[TG] Impulse Control

*Glen gets a taste of his own medicine after being transformed into a woman who gets more bimbofied with every orgasm.*


Glen slammed the door shut in frustration while simultaneously hitting the ‘Block’ button on his phone. Another date gone disastrously through no fault of his own. When he’d given up on meeting somebody in person and moved to online dating an aps, he thought it would cut out a lot of the chaff. None of this slowly getting to know each other business, he could state outright what he wanted in a woman and simply wait for them to come to him and vice versa. Despite this though, he’d had three dates this week and none of them had lasted past the appetisers. This one had been the worst; while the other two women he’d seen had just stomped off in a huff his latest girl, Sasha had the gall to call him a sexist and throw her drink in his face.

It wasn’t as if he believed men were better than women or anything like that, just that they should each have defined roles in a relationship. No girlfriend of his would be taking out the trash or mowing the lawn for example, he’d be a good provider as it should be and all he asked in return is that the womanly duties of the household were taken care of. Besides, no girl he dated would be working, so she would have plenty of time to clean. Wasn’t that a fair deal in exchange for half of his money?

He collapsed back onto the couch in a huff, hitting on the TV to be met with a rerun of some old sitcom. The mum was baking cookies, greeting her husband with a smile and kiss on the cheek as he returned from a long day’s work. He watched the couple forlornly; that’s all he wanted, a nice, traditional family life. Was that so much to ask?


His mood had not improved overnight; with a scowl he’d inspected his reflection in the mirror that morning and decided his best bet to finding a proper woman was bulking up. He was already a fairly strong dude but if he went up a weight class, perhaps he could attract a more diminutive woman who would be more easily put in her place.

So, with renewed dedication to his search, Glen had made his way down to the groceries where he was piling his cart high with eggs, bacon and other high iron foods. He picked up the protein powder, making a face at the garish looking pink bottle next to it. A special brand just for women to promote healthy muscle growth, as if any proper lady needed that. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes, what was the world coming to? He was so lost in his thoughts as he rounded the corner he didn’t see the figure in time and suddenly crashed into them, sending both their groceries sprawling across the floor.

“Excuse me.” He apologised, reaching down and grabbing the woman’s bag to hand back to her before freezing.

It was Sasha, his disastrous date from the other night, her hands curled around his protein powder. Recognition flashed in her eyes and she sneered at him.

“I didn’t think you were capable of any proper manners.”

“Like you can talk.” He crossed his arms, “You’re the one who threw a drink in my face for just being rational.”

“You told me in order to date you I had to quit my job!”

“Yeah? ‘Cause I would have been paying for everything you need. Isn’t that what girls want, somebody to look after them?”

“Fucking hell, you’re a real piece of work, you know that?”

“Please, you’re just bitter. Girls have it so easy, I almost wish I could be one of you. Lord knows I would know my place if I was. You’re just trying to make things more difficult for yourself so you have something to complain about.”

Sasha’s face became unreadable for a moment before splitting back into that sour expression, lips pursed. It was a shame, because she would be quite pretty if she smiled a little more.

“We’ll see about that.” She said and shoved the protein powder into his chest with enough force to hurt before storming past.

He let her go with a roll of his eyes. Women, so emotional.


By the time he’d returned home, Glen had forgotten all about Sasha; his mind was already on the future. He made up and downed the protein shake as quickly as possible before heading to his bedroom to change for a run. Mere moments after imbibing it he swore he could feel the shake working; his skin felt electric and there was an extra spring in his step, he even started humming a little tune under his breath. A few weeks at the gym and he’d have girls throwing themselves at him, proper women too, not like Sasha. He reached for his favourite work out singlet and froze, all of a sudden noticing how scrawny his hand looked. No, not scrawny…dainty. Glen pulled a face in disgust, how had he not realised how skinny he was getting, if he didn’t know any better, he’d assume that hand belonged to a girl!

He grabbed the shirt, tossing it on the bed before lifting off his current one, now more motivated than ever to start bulking up. But as he removed his old top he found himself stopping once more, his body looked…wrong. His pecs were too round and smooth, they even felt heavy. With morbid fascinating he took his hand to it and pressed, finding the skin gave ever so slightly and that the touch sent a warm, pleasurable sensation shooting through his body. He could only blink in shock, watching as the roundness increased, his nipples turning blush pink as they turned pointed and large. He brushed his fingers over them, gasping at the sudden intense pleasure that spiked through him. He did it again, then again, before he knew it both his hands were on his tits, squeezing his nipples rhythmically until the pleasure crested, he groaned, feeling seed stain his boxers as he came. A deep blush spread across his cheeks, had he seriously just cum from playing with his nipples?

He expected the horniness that had come on so suddenly to fade after the orgasm but it almost did the opposite. That electric feeling on his skin was growing, all over he could feel his nerves tingling and in a daze he took a step back only to trip and fall on his ass. His round, plump ass. His hands flew there in shock, finding a suspiciously large curve at his hips that had not been there before. He gave the soft skin at his rump a tight squeeze, expecting a sharp pain to wake him from what must have been a nightmare only to find that not only was this very much happening, but that touch made him moan. It was similar to his breasts, but larger and without realising it his free hand wandered back up to his chest where it began to squeeze once more.

The electricity got stronger, a tingling sensation seeping deep into his skin and making him quiver as it increased. Long hair spilled over his shoulders but he couldn’t find the mental power to be concerned about it. All his thoughts were focusing in on that strange stretching and tingling sensation as it burrowed between his legs. Keeping his hands at his breast and ass, still squeezing and stroking, he wiggled out of his boxers to watch.

Another orgasm was already building as his finger traced down the curve of his ass while rolling his nipple between thumb and forefinger. His eyes were glued to the dark curly hair, still growing between his legs. He quivered, whole body shuddering as another orgasm washed over him; Resisting the urge to close his eyes and focus on the bliss Glen watched his once proud manhood finish shrinking, disappearing completely inside a warm pink hole before merging back in with the rest of his skin. The wet folds were glistening, stimulated by the tingling electricity slowly leeching out of him. Sparks flew between his nerves and Glen bit down on his now full bottom lip.

Logically, he knew this was wrong. This whole change was completely insane but on the other hand, it had been so long since he’d gotten off, especially this hard. Even longer since he’d seen a pussy as pretty and wanting as this one. That tingling across his skin was fading now as the change reached it’s end but it had left him feeling sensitive and overstimulated. His mind felt as though there were a fog over it, he couldn’t think straight, each time his logical-self tried to take over it was washed away by a fresh wave of desire. He was still so horny. He couldn’t resist taking his newly smoothed over finger and pressing it to the warm mound, quivering as the smell of sex suddenly filled his nostrils. The folds were slick and within a few moments of gentle exploration his finger was coated in it. As if in a trance he lifted the digit to his face, admiring the thick, translucent fluid before opening his mouth and placing the finger inside. It tasted exquisite; the flavour lit a fire inside him that made his pussy burn with need. A moment later the finger had returned, this time with purpose and was stroking up and down. He found his clit with ease and found it impossible to leave alone once he’d started to stroke. Each gentle touch to that tiny bundle of nerves sent waves of bliss washing over his entire body.

He began to press against it harder; unable to look away as a small squirt of wetness escaped his hole each time. Every touch felt better than the last and soon he could feel a strange tightening in his core, his muscles all coiling around one another against his will. The tightness held for a few seconds, the pleasure building until finally the dam broke and Glen found his legs spasming and a high pitched, breathy moan like something out of a porno escaped his mouth. The pleasure was met with a wonderful burning sensation that seemed to take the ecstasy to new heights and he watched as his pussy squirted, properly this time, soaking into the carpet between his legs. The strength of the pleasure left him breathless and he collapsed onto the ground, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. The new weight upon his chest from his tits an ever present reminder that this was very much not a dream. Though his eyes were closed he could feel those final small changes taking place; his fingernails smoothing, eyelashes growing and his hips lifted slightly as his ass and breasts finally finished swelling.

After finally coming down from the high of orgasm the reality of his situation began to sink in and Glen felt himself panic. He couldn’t believe what he’d just done! What was he going to do? How had this even happened? Mentally he retraced his steps, tyring to think of what could possibly have set things in motion and suddenly remembered Sasha. She had been the one to hand over the protein powder he’d been drinking when the changes started and looking back, her final comment was fairly ominous. He scrambled for his phone, hastily unblocking her number and pressing call. The call rung out and with growing anxiety he hit it again, then a third time; by the time she answered his heartbeat was so loud in his ears he could barely hear her.

“You know calling three times in a row makes you seem pretty desperate.” Her voice was smug, knowing.

“What did you do to me?” He choked out, “I’m a…”



“Well, you should be celebrating!” Sasha replied jovially, “By your logic, your life just got so much easier.”

Glen felt his blood boil.

“How did you even do this? It was the drink, right? I started to feel strange right after I drank it and then even more so after I…ummm.”

Sasha’s laughter was so loud it hurt his ears and Glen felt his whole body blush in humiliation.

“You’ve already gotten yourself off? That’s too rich, it wasn’t even part of the spell.” She laughed, “I knew you had no impulse control but seriously? Wow, you’ll be a total bimbo in no time at this rate.”

“What do you mean?” Glen felt the blood drain from his face.

“The spell gets stronger every time you cum.” He could hear the smile in her voice as the words sunk in, “Each time you get off, you’ll start getting more and more girly, until you end up as just the sort of lady you wanted as a girlfriend.”

“Then I just won’t get off.” Glen replied stubbornly, “And I’ll find a cure for this little spell of yours and when I do, you’d better watch out.”

Even to his own ears the threat sounded empty.

“Good luck with that. If you can somehow manage to not get turned on for three straight days, you’ll turn back. But I think we both know that’s not happening.” She smirked and promptly hung up.

Leaving Glen with just a dial tone. He swallowed, looking down at his still naked body; trying very hard to ignore the lingering pleasure between his legs.

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Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/yf98wb/tg_impulse_control