Should I tell my older friend how I want to have a friend with benefits with her

So for context me 25m and my friend we will call AJ AJ is female I don’t know how old she is but she’s most likely in her late 30s my relationship with AJ is I give her achole 😂 but I also give her dog biscuits I’ve had a desire to do things with AJ for a while me and her are aways super happy to see each other I know what she drinks before she’s in the door I really wanna tell her how I feel but I dono if she feels anything back one time she came in with her overalls on but had the top hafe wrapped around her waste she was wearing a crop top I could see her body and tattoos I literally had excuse myself because she gave me a hard on and it was really noticeable luckily she didn’t see tho i can’t help but wonder if she did or not me and AJ where at a friends party we were both really drunk and we both went outside she had this really thin dress on so I put my jacket around her and hugged her to witch she said thank you we looked at each other I genuinely thought we where gonna kiss but someone came over to talk to her ever since then every time I see her all I wanna do is just tell her I wanna be her friend with benefits I don’t know what to do



  1. Just ask her out on a date. That isn’t a FWB, that’s a crush. You are already friends so you get along and you are attracted to her. Tell her you don’t want to ruin the friendship but you have these feelings

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