In the Closet, Chapter 2 [mm] [Incest] [Brother/Brother] [Gay] [Sissification] [Humiliation]

[Chapter 1](


“Your plans suck,” I snapped as soon as the door was open. “I almost got fucked.”

“Yeah, you said that over text. But what happened?” Ellie let me in and followed me eagerly as I stormed to her room. I threw myself on her beanbag and sighed heavily, running a hand through my walnut brown hair. She assumed her usual spot on her bed, patting the mattress excitedly. “C’mon, spill.”

I double checked that her door was closed before taking a breath and glaring at her. “I’m serious. He almost stuck his dick in me.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, how did that happen? That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Yeah, no shit, ‘cause nothing ever goes according to plan,” I muttered. “He came in drunk and I freaked. I just wanted to call off the whole thing.”

Thoughts of last night came flooding back, unwelcome and guilty thoughts. There was a wadded-up, cum-stained tissue in my trash that was a direct result of the events that had transpired. And I didn’t wanna think about it.

“…And?” Ellie prompted. Jesus, I was daydreaming about him.

“He fucked my thighs,” I said in an exasperated tone.

“Pft.” Ellie was doing her absolute best not to burst out laughing. She was about to fail. “I’m sorry, what?”

“He fucked my thighs!” I repeated, voice raised.

That did it. Her laugh erupted from her, ramping up into a boisterous guffaw. Unamused, I glared at her and waited for her to calm down, but every time she quieted enough to look at me, she started back up again with tears in her eyes.

“He fucked your thighs…!” she wheezed, rolling around on her bed.

“Ellie!” I snapped, and through great effort she composed herself, her lips still wiggling as she restrained the laughter. Taking a few deep breaths, she finally regained control and grinned at me.

“Did you like it?” she asked, and my voice died in my throat. Her expression turned flabbergasted when I couldn’t answer, which was an answer in itself. “Yooooo!”

“Shut up,” I hissed. Uncharacteristically, she did, though she was watching me with bated glee. “Something was rubbing against my balls, and it felt good, alright? Nothing more than that.”

“Sure. So then… what’s the next step?”

“Next step? The hell are you talking about?” I sat up straighter, squinting at her in confusion. “There’s no next step. I’m not doing this anymore. It was a dumb idea and I’m out.”

“If you stop now, you got your thighs fucked for nothing,” she pointed out. “You were trying to embarrass him. I mean, *if* you decide to keep going.”

Sighing again, I leaned back and set my gaze on the ceiling. “I dunno. I don’t wanna think about it.”

“Hm. Wanna go shopping? We can get you something new. Take your mind off things.”

“Pretty sure I’m out of money. I need to get a job.”

“Don’t worry about that today. Let me get you something. Make you feel pretty.” Ellie’s family was pretty well off, and her generous allowance reflected that. “I know you’re about to fuss, so let’s skip it. C’mon.”

I looked at her, and she returned my look earnestly, making me smile. “I… Thanks, Ellie.”

“Stop acting like I’m doing it for you,” she laughed. “I’m just looking for any excuse to see you dolled up again!”

“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this,” I said hesitantly.

We were both crammed into a changing room of a women’s clothing store at the mall, which would have been plenty of space for one person. As it stood, it was amazing one of us could even turn around while the other was in here.

“Well here’s the deal. Either I wait outside to let you try stuff on and the staff all realize it’s you wearing the girl clothes, or I stand in here with you.” Ellie shrugged as if my decision was a foregone conclusion.

“Or you could just model the stuff for me,” I pointed out. “You’re only an inch taller than me, it’s virtually the same.”

“Yeah, but that’s boring. Plus, you don’t get the thrill of wearing them in public. Now quit fussing and get changed.”

“You’re gonna see me naked,” I grumbled.

“It’s just your tighty-whities, relax.”

I made a face before getting undressed. Being this close to her, stripped down in my underwear, it was hard not getting excited. Fortunately, yet also to my chagrin, my arousal didn’t cause much of a bulge. If it were Keith, he’d be busting out of his underwear and getting lodged between her legs by now. And that just brought back all the memories of last night again. Thoughts of Keith wanting to enter me… My dick twitched and I grit my teeth.

“You hard, dude?” Ellie teased.

“Sorry,” I managed. I couldn’t decide whether it was better than my boner was for her or not. Make it awkward by saying you were hard for your best friend, or admit you were having some bicurious feelings for your brother? Best to just say nothing and let the moment pass.

Once I was dressed, Ellie put as much distance between us as the stall allowed in order to look me over. “Mmph. You really do look good in this skirt. Hot, actually.” I could feel myself blush; nobody other than Ellie every described me as hot. “You getting it?”

“If you don’t mind?”

She snorted. “Do I look like I mind? ‘Sides, you need a white skirt anyway. Now hurry up and change back so we can get this rung up.”

Minutes later, we stepped out of the shop and I thanked Ellie again, the bag in my hand. She was about to tell me off for thanking her again when she stopped in her tracks, and I turned to see what she was looking at. Mere feet away, Keith and his friends were approaching, and they all stopped when they saw us.

“Whatcha doin’ here, fairy?” Cody said, in that neutral voice that clever bullies used before they really started laying into you. It was the voice that fooled parents and teachers alike, the voice they used to avoid getting in trouble, but all the while you could tell they were laughing on the inside. Cody was the worst of my bullies because he was so suave and slick about it. He never laughed while tormenting me, even when Keith and the others did. For some reason, it just felt more twisted.

“He’s my pack mule,” Ellie replied. Thank God she had explained why I was holding this bag, because my brain had stalled. “Always a little bitchboy,” one of the other guys chuckled, which got a laugh from the rest.

Like always, Cody didn’t join in, only affecting a cruel smile. But then I noticed Keith wasn’t laughing either. At first I thought it was because of our confrontation, and he wasn’t feeling as good about how he treated me anymore. But when I really looked at his expression, I noticed it was like he was harboring some kind of suspicion. Then suddenly his eyes widened in realization, and he swallowed.

Was that… recognition?

“When are you gonna ditch this beta simp and get with a real man, Ellie?” Cody asked. “Getting kinda sick of the sluts at college, if I’m being honest. A girl with some real spunk, yeah, I could fuck with that.” He scanned her twice, an easy smirk accenting his remark.

“Not gonna lie, guys just can’t get it done,” Ellie said loftily.

“‘Cause all you hang around are fucking incels. I’ll change your mind. Bet.”

Ellie snorted, but Keith cut her off before she could shoot back. “You guys done? I’m starving.” Without waiting for the rest of the pack, he walked past us, but not before shooting me an enigmatic look. Cody jerked his head to the rest of the guys, and they went after Keith, a few of them jeering at Ellie as they went. When they were gone, she exhaled heavily.

“Sorry, El,” I said quietly, making her whip her head toward me.

“Never apologize for being my friend. It’s an insult,” she stated firmly. “How many times do I have to tell you that?”

I grinned. “At least one more time.”

Chuckling, she punched my arm lightly. “Fucking goof.”

I hadn’t been back home and in my room for two minutes before Keith came in without knocking, closing the door behind him.

“Dude,” I said, still in my outdoor clothes. “What the fuck.”

“Was that you?” he asked, his voice harsh.

“What? At the mall? Yeah, I was right there, didn’t you see me? You looked at me and everything.”

“Not that.” He stalked over to me, lowering his voice to a growl. “Last night.”

I gulped, my mouth suddenly dry. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.

“Don’t fuck with me.” He grabbed me by the shirt and shoved me onto my bed. “What– How could you– Why, dude?”

Some depraved part of me realized he was embarrassed. Just as planned. “You liked it,” I concluded.

“I thought it was a chick. I didn’t know it was you!”

“But you did like it.”

“You say that like you’re proud of it or some shit. Are you gay, dude?” Interesting that he didn’t automatically assume I was gay for crossdressing.

“No. Are you?”

“Fuck no. Kissing the homies goodnight is just a meme, dude.” Weird tangent. Was he deflecting?

“Is jizzing on their thighs also a meme?” When he couldn’t respond, I grew a huge smirk.

“Fuck off. I should just tell dad about this shit.”

“If you tell dad I crossdress, I’ll tell mom you raped me,” I replied. He looked ready to protest, then thought better of it and instead huffed in anger.

“Fine, so we’re even. We good?” He was getting more uncomfortable by the second, likely because he couldn’t make peace with what we’d done. This was the chance I was looking for. I had to take the offensive.

“Yeah, sure. Wanna see what I bought today?” I gestured to the bag. He didn’t look surprised that it was in fact mine and not Ellie’s.

“No.” Contrary to his words, he didn’t leave, even when I started undressing. What was my life now? This was the second time today that I was stripping in front of someone. When I was down to my underwear, he looked disapprovingly at my body and shook his head. “Just come to the gym with me. I won’t make fun of you. We can–”

“I’ve found that this is actually more enjoyable,” I said, pulling the cropped jacket over my tank top. The skirt swirled around my thighs, and I dug my makeup kit out from the back of my closet. Setting up at my desk, I used a hand mirror to apply some light eye makeup, as well as a soft pink lipstick. Then came the wig, and then everything was set. Keith had been watching with morbid fascination, sickened but intrigued.

Once the ensemble was complete and I stood before him transformed, he looked me up and down with a deep frown. “Damn.” He walked around me, studying my clothes, my posture, my accessories. Once he was in front of me again, he did another pan down. And he looked… impressed. Reaching up, he felt the texture of my wig. “Hm.” It was made with real hair, and he could tell. His left hand held my upper arm, and I was glad I had a jacket between his hand and the goosebumps he was giving me. Then his right hand moved down and suddenly he was thumbing my lips, as if realizing for the first time what they looked like.

I said nothing, feeling some strange pleasure that I had him entranced like this. His thumb moved up and down my lips, and on one of his downstrokes he slipped the digit into my mouth. And for some reason, my only reaction was to start sucking it. His other fingers cupped my cheek, his eyes glazed over as they locked onto my mouth wrapped around his thumb. He pushed the finger in deeper, prompting me to start playing with it with my tongue. His left hand moved until it was on my back, bringing me closer to him while he fingered my mouth.

The girly part of my brain made me moan, and he inhaled sharply. He wet his lips, and that coupled with his soft dominance to bring me to full mast. Was I submissive? I didn’t even know anymore. It just felt good to turn somebody on. Apparently it didn’t matter who it was, my brain just craved the approval. And now I was getting off to turning my brother on.

Suddenly he pulled back, yanking his thumb out of my mouth and wiping it on his jeans. “Gross,” he muttered. “Take that shit off before somebody sees you.” He turned and walked to my door, adjusting his pants so that his giant cock ran down one side before stepping out of the room. I was still frozen in place, his lustful expression burned into my retinas.

What the fuck just happened?


1 comment

  1. I’m gonna try going back to weekly posts, fingers crossed I can keep it up xD

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