“I don’t think anyone’s here. Follow me.” Therica whispered, leading Weiss towards one of the stone structures. Closer up they looked like marble, and though they appeared to be ancient they weren’t ruins, each one a complete, undamaged piece of architecture. As they approached Weiss could see what it really was, the mouth of a tunnel that led into the hill, almost crypt-like.

“Lux.” Therica said to herself quietly, producing a small glowing light that floated along with them as they entered, illuminating carvings and paintings on the walls that had to be centuries old, if not older.

“Stay behind me, the artefacts are in a deeper chamber.” She explained as they moved through the tunnels, Weiss steeling himself against any doubts that this was the best course of action. The covenstead seemed less dilapidated on the inside, the stone walls almost pristine, nearly every stretch containing some scroll or book or other object that caught his attention, though he resisted the urge to stop and look closer at anything. They must have been deep inside the complex when they came to a large circular slab of stone that blocked the way, etched with purple runes and mystical patterns.

“Stand back.” Therica warned, before she stepped up and placed her hand on the slab, starting to mutter long verses in Latin, as if she was casting a spell. Slowly, the runes began to glow, lighting up one by one before the whole chamber was visible in the unearthly purple luminescence. With the loud sound of stone grinding against stone, the slab slowly rolled into the wall to the side to reveal a small chamber within. It was surprisingly mundane compared to the grandeur of the door, looking more like a modern study than the rest of the tunnels. There was a round wooden table in the centre, surrounded by a handful of bookshelves filled with dozens of old tomes and other objects. For being so obviously important to the coven, the contents of the room didn’t appear to be very interesting. Nothing glowed or hummed with magical power, it looked almost like any old room full of knick knacks. After Therica told him it was safe to go in, Weiss stepped inside and had a look around, unsure of what almost anything was. Scanning across a shelf, he suddenly recoiled when he found a shrunken head, stumbling back a little from the gruesome thing. He then found himself right in front of a row of individual cabinets on the far wall of the chamber, each one containing a huge leather bound book covered in runes and ancient markings. They had to be the spellbooks. As he stared at them, the hairs on his arms stood on end, and he felt the world drown out around him, like he was submerged in water. One of his hands lifted itself and reached up to the cabinet closest to him, before Therica’s voice suddenly brought him back to reality.

“We can’t take them. She’ll notice they’re gone right away.” she said softly.

“You’re not even allowed to take yours?”

“I’m not even allowed to be in here. We should hurry and…” She trailed off.

“And what?” Weiss asked, but Therica brought a finger to her lips, a deep concern suddenly plastered on her face. She whispered something in Latin so quietly that Weiss didn’t hear, then when she spoke again he heard it inside his head, like it was his own thought but in her voice.

I just heard footsteps near the entrance, I’ll see who it is, you stay and take something. As the words came she waved her hands and whispered something else, casting several spells on Weiss before she quickly hurried off out of the chamber. He barely had time to think of anything to say before she was gone, and he was left alone in the strange room. Looking down, he saw that he was invisible, and his boots didn’t seem to make any noise against the stone floor, a good thing indeed considering Therica just heard footsteps all the way from the entrance. It immediately dawned on him that this could be his chance to take a spellbook… But he thought better of it. As strange as it seemed, he really did trust her that it would be a bad idea, and why not? If the magic was working she simply didn’t have the choice to mislead him. Regardless, he had to grab something fast and get out of there, if Amelia had arrived they could both be in danger. The problem remained that he didn’t know what anything was, but there was no time to think about it for much longer. He quickly did a lap of the room, searching for something that looked valuable but wouldn’t be noticed if it went missing. After half a minute he found what at first looked like some kind of crystal, but as he picked it up he realised from the shape that it was a wand, made of a crystalline material, studded with what looked like onyx gemstones. It had a weight to it, and seemed valuable, even just from the materials. He had a sudden urge to wave it around, but quickly thought better of it, before tucking it into his jacket (a somewhat difficult task when he couldn’t see his jacket or hands) and skulking out of the chamber. As he left, the huge round slab of stone slid shut behind him and settled with a thud, which he really hoped their visitor wouldn’t be able to hear.

Weiss’ next problem was navigating his way out of the tunnels. Therica had left him without a light source, so he stumbled through the dark by the glow of a pocket lighter he had with him. Thankfully, the treasure room seemed to be more or less at the deepest part of the complex, so he felt like he was making progress just by going forward. A few times he stumbled into eerily empty rooms with no function that he could think of, but with a bit of backtracking he eventually heard voices up ahead. Even though he knew he wasn’t making any sound, he crept up along the edge of the tunnel, putting out his light and navigating by the sound of the conversation and a very faint glow that twisted its way through from ahead. As he got closer he could finally make out clear sentences.

“…the point of coming here without contacting me first?” The voice was unfamiliar to him, could it be Amelia?

“I did try to contact you mother but my message didn’t go through. Rather than make a fuss I thought it would be easier just to come here.” Therica answered. He could detect a certain level of fluster in her tone. She was making up a lie.

“Do I have to sit you down and educate you on our basic standards of behaviour, Therica? There’s a reason we don’t fly across the globe every week and there’s a reason we don’t stay in contact unless it’s absolutely necessary. I understand you’re concerned about sister Josephine but believe me when I say this coven has dealt with greater problems and it’s foolishness like this that tends to cause them. Do you understand?” The woman who was apparently Amelia explained. All the while, Weiss moved closer and closer, he could tell he was almost there. For a moment he thought about waiting, but quickly decided it was better to leave as fast as possible, they were wide tunnels and he could sneak past.

“Yes mother I understand. It won’t happen again.” Therica answered. Finally Weiss rounded a corner and he saw the two witches. Therica with her hands clasped in front of her, and another, taller woman standing opposite. He was immediately struck by her appearance, she was easily the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. Everything about her was perfect, her sharp, immaculate features somehow adding up to a soft, radiant beauty that he could almost feel. She had raven black hair that cascaded down her back, and was dressed in dark robes, unlike anything he had seen Therica or Milana wearing. He paused for a moment as the two turned towards him, half in awe of Amelia and half in shock.

“I should hope so. Now that you’re here though you may as well fill me in on Sydney.” Amelia went on in her almost regal voice. The two started walking down towards Weiss, and as he pressed himself against the wall to minimise any chance of getting in their way, Therica managed to make eye contact with him and tip her head towards the exit with an expression of dire urgency. Apparently she could still see him. As they passed him by, he could have sworn that for a second Amelia stared right into his eyes, but if she had noticed anything out of the ordinary she didn’t let it on. In that moment he thought of all the things he wanted to do to her, but before he could get too excited he reminded himself what was happening and sped out towards the exit, which thankfully wasn’t too much further. He had no idea what to do once he left, after all there was no chance of finding his way back to the broomstick, let alone flying it. He just had to hope that Therica would find him once she managed to get out of there herself. As soon as he made it back into the cold night air he made a dash for the treeline, taking a last look back at the unsettling place before turning around to leave. However, just as he took his next step, he heard something that made him look back once more. Before his eyes another witch descended from the air on a broomstick, landing gracefully on top of the hill. He almost had a heart attack, thinking Milana had somehow escaped and flown down, but as his eyes adjusted to the moonlight he quickly realised this was someone else. She had long brown hair, similar to Milana’s, but she was thinner, with darker skin, sharper features and a longer face. Like all the witches she still had an air of physical perfection to her, like a movie star captured from the perfect angle, but in real life. Though as she dismounted in the moonlight and carefully crept down to one of the entrances she looked more sinister than attractive. As she got closer she seemed to hear the voices of Therica and Amelia deeper inside and backed off, slinking over to one of the other tunnels. Weiss didn’t quite know what to make of this, he would have to ask Therica about it later. Not wanting to risk any more chance encounters, he retreated back into the woods himself. With little idea of how to get back to the clearing they landed in he found himself lost almost immediately. After fifteen minutes of wandering he stopped and leant against a tree, where he waited for the next half hour till he finally heard the familiar voice of his pet.

“Master!” She called out, quickly snaking her way between the trees to him. He couldn’t hide his relief at seeing her, and the pair wasted no time in their retreat.

“What happened back there? Did she buy it?” Weiss asked, following Therica back to the clearing.

“I think so, but at best she’s concerned about my behaviour, at worst she’s suspicious. I hope whatever you took was worth it because it’s going to be harder now to surprise her when the time comes. Not to mention the fact that she may try to contact the other sisters to make sure nothing else has gone awry, including Milana.” She explained.

“If she did that could you somehow intercept the message and reply?”

“I could try, but it would be risky. Please tell me you took something.” She implored, turning to face him. With some trepidation he took the wand out his jacket and presented it like a gift. Her expression wasn’t quite one of disappointment but it wasn’t exactly excited either. Nonetheless she took the object and examined it.

“Well, is it valuable?” Weiss asked, eager to know what it was.

“It’s magical at least. And not just a trinket, but it is somewhat lacking in functionality. This is called the wand of unusual results.” She explained, before waving it at a tree as they passed. After half a second the tree started to pulse, before the trunk turned blue, then red, then settled on a bright purple.

“That… Was not impressive.” Was all Weiss could say.

“You try it.” Therica handed him the wand and stood out of the way as he hesitantly waved it at a rock. Almost before he finished the motion it burst into flames, flames that seemed almost alive as they immediately spread to the grass and grew taller than him. Therica quickly cast a spell to quell them, but it seemed to take some effort, and she had to fight to make the flames retreat back to the rock, before extinguishing them entirely.

“See? Powerful, but…”

“Unpredictable?” Weiss finished her sentence and she nodded. After the demonstration they returned to their broom as fast as they could and rejoined Milana, who was still safely circling the clearing high above them, with an invisibility charm of her own keeping her hidden until Therica dispelled it. She looked miserable, almost frozen solid with tears welling in her eyes. As they made their way towards England, Therica tried to temper Weiss’ expectations of the deal with the dragon. The wand definitely wasn’t worth a live witch in itself, but a deal wasn’t out of the question if they could sweeten it somehow. As they approached the English Channel, Weiss suddenly remembered the other witch he had seen in the clearing, and relayed the encounter to Therica, but not before asking her to fly out of Milana’s earshot. He described her features as best as he could remember, and Therica seemed more than a little confused.

“That sounds like Florence, but I have no idea what she’d be doing at the covenstead with Amelia… She didn’t mention anything to me but something must be going on.”

“Before, you told me that Mirabella was second in command. Could Florence be trying to take her place?” Weiss asked, having to raise his voice over the sound of the wind.

“It’s not out of the question, but shifts in power happen over years, nothing would be concrete until the next meeting at the earliest.”

“Then we may be able to use it to our advantage. There sure does seem to be a lot going on with the coven right now.” Weiss said, smirking a little. He could just make out England on the horizon but the sun was starting to rise and flying in the day apparently had its dangers. Once they reached the island they landed, and packing Milana into a trunk like he had done for Therica on his travels, they set off to London in the guise of an ordinary couple. Using a variety of magic tricks, Therica managed to procure them a driver, letting Weiss get some sleep while she directed the enthralled chauffeur all the way to the capital. By the time he woke up they were in one of the biggest cities in the world. Finding a comfortable hotel wasn’t a problem with Therica’s help, and by that night he had Milana splayed out over a king sized bed yet again, bound and gagged while he fucked her brains out.

“So… How do we set up this meeting?” Weiss asked between heavy pants.

“Oh that’ll be the easy part. It’s harder to avoid getting a dragon’s attention, as Josephine evidently found out. We just need to plan our approach first, come up with a strategy.” Therica explained, sitting next to him on the bed.

“Right. I suppose I should finish up so we can get to that.” He grunted back, slapping Milana on the ass and speeding himself up. To his surprise, Therica gently put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.

“Well there’s no rush, master. We can take our time.” She said with a wicked grin, straddling herself over the bound woman, presenting both their bodies to him. Weiss couldn’t help but smile back, after all, everything was falling into place.
