The Ballad of Noella – Part 2 [NSFW][M36 – F31]

The Ballad of Noella – Part 2

Link to [Part 1](

**NOTE** The third and final part will be coming soon. As this is my first attempt at Erotic writing, I would appreciate any feed back you might have!


Friday came quickly. As the afternoon ticked forward, Noella’s colleagues had started to replace work with discussions of evening and weekend plans. Noella took advantage of the climate of distraction to slip out of work a bit earlier. Stuck on a tram for the next 25 minutes, she was impatient to get home and ready herself but this gave her the time to reflect on what she had planned this evening. She had agreed to meet for dinner with a man she had met only a few days prior. There had been undeniable embarrassment but simultaneously undeniable chemistry. She knew very little about Mathew outside of his love for french literature and his athletic figure. She had been intrigued by this new face in the Aubespine coffee shop. The more she reflected on the conversation they had shared, the more doubt insinuated itself into her mind. What if she had read to much into this? What if she had taken words seriously that were only meant in jest, as a way to relieve a stranger after they divulged a glimpse into their intimacy? However, Noella’s resolve to meet Mathew was still strong, of that she was sure.

“Dinner between adults. No harm in that and what ever happens, happens” she whispered to herself. Through the condensation that had accumulated on the tram windows, Noella recognise her stop and was pulled from her thoughts. She stepped out into the bitting air and walk the remaining block to her apartment. As she entered, she took off her scarf and coat and threw them on the living room chair. She pulled of her boots and exhaled sharply. She was nervous.

“Come on, Noella. When was the last time you actually went on a date?” She muttered. Mathew’s sly smile crossed her mind. She recalled him sitting in front of her, his blues eyes staring into hers. Her lips curled into a smile. She had to know where this would lead.

Noella turned on the shower and stepped in taking the first few minutes to calm her racing mind. Once she was done with her ablutions, she stood in front of her closet and picked out her outfit. The decision was quickly made as uncertainty pushed her to strike a balance between comfort and allure. She opted for black winter tights, a black corduroy skirt and a puffy white blouse underneath which she hid her black lace hipsters and matching brassiere – just in case. She applied two modest dabs of perfume on each side of her upper neck – right behind the ear. Praying against futility, Noella believed only those close enough would be able to catch its scent. Satisfied, she called a taxi. The next 20 minutes were spent pacing her apartment, rearranging her hair, checking the time on her phone, fruitlessly moving trinkets around until the hum of her phone alerted her that it was finally time to leave.

Noella arrived Vatsyayana restaurant 5 minutes early and stood on the opposite side of the road leading to the entrance. She was trying to ascertain what king of place this was. Her current vantage point only left her mystified. The threshold was guarded by a heavy iron door that had been pushed open but this only seemed to lead down a dark alley way flanked on either side by renovated turn of the century warehouses. She could not help wonder if this was the right place.

“Shall we?” A masculine voice came from behind her. She jolted around and was met with Mathew extending his arm towards the entrance. He was wearing deep blue chinos and his duffle coat was left open revealing a pale blue shirt, and a maroon scarf loosely tied around his neck.

“Should I be worried?” Noella jokingly asked.

Mathew paused mimicking pensiveness.

“No of course not! Well maybe… most certainly!” He laughed and then directed her to the doorway his hand lightly resting on her mid back. Mathew gave his name at the entrance and they were escorted through the dark corridor to small oak door riddled with knots. It opened to a concrete stairway leading down beneath the ground. The sound of indistinct chatter rose and echoed through the passageway accompanied with the aroma of spices. They were designated to a small table on the edge of dimly lit and patron packed room. The only sources of light came from small lanterns hung of the walls and ceiling.

“May I get you started with our house cocktail?” the waiter asked while taking their coats. In unison they agreed.

The cocktail was followed by appetizers. The main course was bolstered by a bottle wine. The warmth, the food, the alcohol had melted away Noella’s prior anxiety. The conversation had flowed with ease and harmony, each shared idea used a spring board to engage into the next. She propped her head up with her hand beneath her chin and her elbow on the edge of table. Her other hand nonchalantly holding her glass of wine. Occasionally, she took a sip while listening to Mathew’s passionate tirade on his work in linguistics. She smiled. He was emphatically describing the evolution of language and how tongue placement in the mouth had been altered over time. He paused.

“I’m sorry. I must be boring you with this”

“Not at all. I am very interested in what happens with your tongue.” She gasped when she realised the ambiguity of her words. Mathew took his glass of wine and looked at her grinning widely.

“I am starting to think that your misfortune might be a conscious act.”

“No, really, ill fate brought me here.”

“Ill fate…” replied Mathew pretending to be hurt.

“No, I mean… I am happy to be here. Really” She paused and in an act that surprised even herself she reached for his hand. The pair considered each other for an instant. Mathew’s gaze shifted from her hand, to her neck, to her lips and back into her eyes.

“How would you feel about some fresh air?”

She nodded.

Soon after, Noella and Mathew were strolling through the crisp night alongside the river bank. Aided by the wine, she asked:

“If I recall correctly, you mentioned that you were into live performance art. When will you be sharing this with me? For fairness sake of course.”

Mathew stopped and turned towards her.

“I did say that didn’t I. I return the question and ask you when would you want to see it?”

“How about now?”

He smiled and reach towards her sleeve pulling her in closer. His hand came to gently yet firmly grasp the back of her neck. Noella tilted her face towards his. He reached down and their lips met; briefly, at first, followed by an expression of delight, and then again. What started as sensual spark was quickly transforming into burning passion.

“I should call a taxi” Mathew whispered breathlessly. “I live off Sernanders way. It’s not too far away.”

“Good luck getting one any time soon. It’s Friday… We could always just take the tram”

Mathew considered the possibility and acquiesced.

“You are right. Time is of the essence.”

He took Noella by the hand and lead her to the tram line that crossed the city. They found that the embrace of their lips would help drive away the cold. The tram glided slowly into the station and revealed through the brightly lit windows the dozens of souls travelling for a night of festivities. Space was sparse such as Noella and Mathew had to huddle together leaving the responsibility of stability to Mathew who gripped the railing. Noella found her own hold by wrapping one arm around Mathew’s waist. The tram departed but not before welcoming a large group of partygoers. They spoke loudly, they sung, they drunk and they pushed. Noella found this to be a convenient excuse to lean against Mathew – his open coat welcomed her against his torso. Against her stomach, she felt something hard. Encourage by liquid euphoria, she jokingly asked:

“Is that your phone or are you happy to see me?”

Mathew smirked, looked around the carriage and back at her.

“I am happy to see you”.

“No way, that’s your…” In disbelief, she reached towards his trousers and grabbed at what was hidden beneath. It took her a few seconds and a few palpation to realise she was holding the unmistakeable sign of male arousal. She looked back at him, her hand still holding on.

“Nature was generous to you in more ways that one.”

“Thank you.” He replied. “It might be best to show some restraint and wait until…”

He could not finish his sentence too taken aback by the increased pressure in Noealla’s hold. Eventually, she surrender his member only to lightly caress it with the tip of her fingers.

“I didn’t imagine you being into exhibitionism” he said his breathing deepening slightly with each passage of her hand.

“I am not. However… It turns out I am into seeing strong men struggling to keep their composure. Besides, no one can see a thing.” She whispered.

Mathew kissed her with a finning veneer of decency.

Finally arriving to their stop, the pair stepped out. Mathew’s masculinity might have been on full display but Noella’s femininity had started to soak the inner lining of her underwear.
