landlord part 1

Galinda is a 38 year old single mom. She had her Son Alex when she was young and his father had left them early on for another women. She had remarried briefly but only long enough for her 2nd husband to buy her a set of fake tits. Once he left it had been a struggle for her to make ends meet. Alex worked and tried to help pay the bills but every month was still a struggle. She tried online dating but never had time to really go on dates and with her day job hours getting cut She was getting more and more desperate to earn money.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and she was home alone. Her boss had called and told her to stay home for the day. It was really bad news because she was getting further and further behind on bills. She was surfing the web for new jobs when she heard a knock at the door. When she peered through the peep hole she saw a very tall slender black man standing there. She asked who he was and he explained that he was the new property manager and he need to let her in to discuss her rental agreement. She reluctantly let him because she was 2 months behind on rent and couldn’t risk escalating the situation. She couldn’t help but be intimidated by his presence, she was relatively short with a slender waist, huge fake tits and a small but plump ass. Sam the landlord towered over her and although slender he was very muscular. She had never seen him before and he explained he was the new landlord and that things were going to change with how her rental agreement was going to work.

Sam demanded the 2 months she was behind and told her she would need to pay next month immediately on the first or he was going to have to evict her and Alex immediately. He was incredibly intimidating and wouldn’t take no for a answer. As much as Galinda tried to keep the tears from falling she started openly crying. She pleaded with Sam that she would get it as soon as she could but both her husband’s left her with nothing and she didn’t have the money plain and simple. Sam told her he didn’t care about excuses and he needed the money or she was gonna need to start packing. In a desperate plea she told Sam she would do anything to stay in the apartment but that there was no way she could pay right then. A sly grin went across Sam’s face that sent a shiver down her spine. She was regretting her words as soon as she spoke them but was extremely desperate. Sam stood up and moved closer to her, she was a very attractive lady after all. She began to sweat and was extremely nervous. So you’ll do anything to stay here and not be evicted? She reluctantly wispered yes with her head down in shame tears still streaking down her face.

Okay then I need you to stand up and turn around. She started to do as she was told when suddenly she remembered Alex would be home from work anytime now. She begged for them to start over tomorrow morning after Alex went to work but Sam wouldn’t give in. He firmly told her to turn around right now. She slowly turned and was praying that maybe they would be done before he got home.

She had her back to him and he removed his belt. He firmly grabbed her wrist and pulled it to him. She fought for a second but relaxed. He tied his belt firmly around it then grabbed her other wrist and tied them both together tightly behind her back. She couldn’t handle the shame and began openly crying again. Sam told her “you need to stop crying slut, you asked for this.” With that he started groping her chest and feeling down her stomach inbettween her thighs. She couldn’t to anything to resist with her arms behind her. He pushed her down onto her knees before circling around her. The tears had smeared her makeup but she still looked very hot. He slowly took off his shirt and pants. She could see his semi hard cock through his boxers and was taken a back. She had never seen one even close to that big and girthy before. She began panicking at the thought of it splitting her open. “Don’t worry girl it always fits” he told her. With that he dropped his boxers and told her to open her mouth.

He started slowly mouth fucking her but she couldn’t help but gag and spit, it was so huge and she had no control with her hands behind her. He kept pushing deeper and deeper into her throat. When She protested he would pinch her nostrils closed and choke her with his cock. He had finally worked his huge member fully hard when they heard keys rattle at the door. They were in full view in the middle of the living room. She panicked and desperately tried to get his cock out of her mouth but he was way to strong and powerful. He kept her firmly stuck with his cock deep into her throat.

Alex walked into the apartment after a long day of work, he happened to have his friend mark with him, they had planned on playing video games to relax. They both made it inside and didn’t notice Sam and galinda for a second. Alex immediately dropped his drink when he noticed and was completely speechless. Mark shut the door then saw them there “holy fuck bro” is all he could muster. Sam told them ” your mom couldn’t pay the rent so she has to be my slut until she can, do you understand?” They both nodded and he told mark he could leave but alex had to stay and watch, the whole time his cock still holding galinda stuck and speechless. The shame of her son seeing her made her start pouring tears again but she had to focus all her might to not gag. She had never experienced anything even close to this sexually and was completely powerless to stop it. Mark slowly sat down next to Alex and Sam laughed a bit “oh this is gonna be fun” …… to be continued….



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