Tricked or Treat (TF TG Story)

After weeks of waiting in anticipation, the campus Halloween party was just hours away! Darrell and his roommate Aiden were eager to go, since it was the only party this semester where the Kappa Omega Kappa frat was accepting non-member guests!

“Dude, there’s gonna be so many smoking hot chicks there!” Aiden exclaims, carefully putting on his vampire costume. “Come on, get dressed! No way you’ll get a girl if you’re the only one at the party without a costume!” “Ugh, but it’s so lame!” Darrell protested. He insisted that he’d rather go in his high school football jersey. “Girls want a guy who’s all about action, not playing pretend!”

“”You’re loss. Just don’t complain to me when I’m drowning in pussy with my sexy vampire costume and you’re stuck sitting on a couch watching couples make out!” Aiden teases, putting the finishing touches on his outfit before he steps out the door, his much less festive friend following behind.

There was a huge line in front of the KOK house, no doubt filled with the same desperate and eager folks that the tow roommates were.

“If we make a good impression, maybe they’ll ask us to join! Can you imagine being a part of the most popular frat on campus?” Aiden rambles, making sure his cape didn’t get muddy on the walk over.

“Yeah, yeah. They’re probably pulling in ladies with their daddy’s credit cards. I wouldn’t hold onto hope.” Darrell retorts. He looks around the area, and has to admit to himself that there are tons of gorgeous girls in slutty Halloween costumes all over the place, contrasted with the line of almost exclusively men. “Good luck, you’ve got some stiff competition, Edward.” He teases, jabbing Aiden in the side.

“Yeah yeah, you’ll see. I’ll blow their socks off with my wit and charm!” He laughs.

After what feels like forever, the duo finally makes it to the front door to the house. “What are you two supposed to be? A vampire and a jock?” The doorman asks, checking their costumes.

“Actually I’m n-” Darrell tries to correct before he’s interrupted

“Yeah, that’s right!” Aiden glares at his roommate. “Hopefully you don’t have too many and you’ll let us in?” He asks, almost pleading.

“Yeah. Sure. Help yourself to the candy. It’s all you can eat!” The doorman responds in a deadpan tone, stepping aside for the two to enter.

The entire hall is decked out in almost every Halloween decoration imaginable, from skeletons hanging on the walls to witches cauldrons emitting smoke from bubbling green liquid. the music is loud and the lights are flashing. “Wooow, they really went all out!” Aiden exclaims.

“Like, I know right? I’m tooootally glad me and my friends decided to swing by!” A girl in a fairy costume next to them interjects. “Did you just get here? You have got to try the candy they have! It’s, like, totally custom made and super yummy!” She hands them both a handful of chocolates wrapped in pink foil wrappers and giggles before wandering off into the crowd.

“Dude, did you see the eyes she was making at us? She was totally into me.” Aiden beams, unwrapping one of the candies and popping it into his mouth. “Oh, wow, she wasn’t kidding either, these are great!” He exclaims, unwrapping the whole handful and scarfing them down. “They said they were all you can eat, right? I’ve got to find more! See you, “Jock”!” He laughs before leaving Darrell all alone in a crowd of people.

Now alone, Darrell decides now’s the time to make his moves while not getting dragged down by his overly-festive friend. He tries chatting up a group of girls, but for some reason, almost every one of them blows him off!

“Sorry,” one of them says, “You just aren’t, like, KOK material!”

“Like that, sorry babe, call me again in a bit though once you’re done changing!”

What? What did she mean by that? Was Aiden right and they didn’t want to hang out because his lack of a costume stood out? Now that he looked around more seriously, he became somewhat confused. In line, it was almost all men, but here in the house, he was surrounded by mostly women in skimpy outfits and costumes! “Did they seriously kick out any guys after pretending to let them in? What assholes!” Darrell muttered, leaning on a table and picking up a chocolates and popping it in his mouth.

“Oh, wow, Aiden wasn’t wrong! These are amazing!” Darrell thought, feeling a strange, comfortable warmth in his body as the candy went down his throat.

After hanging out for a bit longer and continuing to strike out and snacking on candies, Darrell was getting fed up. “Jeez, that’s it. I’m finding Aiden and we’re leaving. No way he’s having success either.”

He pushes his way through the crowd of beautiful girls, bemoaning the fact that the frat got their pick of all of them while he got none.

“Aiden!!!” He shouted, trying to be heard over the pounding bass music, looking around for his friend.

“Darrell, baby!!!” He hears from his left before a girl he’s never seen before glomps onto his arm. “Like, I’m having soooo much fun with the girls!” she giggles, giving his toned arms a good feel as she speaks. The girl is dressed in a skimpy little goth outfit, with plastic vampire teeth visible whenever she speaks.

“Um, that’s great, who are you? I think you’re probably kinda drunk.” Darrell responds, trying to pull away.

“Darrell, ugh! It’s me, Ashley!” She pouts. “We totally came here together!”

“Um, no. I came with Aiden, who’s a guy. Something you’re definitely not.” He responds, gesturing to her voluptuous body.

“OMG I totally never wanna hear that name again! It’s so ugly and boy-ish. I like Ashley sooo much better!” She giggles again, grabbing him more tightly. Darrell notices that several more girls are starting to surround him.

“Uh huh. Some kind of Halloween prank I guess?” He responds, popping a candy into his mouth with his free hand.

“Ooooh, you’ve been eating them too! You’ll see what I mean in a sec, but how about we have some fun before then?” She purrs, pulling his arm in the direction of some bedrooms.

“Fucking finally. Darrell sighs, satisfied that he’s probably going to get laid, even if it’s with some weirdo.

The girl who introduced herself as Ashley was a very pale girl who stood at about 5’3 even with her pumps, and seemed to jiggle with every step. All of the girls here were gorgeous, but none were quite as “curvy” as her. Her tits had to be DDs, and her ass was a perfect peach shape that stuck out from under her short skirt. She flicked her long black hair with red highlights out of her eyes, almost as though she was unfamiliar with having long hair.

“This room!” She pulls him excitedly, “I wanna try this with you before it’s too late!”

“Too late for what?” Darrell asks, but he’s promptly distracted by Ashley stripping down in front of him as soon as the door is closed. “Damn girl, nevermind…” He growls, undoing his belt and tossing his jacket aside to reveal his toned athlete’s body. He reaches down to lift her up by her thighs to give her a passionate kiss.

Ashley’s face goes awash in pleasure and arousal as they make out. “oh fuck…” she moans, “I never thought my first time would be like this!”

“Oh, you’re a virgin? Nice.” Darrell retorts, beginning his foreplay by reaching his hand down to her dripping wet slit and begins to play with her clit.

“OOOOooooohH!” The girl moans melodically, “Oh Darrell baby it feels so good! I can’t wait for you to feel it too!”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to feel your pussy either, Ashley…” He responds, trying to understand her meaning. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty big so I’ll go nice and slow at first.” The two of them collapse onto the bed, groping and caressing each others’ bodies as they begin to make love. “Darrell, please, put your big cock inside me before it’s too late!”

“Ungh, too late for what?” He grunts, not fully paying attention, focusing more on the beautiful areola staring him in the face. He pinches and teases her nipples before pulling back for a moment to put a condom on.

“Yes! Yes this is what I was waiting for! Rail me with your big hard cock! I want to feel it before it goes away!”

Okay, now Darrell should be concerned by what she says, but the invading grasp of Ashley’s beautiful body and the temptation of fucking a virgin are too much for him to resist.

“Fine, since you asked so nicely…” He moans as he begins to slide it into her drenched pussy.

“Oh my god!!!” She moans, gripping the bedframe with her hands, digging her black polished nails into the wood. “It’s so GOOD!!! Fuck yeah Darrell, fuck me! Fuck me like a whore!” She screams in ecstasy.

Darrell obeys her eagerly, but for some reason finds that his stamina is draining much faster than it did when he was with other girls. Maybe because it was late?

“gasp What’s wrong baby? gasp” Ashley moans as he continues to thrust into her. “Oooooh, is it starting?”

“Is what starting? What do you keep talking about!” He shouts.

“I told you Darrell, you ate the candies! Now you’re gonna be just like me in a moment! I bet you’ll be totally hot as a girl!” she giggles mischievously.

Just as she says that, Darrell feels the last of his strength fading as he collapses onto Ashley, his cock still inside her. not just strength is vanishing, his muscles are too! “W-what the fuck! What did you do to me!” He panics.

“Shhh shh baby, trust me, we’ll have soo much fun once you’re finished!” Ashley coos, petting Darrell’s head. Her strokes get longer and longer as Darrell’s crew cut lengthens and gains volume, black curly hair pouring out of his scalp. “Oooh,” she gasps, feeling the texture in her fingers, “it’s so totally pretty!”

“No! Let me go!” Darrell struggles, “You drugged me with something didn’t you!” Darrell stops speaking when his voice cracks in a much higher tone than he should be capable of making. “What the- What the fuck??” He shouts, now with a much breathier, feminine voice.

“Okay, now relax, Darrell, the next changes are gonna hurt a bit, but I promise they’re totally worth it!”

Right as she says that, sharp jolts flow up and down Darrell’s spine. He contorts as he begins to lose height, first an inch, then three, then a whole foot! his now smooth skin ripples and contorts, spreading to spaces they didn’t belong to moments ago. His ass inflates, forming the perfectly-toned bubble butt of a gym bunny, while his chest and stomach undulate, exchanging fat. His six-pack becomes a smooth, flat tummy and his chest inflates more and more until becoming perky C-cup breasts!

“Wha-holy shit I’m really turning into a chick?” Darrell screams, unable to process the events unfolding.

“Trick or treat!” Ashley giggles. “The boys at KOK do this every year for some new hot coeds to fuck silly, and it looks like they’ll have lots of fun thanks to this year’s turnout!”

“You can’t be seriou-Uuuuuughhhh”. Darrell moans as he feels his balls retract into his body, pumping hormones through his body as they transform into ovaries.

“Oh, that was my favorite part too!” Ashley giggles.

“It feels… so… good…” The newly-minted girl moans.

“Hmm, Darrell won’t really suit you anymore… How about Darlene?” Ashley coos, stroking her partner’s throbbing, shrinking cock.

“Mmmmmm Darlene…. Sounds sexy!” She giggles in unison with her roommate as the last of her cock finally vanishes, opening up into a sexy pink slit.

“I know right! Now, once you’re done, we need to get you back into your costume! The boys will totally love seeing you in your sexy cheerleader getup!”

Darlene looks over at where her discarded clothes were piled, now having become a cute cheerleading getup complete with pom-poms.

“Yeah, totally!” She agrees, “But fiiirst…” She leads before pouncing on her bestie, their breasts pressing against each other as they decide to explore each other just a bit more before meeting their new masters.


1 comment

  1. Why end here!?! Let the poor girl meet some hung stud and fuck her silly!

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