[MF][Oral, Voy][Incest bro/sis] Thin walls, close lodging

This story is a work of fiction. All of the characters are over 18. The brother character is 26 and the sister character is 22


It’s hard to know where to begin. How to arrange all of my memories into a coherent narrative and tell you everything that happened with my sister Angelica. I could get right to the sex and tell you about every cum shot and penetration. Everything I got to do, and I got to everything to her. Every sex act I had ever wanted to try Even the ones Angelica hated. Even the ones I wanted to try just out of a sense of depraved curiosity. But we’ll get to that later.

The beginnings are a little hazy and it’s hard to remember when certain events happened in relation to each other. The house, that is to say, our parent’s house, was being extensively renovated. However, they were going to leave the downstairs mother-in-law apartment as is and offered it to me and my sister as a residence while the upstairs was being worked on.

I had just gotten out of a relationship a few months before. It is ended in screaming, accusations and tears. It split my friend group in half as people picked who to side with and I ended up sleeping at my friend’s house, clearing away beer cans every night to sleep on his couch which was stained with bong water and cat piss. Moving into the new house was a no-brainer

My sister had always lived with our parents in their old house. I assumed she moved to the new house to get some privacy. I never really asked or cared.

The mother in law apartment was cheap, clearly added to the home as a cash grab to increase the valuation of the home. In contrast with the upstairs area, it had low-ply carpeting and linoleum. All the fixtures looked like they were from the seventies. There was a living room that was also a sort of kitchen, the demarcation point was where the carpeting turned into linoleum. A small bathroom and two small beds rooms. It had it own entrance to the outside and another door leading upstairs to the main house, which was locked from the other side and inaccessible to us.

I can plot the first event that set things in motion clearly and then the timeline of events gets hazy before the next incident where things moved forward. I was eating breakfast and Angelica walked out of the bathroom after a shower, rubbing the towel against her hair. In an instant, I saw all of her nude body. Her well-formed breasts. The curve of her belly. The dark mess of hair between her legs.

She adjusted her towel to cover up herself without any acknowledgment and then walked to her room as if nothing had happened. The image was seared into my memory and wouldn’t leave my mind. We never talked about it but I could picture it crystal clear and it would come to my mind unbidden whenever I saw my sister. I would feel a twinge of guilt every time I came after masturbating to that memory.

Angelica worked in a records store. I worked nights stocking shelves. At that time, I decided to live a monastic lifestyle and I would hole up in my room when I wasn’t working. I stopped looking at porn, and deleted all social media. I used my time attempting to learn a new language (Finnish) and get my chess rating to 1800.

The walls were thin between the rooms. I could hear everything through those walls. That Angelica liked to suck dick is something I learned soon after moving in. I would sit at my desk, working on verb conjugations in a notebook or going over the exercises in my chess workbook trying to tune out the noise in the next room. I could always tell when it was starting. Both their voices would get lower. Then there would be silence and I could sometimes hear the sounds of clothing shuffling around. Usually, it would be hard to hear anything at first but if I listened carefully I could hear the sounds of wet suction.

Sometimes the guy would be very quiet with just a few “ahs”. Other times they were noisy, letting out obscene grunts and moans. I could hear everything. I could hear them thank her afterward. Sometimes they would apologize and offer to help clean the cum off her clothes or hair. Or sometimes remark in wonder that she had managed to swallow their entire load. I could hear zippers being zipped back up, flies being snapped shut, and belts being buckled.

The first time it happened I was in amazement, knowing I was hearing a private moment I wasn’t supposed to hear. I was turned on and I remembered her naked body emerging from the shower.

I tried to play it cool the next morning. A large part of our dynamic was acting like none of the stuff we both knew was happening wasn’t happening.

“Uh, that fellow last night you had over for a few hours you guys dating or whatever?” I asked her

“Who? Zach? Nah, we knew each through some friends. He just came over to borrow some books.” She said to me as she was gathering up her coat and purse for work.

“Oh, ok. Just wondering.” I said


More to come, writing as I find the time. As always let me know if you enjoyed it in any capacity. Happy Halloween!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yilc0v/mforal_voyincest_brosis_thin_walls_close_lodging

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