r/SexyStories is back, but temporarily on Restricted. Looking for additional Mods!

Hi everyone, r/sexystories is back! As the new mod, I have some housekeeping and stuff to figure out, so I’ll be putting the sub on restricted (view only, no posting) until then. This is temporary as I can’t moderate incoming posts and get oriented at the same time. And, as this is a nsfw sub, it’s important that posts are reviewed as they could contain harmful material. Since I can’t do that right now, we’re on restricted.

In the meantime, I am looking for new mods to help with content moderation. Essentially, checking on incoming posts and making sure they are within the rules. Please DM me if you’re interested, not chat. Thanks!

**Mod Responsibilities**

1. Sift through new, unapproved posts and approve/remove them, giving priority to any posts with reports on them.
2. Be willing to comment on posts with a reason for removal.
3. Will be given jurisdiction to ban offenders of a to-be-made list of instant ban offenses. Ban repeat offenders of a to-be-made list of of warning offenses.
4. Need to be comfortable with at least skimming most forms of sexual content.
5. Will not require major time, especially if we manage a decent number! Just sift through the mod queue whenever you have a chance basically, and don’t have to clear it. Everyone just do what they can.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ykhx7i/rsexystories_is_back_but_temporarily_on


  1. Does this mean an updated rules list? Right now the sidebar says that basically anything goes, as long as it’s labeled as fiction.

  2. I use to love reading the stories here then it was suddenly gone! I’m not sure how many mods you would need and the number of posts to read a day but I always read 2-4 stories spread between Gone Wild or Real Sex stories.

    Definitely down to assist as an mod

  3. Glad it’s back. I’m happy to mod for you. I do one other adult subreddit already

  4. Thanks for bringing this community back. If you need any more help, please let me know what I can do!

  5. I was removed as mod but am glad the place is being watched over. Best of luck to all.

  6. Somebody please come moderate this thing. Yeah there are other subs but it’s good for there to be more variety.

  7. I’ve never officially “modded” before but I have published written material before, done editing, and have shared plenty of “stories” on other media in the past.

  8. I love that this subreddit is back to action! It was always my favorite, I will gladly help you guys out if you still need help! And I’ll start submitting my own stories here again for sure, this was always the best erotica subreddit in the past. It even had a story about a horny fridge if I recall correctly :D

  9. Ah man. And I just found this subreddit. I’m trying grow my audience.

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