Solace in Valencia Pt3: Lust and Trust

*collected thoughts of Valencia*

All I heard you you say was a simple *“hello”*…but I was captivated. And I was mesmerized by colorful words following and the fireflies in your eyes that I didn’t understand at the time, I was drunk with the envy of your calm.

Because over time—You spoke to me in words of prose. Carefully constructed verbs and adjectives meant to build me up—shake the foundations of what belief systems I had left. Only to drag me down and choke me with the halo I so proudly wore.

You spoke to me of physics and constructs, of immutable laws and permanence. As if I was even malleable to begin with…this pull you have on me and the quiet reckoning you possess
is intoxicating. And I gave up control willingly before I even understood the price.

You spoke of the dependence and importance of one to each other like a force of nature without mercy…like the catalyst and the constant, the solid rock meeting the butterfly, and the ripples of causation and effect.

Then almost insultingly…offering up the gift of four letter words. Letting me stagger and struggle with conviction to choose wisely as if I even had a choice:

“*Hope or Fuck*” you say?

Or even words toying with my emotions and sobering sovereignty:

*“Will it be belief or grief this time?”*

The gift you tell me is:

*“Savoring and then tasting the distilled poison in our song and dance, with the sweet misery of anger and provoked anguish.”*

I struggle to adjust to the motions as gravity is a law here I cannot overcome…and so too is that nothing survives in a vacuum. Nothing but the sounds of screaming silence and suffocation.

As she looked back—*So, this is what it’s like…to feel*

Disclaimer: *These works are written in fiction, and though may have ties to people, places, and things that are real—the names, events, and timelines are displaced.*
