A new “Breed” of Werewolf [20+] [M/MTF] [Furry] [Werewolf] [TG] [Transformation]

Jamie’s day began like every other did. Wake up five minutes before his alarm went off, groan in frustration, and juggle with the idea of sleeping in for juuust a little while longer. After trying and failing to get back to sleep, he allowed good sense to prevail and slowly climbed out of bed in order to prepare himself for the day.

He was a somewhat average looking man. About 5’7, pale complexion, and shaggy brown hair that reached past his ears. The lack of definition on his body caused by years spent behind a desk staring at his computer. Jamie observed himself in the bathroom mirror as he dressed, wondering if his out-of-shape appearance was the reason he hadn’t had a girlfriend since his first year of college. “Meh, what do I care…” He muttered, trying to convince himself, “I wouldn’t want to be with a girl who was only interested in my body anyways.”

He struggles a bit with his pants, hopping on one foot as he pulls them up, and finally leaves his room to go to the kitchen for some breakfast.

His Roommate, Eric, is standing at the kitchen counter, wiping the sweat off his brow with a towel.

“Hey Jamie, rough night?” He asks sincerely

“Yeah,” Jamie responds. “Boss had me working overtime fixing some garbage code that Kyle wrote. I don’t know why he didn’t make him fix it instead of making me stay three hours late to do it.”

“Probably because if he asked Kyle to fix it, it would have taken six hours!” Eric laughs.

Eric was basically the exact opposite of Jamie. Tall, athletic, incredibly muscular and eloquent, while Jamie was mousey and shy. Despite this, Eric and Jamie had stuck together since middle school. It was largely because he was best friends with the biggest jock around that he wasn’t picked on for being the scrawny computer geek. At least, not to his face.

“But seriously,” Eric continues, “I’m sorry you had to go through that last night. It must have been hell. To make you feel better, how about I cook us up some of your favorite dinner? I managed to get a really good deal on pork at the supermarket the other day and didn’t get the chance to tell you.”

“Don’t bother.” Jamie sighs. “I’m probably gonna be working even later tonight. We’ve got this big new client and I’ve been in charge of coding their whole new website. It’s gonna take a fucking eternity to get set up.”

“Yeah? Well be careful then.” Eric replies, passing Jamie a newspaper. On the page is an article detailing a rapid and concerning increase in wild animal attacks, but no authorities have been able to identify the creature based off of the remains of its prey or what little traces it left behind.

“Apparently some absolute beast has made our neighborhood its hunting ground. They say it hasn’t gone after people yet, but who knows. A guy like you could be easy prey!” He teases again.

“Yeah yeah, very funny. It’s probably just a bobcat that strayed too far down the mountain. Anyway, I’m running late as it is, I should probably head out now to catch the train. Hopefully I see you before the sun come back up!” Jamie sighs as he gathers his keys and ID badge and exits the house.

Just as he had prophesized, the work to create a brand new client’s website and security from scratch was a long, arduous, and painful process. slowly, Jamie’s coworkers filtered out one by one as they finished their work for the day until only him and his boss, Mr. Abraham, remained.

Jamie could feel his eyes sagging as the minutes turned into hours as he continued to tap away on his keyboard, fixing every little mistake in the code. He was so immersed in his work, he hadn’t even noticed his boss had left until he got a buzz on his phone, snapping him back into the world of flesh and blood.

“Hey Jameson, I can see you still haven’t logged out yet. I understand the need to finish this project quickly, but you’re only going to get sloppy at this hour. It’s nearly Four A.M. for christ’s sake!” The text from his boss read.

Blearily, Jamie rubbed his glasses and looked at the time in the corner of his screen. 3;37 it read.

“Oh man, the last train is in twenty minutes!” Jamie moaned, shutting his computer off in a rush and clocking out.

As he exited the building, he couldn’t help but shiver. It had been a pretty warm autumn, but tonight was the coldest it had gotten so far.

“About time…” He muttered, his teeth chattering, “Too bad I didn’t bring a jacket.”

Deciding to run so he wouldn’t miss the last train, Jamie couldn’t help but feel another shiver. This time not from the cold, but from something more instinctual. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. The full moon hung overhead as he desperately rushed to make it to the lit up train station.

He panted for a moment upon arrival, bemoaning his lack of fitness as he looked up at the station clock. 3:52. He had made it in time! But that odd, eerie feeling of being observed still stuck with him. Jamie thought back to the newspaper article Eric had shown him that morning and decided he had just gotten the nerves from hearing that story and being stuck in the dark. Surely it was just some wild animal looking for squirrels and not some bloodthirsty beast!

He continued to relax himself, calming his breathing as the train finally pulled into the station. The car was completely empty, so he was able to sit wherever he wanted and hoped that the strange feeling would go away now that he was in a safe, enclosed space.

The ride was thankfully not that long. The commute was one of the first things Jamie considered upon taking his job, so he didn’t have to worry so much due to his lack of a car. He tried to get a quick nap on the train, but the bumping of the tracks as well as his anxiety kept him from getting anything restful. Finally, he pulled into his stop and was grateful that the long day was over, and that he could enjoy his weekend in peace. Probably sealed in his room playing video games.

He exited the train, shivering again in the crisp cool air. But then that feeling struck him again, as if it had followed him. Perturbed, Jamie began to power walk in the direction of his and Eric’s home, hoping it was all in his head.

He had almost convinced himself on the halfway mark that it was just the season to be spooked and he was caught up in it. That is, until he heard a blood-curdling howl. Jamie let out a terrified yell in response and began sprinting towards safety, but he could hear rustling in the forest across the street. Something had followed him, and it was fast.

As if by a miracle, Jamie was able to run as far as the block his house was on before…


Jamie woke up the next morning, utterly confused as to why he was sleeping in a bush so close to his house. “Fuck, did I get drunk or something on the way home?” He asked himself, cradling his throbbing head. He looked down at his body, noticing bruises all over, and a pulsing pain in the back of his neck. “Damn, I must have gotten absolutely wasted. Probably because of Kyle.” He muttered, hobbling his way home.

As he unlocked the door, he saw Eric pacing nervously in the kitchen. “Oh my god, Jamie!” He shouted, running towards him to check on his injured friend. “Did you get jumped or something on the way home? I was worried you were dead!” He exclaims, pulling off Jamie’s shirt to examine the bruises on his arms and torso. For some reason, this causes Jamie to start burning up with embarrassment.

“Um.. Honestly I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I left the office and headed straight home, but I don’t really have any memories of the night…” He replies, trying to struggle out of the much stronger man’s grip, hiding his blushing face in the process.

“Shit, do you think it’s a concussion then?” Eric probes.

“Honestly, no, I’ve just got a bit of a pounding headache. I probably got a little drunk on the way home and fell in a bush!” Jamie laughs weakly, using his hand to cover up a particularly nasty looking mark on his neck. “I’m just gonna turn in, I obviously didn’t really sleep well last night.”

He successfully pushes past a still concerned Eric and rushes to close his bedroom door behind him.

“Shit, what was that?” Jamie pants, touching his beating chest as he feels a warmth well in his lower body. His body screams at him to strip down and pleasure himself. “No… I’m not gay…” He thinks to himself. But then why did Eric’s touch make him so aroused?

Despite the refusal to acknowledge these strange new feelings, Jamie can’t deny the heat his body is in is causing his clothes to be super uncomfortable. Determined to go right to sleep, he strips down and falls onto his bed, hoping to have a nice, normal, relaxing sleep.

He doesn’t.

In his dream, he feels a sense of strength and power he has never felt before in his life. a strength that only his best friend Eric has. Jamie fantasizes about being strong, confident, and sexy just like him. Muscular, popular, “I bet he’s got a huge cock…” A voice interjects.

Jamie contorts in his sleep, each intrusive thought causing his heart to beat faster, the heat in his groin to grow hotter.

“But you’re not gay, are you Jamie? No. Absolutely not. And neither is he! So there’s only one way to feel that strength, that power, and that’s to become something he wants.” The voice continues. A sensual, feminine voice that oozes confidence and beauty.

Jamie lets out a sensual moan as his cock strains against the bedsheets, precum dripping out as he begins to caress his body in his sleep.

“You’ve been given an opportunity Jamie…” She says, “You’re being welcomed into our sisterhood. Every full moon you will become one of US and take what it is you truly desire.

Jamie’s moans get softer and softer, higher pitched with every unconscious gasp. His cock continues to leak precum as a soft layer of grey hair begins to sprout from every follicle on his body. He arches his back as he loses height, his feet turning into wolf-like paws.

“That’s it darling, accept your changes. Become the object of your man’s desire. And in return you will serve me every full moon for the rest of your mortal life…” She finishes, content to let the changes happen on their own.

Jamie’s face was always on the girly side, but now it was full on feminine. He could be considered absolutely beautiful, before his muzzle began to grow out and ears forming into cute, floppy wolf ears. His already scrawny arms and legs becoming slim and shapely, and fat from his stomach ripples out and redistributes, causing Jamie to lift up from the mattress as his ass inflates, becoming a perfectly cute bubble butt, with a fluffy tail sprouting just above it. His chest begins to mold into a pair of beautiful breasts. He grips them as they grow, teasing and kneading them, letting out even more feminine cries of pleasure.

Finally, all that’s left lies between his legs. As it’s continued to pump out clear, sticky liquid, Jamie’s cock has shrunk more and more until all that’s left is a tiny little nub. With one last pinch of his, soon to be her newly sensitive nipples, Jamie has one final orgasm, sealing her fate as her tiny dick retreats into itself, forming a warm, wet slit and nuzzling cozily inside the hood of her newly formed pussy. The force of the transformation causes her to cum again, this time experiencing the female orgasm for the very first time.

Jamie pants on the bed, still dreaming, exhausted from the physical toll her transformation took. With a jolt, the freshly transformed wolf-girl wakes up from her aroused stupor, unable to resist the urge to explore her new body.

“Oooooh fuck….” She moans, touching her breast and feeling her now flat and toned tummy, “what the fuck happened to me?”

Jamie realized that he… or rather she, should be much more concerned about how or why this strange transformation occurred, but for some reason she couldn’t seem to muster up any anxiety that she’d normally feel in such a crazy situation.

Suddenly, she catches a whiff on the air with her canine nose. A male scent. And not hers from moments ago, no, this was Eric’s scent. The realization drove the wolf-girl into an insatiable heat, and she knew what she had to do. Jamie got up out of bed and checked herself out in the mirror, admiring her new curves and contours. “God damn I am fine…” She giggles. “No way he’ll turn me down like this!” She confidently exclaims, opening her bedroom door to find her prey.

Eric had just finished a late night run when he came into the living room to hear odd sounds from Jamie’s room. “Probably just tossing in bed from the pain.” He sighs. “I really hope he was being honest with me. If someone attacked him and he was covering for them I don’t know what I’d do.”

Eric’s train of thought was interrupted by the loud sound of what he was sure was a woman moaning. As close friends as they were, Eric was certain that Jamie hadn’t brought a girl home, so he assumed he was just listening to some porn and forgot to plug in his headphones.

In a desperate attempt to respect his best friend’s privacy, he ducks into his own room to prepare for bed.

For hours Eric can hear strange noises coming from Jamie’s room, but he does his best to ignore them, certain that it’s nothing he wants to interrupt. He decides to start playing an online game to drown out the noises.

Not long after he sits down, he hears a knock at the door, and a voice that is quite clearly not Jamie.

“Oh, Eric, could you please open the door? I’ve got something super important I have to show you!” A sultry female voice says from the other side of the door.

What the fuck? Is there actually a girl in the house? Did Jamie finally manage to get a girlfriend? Eric thinks as he gets up and opens the door. He certainly does not expect what meets him on the other side.

“Hey big boy!” She giggles, getting onto her tip toes to peck eric on the lips with her long snout. Through the doorway is a totally naked woman! Wolf? Wolf-girl?

“What the fuck?? Who are you? How did you get in our house?” Eric gasps, stumbling backwards onto his bed.

“Aww what’s wrong, Eric? Don’t recognize your best friend?” She teases, sauntering her way towards Eric, her bountiful breasts on full display. She gets onto her hands and starts climbing onto the bed with Eric, putting both of her hands beside his shoulders.

“What, Jamie? Yeah, very funny. Now seriously, who the fuck are you?” Eric retorts, unable to keep his eyes away from the dangling, soft fuzzy tits in front of his face. He feels an erection start to form.

“I guess it really doesn’t matter right now baby, what matters is THIS. She moans seductively as she grabs his cock through his jeans. “I was told to take what I want, and I want this. Right. Now.” She pulls back and begins to undo Eric’s zipper to let his dick out.

“Okay, no, seriously! What is going on?” Eric tries to protest, but his arousal is steadily beginning to overtake his rational mind. He can’t resist the urge to reach out and feel the wolf-girl at the base of his bed fiddling with his pants. Her coat of fur is so soft, warm, and real.

“So? Like what you see?” She winks at him as she finally unveils Eric’s shaft, thick and hard from arousal, ready to breed. “Oooooh, it’s just as amazing as I was expecting it to be…” She shudders in excitement before wrapping her lips around his tip and begins to savor the taste of Eric’s cock.

The unusual sensation snaps Eric out of reality for a moment. He’s gotten lots of blowjobs before, but never one like this! Her elongated muzzle and large tongue wrap around every part of Eric’s cock, desperate to satisfy him like no girl he’s ever been with did before. “Ho-holy fuuuuuuckkk….” He moans, falling back onto the mattress, any ounce of resistance getting sucked out of him by her expert blowjob.

The wolf girl pulls her head away with a satisfying pop. “Like, oh my god, I had no idea it would taste this good! She giggles in an airheaded tone as she goes back down onto the hapless jock.

Primal instinct starts to take over Eric’s mind as he reaches both hands up and cups them around both sides of his new playmate’s head, guiding her to bob her head up and down on his shaft, and teaching her to pay attention to his aching balls. “Unggh… You want my cum that badly you cute little bitch?” He grunts.

The wolf looks up at him with pleading blue eyes, practically begging him to shoot a huge load of cum into her hungry mouth.

“Good girl.” He responds. Words that make the wolf climax as she sucks his cock harder and harder. “Good girl…” He moans again, turning her into a whimpering mess as she desperatly tries to milk his cock.

“Ready?” Eric teases, thrusting his hips deeper into her throat. “Here comes puppy’s treat!” He gasps, finally releasing a massive load of cum into Jamie’s muzzle. He grabs her by the head and forces her down his shaft so she doesn’t miss a single drop. “That’s a good fucking girl…”

After resting a few minutes, Jamie, climbs up from Eric’s waist and lays beside him on the bed, nuzzling his hard, muscular chest against her soft plush tits. “Holy shit Eric, you have no idea how good that felt…” She moans, leaning in to kiss him.

“So like, “Eric responds after reciprocating the kiss, “Are you seriously Jamie? What the hell happened to you? And why are you so…” “Sexy?” Jamie giggles. “I dunno! I had this really hot dream where someone was talking to me about stuff and I just woke up like this! Do you think it has to do with what happened last night?”

“Honestly I have no idea. But if you’re okay with this, I’m definitely not gonna complain about getting to fuck an adorable wolf girl!” Eric teases, placing his hand on Jamie’s dripping wet pussy, sending shocks through her body.

“Ooooh wow…” she moans blissfully, “Think you can go another round? I haven’t gotten to try this little lady out yet!” Jamie squeals in excitement as she hops up onto Eric’s torso and begins to slide his cock into her needy virgin slit.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yieild/a_new_breed_of_werewolf_20_mmtf_furry_werewolf_tg