The Ballad of Noella – Part 3 [NSFW][M36 – F31]

The Ballad of Noella – Third and Final Part.

Link to [part 1](

Link to [part 2](

Noella and Mathew stumbled to the front steps of Mathew’s building, attempting to maintain a veil of sobriety and decency in front of the passers-by and dog walkers. Mathew went through his pockets, picked out his keys and opened the door to the lobby before taking the elevator, Noella on his heels. During the short while enclosed in dim lit cabin, the pair leaned back against opposite walls surveying with carnal envy the other’s figure. Noella pushed back her hair over one shoulder inviting Mathew’s gaze to her neck and chest. He slowly blinked and inhaled deeply. His fortitude was melting like snow on a sunny day. The antiquate ding of the elevator indicated that they had arrived at their destination. Mathew pushed the door open and held it leaving space for Noella to pass in front of him. Noella abandoned her usual habit of turning her body to increase the space between her and the person holding the door in favour of a contact prone approach, her arms ever so slightly grazed across Mathew’s thighs. Mathew followed suit and indicated the door to the right. He took his keys again and opened the door to his apartment welcoming Noella inside. Having shed their winter layers, the pair entered the living room.

In the warmth of Mathew’s minimalistic and tasteful apartment, Noella knew that this was when the dance began. For some the erotic festivities might have started in elevator but for her the fact that she was even here was a hedonistic step she had rarely taken. She slowly paced around the living room observing the books filling the shelves and yet she glanced more often towards Mathew than at the spines of the books. In these moments, the difference between discourse in public and action became striking. It was the waiting game of who would take action first, who would dare to make the first move and make their earthly desires a reality.

“Would you like a glass of wine? Oh actually, I might have some Port.”
“Port would be nice” Noella replied still standing in the living room.
“You can sit down you know. I will be right with you”
“Can I use your bathroom?”
“Of course! It’s right there on the right” Mathew replied pointing to a door.

A few minutes later, Noella took place in the sofa facing a large window. The curtains had not been shut and the pale light of a half moon peered through the passing clouds. Mathew came to join her, a glass in each hand.

“So…” he said.
“So” she replied.

They both chuckled, clinked their glasses and savoured the ruby beverage. The river of words that had flowed through them through out the evening had somehow dried up. The anticipation was deafening with the sound of a racing heart pounding in Noella’s ears. Her prior temerity had vanished as she glanced towards Mathew hoping he would take the first step. Her desire was met shortly thereafter: he slid over closer towards her, peered deep into her eyes:

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked in a low voice.

Noella nodded slowly and whispered a sensual yes. He proceeded to lighten her of her glass of port which he placed on the coffee table alongside his. He turned back towards her propping himself up with one arm on the sofa back while his other hand came to rest on her knee. The contact induced a sharper than usual inhale from Noella. She brought her hands to his face and pulled him in, inviting Mathew to take possession of her.

Mathew’s hand caressed her legs gradually moving towards her upper thigh and stomach until his fingers came to halt on the first button of her blouse. Deftly, he undid the first one. The second one came as a bit more of a challenge: Mathew paused his kissing to quickly glance down at what was resiting him. The interlude gave Noella the time to interject:

“I thought I was supposed to be admiring you. You already have seen more than you should have.”

Mathew grinned and shifted so he could slowly make his way through is own buttons. The use of two hands made the process much smoother and in the matter of second, despite the sensuality in which it was done, he revealed his toned chest. Noella could not help herself but to pose her palm on his pectoral muscles bitting her lip. He took off his shirt and threw it on the other side of the sofa.

“A strong starting act…” Noella murmured.

Mathew slid off the sofa and came to his knees in front of her. He took hold of her left foot and undid the buckle on her boot and repeated the process on the other side. After purposefully removing both boots, his lips brushed against her ankle journeying his way up her shin until he arrived at the knee. He paused. His hands took hold of her belt, flipped the buckle open and detached the first button on Noella’s skirt. Mathew pulled down her skirt and her tights and to Noella’s delight narrowly missing the lingerie she had adorned. He resumed where he had left off still progressing upwards. He softly pushed her legs open, advancing along her inner thigh and came to the fateful moment where his lips laid rest on her pubis still protected by the laced fabric.

“Beautiful” Mathew said. “I wonder if the top matches.”

He opened the buttons of her blouse pausing at each one and then kissing the newly exposed skin. He looked deep into her eyes and kissed her lips. Noella was breathing deeply with a slight quiver in each breath. He disappeared back between her legs and she felt her underwear being pulled to the side. Mathew was close but there was no contact yet only the light caress of a warm breath. Until suddenly their lips met. The tip of Mathew’s tongue explored their ridge before finding the treasures within. He purposefully circle the point before making it. Noella closed her eyes and placed her hand on his head as she did so she felt that he had decided to discover her orally and manually. First with a single finger, quickly aided by a second, as Noella had been ready and expectant since they had left the tram. There was no need to prepare his passage anymore. Her toes were curling in delight in concert with her quickened breath and the intensity of her grip on Mathew’s hair. A familiar sensation was building. No. Not Yet. She pushed him back denying her selfish cravings.

Noella excitedly took hold of his trousers and thankfully he was not wearing a belt. She undid the button and pulled them down without any hesitation. She also made sure that his boxers would come down at the time. And there it was. What she had felt through the fabric of chinos on her way here was now staring at her in all of its erect glory. Her fingers brushed against the side before she took a firm grip. Noella leaned forward forcing Mathew to lean backwards onto the coffee table. She heard him attempting to move the glasses of port out of the way but right now she had something else on her mind. She gave him same due diligence in exploring his intimacy as he had given her. The heavy breathing, the occasional growl and the twitching of his now saliva lubricated manhood assured Noella that her skills were not lost on him. Mathew was dancing on the edge between civility and savagery. He grasped her head and instinctively thrusted. He only realised that we was straying on one side rather than the other when he heard Noella cough and choke. He stopped.

“Sorry” he said nearly out of breath.

“Don’t be” she replied catching hers. She took his hand and placed it back on her head and resumed her work. Mathew could not take it anymore and lifted her up from between his legs, pushing her back into the pillowy sofa.

“I’ll get some protection.”

“You don’t have too if you don’t want to.” replied Noella sensually.

Mathew looked at her, unsure of what to do. She pulled him towards her.

“Don’t worry”

Before he had time to react, Noella had guided him to his final destination. The primitive instinct deep rooted in every mans brain took over as he pushed himself inside of her until his hips met her thighs. Both moaned audibly at this first stroke. He lifted and held her legs as he proceed with his second stroke. Then, he took her like a rolling summer storm. It started it out slowly with only hints of the savagery to come. His hips slapping the back of her thighs came like a crescendo of thunder. The storm getting closer – the ferocity of the elements intensifying. It was nearly there. The claps of thunders resonating in concert with moans of pleasure. At the heart of the storm, in an electrifying climax that took them both, Noella with her eyes closed felt the summer rain poor down on her in thick ropes.

Out of breath, they looked at each other and Mathew came to rest beside her. Noella slapped his leg as a sudden realisation popped into her mind:

“I forgot to bring back your book! I am so sorry.”

Mathew laughed still trying to calm his panting.

“I guess we will have to see each other again” he replied.

There, in the warm apartment, still sticky from their encounter, they knew this would not be the last chapter of their story. It had been “un coup de foudre” as they would say.
