Inner Beauty [TGTF] [Transformation] [MtF]

The campus recruitment drive is starting, and I, having enough of just sitting around in my dorm and playing video games after classes, I decided now was finally the time to join a club. I figure it’ll help me make some friends, something I wasn’t able to do in any of my classes, and maybe if I’m lucky, a girlfriend too! I sigh dejectedly at that though, knowing that an awkward, unsociable guy like me probably wouldn’t luck out that soon after attempting to come out of my shell. The only one I can talk to on the whole campus without anxiety is my roommate Ken, who I’ve been friends with since freshman year.

“Oh, are you heading out?” He asks surprised, knowing that I’m usually locked in my room the moment I get back from class.

“Uh, yeah… I figured I’d go out and get some fresh air and swing by that club thing that’s going on tonight.” “Oh, okay! Have fun!” He encourages.

I swallow my anxiety and head down to the student center where the club recruitment is taking place and swear to myself I won’t come back empty-handed.

The walk from my dorm to the center isn’t a long one, but the assembled crowds certainly slow me down. Seems like this is a pretty popular event for the school. Too bad I missed it last year, I might have made some progress a little earlier.

I decide to push those negative thoughts away as I finally reach the doors and enter the large, decorated hall. The entire building is filled with booths, banners, and signage advertising all clubs from the Fantasy Football league to the League of Legends club. Naturally, I’m drawn towards the gaming-oriented clubs, but I think to myself that if I join one of those, I’ll likely just continue on some of my bad habits of playing games and ignoring my studies. I decide to wander around a bit to find anything else that might interest me.

“Hey there, bud!” a man in what looks like his early 20s calls out to me as I walk, “Interested in joining the student theater?”

“Um, I’m just looking around right now.” I tell him. “Maybe I’ll come back and check it out later!” I lie. The thought of performing to people makes my hairs stand on the back of my neck, there’s no way in hell I’d ever sign up for something so… public.

Painstakingly, I circle the hall a few more times, desperate to find anything that would interest me just enough to socialize, but not become engrossed in. To my left, I turn to see a girl sitting alone at a booth, checking her appearance in her phone’s camera. The sign on her booth reads “Beautician’s club” with the tagline “help bring out beauty in the world around you!” Such a cheesy idea for a club, but for some reason, I can’t help but feel drawn to it…

“Um… H-hi there…” I stammer, trying to get the girl’s attention. She’s absolutely gorgeous, sitting down I can’t gauge her height but her smooth skin, beautiful blue eyes, and flowing blonde locks alone are enough to make any guy want her. “M-my name’s Richard. Could you tell me a bit about your club?”

“Oh! Finally!” The girl exclaims, putting her phone down to look at me. “Of course! You’re the first person to take interest all day, so thanks! My name’s Hailey, and I’m the head of the organization. Our goal is to make everything on campus look amazing!” She beams, explaining the goal of her club. “And I do mean everything.” She adds.

Okay, that’s weird, but whatever.

“That sounds pretty cool, but I don’t know the first thing about decorations or anything like that. Is it hard?”

“No, no, not at all! In fact it’s super easy and fun! I teach all the new members myself. I’m a bit of an expert!”

Not only is she beautiful, but she exudes confidence. Maybe if I hang out around her, some of that confidence can rub off on me?

“Are you like a girl’s only club?” I ask timidly

“I mean, most of our members are women, but we definitely accept men too! They just usually don’t stick around too long I guess.” She answers cryptically.

“Oh. Well, maybe I could be one that does stick around!” I try to play along with her, probably looking like a fool.

“That sounds amazing! Here, take this form,” she says, reaching beneath her desk to pull out some papers, “and meet at this address tomorrow at 7 PM, okay? I can’t wait to see you there Richard!” Hailey beams.

My heart skips a beat, but I suppress it. She’s probably just happy to get a recruit. She’s like this with everyone, I think to myself.

The next day’s classes are agonizingly long. I’ve never had an interest in decoration, but for some reason I can’t wait to start with the new club and meet everyone there. Hailey said it was mostly women, so maybe it really was my chance!

Getting back to my dorm at 5, I realize I have about 2 hours to prepare myself for the meeting. I take a shower, shave, and pick out the best wardrobe I have. No graphic tees, just a smart looking button up with some jeans. I spend some time online as well to kill the time before it’s finally time to head out.

“Um, hello? Hailey?” I call, knocking on the door of a small but nice-looking two story house. It seems she runs her club out of her off-campus living space. I wonder if her roommates are also part of the group?

I hear some muffled thuds before the door swings wide, a girl I don’t recognize looking up at me. In front of me is a small Asian girl with long black hair that flows down her back. I don’t know anything about makeup, but even I recognize that she’s an expert from how her eyes look completely mesmerizing.

“Oh, are you Richard? Hailey mentioned she’d snagged a new victim!” She giggles, stretching her arm out for a handshake. “My name’s Kimiko, but you can call me Kim. Nice to meet you!”

“N-nice to meet you too…” I stammer, shaking her hand weakly before she leads me into the entry hall.

For being somewhat small, the house sure feels spacious on the inside. It’s also absolutely stunning, no doubt due to Hailey’s efforts. “So, um, how many people are gonna be here today?” I ask her, assuming she’s probably here for the club as well.

“Counting you, me, and Hailey, there’s four people here! A bunch of members graduated last year so we’re trying to rebuild our numbers. You’re the first one to join!” She smiles, leading me to the living room where Hailey and another girl are waiting.

“Oooh, Richard! Just in time! I see you’ve met Kim, but I’d also like you to meet Erika!” She turns towards the girl sitting near to her.

Erika has a pale complexion and short, blue haircut that ends at her ears. She’s dressed in a torn up jean jacket and leggings with some rips in them, showing off her smooth thighs underneath. Her exact body shape is obscured by how baggy her top is, but you assume that she’s just as well built as her companions.

“Hey.” She says in a monotone voice, looking at her phone and not even bothering to look up.

“Erika, that’s not nice! Greet our new member properly!” Hailey prods.

She grunts and puts her phone down on the couch to look at you. “Hi, I’m Erika. I’m sure you’re gonna love it here.” She says kind of sarcastically. I can’t shake the feeling that she already doesn’t like me that much.

“I’m sure you girls know why I called this meeting, but I’m going to say it now, we have our very first beautification project of the year!” Hailey announces excitedly. “And as you can see, it’s going to be quite the process, but with your expertise, I’m sure we can have it turn out to be a smashing success!”

Kim claps along to keep up with their leader’s energy, while Erika pumps her fist nonchalantly.

“Oh, that sounds like fun!” I speak up shyly, “Um, what are we going to be working on? I’m afraid I’m so new to this I won’t be much help…” I sullenly admit.

“It’s okay Richard! You don’t have to worry about anything! YOU are the project!” Hailey responds.

“M-me?” I balk. “I-I-I mean I know I’m not the most fashionable or put together, but do you really thing I’m that bad?” “Oh no no honey, it’s not that. You just don’t suit the… Image of our club yet. But don’t worry! Us girls will fix that in a jiffy!” Hailey and the others stand up. “Come on, follow us!” She says, leading the group upstairs.

Without much other choice and not wanting to disappoint my potential new friends, I decide to follow. Some grooming tips will come in handy, I think to myself.

The girls take me to a bedroom that’s absolutely adorned with feminine things. Pink bedsheets, stuffed animals, and an absolutely massive vanity that seems fully stocked with every makeup or care product known to man.

“Here, sit.” Erika orders bluntly, pulling out the chair facing the large mirror. I obey, sitting and wondering just what their plan is.

“Alright Kim, your time to shine!” Hailey calls, and Kim walks up to me with several trays and pallets of makeup in her hands.

“Just sit still, okay? I’m going to work my magic on you!” She giggles, uncapping a brush and preparing foundation that she begins to apply onto my face.

“Um, I’m a little confused. Why are we doing this?” I ask, growing increasingly uncomfortable. If I were more assertive, I surely would have left now, but I just can’t bring myself to go against the group.

“Because the Beautician’s club members have to be beautiful, obviously!” Hailey laughs, watching intently as Kim applies layer after layer of powder onto me.

“That’s step one done! Wow, you’ve got a great face for this!” Kim compliments as she steps away, allowing me to see myself in the mirror.

Honestly, she’s right. I always did get made fun of in high school for having a girly face, but when it’s highlighted by makeup, even just a little, I look downright feminine! “So, when you said there weren’t any guys in the organization…” I ask, already knowing the answer in the pit of my stomach.

“Yeah, it’s because we make them into beautiful girls!” Hailey exclaims with glee. “Trust me,” she says, her tone hardening as she leans over me, her breasts dangling in my face, “You’re going to love it, I promise.”

Every instinct in my body is telling me to run, that these girls are dangerous, but something is keeping me planted in the chair, like my body itself is resisting my commands.

“Truth is, I’m a bit of a sorceress, and my favorite thing to do is find cute, lost little boys and help them find a better life, a better purpose. Kim and Erika are testaments to how successful my little treatment is!” Hailey continues as Kim comes back and begins applying blush and eyeshadow to my face.

Now that I’m conscious of it, I can feel my face changing with every stroke of the brush she makes. It wasn’t just that I looked more feminine with makeup, the makeup was making me more feminine!

“A-and what if I refuse?! What if I don’t want to get turned into a girl by you and your… friends?” “Oh sweet boy…” Hailey leans down closer to my face, “The fact that you came to me was proof that this is what you need.”

That statement sends shivers down my spine as I feel myself getting smaller in my seat. Kim has to readjust herself so she can continue her work.

“Oh my god, his eyes are sooo totally adorable!!!” Kim squees, drawing contours and finishing her work on my eyers before fishing a tube of hot pink lipstick from her bag. For some reason I instinctually pucker my lips so she can apply it easier. “And so receptive too!” She marvels, leaning in to give me a small peck on the cheek. My face burns bright red under my makeup.

“R-really?” I ask. I look in the mirror as she finishes and marvel at the transformation. I can’t even recognize myself in the mirror! What was once a plain, angular looking face is now soft, gentle, and completely flawless with eyes as blue as the sky.

“Erika, your turn! You get to do his hair!” Hailey calls, forcing her to get up from her comfy spot on the couch to stand behind my seat.

“Yeah, yeah. Hmmm, I’m not sure how you’ll turn out exactly, but I’m thinking redhead would suit you best.” Erika ponders. She pulls out a comb and tongs and begins her work.

Almost like magic, actually, it is magic, with every tug of the comb I feel my hair gaining length and volume. Every tug with the tongs causes my once brown-blonde hair to slowly seep with a bright, fiery red coloration until my hair stretches past my shoulders and I have to push bright red locks out of my eyesight.

“And now the final touches!” Hailey says excitedly, pulling me up by my arms, which while not toned, I’m certain were much larger than they are now. “Come with me to the wardrobe, we’ve got to pick your style!”

“I follow her, steadily growing giddy with anticipation. I can’t help but grow excited as she opens up the door and shows me a massive array of feminine clothing. “Since I’m such a wonderful teacher, I figure I’ll let you pick!” She tells me.

I look around, spoiled for choice. All these clothes are just so… cute. Honestly, I want to try them all on. I first reach for a pair of white panties and a matching bra, not really knowing why, but realizing I’ll probably need them in time. At last, I make my decision, a cute red pleated short skirt and a yellow sweater.

“Oooh, you’re gonna be such a slut!” Erika teases, looking over my shoulder at my choice. She now stands taller than me. “Do you wanna be alone while you change or do you want us here?” She asks, losing her deadpan tone for just a little to indicate her care.

“Um, I don’t mind you watching. You’ve actually helped me so much…” I admit, looking away shyly. I begin by unbuttoning my shirt to reveal my torso, now completely smooth and hairless without an ounce of fat on it. I Pull the sweater over my head and feel it conform to my body, filling me out so I fit it perfectly. I let out a moan as my chest expands with every breath I take, filling more and more like a pair of balloons. Finally, at what I assume are D-cups, they finally stop growing.

“Like I said, total slut.” Erika teases.

“How was I supposed to know that would happen?” I ask, my voice suddenly shooting up a few octaves, becoming light and girly. I grip my throat in surprise and let out a few sounds, now undeniably in a girl’s voice.

“Well, I guess, this is next…” I say, mustering my resolve to pull my pants down and say goodbye to my manhood. It never did me any good anyway, so why should I miss it? I let my jeans drop to the floor and I gracefully step out of them, pulling my boxers down as well. I should be ashamed to expose myself to three women, but it feels normal, natural. I understand that Kim and Erika must have felt the same way.

I slide the panties up my legs, and as I do, they become smooth, shapely, and curvy, my thighs and butt inflating to make the perfect lap pillow. I moan softly again as I revel in the feeling of the soft lacey fabric on my shrinking genitals. I feel my balls retract and my cock disappear until they’re nothing but a memory, soon erased by the pleasures of womanhood.

I put on the skirt and zip up the side, finalizing my changes and sealing myself into my new life.

“Don’t worry sweetie, thanks to my magic, nobody will remember who you used to be except for us. From now on, you are, and always have been Rebecca. Welcome to the Beautician’s club!” I cant help but shed a few tears. For the first time in my life, I feel accepted.

It takes time to get acclimated to my new life, but my friends help me out every step of the way. From the difficulties of selecting a new wardrobe to doing my own makeup and hair care, they really do care for me like sisters. I never imagined my life would take a turn like this. I’m so grateful to them.

Despite the changes to myself and the world around me, that I’m still roommates with Ken. Actually, there is one change. He’s not just my roommate anymore. He’s my boyfriend! It seems the spell Hailey used made us high school sweethearts that stayed together and went to college.

“Hey baby, how was your club? Did you have a fun girl’s night?” He asks sweetly from the couch.

“It was so fun!” I exclaim happily, leaning over behind him to give him a peck on the cheek. “But I really missed you!”

“I missed you too Becca.” He replies, grabbing my head and pulling me in for a much more passionate kiss. “You know, you’ve been so busy with your friends lately, you’ve barely had any time for me!” He teases.

“Oh, I’m sorry! But I think I have just the way to make up for that…” I purr, pulling a set of lingerie Erika helped me pick out from my bag. Ken practically bolts from the couch and lifts me up, carrying me to the bedroom.

I never did get to have sex as a guy, but I did masturbate a lot. And compared to a girl’s masturbation, that was nothing. I assume sex is probably the same in that regard, so I don’t think I’m missing out. I lie spread out on our comfy queen size bed, eager to accept my wonderful boyfriend’s embrace.

“Come on Ken,” I practically beg, spreading my pussy for him invitingly, “You said it yourself, it’s been too long! I need to remember the shape of your cock inside of me!” I can’t help but blush from the dirty talk, but it drives him absolutely wild, and as it turns out, I like it rough. I guess Erika was right when she said I’d turn out a slut! We go for hours and hours. Ken fucks my brains out multiple times as I cum on his cock, every piston-like thrust pushing my old male identity further and further into oblivion, and I couldn’t be happier.

As we cuddle in post coital bliss, all I can think of is how happy I am, and how thankful to the Beautician’s club for bringing out the real me.


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