The men in my life

(WARNING: This is a work of fiction that contains non consensual scenes, if that bothers you stop reading now!)

Mary and Sam had always been close growing up. Twins, with the normal closeness associated with such things. Three years ago when they were fifteen, their mother had died suddenly of an aneurysm. Despite them being the same age Mary had always felt the need to look out for her often timid and self conscious brother. An instinct only further enhanced by their mothers passing.

To the outside world their father James was a good man. He was salt of the earth, and appeared a good dad to the two kids, but the outside world didn’t know what went on behind closed doors. He was violent and petty man, and he ruled Mary and Sam with a relentless iron fist. He looked after them of course, they always had nice clothes, the better to hide the truth to the outside world, but he was a sadistic, mind controlling tyrant and a pervert. He would often tormented them both over the years.

Mary, now eighteen was engaged. Her fiance Carl was twenty years older than her. She cared for him, and more importantly he protected her, and she knew that he loved her. She never really thought about her choice of an older man,  but it didn’t really matter. He was her escape from the torments of her father. To Carl though, her father James was kind, and normal. Sometimes Mary complained to Carl about the difficulties at home, never going into too much detail, for fear of retribution from her father, but she knew that he didn’t really believe her. He treated her like a naive child that didn’t really know much about life. He was significantly older than her, and that made it easy to disregard her complaints it seemed. Sometimes she thought he saw her more as a child than as his fiancé. She didn’t really care though, he was going to free her, that’s what mattered.

Sam was a quiet boy, he was timid and meek. He was so scared of James, and his vicious tongue, and had become very introverted and withdrawn. Mary worried about him greatly, and she knew that without her he would not cope well. Sam was compliant and just tried to skate under the radar in life. Mary knew he was capable of much more of he only would try.

James had never been in great shape, and lately had gotten even more so. He drank and ate purely, and he didn’t wash as often as he should. However he always made sure that the house was kept spotless by the two, in case anyone came by. He always had to present this perfect family image to the outside world. If anything was out of place, or if even a slight mess was left anywhere, there would be hell to pay. Usually poor Sam took the brunt of it more than Mary did. She thought this was because he enjoyed picking on her brother more than her due to his tendency to just take the abuse, without complaint or resistance. Not that she was very resistant herself, but she would at least try to stand up for herself, and her brother of course.

Mary had noticed James leering at her lately after their recent birthday. She knew that she was quite a pretty girl, her growing breasts certainly caught not just her fiancés eyes, but it unnerved her how often she caught her father staring lately. She could not wait to get married and leave, although she did worry about how Sam would fare on his own. Carl of course could not see that Sam was in danger of being damaged for life if she left him. “You are worried about nothing Mary,” he would say. “You just have a vivid imagination, James is a good man.” He refused to listen to her, it was infuriating but she would just sigh and say, ” Of course you’re right Carl.”

So life continued, with Mary and Sam afraid almost to breathe in their own home. Walking on eggshells around their increasingly aggressive and agitated father. Until one afternoon Mary came home from work. Her happiness from her momentary escape from the torments at home, the torments of her asshole boss Mr. Harris hardly comparing, nonetheless she enjoyed her menial job. If for no other reason than it got her out of the house.

She walked into the livingroom, and to her utter shock and horror, there was Sam naked, lying on the floor. Her father stood over him, his belt in his hands. The marks on her brothers back were deep red. She ran to her brother, trying to comfort him.
Her father said “Leave him alone, he’s being punished.” Pushing her aside, as he raised his hand to strike down again.

“You don’t punish someone like this,” she shouted.

“He didn’t wash the dishes before he went out,” James said, as though this was a justifiable reason.

Mary cuddled her brother, trying to cover his nakedness. “Do not cover him Mary, he deserves to be punished.”

Mary was angry, and shouted at James, “That’s not punishment, that’s just degrading, he’s done nothing to deserve this.”

Sams body was covered in red marks where the belt had struck. Mary went to get a blanket to cover him, but James stopped her. “You sit right there Mary, and listen to me. You two are always disobeying me all the time, it’s gone on long enough, and I’m not gonna put up with it any longer. Do you hear me?”

Sam was blubbering, and crying, he could not answer. Mary sensing the tone of her father said, “We always do as we’re told.” With less conviction than she felt.

“No Mary you don’t,” he replied. “I will be respected, and obeyed. Do you agree? His question was harsh, and his tone frightening.”You will give me respect, you will do as I say.”

They both nodded utterly afraid. “Now we’ll see if you really are willing to obey,” he went on. “Mary get undressed.”

Mary knew that he liked to look at her, and how perverted he was. This was unexpected though, she hesitated looking at her father her eyes pleading with him. “Well?” He asked her. “Are you going to do as you’re told like you promised? Or are you a liar?”

Trapped and wanting only to protect her brother she complied. She did as she was told, she slowly took off all her clothing. She was nervous and frightened, but she decided to be strong, if he focuses on me, then he will let Sam be, she thought to herself. She stood defiantly naked and icy cold, looking at him with distaste and hatred. He sort of groaned, and drool was running from his mouth as he eyed her body. He began unbuttoning his shirt, his big pot belly was now on display. He took off his pants, and then his filthy boxers, and threw them on the floor.

Mary still stared at him arrogantly, but really she had closed her mind to what she was seeing. His body was disgusting, at first, but she couldn’t help the physical reaction to seeing her father naked before her, she softly moistened as she stared at his naked form, her eyes fixated on his engorging cock. It was slowly growing to full size and was impressive and to her shame made her mouth water a bit.

Sam was looking at the floor, resigned and pathetic. “Look at me boy,” he father demanded.

Her father moved to her, his hands on her shoulders. “Now do as I say Mary. Bend  over.” She followed his directions bending at the waist, unconsciously she opened her legs slightly as she did. Her father reached down to her butt, his hands grasped her checks, spreading them wide. He spread opened her asshole, and then reached lower to spread her pussy lips to his son. Mary was embarrassed by how much this was turning her on, but stayed silent, unsure of what to expect. “Do you want to stick your cock in there boy?”

Sam shook his head wildly no. His whole body was shaking. “No? Not interested are you? Well you bend over then, and I’ll just stick my cock in your tight little asshole.”

“Oh no, please dad, please don’t,” Sam begged, with tears running down his face.

“So you don’t want to fuck, and you don’t want to be fucked?” His father drooled, looking at his pathetic son. “Now I would have thought a sissy boy like you would have jumped at the chance, to have a fat cock in your ass.” he laughed at his patheticand meek son. “Oh well, we’ll have to think of something else, won’t we? I’m either gonna make a man out of you, or you can be a girl like your sister. Stand next to your sister, and we’ll take a nice family portrait.”

He pulled open a drawer, and took out the video camera that he had brought last Christmas for all those false loving family films that he was so fond of showing everyone. “That’s it boy, now put your arm around your sister.” Sam stood awkwardly naked next to Mary, his father stood in front of them taking pictures and video. “Good now put your hand on her tit.”

Sam blushed, and sobbed, he begged his father not to have to do this, but seeing her father’s face go red with anger, Mary quickly said, “Do it Sam, it won’t hurt me and if you don’t he will hurt you.”

Reassured by his sister’s kind words he slowly put his hand on her left breast. “That’s it boy,” his father said. “Good boy, now pull at the nipple. Tease her a bit” He followed the commands given to him, using his fingertips to touch and pinch his sister’s nipple. He moved slightly behind her, his other hand finding her right breast, feeling the weight of it, squeezing the soft orb, his fingers seeking her nipple, testing it and teasing as well. She responded to his touch moaning slightly, and she gasped as unexpectedly felt her brothers cock harden and press into her butt.

“Look she’s enjoying it.” Her father said, seeing her face flush at her brother’s touch. “Looks like you are too boy, good I had wondered about you.”

Sam’s head was lowered, and Mary could feel his shame at having to do this to his sister. And yet she also felt his body reaction to pleasing her breasts with his touch, and her own bodies reaction to the stimulation, and the situation unfolding shoked her. Why was this exciting her? The old letch called to his son, “Now stick your fingers in her cunt. Mary, open your legs up, help your brother, show him what to do.”

Mary did as she was told, and guided Sam’s hand down and moving her own over his, she guided his fingers inside her. The shame mixing with pleasure from the experience. She used her hand to guide her brothers fingers, pressing his fingers into her, she was amazed at the excitement she felt as his thumb pressed into her clit as, and the feeling of his fingers plunging in and out of her.

“Ooh yes, he’s getting the hang of it now. Go on boy push your fingers in and out. It’s nice and wet isn’t it? I can hear her squelching from here.” He absently stroked himself as he watched them. His own cock growing before them. Sam shook his head, “Yea, she’s very wet dad.” A sort of amazement in his voice, and a touch of excitement.

Mary glanced at her father, and saw that his cock was fully erect now, his hands wrapped losely around it, slowly stroking as he watched Sam pleasure her. His eyes were still looking downward, following the motions of their intertwined hands. She felt Sam’s hard cock pressed hard against her naked ass.

She whispered to Sam, “It’s okay, don’t worry, I love you.”

Her father shouted at them, “That’s right Mary, you tell him how much you want it, but something’s not right is it?

You are not comfortable here in the living room are you, maybe you’d be better off in the bedroom.”

He ushered the two of them up the stairs, and into Mary’s bedroom. “Mary, lie down on the bed on your back and spread your legs wide apart.” She did as she was told laying back on the bed amazed again at how excited she was, knowing her father and brother were watching her spread herself in front of them. She was practically dripping in front of them, her breath shallow, her body slightly shaking, waiting anxiously for the next command. Still frightened, but also growing aware that some force, some feeling inside her was waking up.

“That’s good, good girl. Now finger your pussy, your beautiful little love hole. Make it drip, and make that clit nice and hard. Show us what a good little slut looks like.”

His words hit her like a slap, and yet it excited her, she did feel slutty, naked and fingering herself on the bed for her father and brother, their hard cocks standing proud, proof they were enjoying this as much as she was. Her fingers moved rhythmically in and out of her undeniably wet pussy, the pressure on her clit giving herself intense stimulatuon for sure, but it was the situation that was making her pant and moan lightly as she played with herself.

“Now Sam get on your knees in front of the bed, and push your tongue inside your sister’s pussy.” Nervous again, Sam’s eyes pleaded with his father to let him leave, let him stop this from going further. “What are you waiting for boy? I’m getting very unhappy with waiting for you to listen, you kids never listen to me. Do as you’re told boy.”

Sam reluctantly got on his knees, and put his mouth to Mary’s cunt. He was so frightened and nervous, he pressed his face into her pussy,  awkwardly kissing her lips. “Oh for fuck’s sake Mary, show him what to do.” Her father shouted, the dissatisfaction for his son clear.

Mary reached her hand down to her brothers face, her fingers still moist with her juices, she pressed them to his lips and he tentatively reached out with his tongue to caress them. He lapped her sweet juices from her fingers, she moved them closer to her opening as he continued to suck and lick at her fingers. Her hand moved to herself and she opened up her plump pouting pussy lips, and Sam’s tongue slid softly in. It sent a shockwave through her body as his tongue slipped between her lips. Her cunt was young and fresh, and just oozing with excitement. Sam despite his fear and anxiety lost himself in the warmth and delicious taste of his sister. It smelt sweet and musky, like an acidic peach. He lapped at her deeply, reveling in the taste.

Mary’s hips were edging him on, pushing him further in. His face was right up against her cunt. He could feel the downy softness and dampness of her. His tongue was inside her as far as it would go. He moved up and pressed the flat of his tongue against her bud and she moaned deeply, the feeling overwhelming. Sam moaned with her, his cock and balls were full and hard, they ached, ready to erupt from the intensity of the moment. Knowing he was bringing her pleasure for once, instead of her always having to look after him. He continued to press his tongue against the part she had moved him too.

Her father watched and played with his own dick, still managing to film them as he enjoyed watching his slutty daughter enjoying this. He had known she was a whore just like her mother, a cock hungry slut who deserved nothing more than to be used and fucked. He boomed at his son, “That’s enough eating her out, spit on her cunt now boy, get enough lube to get your cock in.”

“Oh no dad, I can’t do that” Sam pleaded. “Please don’t make me.”

Mary pulled him to her, she whispered to him, “Just do it, it’s okay, please.” There was a hunger in her eyes he had never seen before, it was amazingly erotic. “Please Sam, I want you to, please.” Mary couldn’t believe it, but she was actually begging for this. It was all just too much for her, she needed the release.

Sam exhaled and slowly shifted his body,  he positioned his cock so that it was just parting the lovely softness of his sister’s pussy lips, slowly pressing into her. Mary reached for him and pulled at him until he was fully inside her. Much to her surprise it felt good, really really good. She had never felt like this before, the times with a boy from school, with Carl, none compared to this sensation. She loved her brother very much. They were so close due to mutual hatred of their father, and the comfort they had always given each other. It felt so right. Fucking each other felt, no it was natural, and Mary quickly realized she was greatly enjoying it.

She felt Sam relax a little, finding a rhythm in his thrusting, his cock slipped in and out of her dripping, pulsating cunt. His hands moved to her tits, feeling the deliciously soft orbs he had secretly admired for so long but never thought he would ever see, much less touch. His face moved to them, his lips suckled at her nipples. His quick little tongue darted around, and drew each nipple to perfect erection, nibbling lightly on each in turn. Mary threw her head back in ecstasy, and her fingernails raked at Sam’s back. She was not a virgin. She had been with a boy at school once, and Carl of course. They boy had been more nervous than her and came almost as soon as he had entered her. Carl on the other hand was better, but sex with him was boring and he often had trouble. This was all together different, she felt real love for her brother and he loved her. She knew now more than ever just how much he loved her.

They were becoming so engrossed in each other, that they had nearly forgotten that their father was there. Both were relishing the moment, lost in the passion and excitement, and so was James. He was still filming, and standing there with his legs apart, that big dirty, hairy cock sticking out like a ramrod. His hands stroking his shaft as he watched his children screw each other at his command. Mary was writhing about on the bed, the feeling of her brothers cock inside her overwhelming her. She begged Sam, “Fuck me harder, Oh my God it feels so good, please fuck my pussy harder.” This was better than anything she had ever felt before, she was rapidly approaching climax, something she rarely if ever achieved with Carl.

“Oh Mary, oh God I’m gonna cum,” Sam cried out.

“Go on boy, keep fucking her, fill her full of spunk,” his father screamed at him, now very excited,  stroking wildly on his cock as he watched his son prepare to pump cum into his sister.

Sam’s whole body shook, and shuddered as he shot his load into Mary’s womb. She wrapped her long slim legs around his back, holding him inside her as he came again and again into her, her own orgasm hitting her hard causing her to shake and spasm with him.

“Oh yes you two, that was excellent.” Their father was nearly jumping up and down in his excitement.

San laid his head on Mary’s breasts, she held him to her. He was crying again, the realities of what he had just done hitting him. “I’m so sorry Mary.”

She spoke to him softly, “It’s okay Sam, you didn’t hurt me. It was done in love, you do love me don’t you? No matter what I love you brother.”

He lifted his head, and she kissed him gently on the lips. “Oh wonderful, nice touch Mary,” their father praised. He zoomed in as the two kissed passionate and tenderly.

Sam slowly removed himself, Mary moaned as he came out of her, the feeling of loss. His cum dripped slowly from her.  Mary prepared to get up from the bed, but her dad stopped her with fire in his eyes, “Did I dismiss you young lady?”

“Oh please dad, haven’t you had your fun, aren’t you through yet?” Mary whined.

He laughed, pointing to his still stiff cock, and asked, “Do I look like I’m through yet?”

“Oh no dad, not that, you can’t make me do that, please.” She begged him. Sam stood there naked, unsure of what to do. Shame at what he had just done to his sister still racking his mind.

“Can I not?” James asked sweetly. “I think that I can, because I have this lovely little video of you fucking your darling sissy brother, of you enjoying being eaten out by him, and the part where he’s devouring your tits came out particularly well. I continued filming, that sweet little kiss at the end, and I even filmed the spunk still oozing from your cunt when he removed his pathetic cock from your gorgeous body. Now how would that look to your fiance? You do remember Carl, or have you forgotten all about him, while you were cumming all over your brothers cock? Your fucking didn’t look forced to me, and the pleasure on your faces was evident for all to see. I doubt he would think you were forced? Do you? Did I really force you Mary? It sure seemed like you were enjoying yourself. I’m sure you will enjoy this too you little slut.”

“So I think that I deserve a reward. Don’t you agree babygirl? I think that I can have whatever I want, if you don’t want Carl to ever find out about this. Don’t you? I think you enjoyed that even, feeling your brothers cock inside you. Now let’s see what you can do with a real cock. ”

Mary knew that she had no choice. She needed to marry Carl. She needed to get away. Sam would have to get away as well. She would plead with Carl to let him live with them, she would save her brother. Yes she could do this. She would close her mind, and let this vile man abuse her body, if that’s what it took to save her brother and herself.

She opened her legs again and closed her eyes. Her father grunted, and moved towards her. She could smell the cigarettes, and stale whisky on his foul breath. He pushed Sam aside, She could feel the filthy coarseness of his gross body. His rough hands reached for and kneaded at her full ripe tits, and his thick blubbery lips slurped at her nipples. He moved onto the bed and sat on her chest, and pushed his fat filthy cock into her mouth. It tasted sour, and smelt rank. She only just held back from retching. He plunged his prick in and out of her mouth. His balls were slapping against her chin. “Suck me girl,” he cried out. “Suck me good, and open your throat wide, I wanna hear you gag on this dick.”

He pushed his cock deep into her throat, and she gagged at the force of it. Quickly he plunged in and out, he moaned in pleasure as he watched her struggle to take him fucking her throat. She tried to suck hard, hopeful that she could end this quickly.  “No, no naughty girl, slow down, we don’t want to rush it do we?”

He was laughing at her, and this spurred her on, she was past caring, past rational thought. She screamed at him. “Come on then you fucker, let’s see what you can really do” she screamed. Sam jumped at her tone, she sounded depraved. She was one again shocked at herself, she was acting like a whore, begging to be fucked, and what’s more it wasn’t an act, she wanted more, needed more.

She opened her pussy lips, and he gasped as he saw the hard protruding clit, the cum and her own juices leaking from her. “Come on then daddy, teach me how to fuck, teach me to be your whore if that’s all you think I am, come and fuck your daughter you bastard.”

She was trying to deal with the situation as best she could, she told herself, but in her heart she knew it wasn’t true. Inside she was losing herself to the moment, lost in the pleasure she realized, of being used. He had moved off her chest, and she pulled her fathers head down to her pussy, and his long tongue licked all around inside her cunt. It teased at her clit, and then plunged deep into her sopping wet hole. “Oh my God!” she screamed as the sensations drove her wild with pleasure. What was the matter with her? Was she enjoying it? She must be sick, but she knew she wanted to be seriously fucked by this beast. She wanted that fat cock inside her, needed it as she felt his tongue drive in and out of her wet slit. She was dripping with anticipation as he lapped up her juices mixed with her brothers cum still slowly leaking from her.

His tongue was deep inside her. His fingers were stroking her velvet pussy lips, and keeping them apart for his tongue to probe deeper. Her back arched, and her tits were thrust out. “Fuck me!” she screamed. “Fuck me, pierce me with that cock, make me cum dad!”

He withdrew his tongue from her, and sat back, waving his cock at her. “Do you want this babygirl? You tell daddy just how much you want my cock.” He laughed at her as she laid there panting with desire.

With a mixture of shame and excitement she begged, “Please fill my cunt, I need it, I’m so fucking horny, fuck me you bastard, fuck me!”

Sam stood there in shock at his sister’s words, his own cock rising again at the scene, his sister begging to be fucked, not caring he was there, not caring it was her father they both despised. Her only thoughts that of being fucked, her need was palpable in the room. He felt his own needs start to rise again as he started to stroke himself.

Her father flipped her over, and pulled her roughly to her knees. He spit on her asshole, plunging two fingers in deep until his knuckles were in her ass. She moaned in pain, but still she felt pleasure from his abuse, her pussy dripping. She screamed as he suddenly rammed his big fat cock into her pussy, it hurt like hell, and she cried, “Jesus, you’re splitting me in two.”

“Shut up, and take this cock, you fucking bitch,” he shouted at her as he pounded in deep. He fucked her ass with his fingers, as he thrust his dick into her. Her asshole was on fire. Her body was racked with pain, and pleasure from his abuse, but still he carried on, with his breathing getting faster and faster as his cock mercilessly plunged into her again and again. Fast and hard he pumped his cock into her. Her face turned and she saw her brother standing there watching them, watching her being used, his hand on his cock, stroking to the image of her being fucked hard. It was so incredibly arousing she unexpectedly felt herself cumming on her father’s cock as he continued to pound her holes mercilessly. She screamed in ecstasy, her eyes meeting her brothers as she came. Her bothers eyes were wild and hungry, his hand flying up and down his shaft. She moaned like a whore as her pussy throbbed. The sight of her brother watching her as her father used her driving her over the edge again.

“Get ready, I’m gonna cum soon,” James ordered. “Turn on your back quick.”  he pulled out of her roughly, and she quickly rolled over as he commanded, he jerked his cock for a couple of strokes, his other hand racing out and roughly squeezing her breast, his cock exploded all over her. His cum was hot and sticky, and shot all over her tits and stomach, some landing on her cheek. She laid there panting, his cum dripping down her face and body.

As his cock stopped twitching he spread her pussy lips, sliding back in, impaling her on his cock again, she could feel more cum leaking out of his dick into her, as he started to thrust again. He used his fingers to twist her nipples as she felt him fully harden again inside her, his thrusts gaining in intensity and speed. The pain and pleasure mixing until she felt like she was floating.

She was fully out of control, lost in the moment she moaned and begged for more. “Fuck me daddy, fuck me hard, I need that cock.” She felt her pulse quicken, and her muscles clenched as he continued to toy with her tits, his fingers rough on her breasts, kneading and squeezing her roughly. Yet still she knew she was close again, it was all too much. Her father her brother, she was nothing but a fuck toy for the men in her life. Nothing but a hole to be filled over and over.

With a scream, she came again on his fat, nasty cock plunging in and out of her. She shook wildly and, and dug her nails deep into her father’s back as he pounded her like a cheap whore. As she laid back, her father thrusting in and out of her she again looked over to Sam, his cock was glistening, and pre cum leaked from the tip. She motioned for him to come to her, he moved forward, his father unaware and lost in his own pleasure. Mary opened her mouth and her brother slid his cock in. He didn’t force her, merely letting her slide her head onto his dick, sucking him hard as she was pounded from above. She felt her brothers dick start to spasm as he came into her mouth, the cum spilling out as he pulled back from her, some spurts landing on her face. It tasted amazing, his cum like nectar in her mouth. The sensations in her pussy increased as she felt her father’s pace increase. She looked up, his eyes were wild having watched his son take her mouth while he took her pussy.

“Beg for more you slut” He commanded. “Sucking your brothers cock while I take you. Drinking his cum, you’re such a dirty little whore, now beg for my cum, beg you little bitch.”

“Oh please daddy, please use my pussy, fill me with your cum, I need it daddy, please!” She cried, knowing in her heart it was true, she hated him like no one else, but she needed him to cum in her, needed him to fuck her. While her brother watched them his cock once again rising he was stroking it wildly in front of her face, she came again on her father’s dick. She had lost count of how many orgasms she’d had, knowing he was close, knowing he would soon shoot deep inside her. It drove her over the edge as she moaned and screamed, writhing wildly under him. She realized that she actually wanted this, she needed it. She never wanted it to stop.

James grunted like an animal as he plunged deeper into her than ever, and fired rope after thick rope of cum until she felt so full like she had never been before. “Oh fuck!” He moaned as he kept cumming more and more into her. Sam grunted as well, cumming again this time onto her face and breasts.

Her father slid out of her, and she moaned as she felt empty without him inside her. He looked down at her as he kneeled next to her, his cock dripping with their juices. Her face dripping with cum from them both.  “Suck it bitch, suck me clean.” He ordered her. She raised up and took him into her mouth, licking and sucking the combined fluids of herself, her brother, and her father from his member. She cleaned every inch of his cock, savoring the flavor, and no longer ashamed at the pleasure she took in it.

“Yes, that’s a good girl, clean daddies cock.”
James motioned Sam over to Mary on her back. “Good girl, good little slut, now clean your brother too, suck him clean.” Mary quickly took her brother into her mouth, he still tasted amazing to her, much better than her father, she sucked him deeply, fondling his balls as she sucked hard on his tip. Suddenly she felt his balls tighten up, and Sam cried out as he came into her mouth again, she tasted his sweetness on her tongue as she swallowed the much smaller load down her throat. Her father stroking himself wildly, his cock inches from her face, as he watched his son fuck his daughters face, suddenly moaned and covered her face with his cum as he exploded again.

As she finished sucking them both clean again, savoring the taste of each of them in her mouth, her father went over to the camera, clicking the power button. She had forgotten the camera, and glared at him as he smiled evilly at her.

“Yes, that will be a fine ending to the movie. Now my dear, just imagine what you’ll need to do if you want to keep me from showing your fiance this tape. Cumming and sucking on your brother and father, begging for cum like a spunk hungry whore. I think you might need to postpone the wedding for a little while longer. Don’t you think? Can’t have you running off just yet, can we?”

He turned to look at his son laying on the bed next to Mary. “Sam I’m proud of you boy, I’ll make a man of you yet, maybe I’ll even bring you to the poker game next week with me and your uncles. Maybe your sister would even like to go to? Would you like that Mary?”

Mary looked up at them from her back on the bed, naked and with cum dripping from her, her cunt still pulsing from multiple orgasms, the lovely taste of her brothers cum still in her mouth. She couldn’t help herself, she smiled at them both, “Oh daddy, that sounds just wonderful.”

“I think things are going to be much better around here.” James said with a smile, he came over to them, and pulled them both into a hug, their naked bodies pressing against each other. Mary, sandwiched between them, looked at each in turn. The nervous hope, and happiness she saw on her brothers face made her so happy and proud. She knew he was thinking the same thing she was, perhaps this was a new beginning. Maybe things would be better,  they could be a real family now. Looking over to her father, he gave her a smile that only slightly hid the desire and lust, making her wet at the thoughts of knowing she was his to command, to use as he saw fit.
