Grocery Run..

“Yes, Master.”
“Good girl.
He tugged the handle of the leash violently and she toppled over from her stance, eagerly raising herself back up, neck craning forward, crawling desperately after the man, who only moments before was paying her the most tender attentions, wracking his brain in order to nurse her back to a healthy sense of well-being. The store was now populated by scattered clusters of perfect strangers dotted by the occasional co-worker, some of whom had worked alongside her for years now. Some of the shoppers turned round to smirk at her, a few even coming over to grope her momentarily or even pet her on the head condescendingly. Her knees were beginning to feel sore but there was no time to stop as Scott practically dragged her across the polished floor, all the way from one end of the store to another, around and through the crowds of spectators, until they reached the open space near the entrance. Her coworkers began to walk towards them as Scott ordered her to kneel, eyes downcast.
Check out our blog for the full Erotic Scene.
